EFFICIENT INTERVAL GOAL PROGRAMMING FOR ARBITRARY PENALTY FUNCTION Hao-Chun Lu*, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan haoclu@gmail.com, *corresponding author Tzu-Li Chen, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan chentzuli@gmail.com ABSTRACT Penalty function is a key factor in interval goal programming (IGP), especially for decisionmaker weighing resources vis-à-vis goals. Many approaches have been proposed for treating several types of penalty function in the past several decades. The recent approach proposed by Chang (2009) considers the S-shaped penalty function. Although there are many approaches in literatures, all are complicated and inefficient. This paper proposes a novel and concise uniform model to treat any arbitrary penalty function in IGP. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed model are demonstrat by several numeric examples. Keywords: interval goal programming, penalty function INTRODUCTION The goal programming (GP) model is a well-known aggregating procedure for solving multiobjective decision problems. This takes into account many objectives simultaneously, which can be conflicting. GP was firstly proposed by Charnes and Cooper (1961) and has been applied to many real-world problems in areas like management, marketing, economics, engineering, transformation, finance, government, and internal context (Schniederjans, 1995; Lai and Hwang, 1994). It is an important technique in considering several objectives for finding an acceptable solution. It can be said that GP is the most widely used technique for solving multi-criteria and multi-objective decision-making problems. It can be formulated in the following traditional form: m Min (w n i 1 s.t. i i wi pi ) fi (x) ni pi gi , i 1,..., m , x F ; ni , pi 0 i . where x is a vector of decision variables, F is a feasible set of constraints, fi (x) and gi are the goal function and its aspiration level, ni and pi are negative and position unwanted deviations from its target value, respectively. Any unwanted deviation with respect to its target is penalized according to the marginal constants wi and wi . Many approaches (Jones and Tamiz, 1995; Vitoriano and Romero, 1999; Romero, 2004; Chang, 2006; Chang, 2009) have been proposed for treating different shapes of penalty function in the past few decades. Different penalty functions require different approaches to solve the IGP problem. Although there are many approaches in literature, there is a lack of a concise uniform model to treat any arbitrary penalty function in IGP. This paper proposes a novel model to solve this practical problem and has the following features: (i) Regardless of the complexity of the penalty function, this model will easily treat any type of penalty function in a uniform way. (ii) This uniform model is more concise and efficient than current ones. CURRENT RELATED IGP MODEL The idea of IGP proposed by Charnes and Collomb (1972) was first developed by Jones and Tamiz (1995). Increasing penalty and reverse penalty models were introduced in their article. For example, take an IGP problem with m goals. Suppose there are k1 k 2 attribute values (the points of position on to the related target value) in penalty function of the ith goal. The attribute values are ai ,k 1 ,..., ai ,1 , bi ,1,..., bi ,k 2 where ai ,k 1 ... ai ,1 bi ,1 ... bi ,k 2 . Then, the marginal penalty rates for each segment between adjacent attribute values are i ,k 11 ,..., i ,1 ,0, i ,1 ,..., i ,k 21 . This U-shaped penalty function (Fig. 1) can be expressed by Jones and Tamiz (1995) as follows: Jones and Tamiz’s model (1995): m k 11 k 21 Min i ,1ni ,1 (i , j i , j 1 )ni , j i ,1i ,1 ( i , j i , j 1 )i , j i 1 j 2 j 2 s.t. f i (x ) ni , j pi , j ai , j , j 1,..., k1 1, i 1,..., m , (1) f i ( x ) i , j i , j bi , j , j 1,..., k 2 1, i 1,..., m , (2) ni , j Mui , j , pi , j M (1 ui , j ), j 2,..., k1 1 , (3) i , j Mvi , j , i , j M (1 vi , j ), j 2,..., k 2 1 , (4) x F ; ni , j , pi , j ,i , j , i , j 0 i , j , where ui , j and vi , j are binary variables, M is a big enough constant, and ni , j and i , j present deviation variables for the left U-shaped penalty function and the right U-shaped penalty function, respectively . For this U-shaped penalty function, two cases can be used in the Jones and Tamiz’s model. One is increasing penalty case ( i , j 1 i , j , i , j 1 i , j i, j ), which only require Constraints (1) and (2). The other one is reverse penalty case ( i , j 1 i , j , i , j 1 i , j i, j ), which uses Big-M Constraints (3) and (4) to avoid both ni , j and pi , j ( i , j and i , j ) becoming zero simultaneously, since the coefficients of ni , j ( i , j ) in achievement function are negative. Penalty αk1-1 βk2-1 ... α1 ak1 ... β1 ak1-1 a2 a1 b1 b2 bk2-1 bk2 Attribute Value Figure 1: A U-shaped penalty function. Recently, Chang (2006) proposed a new model of increasing penalty function for improving efficiency. The two aforementioned models (Jones and Tamiz, 1995; Chang, 2006) solve the penalty function regardless if marginal penalty rates for sequence segments are increasing or decreasing. However, these cannot solve the complex penalty function in an IGP. Yang et al. (1991) proposed a model for solving fuzzy programming problems with S-shaped membership function. Li and Yu (1999) showed that Yang et al.’s (1991) model is correct only for a specific type membership function and proposed their own model for other types of membership functions. Lin and Chen (2002) generalized the model of Yang et al. (1991) and indicated that the model of Li and Yu (1999) is inapplicable to a fuzzy programming problem involving more than one membership function. Recently, Chang and Lin (2009) proposed a complex formulation to solve the simplest S-shaped penalty function in an IGP problem. However, when the models of Jones and Tamiz (1995) and Chang and Lin (2009) meet the reverse penalty case, they will become inefficient and complicated because of the Big-M constraints. Although there are many approaches in literature, all have been complicated and inefficient up to now. This paper proposes an efficient and concise uniform model to treat any arbitrary penalty function in IGP. PROPOSED IGP MODEL FOR ARBITRARY PENALTY FUNCTION Penalty H(p) h1 αk1-1 h2 ...hk1-3 α3 hk1-2 hk1-1 α2 ak1 p1 ak1-1 a4 a3 p2 pk1-3 pk1-2 hk1+k2 hk1+k2-1 βk2-1 hk1+2 ... α1 hk1 hk1+1 β1 a2 a1 b1 b2 bk2-1 bk2 pk1-1 pk1 pk1+1 pk1+2 pk1+k2-1 pk1+k2 Attribute Value Figure 2: An arbitrary penalty function. x An arbitrary penalty function in IGP is a difficult problem (Fig. 2) since DMs can choice their preferred the marginal penalty rates for each segment between adjacent attribute values. As such, the slopes of each segment can be any arbitrary value, either positive or negative. For convenient modeling, another symbol is used to denote the original attributed values. Hence, p1 ak 1 , …, pk1 a1 , pk11 b1 , …, pk bk 2 ( k k1 k 2 ). The arbitrary penalty function can be expressed by Proposition 1. Proposition 1 The penalty function H ( p ) (Fig. 2), h j is the penalty value related to the attribute values p j where j 1,..., k ( H ( p j ) h j ) . k positive continuous variables (1 ,..., k ) and k 1 binary variables (u1 ,..., uk 1 ) are introduced in this model. H ( p ) can be expressed by the following linear equations and inequalities: k p j p j , (5) j 1 k H ( p) j h j , (6) j 1 k j 1 j 1, (7) j 1, (8) k 1 u j 1 1 u1 , j u j 1 u j , j 2,..., k 1 , k uk 1 . Proof It is trivial. (9) □ In Proposition 1, the value of penalty in (6) will be zero when uk1 1 because the goal value between a1 and b1 meets the aspiration level that DMs choose. Afterwards, the penalty will be continuously increasing depending on the marginal penalty rates when the goal value is far away from the aspiration level. The model in Proposition 1 has an improvement over current models since there are no Big-M constraints. However, Constraint (9) requires k 1 binary variables and k constraints to construct the model. It still seems inefficient for solving the arbitrary penalty function in IGP. Vielma and Nemhauser (2010) proposed a technology that constructs Constraint with a logarithmic number of binary variables and constraints. Therefore, Vielma and Nemhauser (2010)’s technology is used to reduce the required binary variables and constraints and conduct the concise uniform model for treating any arbitrary penalty function. The proposed model is described in Proposition 2. Proposition 2 The penalty function H ( p ) in Proposition1 can be expressed by the following linear equations and inequalities: m Min k i 1 j 1 h i, j i, j k fi (x) i , j pi , j , i 1,..., m , s.t. j 1 k j 1 i, j jJ l i, j 1, i 1,..., m , vi ,l , jJ l i, j (10) (1 vi ,l ), l 1,..., r, i 1,..., m , x F ; i , j 0 i, j ; vi ,l {0,1} i , l , (11) (12) where (i) pi , j and hi , j are the attribute values and related penalty value for goal i ( pi ,1 ... pi ,k ), J l and J l are same in Proposition 2, (ii) Proof It is similar to Proposition 1. □ NUMERICAL EXAMPLES To demonstrate the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed model, three examples are presented here and are solved by CPLEX 11 (ILOG 2008) on a PC with 3.16 GHz Core™2 Duo CPU and 4GB RAM. Example 1 The example is modified from the IGP problem of Vitoriano and Romero (1999). The problem is expressed as follows and the three goal penalty scale data are listed in Table 1. Goals: ( f1 (x) ) 3x1 2.5x2 2.5x3 100 ( f 2 (x ) ) 4 x1 3x2 3.5x3 100 ( f 3 ( x ) ) 3.8 x1 5x2 3.5x3 100 s.t. x2 x3 10 , x1 0 , x2 4 , x3 0 . (13) (14) Only two models (Chang and Lin, 2009; proposed model) can solve this IGP because those penalty functions are U-shaped, S-shaped, and arbitrary shaped respectively. By referring to Chang and Lin (2009), this example can be formulated as a complicated and inefficient model. For the arbitrary penalty function (Goal 3), this model uses much binary variables and Big-M constraints to restrict the domain of ni , j and i , j . Each of non-linear term ( u2,3 f 2 ( x ) , v2,3 f 2 ( x ) , u3,2 f 3 ( x ) , v3,2 f 3 ( x ) , u3,3 f 3 ( x ) , v3,3 f 3 (x ) ) also require an additional binary variable and four Big-M constraints for linearization. The efficiency of this model will be hampered by the Big-M constraints. Compared to Chang and Lin’s (2009) model, the proposed model is concise and efficient for treating any arbitrary penalty function in IGP. The respective computational times, iterations, binary variables, additional constraints, and solution are listed in Table 2. Table 1: Penalty scale for the three goals. Goals Description Interval Marginal (Unit %) penalty 1 U-shaped 10~80 3 increasing 80~90 2 penalty 90~100 1 function 100~110 0 110~120 1 120~130 2 130~200 3 2 S-shaped 10~80 0.9 penalty 80~90 2 function 90~100 1 100~110 0 110~120 1 120~130 2 130~200 0.9 3 Arbitrary 10~80 2 penalty 80~90 1 function 90~100 2 100~110 0 110~120 2 120~130 1 130~200 2 Table 2: The Computation Results for Example 1. Item Chang and Proposed Lin’s model model CPU Time(sec) 0.11 0 No. of iterations 47 16 No. of 0-1 variables 12 9 No. of constraints 60 21 (18.33, 4, 6) Solution ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) Goal (1,2,3) (80, 106.33, 110.67) CONCLUSION This paper proposes an efficient and concise model to treat any arbitrary penalty function in IGP. Regardless of the complexity of the penalty function, this model can efficiently solve any arbitrary penalty function in a uniform way, and with binary variables and constraints that only require logarithmic numbers of original ones. Numerical examples show that this novel model for treating arbitrary penalty function in IGP has favorably tight properties, while computational results demonstrate that it significantly outperforms current models, especially when the scale of a problem is large. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan under grants NSC 982221-E-030-009 and NSC 99-2221-E-030-005. 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