model application

Application Form Autumn 2015 - EXAMPLE
To complete your application you need to:
1. Submit the online version of this application form
2. Ensure that your completed application endorsement is received by email to
A. Lead applicant information
Your full name
Your personal email
Your phone number
Ellie Haines
01904 324463
B. Your group
Name of the club, society,
college or department applying
for funding
Group/project email
Group Officer position & email
Group Officer position & email
Group Officer position & email
1. Number of paid up
members of your group.
2. Current club/society own
funds balance at time of
3. Has the society, club or
project received funding
from YuFund or York
Annual Fund in the past?
(please indicate*)
Vicky Patteson, Treasurer,
Susie Braithwaite, Chair,
Jane Andrews, Social Secretary,
Annual membership fee £0
These funds are set aside for a pre-competition
conference which we hope to send three members
If yes, please indicate when & how much:
iGEM York
iGEM York 2014
iGEM York 2015
*check the list of past YuFund projects available on
C. Project Information
1. Title of the project or
iGEM York 2016
activity for which the
funding is sought.
2. Project type (please tick all Volunteering
that apply).
Improved facilities
Supports diversity and inclusion
Other (please list) – Reputation of the University and Department
3. Outline your project and
iGEM stands for international genetically engineered machine and is
2/3 key objectives (300
a synthetic biology competition for undergraduates run by MIT. With
characters max,
YuFund we could:
excluding spaces).
 Pay the team registration fee
 Pay the conference attendance fee
As a result top students from York can represent the University and
enhance their learning opportunities, improving employability.
4. Number of members
actively taking part in your
5. Brief description of your
project or activity and what
you hope to achieve for
your group. (1200
characters max,
excluding spaces).
iGEM is the premier synthetic biology competition in the world.
Student teams are given a kit of biological parts at the beginning of
the summer from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Working
at their own universities over the summer, they use these parts and
new parts of their own design to build biological systems and operate
them in living cells. If we are able to take part in iGEM 2016 we will
spend the first part of the year researching and designing our project
before spending the summer in York making our synthetic organism.
We hope that we will make it to the regionals in Europe and
subsequently the finals at MIT in Boston. We have achieved excellent
results in the past and hope to excel once more in 2016.
It is an extremely exciting opportunity for students at York to put ideas
into practise and to turn academic study into a real life scenario.
The reason we are applying to YuFund is so that undergraduate
students at York can take part in this amazing competition. Without
funding it is impossible for students to be involved, therefore they
miss out on a unique and important opportunity.
6. Please demonstrate how
your project contributes to
the wider University of
York or York City
iGEM is an important, internationally renowned competition which will
help to enhance the reputation of the University. It will help to attract
academically-excellent students to York and will boost the
opportunities provided by the department of Biology.
Through the competition we go out into the wider community to
promote science, thus promoting the University at the same time. We
will be appearing at yornight to promote our research and make it as
accessible as possible.
7. Demonstrate how your
project will advance
personal or career
development of students
8. How will you be able to
acknowledge the support
This project is truly valuable as it combines a passion for science with
entrepreneurial skills. It provides real life skills and drastically
increases the employability of the students taking part, as well as
providing them with unique experiences that they will always value.
The competition has an outstanding reputation and if we are
successful this achievement will help us stand out from the
competition when we graduate. The additional skills that we gain from
organising and taking part in such a competition are invaluable.
These transferable skills will help us to demonstrate what we are
capable of to future employers and will show that we can excel
beyond the field of science. The funding we could receive would
undoubtedly help us attain our future goals.
We will include the YuFund logo on all of our posters, presentations
and t-shirts/merchandise. We will also display the YuFund logo and a
of YuFund publicly?
biography on our websites, blogs and wiki. We use a range of social
media and would be proactive in using it to thank YuFund.
D. Project Budget
Project costs (insert more rows/amend headings if necessary)
Expenditure item
Team Registration fee
Conference attendance fee
Lab Equipment
Lab consumables
Student stipends
A. Total Project Cost
Income source (amend headings as applicable)
Yorkshire Water
B. Total income
E. Funding
Amount of grant requested:
Project costs A minus project income B
When do you plan to spend this grant, if it is
awarded? (Please indicate )
Spring Term 2016
Summer Term 2016
Other (please give details)