Outpatient Therapy (July 2014) - Partners Behavioral Health

Client Name:
Clinical Decision Guidelines
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policy 8C
Outpatient Individual Therapy Codes (CPT &H): 90832;90832GT;90834; 90834GT; 90837;
H0004; 90845 90839 crisis, Add on for Crisis first 30 minute and additional 30 minutes- 90840;
90833; 90833GT; ; 90836; ; 90838 add on for E&M Codes
Family Therapy Codes (CPT & H): 90846; 90847; H0004HR; H0004HS
Group Therapy Codes (CPT & H): 90849; 90853; 90857; H0004HQ; H0005
Entrance Criteria
Not All of the following criteria are necessary for admission of a beneficiary to outpatient
Met treatment services:
A. A Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fourth Edition, Text
Revision (DSM-IV-TR) (or its successors) Axis I or II diagnosis
B. The beneficiary presents behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunction
and functional impairment, which are consistent and associated with the
DSM-IV-TR (or its successors) Axis I or II diagnosis.
C. The beneficiary does not require a higher level of care
D. The beneficiary is capable of developing skills to manage symptoms, make
behavioral changes, and respond favorably to therapeutic interventions.
E. There is no evidence to support that alternative interventions would be more
effective, based on North Carolina community practice standards (e.g. Best
Practice Guidelines of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association, American Board of Addiction
Updated 7/2014
Client Name:
Clinical Decision Guidelines
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policy 8C
Outpatient Individual Therapy Codes (CPT &H): 90832;90832GT;90834; 90834GT; 90837;
H0004; 90845 90839 crisis, Add on for Crisis first 30 minute and additional 30 minutes- 90840;
90833; 90833GT; ; 90836; ; 90838 add on for E&M Codes
Family Therapy Codes (CPT & H): 90846; 90847; H0004HR; H0004HS
Group Therapy Codes (CPT & H): 90849; 90853; 90857; H0004HQ; H0005
Continued Stay Criteria
Met The criteria for continued service include both a and b below:
A. ANY of the following criteria
1. The desired outcome or level of functioning has not been restored,
improved, or sustained over the timeframe outlined in the recipient’s
treatment plan, OR
2. The beneficiary continues to be at risk for relapse/regression based
on current clinical assessment, and history, OR
3. Tenuous nature of the functional gains
B. ANY of the following criteria (in addition to ‘A’)
1. The beneficiary has achieved current treatment plan goals, and
additional goals are indicated as evidenced by documented
symptoms, OR
2. The beneficiary is making satisfactory progress towards meeting goals
and there is documentation that supports that continuation of this
service is expected to be effective in addressing goals outlined in the
treatment plan.
Updated 7/2014
Client Name:
Clinical Decision Guidelines
Outpatient Behavioral Health Services
Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policy 8C
Outpatient Individual Therapy Codes (CPT &H): 90832;90832GT;90834; 90834GT; 90837;
H0004; 90845 90839 crisis, Add on for Crisis first 30 minute and additional 30 minutes- 90840;
90833; 90833GT; ; 90836; ; 90838 add on for E&M Codes
Family Therapy Codes (CPT & H): 90846; 90847; H0004HR; H0004HS
Group Therapy Codes (CPT & H): 90849; 90853; 90857; H0004HQ; H0005
Discharge Criteria
Met ANY of the following criteria must be met:
A. The beneficiary’s level of functioning has improved with respect to the goals
outlined in the treatment plan, OR
B. The beneficiary or legally responsible person no longer wishes to receive
these services, OR
C. The beneficiary, based on presentation and failure to show improvement,
despite modifications in the treatment plan, requires a more appropriate best
practice or evidence-based treatment modality based on North Carolina
community practice standards (for example, National Institute of Drug Abuse,
American Psychiatric Association.)
Updated 7/2014