IBS E-Course IBS E-Course Hi, Firstly I must say thank you for

IBS E-Course
Firstly I must say thank you for asking for your FREE Report on "The Rapid Gut Relief Program." I trust
you have read the report and now have a new insight on how your Gut challenges can now be helped.
Personally I enjoy all sports especially watching golf. Already I can hear a few groans of "Not that boring
game" but hang in there for a bit as a few valuable lessons will unfold.
Tiger Woods HAD A REMARKABLE practice round in the year 2000.
It began when he holed a 110 yard eagle in a practice round. Feeling that he was in the groove he asked
his coach (who probably egged him on that he couldn't do that again) to drop a ball in a bunker to see if
he (Tiger) could do it again.
He Did. So probably after some more verbal coaxing by his coach, Tiger asked for the ball to be thrown
into the back of the bunker and incredibly he holed it again.
That's three in a row . . . no matter what sport you have played in your life achieving something 3 times
in a row is extraordinary . . . . in golf it's unbelievable.
A number of important points.
1. He was using a coach and only once in his career has he never had a coach and this was when his
career was in a downward spiral.
Once he realised his game was not improving and he realised what was happening he immediately hired
one of the best coaches that he could find.
2. This was achieved in a practice round and he continues to practice every day for up to 8 hours to
achieve his dreams. . . he is committed.
3. He believes in himself . . . . his skills and his ability.
4. He uses a series of routines to achieve his objective.
Now let's see what this has to do with Gut Health.
Most people who come into our centre are good people. They're honest, hard working; with a genuine
concern for improving their Health and Wellbeing.
And most are exceptionally good at what they do, whether it is someone who works hard for a living or
whether you're someone who does the work of 20 or more people, being a stay at home Mum or
someone who is doing their own thing on planet earth.
Trouble is most are too busy working hard to make any difference to their health, where finding a Health
Coach is never thought of.
Where going to a Naturopath or a Wellness Professional or exercising or going to the gym or taking time
out for themselves or having the time to take off on holidays or spending time with their families . . .
where all those good intentions become dreams that blurs your reality and unfortunately all the things
you'd love to do and even know you should do but due to today's busy lifestyle is put in the too hard
IBS E-Course
But it doesn't have to be this way.
You can create Ultimate Wellness and True Health. And you can unshackle yourself from the day to day
operations to have fantastic health and wellbeing so you can really start to enjoy your life again.
Get a Health Coach as soon as you can so that your game of life becomes exceptional.
Also you need routines in place to make sure your health and wellbeing runs like a well-oiled machine
without disease or ill health.
Without routines or commitment nothing in sport or in your health can be achieved. Tiger still practices
up to 8 hours every day. He has developed routines with commitment.
Isn't it true that there are plenty of people who join gyms or who start an exercise program or a weight
loss program or a stop smoking or no more alcohol program (and the list goes on) and never complete
what they started out to do.
Good intentions . . . YES . . . . but without guidance . . . .. that is a coach only 3% of people will achieve
there original goal that they once enthusiastically started out.
To achieve . . . .. You need…
*A routine to get your new health off the ground . . . A Program that is Tailored to your specific needs.
*A routine that encourages every cell in your body to nurture ultimate health and to realign your inner
nature for it to be able to detoxify as it should . . . but for some reason long ago forgot.
*A routine that builds a strong, resilient and supple body that is able to heal without constant reminding
as nature intended it to.
*A routine that builds muscle and eliminates fat.
*A routine that eradicates pain from the body once and for all.
*A routine that encourages you to get off your emotional rollercoaster . . . helping you to rebuild the
bridges that have broken down over the years because of reactions to your stressful lifestyle.
*A routine that will show you the way to fantastic health and wellbeing and is based on solid foundations
not fads that come and go and has been proven to work over thousands of years without the dreadful
side effects that afflicts so many innocent people.
These are just seven benefits that come to mind.
To create these routines is easier than you think, especially when someone shows you how . . .
.Dedicated To Improving Your Health and Wellbeing,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Aging Centre.
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Once again I would like to say thank you for requesting your FREE Report.
Our centre has been overwhelmed at the response Of Our Free Gift of $287.00 and we
would like to thank those who have taken us up on our fantastic offer.
I know some of you are extremely busy, today there are so many things that can be
distracting, and sometimes just making it to the phone seems too much at times. So
we thought it important to let you know that the offer still stands, but please
hurry as there are only 15 spots left from the original 29. To help refresh your
memory here is the offer once again:
This offer is only open to the first 29 people who call (NOW THERE ARE ONLY 15
SPOTS LEFT). So Pick up the phone NOW and call 1234 5678
to book your FREE ASSESSMENT valued at $147 guaranteed to zero in on exactly the
steps you need to take in order to Rapidly Remove Your Gut Concerns.
I'm sorry if you are caller number 16, you will have missed the opportunity to have
a FREE Assessment and your cost will be $147.
And there is another reason to ACT Now! If you are one of the 15 people to call,
make a time for your FREE ASSESSMENT and BOOK one of our Rapid Gut Pain Relief
Programs, you will receive an EXTRA bonus of FOUR (4) FREE Detox sessions valued at
$140. Remember the Detox Sessions offers multiple health benefits.
That’s a $287.00 dollar saving, but please only act if you’re serious about fixing
your health.
You can get access to the FREE Report at this link
Please take the time to read the report and then join us and start melting away
your Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut Syndrome.
We hope to see you soon and bye for now.
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and
Anti-ageing Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere
QLD 1234 Australia
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email inquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about how our office was amazed at the response of our offer and how there was only 15
If you have already responded I must apologize as your details haven’t been received as yet by myself to be
taken off this email list. Don’t be concerned as your name won’t be taken off any future emails about gut
health and how to improve it,.
Now for those people who haven’t replied . . . Lets talk about how there are only 7 spots left and if you
want To improve your digestive system, you need to act soon or you’ll miss out. All you have to do is take
Recently, you inquired about our ‘Break Through News for Anyone who Suffers Gut Pain!' Free report. I'm not
quite sure why we haven't heard from you yet and why you haven't taken advantage of our FREE assessment
normally valued at $147.
As mentioned last time, we've been staggered by the response to our FREE report, which certainly affirms
that people are sick and tired of being inhibited by Gut Pain or IBS or Leaky Gut Syndrome. There are
probably lots of reasons why we haven't heard from you, maybe you're simply too busy right now, perhaps you
haven't even had time to read the report yet, or even found a moment to get to the phone. You might not be
clear about how the treatment works. And maybe you are just too embarrassed to give us a call.
You are not alone, if that is the case; many of the people who've come into the clinic, have expressed
feelings of acute self-consciousness about their Gut problems and for the men who have come in we take our
hats off to you because men usually do nothing, and usually unfortunately suffer in silence!
Whatever your reason for not calling to make a time, I want to extend my offer to you one last time, for
a FREE assessment normally valued at $147. When you come in, we'll make you welcome, and we'll look at
your individual condition and prescribe what treatment would suit you best. Tailoring the best treatment
option for you. After all, there are many different forms of Gut Disorders and everyone's treatment is
not the same.
Don’t miss out again as there are only 7 spots left.
So if you are sick of putting up with your Gut concerns, and you have reached a point in your life where you
at least want to find out what new options are available, then please pick up the phone and make an
obligation-free appointment now. This may very well be your best chance to reduce your symptoms, easily and
painlessly without drugs or surgery. Call now on 1234 5678 we're waiting for your call.
By the way, it's remarkable how quickly this treatment begins to work, for almost everyone who tries it, and
how your Gut concerns will melt away fast and effectively.
Warm Regards
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
P.S. If you haven’t had time yet to read the report
You can get access to the FREE Report at this link
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-ageing Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email inquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name,)
Last time we spoke about how it’s important in life to take action. Now Lets talk about apathy and
What you are about to read is a common occurrence to anyone who works in the health industry. Each
morning on my regular walks I come across many people who during a conversation want to talk about their
personal health problems. If time permits of course, I don’t tend to stop every morning for a chat. On
occasions when I do it’s amazing the health concerns people have and for some unknown reason will do
nothing about it.
Apathy at it’s best . . . DUH
Like the other morning, I came across a gentleman whom I see most mornings, he’s in his mid 50”s. He
spoke to me about a shoulder problem that started some 11 months ago and how it seems to be getting
worse. Now, 9 months ago, 7 months ago, and 5 months ago I suggested The same thing . . . it might pay
to go and see someone before it gets worse.
Last week I came across him again and had a chat. This time he nearly Blew me over, he finally went and
saw someone. That bit I was Amazed at, but the next part of the conversation was typical.
“I saw someone who only charged me 30 bucks, (after the cheapest In town but not necessarily the best)
only went once, it didn’t work so I am not going back. You know yesterday I tried to throw a ball and I
felt pain in the other shoulder.” Before I could say anything he added, “I’ve also had enough of taking
tablets . . . I take one for my blood pressure, one for headaches and one for Gut problems and I injured
my knee the other day and I can’t walk up steps.”
And he won’t do anything . . . . he would rather complain, do Nothing, take drugs and watch his health
fall down around him. But each time nothing was done.
I suggested even if he decided to really try to fix his shoulder it would NOW probably take 10 to 15
treatments with rehabilitation exercises given for the obvious muscle wasting.
The next part of the conversation was the most important, whether he got it or not, I don’t know.I said,
“Your shoulder problem, your headaches, your blood pressure, your gut pain, and your knee pain are all
one of the same thing.
It’s Chronic Inflammation caused by your Gut. If you don’t get To the cause, meaning your gut nothing
will improve. And if You don’t get to the cause what’s next, it seems that one problem, because it’s not
fixed, has moved to another problem. Do nothing and I suppose in time you’ll find out what that next
problem might be.”
It all probably fell on deaf ears, but I did try to help.
You too have an opportunity to do something about it. I can leadA horse to water but I can’t make it
Warm Regards
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing,
Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
P.S. If you haven’t had time yet to read the report
You can get access to the FREE Report at this link
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
In the following weeks, with your permission we would like to discuss some important aspects about Gut Health and
what you can do to help your Gut to heal.
Today I thought I would give you an understanding of what Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel or Leaky Gut Syndrome is and
how it can affect your body. Symptoms like unexplained
food intolerances and allergies, constipation, diarrhoea, wind, bloating and heartburn. All these symptoms indicate
you could have leaky gut syndrome. I suppose to a lot of people these symptoms sound very familiar?
What we need to do now is to get your digestive system back on track.
The digestive tract is an elaborate system that involves organs from the mouth to the anus. One of the system's
components, the small intestine, performs an essential barrier function in keeping the body free from allergy.
The intestine's membrane acts as a wall separating undigested food and the bloodstream; this function allows the
digestive tract organs to properly break down food into smaller, usable molecules, which then are sent through the
bloodstream to nourish the body's tissues.
Some amount of wall permeability is common.
In people with a healthy digestive system, up to 20 per cent of undigested protein can pass through the mucous
membranes. With Leaky Gut it sets up inflammation in the gastro- intestinal mucosa, the intestinal wall becomes
excessively permeable -a condition that will not heal without help.
If bits of food have not been properly broken down due to imbalances in the digestive tract, food molecules, which are
usually too large to pass through the intestinal barrier, slip through the gaps in the gut wall and enter the bloodstream.
When this happens the immune system treats these foreign substances as antigens or nasties, setting off an allergic
response in which antibodies are released in the blood stream to join with and stop these large molecules from further
With time and if this is not stopped simple Allergies to Asthma to Skin Problems to Arthritis to the more serious diseases
like Diabetes, Heart Disease and any types OF
Auto Immune Disorder can quickly develop.
With Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut Syndrome, the longer you wait the worse the condition is likely
to become, so there's no point postponing doing
something about it: Pick up the phone and call 1234 5678 to book your
FREE ASSESSMENT valued at $147 guaranteed to zero in on exactly the steps you need to take in order to Rapidly
Remove Your Gut Concerns.
This offer has now been extended for another 37 people because of the fantastic response we have had so far and it
would be a shame for you to miss out. As per normal, I’m sorry if you are caller number 38, you will have missed the
opportunity to have a FREE Assessment and your cost will be $147.
IBS E-Course
We're looking forward to welcoming you into The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre … We get great
satisfaction from helping you to achieve your
goals! We'll make you feel comfortable and we look forward to your call.
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about an effective Gut Pain removal
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-ageing Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
1234 5678
Email inquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke in depth about Leaky Gut and how irritation from various sources sets up inflammation in the
gastro- intestinal mucosa, and then the intestinal wall becomes excessively permeable - a condition that will not heal
without help known as Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel or Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Now Lets talk about Our Program
Our Program is time-tested, uses ancient wisdom, is safe, we also use stress relieving techniques that work (more about
that on another email) and our centre uses all-natural products that helps rejuvenate your entire digestive system. Our
Program works by helping you to completely digest your food, allowing your body to heal by soothing anxiety and stress.
And best of all Our Program is accessible without a Medical prescription.
Together with Our Program you will overcome your Gut Pain, digestive problems as well as Leaky Gut and the
symptoms of IBS. For most cases, within a single week of using Our Program, your entire digestive system will work
more efficiently, and with less pain or distress!
Like the majority of the people who are troubled by Gut Pain or IBS you will feel drained, unhappy and stressed to the
eyeballs, all because your digestive system is out of balance. Our Program gives you back the balance, increases your
overall energy systems, reduces your waist size, decreases bloating, reduces fluid imbalances and improves your mood
and mental perception! These are some of the positive benefits you will experience as Our Program is allowed to help
strengthen your body.
There are many instigators of leaky gut-induced allergies.
What are these instigators?
Some factors, such as parasites, directly inflame the mucosal barrier, leading to excessive permeability.
Others, such as enzyme deficiency, disrupt the pH balance in the digestive tract, preventing the proper
breakdown of large food molecules. For example with an infant, the early introduction of solid foods can instigate Leaky
Gut. If the bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut is then easily instigated or
started through a fermentation process.
So what causes fermentation? For example, in making ginger beer all I need are 2 main ingredients, sugar and yeast.
The more sugar the more growth of the bubbles which can even lead to the bottle exploding. Now back to the human
body. What causes fermentation in the gut? It’s the same answer, yeast and sugar. So what foods have both of these
The more sugar I add... “Oh a chockie and a biscuit for afternoon tea” the more fermentation occurs. I think you get the
Now I am not totally against fermenting products. Some are good and some are bad. It’s commercialization that has
messed up bread.
The common causes of both leaky gut and digestive dysfunction are antibiotics, certain drugs, enzyme
deficiencies, parasites, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, toxins, mercury, alcohol, stress and certain food
IBS E-Course
The Question isn’t Whether “The Rapid Pain Relief Program” Works… The Question
is…Are You Going to Take Advantage of its Rejuvenating Powers!
Act NOW while everything you've just read is fresh in your mind. Take time for yourself.
Call now on 1234 5678 and book your Appointment. Within weeks you might just amaze yourself your friends and
family. Within weeks you’ll notice subtle changes in your body. No more Gut Pain, Reflux, Heartburn, Constipation,
Diarrhoea, Embarrassing Wind, Bloating or Irritable bowel. You’ll feel more alert, with more energy, a glow of vitality will
return and you’ll become more confident!
Just think, All achieved naturally without drugs, just the way nature intended it to be.
We're looking forward to welcoming you into The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre … We get great
satisfaction from helping you to achieve your goals! We'll make you feel comfortable and we look forward to your call.
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about “I Knew That!”
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing,
Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-ageing Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about The common causes of Gut Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky gut Syndrome and
common digestive disturbances.
Now Lets talk about “I Knew That!” – But you’re not DOING it! So What is the Underlying Reason for Your Inaction?
There are few ‘three little words’ more irritating for a practitioner Or a Parent or an educator than to hear when
imparting strategies, who are obviously NOT doing what has been asked,
than “I knew that!” There’s a tone of indignation; “I’m not stupid, you know” are the unspoken words. Remember Those
teenage years.
So it begs the question … if you already KNOW all about it, why aren’t you DOING it? Well the reason for the” I knew
that” response isn’t all that hard to work out; after all our perception
often depends upon the current state of our ego.
But what about the underlying cause of “knowing” something but failing to act on it? If I were to ask you personally,
why you often don’t achieve what you set out to do with the best of intentions, several words might spring to mind,
such as “procrastination”, “confidence”, “laziness”,
etc. There is absolutely NO doubt that many people don’t succeed at much because of these traits. But I’m willing to bet
that lack of TIME is blamed the most. There are just not enough hours in the day!
A quick search will reveal a plethora of books written on managing time. But what if I suggested that “time” isn’t really
the core issue? You get 24 hours in a day; that’s quite a few; the time is there. But for how many of these, is it physically
possible to be productive? And if you are stressed, you’re also
likely to be exhausted; how quickly do you seem to burn through whatever energy you have available?
I believe the bigger issue is about managing your ENERGY!
If you manage your energy, it follows that you will make BETTER USE OF THE TIME YOU HAVE AVAILABLE. But I’m not
just talking “work” time here. I’m talking about all the time you have and about all the aspects of your life that take
time! Work and business take mental energy (and more) but
if your physical self is not taken care of, or your emotional life is in tatters and your spiritual self ignored completely, you
cannot sustain health and balance. Health applies to all aspects of you.
Sharpen your Saw by Redressing the BALANCE in Your Life!
Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz are the co-authors of The Power of Full Engagement, which might sound, given the global
state of affairs, like a book about military strategy. On the contrary, it’s a book which addresses the management of
your energy, which in turn facilitates better use of your time! The authors say that when we are fully “engaged” with all
aspects of our lives, we automatically live with more structure and balance, enhancing our lives in all aspects. It makes
IBS E-Course
One woman who spoke about the effect this book had on her life said that it forced her to confront her values in life.
Although she always maintained that health was one of her top priorities, she suddenly realised her willingness to grab a
coffee and two biscuits for breakfast was a blatant contradiction.
A healthy diet is crucial for good health! And although her family was at the top of her list, when she actually spent time
with them, she was so depleted of energy by the events of the day; she found herself snappy and the quality of their
time together poor as a result. She was thus confronted with the question of what her TRUE values actually were!
But by addressing her physical and emotional selves as well, she was able to see that restructuring her day to include
them, her physical and emotional health improved, giving her more ENERGY to bring to herself, her work, her family and
everything important to her.
If you struggle to implement strategies, look at whether it’s because your energy levels are depleted because your Gut
Health is poor! If you’re expending energy on one aspect of your life, is it to the total exclusion of all others? Schedule
them all into your daily life and you will seem magically to have more energy at your disposal! How exactly?
By Fixing the underlying cause . . . Your Gut . . . Your digestive system is where your energy comes from.
The importance of establishing the severity of each individuals GUT concern . . . is it mild, moderate or serious. Once
known . . . then and only then can a tailored treatment protocol be started.
What’s the use of using an Elephant Gun to kill an ant and unfortunately this is where some
therapists are not compassionate enough with their clients, if the treatment is to severe then challenges will occur. To
have the correct equipment is essential.
This is where our centre is exceptional. We have all the latest equipment to simply, effectively and quickly establish your
Gut Health. We are even able to draw from blood pathology stool analysis and other more sophisticated equipment for
the simplest of condition to the more serious.
To know and to do are at the opposite ends of the earth at times. For example a lot of people when not well will say ‘Oh
I already knew that, I knew I needed help!!!!”
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about the Embarrassment Gut Pain
or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut can cause: The Funny
Side . . . I think.
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-aging Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email inquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about “I Knew That!” But you’re not DOING it!
So What is the Underlying Reason for Your Inaction?
Now Lets talk about the embarrassment Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut can cause:
Enjoy this little quip explaining the sometimes embarrassment Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut can
Whilst at dinner a couple were enjoying a meal at a crowded but exclusive restaurant. When a strong stench engulfed all
available air for the next 4 to 5 metres . . . you know the one . . . it seems everyone knows from where it came from.
Only to hear the partner exclaim
“Honestly Brad…..I invited you to lunch - not to launch” Oh . . . how does Brad feel . . . the embarrassment slowly fills
his face from the neck up with an engorged redness.
The romantic meal no longer seems to be quite the same and the worst part is about to follow. Reflux, Heartburn and a
terrible pulsing pain is now felt In his gut. All Brad wants to do curl up and disappear. The fun and enjoyment Of the
evening has disappeared.
If you have a Friend that you think will benefit from receiving these SUCCESSFUL
STRATEGIES, THOUGHTS AND UPDATES feel free to send this email on to them, and ask
them to go to
Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut is the cause of Nearly every disease under the sun. I know that’s a
huge statement but this is not just us talking here, it’s 5000+ years of ancient wisdom, from Chinese medicine to Indian
wisdom to Hippocrates and even to Pasteur. Pasteur said during the last years of his life it’s not the bacteria, it’s not the
germ that’s the problem, it’s the internal “Milieu” (meaning the digestive system) that determines health.
I suppose this explains why some people catch constant colds and flu’s or are continually unhealthy whilst others are
not affected though they work or live in the same environment.
Even modern medicine scientifically is proving that 70 to 80% of your immune system is directly linked to ones digestive
Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut can cause arthritis, tiredness, headaches, muscle aches and pains,
diabetes, menopause, enlarges prostate, and the list goes on and on even to cancer. Our combined goal therefore is… To
fix this huge challenge and therefore it is best for us to be on the same team.
If you want to Effectively stamp out Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut fast, then this can only occur
with the correct combination of ancient wisdom and tailoring an accurate personalized program to suit your
individual needs. Only then can this be achieved.
We would like to help . . . all you have to do is put up your hand, let us know and we’ll be there for you.
IBS E-Course
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about How the mind can create
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and
Anti-aging Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about the embarrassment Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Leaky Gut can cause
Now Lets talk about: How the mind can create failure.
With any form of health rejuvenation program the mind can cause all those good intentions to suddenly disappear. For
example in the past you may have wanted to start an exercise program.
You have decided next Monday is the time to start. When Monday comes you wake up at the designated time and
instead of starting your exercise program you roll over and go back to sleep because (with the excuse) it’s too cold or
you are too tired.
The mind has won once again.
This is not your fault, it’s a normal phenomenon and can happen up to 80% of the time.
So how can your mind create all those good intentions to disappear?
Let us start by suggesting that your mind will create something called
Clouded thinking or a brain fog feeling to develop putting an end to your
Great intentions and they usually show themselves in five different ways.
I don’t have the time!
Its won’t work for me!
It costs too much!
I don’t want to take tablets!
I feel better now!
Please don’t let this feeling of clouded thinking or brain fog make life difficult for you.
We would like to quote from Robert Kiwosaki’s book, where he writes “excuses are the words coming from the loser in
you.” These may seem harsh words to start with but as you analyse them the meaning comes out clearly between the
To be honest with integrity, is extremely important in life and to be honest with oneself is very important and
sometimes very difficult.
An often used excuse is “I don’t have the money.” The more honest answer would be, “I don’t want to spend or budget
the money for my health.” A better question would be, “How can I budget for my health?”
Yes there is a cost to improving your gut health, but this cost is Insignificant to the cost it can cause if not corrected
IBS E-Course
Because Gut Pain or Irritable Bowel or Leaky Gut is nearly the cause of Every disease known to our Society, including
CAN*CER and to fix your GUT PAIN should be your Major priority in life.
Also a more honest reply to “I don’t have the time or I’m too busy,” would be “I am not willing to make time for my
health.” A better question would be, “How can I make the time.”
Another is “Its won’t work for me,” a more honest reply would be “I am not willing to make it won’t work for me.” A
better question would be, “How can I make it work for me, what can I do to create a new me without gut problems..”
Another is “I don’t want to take tablets,” a more honest reply would be “I am not willing to take tablets.” A better
question would be, “How can I take tablets to help me heal.”
And Last but not least we have “I feel better now,” how many times has your car let you down at the worst possible
time because you didn’t act when your car first showed signs of trouble. Don’t fall into this trap. Yes there may be
times of feeling better however just like clockwork and usually at the worst possible time your Gut will start to play
up again. The longer you leave it the worst it will get . . .
If any of the above does happen to you our aim is to help you through any challenges that may arise. By doing this,
and becoming more honest with your excuses, your honesty will keep the loser quiet, allowing the winner in you to
come out loud and clear.
The above information is very important to understand, by appreciating these fundamentals new insights will emerge on
how to heal your digestive system.
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about STRESS and it’s affects on the
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing,
Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-aging Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about How the mind can cause failure.
Now Lets talk about: STRESS
To be able to effectively eliminate stress and its effects is one of the most important aspects in the healing of
Gut Pain, IBS or Leaky Gut.
Unfortunately all tablets whether a medical drug or natural will help in the short to medium term but is like
using a bandaid, once a person goes off their medication the underlying stress is still there.
Each one of our Therapists has been trained to help people just like you, get rid of your stress including
anxiety, feeling low, melancholy and depression as fast as possible, and usually, permanently. Following is
information about the different modalities offered here at the XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti Ageing
Centre to help you with the management of your health problems.
First, our STRESS Relief Program is all about
It doesn't hurt! - it is Pain Free.
Completely non-invasive.
We don't poke you or stick you with needles.
We don't force feed you with drugs.
And you Heal incredibly quickly - Your symptoms go away.
And, You can continue with any other healing modalities, western or alternative, and receive the
benefits of what we have to offer. In fact, many times, what we do makes the other systems you
are also receiving even more effective.
It Works amazingly well.
What you can get out of the STRESS Relief Program:
Decreased Gut Pain and Suffering – that’s number one.
Dramatically Increased Vitality
A Fresh, New Enthusiasm For Life
Restful, Rejuvenating Sleep
Decreased Need for Supplements
Better Moods
Decreased Need For Contrived Motivation
Drastically Improved Quality Of Life
Just think of how amazing your life will be if you had these breakthrough results in your health and
Over 100,000 Treatments Performed Nearly Every Day In Countries all Around the World! This amount of
people can’t be wrong!!!!!
Our centre and many other practitioners like us have been helping hundreds of thousands of patients like you
around the world for years to get rid of their stress, anxiety and depression. This program works.
IBS E-Course
There is something you need to keep in mind, and that is that we are dedicated in helping people who are just
like you, here in Hervey Bay and throughout Australia. That is what we do. It is our Calling. This is what we
know forward and backwards, health and helping you.
We hope to see you soon and when you do book ask for Lorraine and she’ll personally see to your every need.
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about how having a goal to
improve health and one’s Life is imperative.
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-aging Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about STRESS.
Now Lets talk about how having a goal to improve health and one’s Life is imperative.
When setting any type of goals, Be SPECIFIC – if YOU don’t fill in the blanks, it will happen anyway; it just may not be
the way you’d want!
Over the years and especially in the last few months on reading specific books on goals, I’ve had a ton of feedback
from patients I have been seeing. The subject of this week’s SUCCESSFUL HEALTH STRATEGIES, THOUGHTS AND
UPDATES is the focus of a huge proportion of that feedback, which concerns the important subject of Mindset, on
setting GOALS!
To pick up on the theme of one of our previous emails on Goals I would like to expand on goals a little more. I think
what makes the whole concept of setting goals in the fashion we advocate so compelling to people, is that it requires
you to FREE UP your imagination, to have some serious FUN with it. Most of the goal setting techniques
I’ve heard about take a much more rigid view of how it’s done, for instance “make your goals achievable”. The
inference is that it would be foolish to “wish” for something unless you can already see the steps you will take on the
journey to achieving it. The trouble with that approach is that most of us don’t really KNOW what we are capable
of achieving until we open our minds to the possibilities.
“BEGIN with the END in mind.” . . . Is a Pre requisite.
The Wonderful thing is you don’t NEED to burst a blood vessel ‘MAKING’ it happen; this is about having a ball with
your SUBCONCSIOUS mind, which works away for you at an entirely different level! And even more importantly, the
mind will accept what you persist in feeding it and go into overdrive in order to make the pictures in it become
Your mind CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE between what is REAL and what is IMAGINED! It accepts what you tell it as
the truth and sees to it that this is made manifest! How does this happen? It has to do with THOUGHTS being very
real forces of ENERGY, which attract ‘like’ forces of energy to themselves. If you can get hold of any of the literature
written by Canadian John Kehoe, this is explained very clearly.
If Your thoughts; your focus, is weak and scattered, your outcome will be all over the place too!
So the CLEARER the picture you have, the more SPECIFIC you are with both the vision you have and in the
way you articulate your goals, the more exact will be your outcome.
For instance, on a small scale, you might want to achieve a goal of having a barge holiday, floating from
village to village via the intricate network of canals in Britain. Of course you want the holiday to be the
experience of a lifetime. So you need to think
deeply about what would make a holiday perfect for YOU.
IBS E-Course
Imagine you were to be joined by another couple and four or more of you will be living in VERY close
proximity for two or three weeks. A tall order, but if you focus on HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS
between you all and SAY that in your written goals, something ‘magical’ will happen and this will become
your experience. Of course if you spend time worrying (running negative scenarios in the fertile
environment of your mind) about whether you’ve made a big mistake by inviting the other couple or
along, you are giving POWER to what you DON”T want to happen.
Very obediently, your subconscious will see to it that what you are picturing so vividly comes about. Ugh!
On a personal note I discovered, learned, and implemented goals from the age of 24 and every thing I
had specifically had written down was achieved by 30 years of age. Then because of . . . well I suppose I
could use any excuse I wish to, I forgot about being specific with my written goals and I didn’t achieve
half as much as I had done so previously. My life seemed aimless, until I remembered once again to
dedicate myself to written specific goals. Then my life turned around. There are TWO lessons from this
experience – be persistent and be SPECIFIC!
What specific GOALS with your health do you want to achieve. Go and get a pen and some paper and
start your goal sheets. Do it now so that you remember.
In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts and Updates email Series I will talk about understanding
the hidden cost of vitamins, herbs, nutrients and consultations etc.
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-aging Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234 Australia
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
IBS E-Course
Hi (Persons Name),
Last time we spoke about how having a goal to improve health and one’s Life is imperative.
Now Lets talk about understanding the hidden cost of vitamins, herbs, nutrients and consultations etc.
If you go to your GP because of the Medicare Levy you may have no bill to pay. And for extended
appointments the actual cost may be $80.00 and once again you have nothing to pay or very little because
of Medicare. Within the following paragraph, I
am not having a go at any profession, all I am doing is presenting the facts.
Recently a friend of one of our clients had to have a partial knee reconstruction at the age of 43 because of
wear and tear. The cost was $35,000 and that didn’t cover the hospital or Anaesthetist fees and he may need
to have the other knee done in a few years with the possibility of having total reconstructions of both knees
in a little over 10 years. (At what cost.)
Yes this person was in a private health fund but he still had a bill for over $2,000. The main part of the
above that goes unheard of, is that if preventative medicine was used;
1/ The operation would probably not have been needed, because preventative steps would have been put
in place.
2/ There would be no down time, off work, with unproductivity and lost income. Just this alone is worth
millions of dollars to the Australian workforce.
3/ Limited to No family stress and/ or heartache
4/ More money in his and his families back pocket.
Another true example is of an elderly couple I know (65 and 63 years of age.) A number of years ago the
husband took his wife into emergency because of chest pain and shortness of breath. Tests were
performed and she was admitted to Prince
Charles Hospital.
After more tests their worst nightmare came true. She had three arteries 70 to 90% blocked and needed
immediate open heart surgery. A hollow sick feeling came over the husband because only three months
before he had to let go of their private health
insurance because of lack of funds.
Now they had a terrible choice. One Choice was to come up with $78,000.00 for the operation to be done
privately or to be put on the waiting list of some 3-6 months. What a dilemma.
What would you choose?
Because selling their house to find the funds was not an option for the wife because she would be riddled
with guilt if such an option was taken. So they decided not to sell and wait. In the meantime they sought my
advice and we did everything possible to help to get her through this terrible time in their lives.
IBS E-Course
Time passed and the operation was a success and now 10 years later all is still going well. The operation cost $78,000
and the taxpayer picked up the bill. (Someone has to pay and yes I am grateful we do have such a system- slow as it
may be.)
However it is proven that heart disease is reversible if you take preventable steps. “Prevention care” is definitely
better than “Crisis Care.”
But the sad fact is that most will only do nothing, which will lead into CRISIS CARE Medicine and they will not be
preventative. It’s a shame though, because Scientific evidence statistically states . . . if 5 people are sitting down
and I come
back in 30 years, only #1 is left using CRISISCARE however if Preventative medicine using NATURAL MEDTHODS is
used, there are # 4 out of the # 5 left.
Which one will you choose, even after reading this most will Still choose to do nothing.
We ask that you look at why natural medicine or seeing a Naturopath costs what it does.
I have even heard people say. . . “Oh don’t go to them, there too Expensive.” Naturopaths aren’t expensive when you
compare it To what happens if you do nothing and maybe the following will Help.
Firstly in natural medicine we do not have government assisted Bulk Billing to support our clients with consultation
costs. Likewise with our vitamins and herbs we do not have government assistance to support our clients’ needs,
therefore the full cost
does rest with you.
May we share with you an example, say you require 3 different medical drugs from your doctor, your cost may only be
$13.80, however full price could be $115.00 to $300.00 depending on the cost of the three scripted medications. The
government has paid the gap which could be from $101.70 to $286.20. Can you see the comparison?
So we ask you to remember there is no government support to pay the gaps. We are very conscious of this and are
always looking to improve and do our utmost to keep our costs to you at a minimum, without compromising your very
important health needs.
Your road to health and recovery is vital to us and we will do our upmost to always put your health first.
Improving your health without medicated drug related side effects is always in our minds and of paramount
importance. We want you to have fantastic health, with no side effects and to understand how disease or ill health
can be prevented.
Fixing Gut Pain, Leaky gut or IBS is the first and most important step. In your next Success Health Strategies Thoughts
and Updates email Series I will talk about when you have an Expert on tap make the most of it…
Warm Regards,
From all of the Team at The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-Ageing Centre.
IBS E-Course
TO: enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au
2005 Copyright 2005
The XYZ Wellbeing, Longevity and Anti-aging Centre,
123 Main Street, Anywhere, Qld 1234
Phone 1234 5678
Fax 1234 5678
Email enquiry@xyzcentre.com.au