Cognitive Flexibility Assessment (GRAPHOPHONOLOGICAL-SEMANTIC = DECODE PRINT AND MEANING AT THE SAME TIME) (Permission to use granted by Dr. Kelly Cartwright, October 5, 2012) This assessment should only be given to students who read accurately and fluently, but struggle with recall and comprehension. Materials: 5 sets of 12 word cards - one set to model the task, and four sets to use to assess the student (You need the specific word cards for this assessment. Your literacy coach has the masters for the card sets.) 2 X 2 matrix or a paper folded into 4 boxes stopwatch Pre-test/Post Test Scoresheet Additional Preparation: Before you meet with the student, you will need to practice sorting the cards onto the 2 X 2 matrix until you are comfortable doing it. Sort the cards by reading them aloud one at a time and placing them in the matrix so that they are sorted by sound (first letter) along one axis (rows or columns) and by meaning along the other. Use all of the cards. You should have 4 piles with 3 cards in each pile. No diagonal sorting is permitted. For example: cake bean cat bear By meaning on bottom By sound on sides By sound on sides By meaning on top Directions: 1. Model the Task with Set #5 of the Word Cards: Say: I have some cards for you to sort, and you can sort these cards two ways at the same time. You can sort these cards by how they sound and what they mean. Here, let me show you. Demonstrate a correct sort, one card at a time. Sort into 4 piles. Do not sort diagonally. Do not explain as you go. Then provide a verbal explanation for the sort while pointing to the appropriate locations in the 2 x 2 matrix. Say: See, I put the “c” words over here and the “p” words over here, and I put the foods up here and the other things down here. Begin the Assessment: (You will need word card sets #1-4. The student will sort with a different set of cards each time-a total of 4 different sorts. Be sure to record the set number, the time in seconds it takes to sort each set, and the points earned.) 2. Say: Now I have some cards for you to sort, and you can sort these cards two ways at the same time, just like I showed you. I’m going to time you, just to see how long it takes, but you don’t have to hurry. 3. Hand the student set #1. Be sure cards are mixed up and all facing the correct way.) Timing (with a stopwatch) begins when the student examines the first card and ends when the last card is placed in the matrix. Be sure the student reads each word aloud. You can tell him any words he doesn’t know. If sort is done correctly, then say, “Tell me why you sorted them that way.” Correct explanations refer to the 2 dimensions on which cards were sorted not to each pile individually. For example: I put the “b” words over here and the “c” words over here and I put the animals up here and the foods down here. If sort is done incorrectly, the teacher corrects the sort (puts cards in the right place) and then says, “Why do you think we would sort them this way?” *If student refers to only one dimension in his explanation, say, “Anything else?” *If student refers to each pile separately, say, “What 2 ways did you sort them?” 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with each of the other 3 sets of cards. Scoring for accuracy: 3 points for a correct sort (100%) and correct verbal explanation 2 points for an incorrect sort with a correct verbal explanation after the teacher corrected the sort 1 point for correct sort, but incorrect explanation 0 points if both the sort and explanation are incorrect Total Accuracy Points possible: 12 (Student sorts 4 different sets of cards during the assessment.) Typical Composite Score of Cognitive Flexibility by Grade Level: Total Accuracy Points divided by Average Speed of Sorts X 100 = Composite Score 9.8 12.38 13.17 16.67 22.55 First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Cognitive Flexibility Pre-Test Scoresheet (graphophonological-semantic = decode print & meaning at same time) Name _______________________________ Grade ____ Tester ______________ Accuracy Points (max of 3 points per set) Date ________________ Speed (number of seconds) Card Set 1 Card Set 2 Card Set 3 Card Set 4 Total Points: Average speed: Total Points ______ divided by Average speed ______ X 100 = Composite Score (Do not use same sets of cards for post-test.) Cognitive Flexibility Post-Test* Scoresheet (graphophonological-semantic = decode print & meaning at same time) Name _______________________________ Grade ____ Tester ______________ Accuracy Points (max of 3 points per set) Date ________________ Speed (number of seconds) Card Set 6 Card Set 7 Card Set 8 Card Set 9 Total Points: Average speed: Total Points ______ divided by Average speed ______ X 100 = Composite Score (*Do not use same sets of cards for pre- and post-test.)