Animal -- Six Paragraphs

Sentence Frame for Writing Process on Animals
Directions: Write your name, homeroom and subject on the top of
your rough draft. Remember you are writing paragraphs and each
sentence should flow into the next. Indent (use two fingers) the first
line. Skip lines throughout your paper. Copy the sentences below and
fill in the blanks with what you know. Often hints about what to write
are under the lines. Please remember to be proud of your work.
A fascinating thing about the _________________________ is
Animal Name
Write a sentence using your fascinating facts.
The large/medium/small sized Scientific Name or
Scientific Name
in the
Animal Name
, ____________,
Type of Habitat
Continent Names
and ______________. It eats mainly
and is a
good/average/poor parent. The female is called a _______________
Pick One (Does it stay and take care of its young?)
Female Name
and the male is called a _____________, and the offspring are called
Male Name
Female Name
is known for being
Descriptive Color
Animal Name
Many people do not know that ______________________________
Write about a body part and how it helps your animal.
It stands
when it walks on its ___________
Number of feet it walks on
Height in feet or inches (Include Measurement)
through the
__________________ home is in the
Animal Name
It is
Describe temperature (add in degrees if possible)
in the _____________
so it stays _______ by __________________________________.
Describe what it does to stay cool or warm.
Its ___________________________ helps it move ____________
Body part
Descriptive Word
through the ________________. ___________________________
Write a sentence or two about the habitat.
There are __________________ plants such as _______________,
Names of plants
____________, and __________.
These plants make great food for Name of Animal (‘s prey). The
Animal’s Name eats __________, __________, and ____________.
List some of the things it eats.
Write a sentence of two about their diet. If your animal is a prey, tell about who its predators are and describe how it escapes.
If your animal is a predator, tell about who its prey are and describe how it hunts.
The _________________ is well taken care of until it is
Offspring’s Name
_____________________ old. It is usually born _______________
Number of days, months, or years inches (Include Measurement)
Describe how many are born at a time.
Add two or more sentences about their young
The _______________ characteristic of _________________
Animal Name
Name one characteristic that helps it survive
helps it live in _____________ by __________________________.
Describe how the characteristic helps it survive
It can find the food it needs by _____________________________
Describe what it eats and how it gets its food
____________________________________________________ .
The ____________ are taken care of by _____________________
Offspring name
It is fascinating how the ____________ _____________________
Animal name
End with one or more of your fascinating facts