PLS205 Winter 2015 Homework Topic 9 Due TUESDAY, February 24, at the beginning of lecture. Answer all parts of the questions completely, and clearly document the procedures used in each exercise. To ensure maximum points for yourself, invest some time in presenting your answers in a concise, organized, and clear manner. Question 1 [50 points] An investigator would like to test if different sources of protein have different effects on weight gain when consumed at different protein levels. The investigator prepared 60 rat cages with 15 rats in each cage. Ten cages were randomly assingned to each of the 6 treatments. Treatments included all possible combinations of two factors: protein level (high and low) and protein source (beef, cereal, pork). After a month of providing each cage with the respective feed type the investigator weighed the 15 rats in each cage and calculated the average weight gain. The data is reported in the table below: : Data hw9_1; Do rep = 1 to 10; Do Level = 'High', 'Low'; Do Source = 'Beef', 'Cereal', 'Pork'; Input weightgain @@; Output; End; End; End; Cards; 60 84 80 76 90 35 88 60 65 62 81 68 104 42 81 76 83 59 90 97 84 50 66 72 67 81 88 72 84 67 93 74 88 37 60 83 86 68 94 58 60 92 73 63 77 76 53 56 103 72 106 81 75 51 97 78 91 64 44 68 ; *Proc Print data = hw9_1; Proc GLM data = hw9_1; title 'ANOVA'; Class Level Source; Model weightgain = Level Source Level*Source; Output Out = hw9_1PR r = res p = pred; Means Level*Source; run; quit; [A POST-MIDTERM GIFT: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TESTING ASSUMPTIONS] 1.1 Describe in detail the design of this experiment [see appendix at the end of this problem set]. Design: HW Topic 9 CRD with a 2x3 Factorial 1 Response Variable: Experimental Unit: Class Variable 1 2 Weight gain of rats after a month Rat cage Block or Treatment Treatment Treatment No. of Levels 2 3 Subsamples? YES Description Level of protein Protein Source 15 rats were measured in each cage but the means are reported. 1.2 Perform the appropriate ANOVA and report the results below. Briefly discuss what effects are significant. ANOVA results: Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Level 1 3153.750000 3153.750000 15.09 0.0003 Source 2 296.133333 148.066667 0.71 0.4968 Level*Source 2 1117.200000 558.600000 2.67 0.0781 The ANOVA results suggest that the level of protein content had significant effects on weight gain (P = 0.0003). The source of the protein had no significant effect on weight gain (P = 0.4968), and there were no significant interactions between the level of protein and the source of the protein (P = 0.0781) HW Topic 9 2 1.3 Use SAS, Excel, or R to create a plot of the interactions between level of protein and source and interpret the results of the plot. Weight Gain of Rats with Different Combinations of Protein Level and Protein Source 90 85 Weight gain (g) 80 75 Beef 70 Cereal 65 Pork 60 55 50 Low High Protein Level The plot demonstrates that when the rats were fed beef or pork at a high level of protein the weight gain was larger than when using cereal as a protein source. The weight gain when fed a high level of protein from a cereal source was not significant. 1.4 Perform the appropriate contrast to answer the following questions: To make it easier to answer the questions below it is possible to assing a treatment ID to each level by source combination as shown below. Data hw9_12; Do rep = 1 to 10; Do trtmt = 1 to 6; Input weightgain2 @@; Output; End; End; Cards; 60 84 80 76 90 35 88 60 65 62 81 68 104 42 81 76 83 59 90 97 84 50 66 72 67 81 88 72 84 67 93 74 88 37 60 83 86 68 94 58 60 92 73 63 77 76 53 56 103 72 106 81 75 51 97 78 91 64 44 68 ; Proc Print data = hw9_12; Proc GLM data = hw9_12; title 'nested'; HW Topic 9 3 Class Trtmt; Model weightgain2 = Trtmt; Output Out = hw9_1PR2 r = res2 p = pred2; Means Trtmt; contrast 'animal vs veg' Trtmt -1 2 contrast 'beef v pork' Trtmt 1 0 contrast 'high v low' Trtmt 1 1 contrast 'an v veg * level' Trtmt -1 2 contrast 'b v p * level' Trtmt 1 0 run; quit; -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 2 0 -1 -2 0 -1; -1; -1; 1; 1; 1.4.1 Is there a difference in weight gain when the mice were fed a high level of protein compared to a low level of protein? Contrast DF Contrast SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 1 3153.750000 High v Low 3153.750000 15.09 0.0003 The contrast suggest that there are significant differences between the feed with high protein content and the feeed with low protein content (P = 0.0003). 1.4.2 Is there a difference in weight gain when mice were fed a vegetable source of protein (cereal) compared to an animal source of protein (beef and pork)? Contrast DF Contrast SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 1 a v veg 294.533333 294.533333 1.41 0.2403 The contrast suggest that there are not significant differences between the feed with an animal protein source and a feed with vegetable protein source (P = 0.2403). 1.4.3 Is there a difference in weight gain when mice were fed a protein source made of beef compared to a protein source made of pork? Contrast DF Contrast SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 1 beef v pork 1.600000 1.600000 0.01 0.9306 The contrast suggest that there are not significant differences between the feed with a beef protein source and a feed with a pork protein source (P = 0.9306). 1.4.4 Is the difference between animal and vegetable sources of protein different at high levels of protein compared to low levels of protein? Contrast DF Contrast SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 1 1116.300000 an v veg*level 1116.300000 5.34 0.0247 The contrast suggest that the difference between animal and vegetable sources of protein are different between the low protein food and the high protein food (P = 0.0247). 1.4.5 Is the difference between beef and pork sources of protein different at high levels of protein compared to low levels of protein? Contrast b v p*level DF Contrast SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 1 0.900000 0.900000 0.00 0.9479 The contrast suggest that the difference between the beef and pork sources of protein are the same between the low protein food and the high protein food (P = 0.9479). HW Topic 9 4 1.5 Take the sum of the SS of contrast 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 and compare it to the SS in the ANOVA in 1.2 to test for differences between the sources of protein. Contrast DF Contrast Mean F Pr > F SS Square Value a v veg beef v pork 1 1 294.533 294.533 1.6 1.6 1.41 0.01 0.2403 0.9306 The sum of the SS of contrast 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 is 296.13 the SS of source in the ANOVA model is also 296.13. The two contrasts have partitioned the SS treatment into two non-overlapping (independent) questions 1.6 Take the sum of the SS of contrast 1.3.4 and 1.3.5 and compare it to the SS in the ANOVA in 1.2 to test for interactions between the source of protein and the level of protein. Contrast DF Contrast SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F an v veg*level 1 1116.300000 b v p*level 1 0.900000 1116.300000 5.34 0.0247 0.900000 0.00 0.9479 The sum of the SS of contrast 1.3.4 and 1.3.5 is 1117.2 the SS of the source by level interaction in the ANOVA model is also 1117.2. The two interaction contrasts have partitioned the SS interaction into two non-overlapping (independent) questions 1.7 Discuss why the significance of the the interaction in the overall ANOVA is not the same as in the interaction contrasts. In the ANOVA, the sums of squares for the interaction are divided evenly into the degress of freedom, which in this case is two. In the contrast the sums of squares are not partitioned equally. The interaction that is the source of more variance is given a larger portion of the sums of squares, and that portion is significant. Question 2 [50 points] An investigator in a seed company would like to test how seed germination in the field of 4 new varieties of carrot is affected by different formulations of pelleting (FYI: some seed is coated with a combination of pesticide, nutrients, and inert ingredients to improve germination and make it easier to plant, particularly very small seed). The 12 different seed treatments include 4 different pellet formulations in combination with 3 different pesticide formulations. To conduct the experiment the investigator prepared two fields in two different farms. The research has no particular interest in these two farms that can be considered as blocks. In each field the investigator prepared 48 plots and randomly assigned one of the 48 combinations of variety, pellet formulation, and pesticide combinations to each plot. Each plot received the same number of coated seed. After three weeks the investigator visited the field and scoreed stand establishment using a scale that varied from 0 to 100, where 0 is no stand establishment and 100 is maximum stand establishment. The data are summarized below: Data hw9_2; Do Farm = 1 to 2; Do Variety = 1 to 4; Do Pellet = 1 to 4; Do Pesticide = 1 to 3; Input vigor @@; HW Topic 9 5 Output; End; End; End; End; Cards; 72 76 76 63 67 87 64 67 77 87 78 68 67 52 62 80 79 89 64 65 64 67 70 60 57 66 69 72 72 73 63 66 67 56 75 87 57 56 78 60 67 68 61 79 68 73 86 72 48 76 65 62 70 69 73 66 78 55 67 73 44 58 54 77 79 81 62 61 79 60 78 82 53 50 56 81 86 86 55 56 66 56 58 64 46 55 64 56 59 67 64 66 62 59 58 86 ; *Proc Print data = hw9_2; Proc GLM data = hw9_2; Class Farm Variety Pellet Pesticide; Model vigor = Farm Variety Pellet Pesticide Variety*Pellet Variety*Pesticide Pellet*Pesticide Variety*Pellet*Pesticide; Output Out = hw9_2PR r = res p = pred; Means Pesticide / REGWQ; Means Variety*Pellet; Means Variety*Pesticide; Means Pellet*Pesticide; Proc Gplot data = hw9_2; Title "Pesticide Main Effects"; symbol1 i=std1mtj v=none color=BLUE; Plot vigor*Pesticide / Description = "Pesticide Main Effects"; Proc Gplot data = hw9_2; title "Variety by Pesticide Formulation Interactions"; symbol1 i=std1mtj v=none color=BLUE; symbol2 i=std1mtj v=none color=BLACK; symbol3 i=std1mtj v=none color=GREEN; symbol4 i=std1mtj v=none color=BROWN; Plot vigor*Variety = Pellet / Description = "Variety by Pesticide Formulation Interactions"; run; Proc Sort Data = hw9_2; by Pellet; Proc GLM Data = hw9_2; Class Farm Variety Pesticide; Model vigor = Farm Variety Pesticide Variety*Pesticide; Means Variety / REGWQ; by Pellet; Proc Sort Data = hw9_2; by Variety; HW Topic 9 6 Proc GLM Data = hw9_2; Class Farm Pellet Pesticide; Model vigor = Farm Pellet Pesticide Pellet*Pesticide; Means Pellet / REGWQ; by Variety; run; quit; (THE GIFT CONTINUES: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TESTING ASSUMPTIONS) 2.1 Describe in detail the design of this experiment [see appendix at the end of this problem set]. Design: Response Variable: Experimental Unit: Class Variable 1 2 3 4 2.2 RCBD with a 4x4x3 Factorial Score for seedling vigor Plot Block or Treatment Block Treatment Treatment Treatment No. of Levels 2 4 4 3 Subsamples? NO Description The experiment was done in two different farms Four different varieties of carrot Four different pellet formulations Three different formulations of pesticide Conduct the correct ANOVA analysis of the above data and report the results below. Briefly mention what effects are significant. Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 518.010417 518.010417 7.55 0.0085 Variety 3 333.114583 111.038194 1.62 0.1978 Pellet 3 1967.364583 655.788194 9.56 <.0001 Pesticide 2 1252.895833 626.447917 9.13 0.0004 Variety*Pellet 9 1820.427083 202.269676 2.95 0.0074 Variety*Pesticide 6 57.604167 9.600694 0.14 0.9902 Pellet*Pesticide 6 59.604167 9.934028 0.14 0.9892 Variet*Pellet*Pestic 18 857.229167 47.623843 0.69 0.7994 The ANOVA results suggest that there are no significant differences between varieties (P = 0.1978). However there are significant variety by pellet interactions (P = 0.0074), which suggest that different the response of seedling vigor was not the same for all varieties under the different pellet formulations. We need to analyse the simple effects to correctly represent the effect of variety and pellet formulation. There were significant differences between pellet formulations (P < 0.0001). There was significant differences between the different pesticide formulations (P = 0.0004). There was no significant interactions between variety and pesticide formulations and pellet by pesticide HW Topic 9 7 formulations (P =0.9902 and P = 0.9892, respectively). The three-way interaction was also not significant (P = 0.7994). 2.3 Present and analyze a plot of the main effects for pesticide. Explain why is the analysis of the main effects of pesticide justified. Conduct a REGWQ multiple comparison test on the main effects of pesticide. The analysis of the main effect of pesticide is justified because the two interactions involving pesticide are not significant To plot the main effects of pesticide the mean seedling vigor for pesticides 1, 2, and 3 can be calculated in SAS by using the following code: Proc Gplot data = hw9_2; Title "Pesticide Main Effects"; symbol1 i=std1mtj v=none color=BLUE; Plot vigor*Pesticide / Description = "Pesticide Main Effects"; run; Or The GLM Procedure HW Topic 9 8 The plot demonstrates that the pesticide formulations resulted in different seedling vigor scores. The multiple comparison test for pesticide can also be done in SAS by simply specifying to do a REGWQ comparison under the ANOVA model in question 2.2. Means with the same letter are not significantly different. REGWQ Grouping Mean N Pesticide A 71.781 32 3 A 67.625 32 2 B 62.938 32 1 The multiple comparison test suggest that the pesticide formulation that resulted in the highest seed vigor was pesticide 3 and is significantly different from pesticide 1, which is the pesticide formulation with the lowest seedling vigor. Pesticide formulation 2 was significantly different from pesticide 1 but not from pesticide 2. Since there is no interaction with variety or pellet formulation it is safe to recommend the use of pesticide 3 in all combinations, although 2 can be recommended too since the differences with 3 are not significant (which does not necessarily mean they are not real! But another study with more power will be required to test that). 2.4 Present and analyze a plot of the interaction between the varieties and the pellet formulation. Based on the plot and on the ANOVA results, explain why is the analysis of the simple effects of variety and pellet formulation justified. To plot the interactions between varieties and pellet formulation we can use the following SAS code: Proc Gplot data = hw9_2; title "Variety by Pesticide Formulation Interactions"; symbol1 i=std1mtj v=none color=BLUE; symbol2 i=std1mtj v=none color=BLACK; symbol3 i=std1mtj v=none color=GREEN; symbol4 i=std1mtj v=none color=BROWN; Plot vigor*Variety = Pellet / Description = "Variety by Pesticide Formulation Interactions"; HW Topic 9 9 The graph showns no parallel lines supporting the result of the ANOVA of a significant interaction between these two factors (P = 0.0074);. Since there is a significant interaction between pellet and variety, it is necessary to describe the effect of pellet by variety and the effect of variety by pellet because the responses are different. 2.5 Based on your response to question 2.4 conduct all 8 simple effect ANOVAs, and for the significant ones perform an REGWQ analysis. For each test describe which combination of variety/ pellet formulation would you recommend if high vigor is desired? For each recommendation indicate which other combinations are not significantly different from the recommended ones. To compare varieties at the different pellet combinationsthe data must be sorted by pellet. Proc Sort Data = hw9_2; by Pellet; Proc GLM Data = hw9_2; Class Farm Variety Pesticide; Model vigor = Farm Variety Pesticide Variety*Pesticide; Means Variety / REGWQ; by Pellet; The GLM Procedure HW Topic 9 10 Level of Level of N Variety Pellet HW Topic 9 vigor Mean Std Dev 1 1 6 68.8333333 11.0709831 1 2 6 69.6666667 9.0700974 1 3 6 70.8333333 5.9805239 1 4 6 71.3333333 10.8566416 2 1 6 56.1666667 8.0601902 2 2 6 80.8333333 4.2150524 2 3 6 65.8333333 6.6156380 2 4 6 69.5000000 9.1159201 3 1 6 58.5000000 7.4498322 3 2 6 78.3333333 6.8313005 11 Level of Level of N Variety Pellet vigor Mean Std Dev 5.3447794 3 3 6 62.1666667 3 4 6 66.0000000 12.5698051 4 1 6 59.3333333 10.8012345 4 2 6 62.8333333 5.1153364 4 3 6 66.6666667 6.5625198 4 4 6 72.3333333 12.3071795 Pellet=1 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 590.0416667 590.0416667 14.34 0.0030 Variety 3 560.4583333 186.8194444 4.54 0.0264 Pesticide 2 402.0833333 201.0416667 4.89 0.0303 Variety*Pesticide 6 353.9166667 58.9861111 1.43 0.2857 The ANOVA results suggest that the varieties are significantly different when using pellet formulation 1 (P = 0.0264). Means with the same letter are not significantly different. REGWQ Grouping Mean N Variety A 68.833 6 1 A 59.333 6 4 B 58.500 6 3 B 56.167 6 2 B The multiple comparison test suggest that the variety 1 was significantly differen from varieties 3 and 2 but not from variety 4. Varieties 4, 3, and 2 were not significantly different. Pellet=2 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 0.666667 0.666667 0.02 0.9025 Variety 3 1225.500000 408.500000 9.64 0.0021 Pesticide 2 301.083333 150.541667 3.55 0.0646 Variety*Pesticide 6 96.250000 16.041667 0.38 0.8780 The ANOVA results suggest that there are significant differences in seedling vigor between the different varieties (P = 0.0021) when using pellet formulation 2. HW Topic 9 12 Means with the same letter are not significantly different. REGWQ Grouping Mean N Variety A 80.833 6 2 B A 78.333 6 3 B C 69.667 6 1 C 62.833 6 4 The multiple comparison test suggest that variety 2 has the most seed vigor when pellet 2 is used. Variety 3 was not significantly different from variety 2. Pellet=3 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 12.0416667 12.0416667 0.39 0.5461 Variety 3 227.7916667 75.9305556 2.45 0.1188 Pesticide 2 193.7500000 96.8750000 3.12 0.0844 Variety*Pesticide 6 208.5833333 34.7638889 1.12 0.4109 The ANOVA results suggest that there are no significant differences between variety when using pellet 3 formulation. Pellet=4 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 287.0416667 287.0416667 1.98 0.1869 Variety 3 139.7916667 46.5972222 0.32 0.8097 Pesticide 2 415.5833333 207.7916667 1.43 0.2795 Variety*Pesticide 6 256.0833333 42.6805556 0.29 0.9271 There are no significant differences between variety when using the pellet 4 formulations. The multiple comparison test does not report significant differences. ANALYSIS BY VARIETY Proc Sort Data = hw9_2; by Variety; Proc GLM Data = hw9_2; Class Farm Pellet Pesticide; Model vigor = Farm Pellet Pesticide Pellet*Pesticide; Means Pellet / REGWQ; by Variety; Variety=1 HW Topic 9 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 12 940.000000 78.333333 0.98 0.5139 13 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Error 11 875.333333 Corrected Total 23 1815.333333 79.575758 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE vigor Mean 0.517811 Source 12.71334 8.920525 70.16667 DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 266.6666667 266.6666667 3.35 0.0944 Pellet 3 7.6666667 0.10 0.9604 Pesticide 2 303.5833333 151.7916667 1.91 0.1944 Pellet*Pesticide 6 346.7500000 0.73 0.6381 23.0000000 57.7916667 WHEN USING VARIETY 1 THERE IS NO EFFECT OF PELLET OR PESTICIDE COMBINATIONS Dependent Variable: vigor Variety=2 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 12 2146.500000 178.875000 Error 11 771.333333 70.121212 Corrected Total 23 2917.833333 2.55 0.0658 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE vigor Mean 0.735649 Source 12.29940 8.373841 68.08333 DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 0.666667 0.666667 0.01 0.9241 Pellet 3 1869.833333 623.277778 8.89 0.0028 Pesticide 2 157.583333 78.791667 1.12 0.3597 Pellet*Pesticide 6 118.416667 19.736111 0.28 0.9339 Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch Multiple Range Test for vigor Variety=2 Means with the same letter are not significantly different. REGWQ Grouping Mean N Pellet A 80.833 6 2 B A 69.500 6 4 B C 65.833 6 3 C 56.167 6 1 WHEN USING VARIETY 2 it is better to use pellet 2 (4 is not significantly different but is a far second) HW Topic 9 14 Variety=3 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 12 1976.166667 164.680556 Error 11 804.333333 73.121212 Corrected Total 23 2780.500000 2.25 0.0947 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE vigor Mean 0.710723 Source 12.90731 8.551094 66.25000 DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 130.666667 130.666667 1.79 0.2083 Pellet 3 1336.833333 445.611111 6.09 0.0107 Pesticide 2 351.750000 175.875000 2.41 0.1360 Pellet*Pesticide 6 156.916667 26.152778 0.36 0.8909 Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch Multiple Range Test for vigor Variety=3 Means with the same letter are not significantly different. REGWQ Grouping Mean N Pellet A 78.333 6 2 A 66.000 6 4 B 62.167 6 3 B 58.500 6 1 B WHEN USING VARIETY 3 it is better to use pellet 2 (4 is not significantly different but is a far second) Dependent Variable: vigor Variety=4 Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 12 1637.500000 136.458333 Error 11 607.458333 55.223485 Corrected Total 23 2244.958333 2.47 0.0724 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE vigor Mean 0.729412 Source HW Topic 9 11.38162 7.431251 65.29167 DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Farm 1 287.0416667 287.0416667 5.20 0.0435 Pellet 3 558.1250000 186.0416667 3.37 0.0585 15 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Pesticide 2 497.5833333 248.7916667 4.51 0.0372 Pellet*Pesticide 6 294.7500000 0.89 0.5342 49.1250000 Ryan-Einot-Gabriel-Welsch Multiple Range Test for vigor Variety=4 Means with the same letter are not significantly different. REGWQ Grouping Mean N Pellet A 72.333 6 4 B A 66.667 6 3 B A 62.833 6 2 59.333 6 1 B WHEN USING VARIETY 4 it is better to use pellet 4 (1 and 3 are not significantly different but 1 is significantly lower) 2.7 How would the ANOVA model differ if the experiment was done in only one farm (i.e. you only have one replication of all the treatment combinations)? Perform the ANOVA by only using the data from farm 2 and report the results below. Provide a brief discussion of the overall ANOVA results (you are not asked to do mean comparisons here). If we lose one of the farms we lose the second replication and the model will no longer have enough degrees of freedom to test for the three-way interactions. To conduct the analysis that the three-way interactions are not significant and excluded from the model to use as the MSE. Data hw9_22; Do Variety = 1 to 4; Do Pellet = 1 to 4; Do Pesticide = 1 to 3; Input vigor @@; Output; End; End; End; Cards; 48 76 65 62 70 69 73 66 78 55 67 73 44 58 54 77 79 81 62 61 79 60 78 82 53 50 56 81 86 86 55 56 66 56 58 64 46 55 64 56 59 67 64 66 62 59 58 86 ; Proc Print data = hw9_22; Proc GLM data = hw9_22; Class Variety Pellet Pesticide; Model vigor = Variety Pellet Pesticide Variety*Pellet Variety*Pesticide Pellet*Pesticide; run; quit; Source Variety HW Topic 9 DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F 3 276.083333 92.027778 2.72 0.0753 16 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F Pellet 3 1773.416667 591.138889 17.44 <.0001 Pesticide 2 1023.875000 511.937500 15.11 0.0001 Variety*Pellet 9 1593.083333 177.009259 5.22 0.0014 Variety*Pesticide 6 161.791667 26.965278 0.80 0.5855 Pellet*Pesticide 6 354.958333 59.159722 1.75 0.1677 The ANOVA results suggest that there are no significant differences between varieties (P = 0.0753). But the values are close to significant, and since the Variety x Pellet is highly significant, it would be worth to analyze the simple effect of varieties by Pellet as exemplified above (not requested in this question). There are significant differences between pellet and pesticide formulations (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0014, respectively). There are significant interactions between variety and pellet formulations (P = 0.0014) but no significant interactions between variety and pesticide (P = 0.5855) or pellet and pesticide (P = 0.1677), so the main effect of pesticide can be analyzed separately. Appendix When you are asked to "describe in detail the design of this experiment," please do so by completing the following template: Design: Response Variable: Experimental Unit: Class Variable 1 2 ↓ n Block or Treatment No. of Levels Subsamples? YES / NO Description NOTICE: There is a new column in the above table ("Block or Treatment"). Now, for each class variable in your model, you need to indicate if it is a "Block" variable or a "Treatment" variable. HW Topic 9 17