Pedagogical activity, participation of the team members in the

Appendix 3.10
Pedagogical activity, participation of the team members in the
activities of the scientific community
Institute of Mathematics CAS
Numerical Analysis
1. Pedagogical activity of the team members, including involvement of
students in the research
Maximum length of 5 pages.
Michal Křížek, Jakub Šístek, and Tomáš Vejchodský organize the seminar Current
Problems in Numerical Analysis that takes place every Friday (except for holidays).
All team members give lectures there. The seminar was visited by several Ph.D.
students and was included into official seminars of the Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics – NUM064.
Regular Master Courses at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics:
Numerical modeling of problems in electrical engineering 1 – NMNV461, MOD023
(Tomáš Vejchodský),
Numerical modeling of problems in electrical engineering 2 – NMNV461, MOD024
(Tomáš Vejchodský),
Regular Bachelor Courses at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the
Czech Technical University:
Seminar from Mathematics I (Jakub Šístek),
Seminar from Mathematics II (Jakub Šístek),
Lectures and Tutorials on Numerical Mathematics (Jakub Šístek).
Regular Bachelor Courses at the Faculty of Sciences of the Technical
University of Liberec:
Fundamentals of Numerical Analysis (Karel Segeth) in 2010.
Calculus III (Karel Segeth) in 2010.
Karel Segeth wrote the lecture notes: Numerické metody algebry. Česká technika –
nakladatelství ČVUT, Praha, 2011, 117 pp.
Ph.D. students:
Karel Kolman defended in 2010, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Advisor:
Michal Křížek.
Pavel Kůs defended in 2011, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Advisor: Tomáš
Vojtěch Rybář, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Advisor: Tomáš Vejchodský
since 2013.
Appendix 3.10
Pavol Krasnovský, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Advisor: Tomáš Vejchodský
since 2013. The student has interrupted the study in 2014.
Martin Hanek, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Co-advisor: Jakub Šístek since
Dagmar Kasalová, FP Technical University Liberec, Advisor: Karel Segeth until 2011.
The student did not finish the study.
Master students:
Pavol Krasnovský defended in 2012, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Advisor:
Tomáš Vejchodský.
Martin Hanek defended in 2014, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Co-advisor:
Jakub Šístek.
Bachelor students:
Martin Hanek defended in 2012, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Co-advisor:
Jakub Šístek.
Jakub Šístek educated three students for one week in 2013 and 2014 during the
Supervising students
Type of study
No. of supervisors
(theses, dissertations)
No. of consultants
and co-supervisors
Theses defended
in 2010-2014
2. Participation of the team members in the activities of the scientific
Membership in scientific commissions and panels – EU, CSF, TACR etc., scientific councils, editorial
boards, review activities etc. Maximum length of 2 pages.
Michal Křížek was the Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Applications of
Mathematics during the period 2010–2013 and then the Associate Editor-in-Chief
until now.
Michal Křížek has been the Associate Editor of the international journal Advances in
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics published in Hong-Kong since 2010.
Michal Křížek has been the Associate Editor of the international journal Applicationes
Mathematicae published in Warsaw since 2010.
Karel Segeth has been a member of the International Editorial Board of the journal
Neural Network World since 2013.
Tomáš Vejchodský has been the Associate Editor-in-Chief of the international journal
Applications of Mathematics since 2010.
Appendix 3.10
Tomáš Vejchodský was a member of the International Editorial Board of the Central
European Journal for Mathematics during the period 2011–2012.
Tomáš Vejchodský has been the Editor specialist of the zbMATH.
Michal Křížek, Karel Segeth, Jakub Šístek, and Tomaš Vejchodský are members of
the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists and the Czech Mathematical
Michal Křížek is a member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic.
Michal Křížek is a member of the society Česká hlava (Czech minds).
Michal Křížek is a member of the Czech Astronomical Society and its Cosmological
Michal Křížek is the Head of the Department of Constructive Methods of
Mathematical Analysis.
Michal Křížek has been the Chair of the Committee for receiving the Scientific
Degree DSc. in the field: Mathematical Analysis and Related Subjects during the
period 2010–2013.
Michal Křížek and Karel Segeth are members of committees for Ph.D. degree at
several universities in Brno, Ostrava, Pilsen, Liberec, and Prague.
Michal Křížek, Karel Segeth, and Tomáš Vejchodský have been members of the
Committee of Master exams at the Department of Numerical Analysis of the Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague.
Tomáš Vejchodský is the vice-chairman and Michal Křížek is a member of the
Committee for granting the RNDr. titles at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of
Charles University.
Michal Křížek has been a member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Applied
Sciences of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň since 2010.
Karel Segeth has been a member of the Scientific Council the University of West
Bohemia in Pilsen since 2010.
Tomáš Vejchodský is the secretary of the Board of the Institute of Mathematics since
Tomáš Vejchodský is the secretary of the Czech Mathematical Society since 2014.
Tomáš Vejchodský is a member of EU-MATHS-IN.CZ (European service network of
mathematics for industry and innovations) since 2014.
Tomáš Vejchodský has been the advisor for library of the Institute of Mathematics.
All members of the Numerical Analysis Team continually perform reviews of articles
for many mathematical journals, in particular, Applications of Mathematics, Numerical
Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Central European Journal, Applicationes
Mathematicae, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Czechoslovak
Mathematical Journal, Fibonacci Quarterly, Neural Network World, Discrete
Mathematics, Mathematics of Computation, zbMATH, etc.
Activity in the area of research popularization
Courses and lectures for the public, popularization publications etc. Maximum length of 10 pages.
Appendix 3.10
The team members gave about 50 lectures popularizing mathematical and physical
sciences during the period 2010–2014 in various places of the Czech Republic:
Ostrava, Pilsen, Brno, Moravské Budějovice, Děčín, Brandýs nad Labem, Banská
Bystrica, Prague, etc.
They published over 60 papers popularizing mathematical and physical sciences
during the period 2010–2014 in the following journals: Notices of American
Mathematical Society, Mathematical Culture, Mathematical Spectrum, Symmetry:
Culture and Science, Československý časopis pro fyziku, Vesmír, Živa, Astropis,
Matematika-fyzika-informatika, Akademický bulletin, Rozhledy matematickofyzikální, Corona Pragensis, Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie, and several
conference proceedings.
Michal Křížek is the Editor-in-Chief of the popularization journal Pokroky matematiky,
fyziky a astronomie (Advances of Mathematics, Physics, and Astronomy).
Michal Křížek is the author or coauthor of the 5 following popularization books:
Antigravity (2014). It is shown that dark matter and partly also dark energy might
result from inordinate extrapolations, since reality is identified with its mathematical
model, in particular, the normalized Friedmann ordinary differential equation with
constant coefficients is applied to the expansion of the whole Universe. Let us
emphasize that we should not apply results that were verified on the scale of the
Solar system during several hundreds years to the whole Universe and extremely
long time intervals without any bound of the modelling error.
The First Ten Abel Prizes for Mathematics (2013). In this essay we survey the major
results of the recipients of the first ten Abel Prizes (The Abel Prize for Mathematics is
comparable with the Nobel Prize for Physics, i.e., about one million of US dollars.)
Each chapter contains a short biographical sketch of a particular laureate and his
contribution to various fields of mathematics. Recently the Abel Museum in Oslo
requested one issue of this book. A detailed information about the 11th and 12th Abel
Prizes appeared in Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie in 2013 and 2014.
Bedřich Šofr (2012). This monograph is devoted to history of mathematics. It
describes Šofr’s studies of mathematics and physics at the Charles Ferdinand
University in Prague. It also surveys the contents of his four books on Euclidean
geometry and the theory of probability.
Destiny of Vladimír Vand, Designer of Computers (2011). In 1946 Vand constructed
one-purpose mechanical calculating machine (6 m long) for establishing the structure
of molecules from X-ray data. The book also describes his cooperation with Francis
Crick on the structure of helix molecules by means of the Fourier transform.
The Magic of Numbers (2011). This is an extended second edition of a monograph
devoted to number theory. It contains over 160 mathematical theorems. Most of them
are proved. Several chapters are devoted to real-life applications of purely theoretical
mathematical results.
In 2013 Michal Křížek had a one-hour interview about applications of mathematics in
the Radio Station Leonardo and in 2011 another one-hour interview about
mathematics in Radio Classic.
In 2014 Michal Křížek had a performance in TV Channel D (Lovci záhad: Orloj, věda
nebo kouzla) and helped with the corresponding scenario.
Appendix 3.10
In 2013 Michal Křížek prepared a special issue No. 3 of Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a
astronomie devoted to Prague’s horologe.
In 2012 Michal Křížek prepared a special issue No. 1 of Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a
astronomie devoted to the 150 anniversary of the Union of Czech Mathematicians
and Physicists.
Michal Křížek coorganized 10 seminars devoted to the 600th anniversary of Prague’s
horologe. One seminar was held in the Blue Room of the main building of Karolinum
in Celetná street.
Michal Křížek coorganized 3 seminars devoted to the 1911–1912 Einstein’s stay in
Prague and 3 seminars devoted to actual problems in cosmology.
Karel Segeth is a member of the Committee for the Babuška Prize of the best
contributions to computer science by students and young researchers.
Tomaš Vejchodský supervised three talented secondary-school students within the
project Otevřena věda (Open Science). Also Jakub Šístek supervised two young
students during the period 2010–2014.
All team members had altogether over 10 lectures at the days of Open Doors of the
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Institute of Mathematics.