PROPOSED STANDARD PROTOCOL FOR TRANSFORMER DE-ENERGIZING Submitted to REGIONAL TECHNICAL FORUM Submitted by CASCADE ENERGY 5257 NE MLK Jr. Blvd., STE 301 Portland, OR 97211 February 20, 2013 Standard Savings Estimation Protocol - Transformer De-Energizing TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE............................................................................................................ 1 2. SUNSET DATE ...................................................................................................... 1 3. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS ..................................................................................... 1 4. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS ............................................................................................... 1 5. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF PRACTITIONER ................................................... 2 6. DELIVERY VERIFICATION ......................................................................................... 2 7. DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 2 7.1. Transformer Characteristics............................................................................................... 2 7.2. No-Load Losses .................................................................................................................. 3 7.3. De-Energized Duration ....................................................................................................... 3 8. PROVISIONAL DATA REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................... 3 9. SAVINGS ESTIMATION STEPS ................................................................................... 3 9.1. Compute Savings for De-Energized Periods ...................................................................... 4 10. SAMPLING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 4 11. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES ............................................... 4 12. TYPICAL COST OF APPLYING THIS PROTOCOL ............................................................. 6 13. USER’S GUIDE TO THE SAVINGS CALCULATOR ............................................................ 6 APPENDIX A: NEMA TP-1 TRANSFORMER EFFICIENCY STANDARDS .................................... 8 Cascade Energy i Standard Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing 1. PURPOSE This protocol establishes a method by which annual electrical energy savings (kWh) can be estimated for de-energizing an existing transformer when it is unloaded or when it is not in use. De-energizing a transformer reduces energy use by eliminating the no-load losses of the energized transformer. This protocol specifies minimum acceptable data collection requirements and the method by which these data are to be used in computing savings. For some data elements, alternative sources of data, considered to be of superior quality, are also defined and are allowed. Annual energy savings are computed using the Microsoft Excel-based ‘Transformer De-Energizing Savings Calculator’ that accompanies this document to ensure standardized application of the savings estimation methods. 2. SUNSET DATE This protocol is approved for use until NEMA transformer efficiency standards change, or such time that a protocol revision is proposed and adopted, but not longer than five years (February 20, 2017) from the date it was approved by the Regional Technical Forum, whichever comes first. 3. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Project. One instance of an individual transformer de-energizing and re-energizing as a result of protocol implementation. Baseline. This modifier, as in baseline transformer operation, refers to the unloaded, or no-load state of an in-use transformer prior to de-energizing as a result of protocol implementation. Delivery Verification. This is the process of verifying the state of the transformer, either energized or de-energized. No-Load Loss Power. The expended power of a transformer that is operating at its rated voltage and frequency but is not supplying power to a load. No-load losses can include core loss, dielectric loss, conduct loss in the winding due to excitation current, and conductor loss due to circulating current in parallel windings. Post. This modifier, as in post transformer de-energizing, refers to the period after the utility has disconnected power from the transformer and it has been de-energized as a result of protocol implementation. 4. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS The following criteria define the eligible transformer de-energizing projects: Transformer type must be either liquid-filled or dry-type. Cascade Energy 1 Standard Savings Estimation Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing Transformer must be either single-phase transformer between 3 kVA – 167 kVA, or three-phase transformer between 15 kVA – 1,000 kVA. Transformer must be classified as low voltage (less than or equal to 600V). 5. REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF PRACTITIONER The practitioner responsible for entering data into a savings calculator to develop project-specific energy savings must possess the following: Understanding of the appropriate range of key variables and values required to accurately input data used to calculate transformer de-energizing energy savings. The practitioner responsible for applying this protocol to a transformer must possess the following: A full understanding of appropriate safety procedures for working around transformers. Ability to identify, by visual inspection, the transformer type, rating, voltage, and phase. 6. DELIVERY VERIFICATION The following delivery verification steps are taken by the program operator to ensure the protocol is implemented as intended and is capable of achieving reliable energy savings: Verification that the transformer is de-energized on the date de-energizing is recorded by visual inspection of utility records, and verification that the transformer is re-energized on the date reenergizing is recorded by visual inspection of utility records. 7. DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS The following data must be collected and entered into the Transformer De-Energizing Savings Calculator. The minimum acceptable procedure for obtaining the data is specified. 7.1. Transformer Characteristics Transformer Type. Determined by visual inspection. The transformer type is obtained from the nameplate data on the transformer. A transformer may be one of the following types, which refers to the method of cooling utilized: liquid-filled or dry-type. Alternately, if nameplate data is not available, transformer type may be obtained from manufacturer’s published data sheets. Rated Capacity. Determined by visual inspection. The rated capacity is obtained from the nameplate data on the transformer. Alternately, if nameplate data is not available, capacity rating may be obtained from manufacturer’s published data sheets. 2 Cascade Energy Standard Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing Voltage and Phase. Determined by visual inspection. The voltage and phase of the transformer are obtained from the nameplate data on the transformer. Alternately, if nameplate data is not available, voltage and phase may be obtained from manufacturer’s published data sheets. 7.2. No-Load Losses Determination of No-Load Losses. Transformer no-load losses shall be obtained through the NEMA TP 1-2002 transformer efficiency standards shown in Appendix A of this protocol. Alternately, if a manufacturer no-load loss for the specific transformer exists, or a real power measurement of the transformer no-load loss was taken subsequent to installation of the transformer, then either can be used to estimate the no-load loss of the transformer in lieu of using the NEMA default tables. Default No-Load Loss. The default no-load loss shall be based on NEMA TP 1-2002 transformer efficiency standards (see Appendix A), and are calculated in the Transformer De-Energizing Savings Calculator using the method described in Section 9.1. Alternate Method Using Manufacturer No-Load Loss. The no-load loss may be determined through manufacturer-listed specifications in lieu of using the default tables. The no-load loss may be available on the transformer nameplate, published specifications, operations and maintenance manual, or by contacting the manufacturer directly. Alternate Method Using Real Power Measurement. If a real power measurement of the transformer no-load loss has been taken subsequent to installation of the transformer, this may be used in lieu of the default tables. The real power measurement should follow industryaccepted procedures and/or be in accordance with IEC60076 or IEEE/ANSI C57. 7.3. De-Energized Duration De-Energized Duration. Determine the number of hours per year the transformer is de-energized based on visual inspection of utility record date(s) of de-energization and date(s) of re-energization. 8. PROVISIONAL DATA REQUIREMENTS There are no provisional data collection requirements. 9. SAVINGS ESTIMATION STEPS Savings are estimated using the Transformer De-Energizing Savings Calculator that accompanies this protocol. Savings are estimated as follows. Cascade Energy 3 Standard Savings Estimation Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing 9.1. Compute Savings for De-Energized Periods No-Load Loss Power. Determine the no-load loss power in watts using the NEMA TP 1-2002 default efficiency tables, or one of the alternate methods listed in Section 7.2 and the following equation: 100 − % 𝑆𝐵 × 𝑃 × 1,000 × ( % ) 𝑁𝐿 = 2 𝑃 1 + (𝑃 ) 𝑚𝑎𝑥% Eq. (1) Where, 𝑁𝐿 𝑆𝐵 𝑃 = = = % = 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥% = No-load loss, watts. Nameplate rating, kVA. Per unit load relative to nameplate rating at which the efficiency is specified. P is defined as 0.50 for liquid-filled transformers, and 0.35 for dry-type transformers. Transformer efficiency, which is assumed to be the NEMA TP-1 2002 minimum transformer efficiency standard. The load point at which maximum efficiency occurs. For this analysis, it is assumed that 𝑃 = 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥% . Thus, the equation can be resolved to: 100 − % 𝑆𝐵 × 𝑃 × 1,000 × ( ) % 𝑁𝐿 = 2 Eq. (2) Annual De-Energized Hours. Determine the number of de-energized hours for the transformer on an annual basis through visual inspection of utility records noting de-energization date and planned reenergization date. Annual Savings. Divide the no-load loss power in watts by 1,000 W/kW, and multiply by 24 hrs/day times the number of de-energized days per year. This results in the annual energy savings estimate in kWh. 𝐸𝑆𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑑 = 𝑁𝐿 × DeEnergized Days × 24 1,000 Eq. (3) 10. SAMPLING PROCEDURE No sampling is permitted by this protocol. Data collection and savings estimation is required for each deenergized transformer. 11. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES The relationship between this protocol and other relevant protocols and guidelines is as follows: 4 Cascade Energy Standard Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing NEMA TP 1-2002, Guide for Determining Energy Efficiency for Distribution Transformers. This guide establishes the minimum efficiency ratings for transformer manufacturers. These efficiencies were adopted by EPACT in 2005, and are referenced in EPACT 135(c)(4), and the Code of Federal Regulations CFR 413 Subpart (k), and apply to all transformers manufactured after January 1, 2007. IEC60076 and IEEE/ANSI C57. These standards reference the technical requirements, including the design, testing and application of single and three-phase power transformers. They are referenced here for the purposes of taking accurate power measurements of transformers at no-load conditions. International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP), Volume I, 2007 ( This protocol is consistent with Option A - Retrofit Isolation: Key Parameter Measurement described in the IPMVP, as a number of key parameters are entered or indirectly assumed. Cascade Energy 5 Standard Savings Estimation Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing 12. TYPICAL COST OF APPLYING THIS PROTOCOL Shown below is an estimate of typical cost of applying this protocol to a single transformer. Item Hours $ / Hour Total Cost Labor Practitioner Data gathering Savings estimate Total 2 $110 $ 220 0.5 $110 $ 55 $275 13. USER’S GUIDE TO THE SAVINGS CALCULATOR The Transformer De-Energizing Savings Calculator calculates the annual energy savings following the steps outlined in Section 9 of this protocol. Step 1: Manufacturer No-Load Loss Rating Available. The default selection is “N” for No. However if an alternate method is used to obtain the no-load loss rating as described in Section 7.2, select “Y” for Yes. Step 2: Transformer Rated Capacity. Enter the rated capacity in kVA into the Savings Calculator. The transformer rating (size) must be between 3 – 167 kVA for single-phase transformers, and 15 – 1,000 kVA for three-phase transformers, as described in Section 4. If a transformer size is outside the eligible size range, then the calculated Annual Energy Savings will return “ERROR!’’. Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix A show typical transformer ratings, which are the default sizes used in the Savings Calculator to calculate no-load losses. If a non-standard transformer size is input into the calculator, the Savings Calculator will calculate the no-load loss based on the next smaller listed transformer size. Step 3: Transformer Phase. Select “1” for single-phase transformers, or “3” for three-phase transformers from the drop-down list. Step 4: Transformer Type. Select “Liquid” for liquid-filled transformers, or “Dry” for dry-type transformers from the drop-down list. Step 5: No-Load Loss. If “Y” was selected in Step 1, enter the manufacturer listed no-load loss in watts. If “N” was selected in Step 1, the default no-load loss will automatically be displayed in watts, based on the inputs from the previous steps and the NEMA TP-1 efficiency standards showing in Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix A. 6 Cascade Energy Standard Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing Step 6: Number of Days per Year Transformer is De-Energized. Enter the number of days in previous year that the transformer was de-energized. If a number greater than 365 is entered, then the calculated Annual Energy Savings will return “ERROR!”. Step 7: Annual Energy Savings. The Annual Energy Savings in kWh/yr is calculated based on the inputs from the previous six steps. If the Annual Energy Savings displays “ERROR!”, check the inputs in Steps 2 and 6 to ensure they are within the eligible criteria. Cascade Energy 7 Standard Savings Estimation Protocol – Transformer De-Energizing APPENDIX A: NEMA TP-1 TRANSFORMER EFFICIENCY STANDARDS The following tables are the NEMA TP-1 2002 minimum efficiencies and estimated no-load losses based on the calculation described in Section 9.1. Table 1: NEMA TP-1 Minimum Efficiency and Transformer Design Losses for Liquid-Filled Low-Voltage Transformers Single Phase Size (kVA) 3 5 7.5 10 15 25 37.5 50 75 100 167 No-Load Efficiency Loss (%) (W) 98.0%* 15 98.2%* 23 98.3%* 32 98.3% 43 98.5% 57 98.7% 82 98.8% 114 98.9% 139 99.0% 189 99.0% 253 99.1% 379 Three-phase Size (kVA) 15 30 45 75 112.5 150 225 300 500 750 1,000 No-Load Efficiency Loss (%) (W) 98.0% 77 98.3% 130 98.5% 171 98.7% 247 98.8% 342 98.9% 417 99.0% 568 99.0% 758 99.1% 1,135 99.2% 1,512 99.2% 2,016 Table 2: NEMA TP-1 Minimum Efficiency and Transformer Design Losses for Dry-Type Low-Voltage Transformers Single Phase Three-phase No-Load No-Load Size Efficiency Loss Size Efficiency Loss (kVA) (%) (W) (kVA) (%) (W) 3 97.1%* 16 15 97.0% 81 5 97.3%* 24 30 97.5% 135 7.5 97.5%* 34 45 97.7% 185 10 97.6%* 43 75 98.0% 268 15 97.7% 62 112.5 98.2% 361 25 98.0% 89 150 98.3% 454 37.5 98.2% 120 225 98.5% 600 50 98.3% 151 300 98.6% 745 75 98.5% 200 500 98.7% 1,152 100 98.6% 248 750 98.8% 1,594 167 98.7% 385 1,000 98.9% 1,946 *Efficiencies are not provided by NEMA for these transformer sizes. Tabulated efficiencies are extrapolated estimates. 8 Cascade Energy