SPH4U Modern Plans

SPH4U Modern Plans:
In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the
associated textbook sections.
In the top right corner of each day’s lesson are the coded curriculum expectations and the
associated textbook sections.
UNDERLINE AND BOLD indicates due date or summative (count for marks) evaluations.
Anything bolded should be completed for homework.
F2.2, F2.4, F3.1
Text 12.1 – 12.2
Unit 5 Day 1: Wave or Particle?
1. Discuss wave vs. particle theory.
2. Note on the quantum idea, blackbody radiation, Raleigh-Jeans Law (video), and the UV
3. Text p. 627 # 1, 4, 19, 20, 22.
F2.2, F2.4, F3.1
Text 12.3
Unit 5 Day 2: Photoelectric Effect
1. Review experiments showing light as a wave:
a. Polarization
b. Double slit interference & single slit diffraction
c. Interferometers & thin film interference
2. What would happen in these experiments if light were a tiny particle instead of a wave?
3. Einstein history
4. www.explorelearning.com – photoelectric effect simulator:
5. IS LIGHT A PARTICLE OR WAVE? With your partner for the lab, discuss hypothesis.
6. Read through the handout carefully. It is quite technical – make sure that you underline
things you don’t understand and write out a list of questions for the TA.
7. Homework: Figure out where you’re going, and how you’re getting there & back to school.
F2.2, F2.4, F3.1
Text 12.3
Unit 5 Day 3: Photoelectric Effect Lab
1. Field trip to U of G. Students not attending will be given numerical data to complete the lab.
2. Work on Photoelectric Effect Lab.
F2.2, F2.4, F3.1
Text 12.1 – 12.3
Unit 5 Day 4: Photoelectric Effect Lab Analysis
Computer Lab
1. Work on Photoelectric Effect Lab Analysis
2. Continue to work on Photoelectric Effect Lab
F1.1, F2.1, F3.1, F3.2
Unit 5 Day 5: Perimeter Video
1. Video from the Perimeter Institute – overview of modern physics.
2. Continue to work on the Photoelectric Effect Lab
F1.1, F2.1, F3.1, F3.2
Text 12.4 – 12.5
Unit 5 Day 6: Momentum of Light and Matter Waves
1. Discuss wave/particle duality of light and translation to wave/particle duality of matter.
2. Derive mass equivalence for light and hence ability to calculate momentum.
3. Derive wavelength for matter.
4. Read 12.6 and Text p. 628 # 30, 31, 34, 36, 39.
F3.1, F3.2
Text 12.6
Unit 5 Day 7: Bohr Model of the Atom
1. Electrons are only allowed in certain orbitals – these orbitals have circumferences that are a
whole number multiple of the electron’s wavelength – thereby forming standing waves.
2. Derivation of total electron energy in nth orbit (p. 609).
3. Formula for nth orbital radius (verify formula correction in back of text).
4. Discuss emission spectrums and series. Gizmos: Bohr Model Introduction
5. Text p. 629 # 40, 41, 42.
6. Read 12.7 – 12.9.
F1.1, F1.2
Text 12.7 – 12.9
Unit 5 Day 8: Probability Waves, Heisenberg, and Quantum Tunnelling
1. Discuss determinacy and probability distributions.
2. General discussion of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
3. Video saved in Modern file: Heisenberg sings.
4. Tunnelling and probability.
5. Finish Photoelectric Effect Lab
F2.2, F3.3, F3.4
Text 13.1 – 13.2
Unit 5 Day 9: Einstein’s Relativity
1. Photoelectric Effect Lab Due
2. Einstein’s 1st & 2nd Postulates of Special Relativity.
3. http://www.onestick.com/relativity/ : Al’s Relativistic Adventure.
4. Read 13.3 – 13.5.
F2.2, F3.3, F3.4
Text 13.3, 13.5
Unit 5 Day 10: Time Dilation, Length Contraction, and Mass Dilation
1. Derivation of relativistic time.
2. Formulas for relativistic length and mass.
3. Applications of Relativity (cyclotron, particle accelerators, Linacs, GPS satellites)
4. Text p. 679 # 30, 31, 37, 39, 44, 47, 50.
Unit 5 Day 11: Fun Physics
1. Class period to work on the last assignment in the computer lab.
2. Work on Fun Physics Assignment
F2.2, F3.3, F3.4
Text 13.4, 13.6
Unit 5 Day 12: Velocity Additions Close to c
1. Discuss simultaneity and paradoxes.
2. Contrast classical velocity addition and relativistic additions.
3. Formula for adding relativistic velocities.
4. Text p. 680 # 44, 51, 52, 54, 56.
F2.2, F3.3, F3.4
Text 13.4, 13.6
Unit 5 Day 13: E = mc2
1. Note on relativistic energy, momentum, and total energy (including rest mass energy).
2. Text p. 681 # 57, 59, 60, 62.
Unit 5 Day 14: Review
1. General information about the test.
2. Review activities: Key terms list, key diagrams, key formulas, major & minor concepts.
3. Study for test.
Unit 5 Day 15: Test
1. Full period unit test.
Unit 5 Day 16: Assignment Presentations
1. Fun Physics Presentations DUE.