Civano Parent Association General Meeting January 27th, 2015 Call

Civano Parent Association General Meeting January 27th, 2015
Call to Order
The CPA meeting was called to order at 7:05 by CPA president Teresa Taylor.
Roll Call
Teresa Taylor, CPA President
Lori Neptune, CPA Vice President
Heather York, CPA Treasurer
Maureen Cunningham-Rosner, CPA Secretary
Pam Hector, Parent
Cheryl Cahill, Parent
Libby Bishop, Parent
Jennifer Caporale, Parent
Karen Guilmette, Parent
Heather Morzinski, Parent
Thank You Cards
CPA President, Teresa presented thank you cards written from the Civano teachers
and parapros in response to the staff bonuses that were given before the holiday
CPA Vice President Position
Current Vice President, Jill Hansen is vacating her position due to a family move.
CPA President Teresa Taylor motioned to nominate Lori Neptune and the CPA board
unanimously voted for Lori Neptune to fill the CPA Vice President position. Lori
Neptune accepted the position.
Nominating Committee for Upcoming Board
Pam Hector nominated Libby Bishop and Cheryl Cahill to the nominating committee.
Libby Bishop nominated Pam Hector to the nominating committee. The CPA board
made a motion that Pam Hector, Libby Bishop and Cheryl Cahill would be the
nominating committee for the elections of the upcoming CPA board.
The nominating committee will present names of parents who are interested in
running for the new CPA board at the next meeting in April. In May, there will be a
vote by the general membership. If there is more than 1 person nominated for any
of the board positions then there will be a ballot given to the general membership.
The CPA board positions are open to any parent. Some parents have voiced their
interest to the current board members and these names will be given to the
nominating committee.
Rummage Sale Update
The rummage sale date is set for Saturday, March 28th from 7-11 at the Civano K-5
campus. Set up will be on Friday, March 27th beginning at 3 pm. All donations will
be collected on Friday at the school. CPA President Teresa Taylor will send out a
flyer asking for volunteers to help set up.
Parents discussed having more parents volunteer on Friday to help set up and more
help at the end of the sale on Saturday to clean up.
The parents also discussed having a two-stage check out system with additional
tables at the check out table. The check out tables could have 3 or 4 people add up
the cost of items before getting to the cashier. This would make it faster and easier
to check out. Each person could have a calculator and add up all items before
getting to the cashier. The cashier would get a receipt with the total and collect the
The CPA will arrange to have a donation organization pick up left over items from
the rummage sale. Last year, Big Brothers/Big Sisters collected the items.
The parents discussed whether or not selling water bottles was needed at the
rummage sale. In the past the water bottles have not sold well.
Donations/Teacher Wish Lists
Parents held a discussion about attaining donations for the school. Parents
discussed items needed for the playgrounds. Lori Neptune reported there is a great
need for volleyball nets for the middle school playground. Pam Hector and Lori
Neptune reported that Target donated playground balls to the school.
Jennifer Caporale reported that the new furniture for the garden would be donated
from her family who is making the furniture. She also reported that a patio table
was donated for the middler’s outdoor area.
Libby Bishop reported that she is working on a slate board to hang in the garden
and working on attaining a set of big blocks for the playground through Imagination
Playground. The CPA Facebook page has additional information on how parents can
help in getting this donation for the school.
Miscellaneous Items
Jennifer Caporale reported that she is having the Harvest Hop and Rummage Sale
signs repainted and laminated.
CPA Treasurer Heather York brought up the idea of getting a storage unit for the
CPA. Parents suggested asking Ace Hardware for a storage unit to donate or to give
a discount. The storage unit could be used throughout the year to store items for
the rummage sale and items for Harvest Hop.
CPA Vice President Lori Neptune moved to close the meeting. CPA President Teresa
Taylor made a second motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.