Unit 1 Study Guide KEY

Earth Science Unit 1 Study Guide
Use these tasks to prepare for the Unit 1 TEST. Use notes and textbook to complete all areas.
1. What are the 4 spheres of the Earth? List
and define them.
2. Write the formula for density and draw the
triangle diagram.
Biosphere –
Geosphere –
Atmosphere –
Hydrosphere –
3. Explain how to figure out the volume of an
irregular object like a rock.
4. Define X-axis and Y-axis as used in science.
5. Define GPS and list technologies.
6. Define Equator, Prime Meridian,
International Date Line, Poles.
7. Define contour line, contour interval, Index
8. Explain how you know a slope is steep or
9. Know the compass directions on a map.
Draw a Compass Rose with all the directions,
including N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW.
10. Be able to convert a contour map landscape
to a profile of that landscape.
11. Know what happens when contour lines
cross a stream. Draw a stream with contour
lines crossing it. Show head and mouth of
the stream.
Global Positioning System – remote sensing,
combines satellites & computers
EQ – 0 degrees latitude
PM – 0 degrees longitude
IDL – 180 degrees longitude
NP – 90 degrees north
SP – 90 degrees south
CL – connects points of equal elevation
CI – how much the space between contour lines
is worth
IL – lines with labels that help figure out the
contour interval
Steep – lines close together
Gentle – lines far apart
12. Know how to find coordinates of points on a
13. Know the 4 map projections studied in Earth
Science. List each map projection and give a
short definition.
14. How many time zones are there? How many
degrees is each time zone?
15. Define control, independent variable,
dependent variable, hypothesis, constant.
16. Know the three main parts of the geosphere.
Draw the geosphere and accurately label
with crust, mantle, core.
17. Define longitude and latitude.
Latitude (N or S) listed first, longitude (E or W)
listed second. Highest latitude is 90 degrees,
highest longitude is 180 degrees.
Pg 13
24 time zones
15 degrees
(360 degrees/24 time zones = 15 degrees for
each time zone)
Control – standard that the experiment is
compared to
Independent Variable – the variable the
scientist changes
Dependent Variable – changes in response to or
because of the IV
Hypothesis – explanation of something
Constant – stays the same throughout the
Crust, mantle, core
Longitude – runs north to south, dividing the
earth into east and west.
Latitude – runs east and west, dividing the earth
into north and south.
18. Draw a picture of a mountain with contour
lines, index lines, and contour intervals.
Mark an X. Give the elevation of the point in
19. Define hachure and draw a picture show
Hachure – tick marks on a contour line that
how it works.
shows depression in elevation
20. Define map scale. If you see 1:18,000 -- what 1 unit is equal to 18,000 actual.
does it mean?
Ex  1 cm is equal to 18,000 meters
21. Know what trial means when it comes to
experiments. Explain why they are
important to good experiments.
22. Define scientific theory.
23. Define meridian and parallel.
The more trials an experiment has (times that
you have done the experiment) the more data is
available to verify results.
Tested extensively with competing hypotheses
Parallels – circles parallel to equator aka
Meridians – lines converging (coming together)
at the poles