9-36 RUSSELL AVENUE • OTTAWA, ON, CAN • K1N 7W8 1-613-276-4682 • AHOUBEN@UOTTAWA.CA ADAM HOUBEN EDUCATION - - - PhD Candidate, Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON September, 2015, Expected o Interdisciplinary specialization in Chemical and Environmental Toxicology. o Thesis: Effect of shoreline subsidence and anthropogenic activity on Northwest Territories' lakes. MSc, Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON 2007 o Thesis: Organic tissue stoichiometry of Cladophora glomerata and its relation to coastal land-use in the Laurentian Great Lakes. BSc, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON 2005 o Honours Biology, Minor in Chemistry o Environment and Ecology Focus, Co-operative Program o Thesis: A multiproxy paleolimnological study from pond PAD-8A: elucidating the role of rock weirs on hydroecological conditions in the Peace-Athabasca Delta. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE - Research Analyst Polar Knowledge Canada, Ottawa, ON, 2014-present o Analysis of current Arctic atmospheric results for SAON Canada monitoring networks. o Developed research summaries and policy briefings for results bulletin distributed to policy makers across Canada o Topics researched include increasing frequencies of thawing ice shelves, atmospheric mercury depletion events, and black carbon deposition. - NSERC Northern Research Intern - Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Yellowknife, NT, 2010 o Analysis of 20-year hydrological data delineating impacts of climate change on flow and chemistry. o Developed baseline survey of regional lakes, characterizing physical-chemical attributes in relation to permafrost degradation. o Collaborated with Geological Survey of Canada in the development of a national permafrost map. o Developed Healthy Lakes session at Yellowknives Dene First Nation, Youth-on–the-land program. - Aquatic Research Technician University of Waterloo, Ontario, 2005, 2007-09 o Coordinated field research for aquatic study on near-shore nutrient dynamics in Lake Ontario. o Established study database for physico-chemical parameters, coordinating with lab manager. o Design/Build of mussel sedimentation experimental apparatus. - Biochemical Research Assistant University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 2004 o Prepared and tested the applicability of a novel treatment process for a chronic asthma model. o Reviewed scientific literature and coordinated with machinists to construct study chambers. o Observed immune responses in subjects using a variety of histological techniques to determine the inflammatory roles of specific genes and biomolecules. - Environmental Field Technician BZ Environmental Consulting, Timmins, ON, 2003 o Designed and monitored an ecosystem-level experiment analyzing the influence of four nutrient treatments on the ability of phytoplankton to assimilate soluble copper. o Prepared technical environmental operating protocols and safety program for monitoring mine rehabilitations. o Monitored hydrology and chemistry to assess tailings pond stability at abandoned mines. o Installed data logger for remote field station flow-meter for continuous ecosystem monitoring. - Research Assistant Syn-X Pharma, Toronto, ON, 2002 o Validated proteins used in point-of-care heart and Alzheimer’s analyses kits for quality assurance. o Created and modified detailed electrophoresis protocols increasing efficiency and organization. o Streamlined client data packages by integrating specialized analytical and graphics software. o Maintained lab instruments/subjects on schedule ensuring a clean and healthy research environment. - Teaching Intern Boyne River Natural Science School, Shelburne, ON, 2002 o Educated 15 students per week in outdoor education to increase understanding of ecosystem dynamics and the relationship between human and natural systems. o Launched an ecology and energy lesson with intent to promote conservation. - Project Coordinator Drivers Jonas North America, Toronto, ON, 1999 o Managed multi-million dollar construction projects through development of detailed schedules, budgets, cash flows, and project phasing for client investments. o Provided cost consulting and quantity estimation to clients for hard and soft construction costs. o Completed inspections and reports for clients ensuring efficient and accurate project completions. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE - - - Board Member, Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), Canada; 2012-present. o Canadian delegate to APECS International World Summit, Sofia, Bulgaria, June, 2015. o Developed collaborative Arctic field calendar to maximize limited resources for members. o Developed and chaired 3-part series on Science & Policy with foci on Canadian Arctic issues and early career researchers. o Co-chair APECS-Canada conference session "The Pan-Arctic Science & Policy Session: how can Early Career Researchers shape the future?" at Arctic Change 2014, Ottawa. Coordinator for Media Monitoring Team at Evidence for Democracy, 2012-2014. o An Ottawa-based NGO promoting evidence-based public policy. o Coordinated and directed four volunteers in identifying and archiving relevant media and literature. Graduate Representative on Science Faculty Council, University of Ottawa, 2010-2011. Tutor for Undergraduate Second Organic Chemistry, Tutor Doctors, Ottawa, ON, 2009. Coordinator for monthly Eco-Discussions, Biology Department, University of Waterloo, 2006-2007. Laboratory Instructor, <36 students per class, University of Ottawa, University of Waterloo, 2003-2015. Coordinator for the University of Waterloo Aquatic Ecology Group weekly discussions, 2005-2006. AWARDS & PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP - Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council (NSERC) - Northern Research Internship, 2010 The Society of Canadian Limnologists (SCL), Member, 2010-Present. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Laurentian, Member, 2009-Present. International Association of Great Lakes Research (IAGLR), Member, 2006-Present. Consistently on Dean’s Honour List, University of Waterloo, 2004-2005. Work-Study Recipient, Paleolimnology Research Assistant, University of Waterloo, 2004-2005. Team Captain and Alternate, Most Sportsmanlike, Dedicated, and Best All-round, hockey 1990-95 INTERESTS & ACTIVITIES - Student organizer and speaker: Death of Evidence Rally, July 10, 2012, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON. Assistant coach for St. Joseph County Special Olympics basketball team, Indiana, USA, 2004. First Year Liaison and Promotions Representative, Science Society, University of Waterloo, 2001. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS Publications: - Houben, A.J., R. D'Onofrio, S.V. Kokelj, J.M. Blais. Under Review. Factors affecting elevated arsenic and methyl mercury concentrations in small shield lakes surrounding gold mines near the Yellowknife, NT, region. Science of the Total Environment. STOTEN-D-15-00647R1. - French, T.D., A.J. Houben, J-P.W. Desforges, L.E. Kimpe, S.V. Kokelj, A.J. Poulain, J.P. Smol, X. Wang, J.M. Blais. 2014. Dissolved organic carbon thresholds affect mercury bioavailability in Arctic lakes. Environ Sci Technol 48(6): 3162-8. doi: 101021/es403849d. - Depew, D., A.J. Houben, S.J. Guildford, R.E. Hecky. 2011. Distribution of nuisance Cladophora in the lower Great Lakes: Patterns with land use, near shore water quality and dreissenid abundance. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 37:4 p.656-671. - Depew, D., A.J. Houben, T. Ozersky, R.E. Hecky, S.J. Guildford. 2011. Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Cook’s Bay, Lake Simcoe: Assessment of changes in response to increased water transparency. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 37:SI-3 p.72-82. - Depew, D., A.J. Houben, T. Ozersky, R.E. Hecky, S.J. Guildford. 2011. Why does Cladophora fail to reach nuisance proportions in Lake Simcoe? Journal of Great Lakes Research. 37:SI-3 p.90-102. Publications – Non-refereed: - Houben, A.J. 2014. Long-term warming and sea ice loss lead to large scale reductions in ice shelves along Ellesmere Island. SAON Canada Results Bulletin. 1:1 http://arcticobservingcanada.ca/SAONResults-Bulletin-Nov-18-Final-links.pdf. - Houben, A.J. 2014. Higher springtime mercury concentrations in Arctic coastal regions: Implications for communities and ecosystems. SAON Canada Results Bulletin. 1:2 http://arcticobservingcanada.ca/SAON-Results-Bulletin-Nov-18-Final-links.pdf. - Wolfe, S.A., A. Ganderse, C. Duchesne, A.J. Houben, R.E. D’Onofrio, and S.V. Kokelj. 2011. Report of Permafrost Investigations in the Yellowknife area, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File ****, 1 CD-ROM. - Houben, A.J., D. Depew, S.J. Guildford, and R.E. Hecky. 2007. Appendix 3: Organic Tissue Stoichiometry of Cladophora glomerata along the Great Lakes Halton Shoreline. In: 2007 Summary Final Report for Ontario Water Works Research Consortium, ed. R.E. Hecky. Summary Final Report for the Attached Algae Research Project of the Ontario Water Works Research Consortium. Academic Presentations: - Houben A.J., French TD, Kokelj SV, Smol JP, Blais JM. The impact of permafrost thaw slump events on N and P, primary productivity, and trace metals, in upland tundra lakes east of the Mackenzie River Delta. Presented to the 2015 Canadian Society of Limnologists / Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research Meeting in Ottawa, ON, January 8-11, 2015 - Houben A.J., French TD, Kokelj SV, Smol JP, Blais JM. Hg biogeochemistry in tundra lakes disturbed by shoreline retrogressive thaw slumping in the Mackenzie Delta region. Presented to the 2015 Canadian Society of Limnologists / Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research Meeting in Ottawa, ON, January 8-11, 2015 - AM Balasubramaniam, Houben, A.J., N Gantner, JF Provencher. Beyond Data Anlaysis: Early Career Researchers learn to frame research in policy relevant formats. Arctic Change 2014, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. - Houben, A.J., J.M. Blais. Enhanced Hg bioconcentration in upland tundra lakes following shoreline retrogressive thaw slump events. Genomes to Biomes 2014, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. - Houben, A.J. Permafrost thaw slump effects on tundra lake limnology and Hg cycling in a warming Arctic. APECS-Canada, Western Arctic Webinar, April 19, 2013, http://vimeo.com/65007808 Time: 1:04:00. - Houben, A.J., T.D. French, S.V. Kokelj, J.M. Blais. 2013. Permafrost thaw slump effects on tundra lake limnology and Hg cycling in a warming Arctic. Society of Canadian Limnologists 2013, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. - Houben, A.J., T.D. French, S.V. Kokelj, J.R. Thienpont, M.F.J. Pisaric, J.P. Smol, L. Kimpe, J.M. Blais. 2012. Permafrost Thaw Slumping Alters Limnology and Reduces Primary Productivity in Upland Tundra Lakes East of the Mackenzie River delta, NWT. International Polar Year 2012, From Knowledge to Action, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. - T.D. French, Houben, A.J., J-P.W. Desforges, L.E. Kimpe, S.V. Kokelj, J.P. Smol, X. Wang, J.M. Blais. 2012. Mercury bioaccumulation and bioavailability in lake impacted by thermokarst (western Arctic, Canada) are regulated by dissolved organic carbon thresholds. International Polar Year 2012, From Knowledge to Action, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. - French, T.D., A.J. Houben, S.V. Kokelj, X. Wang, M.F.J. Pisaric, J.R. Thienpont, P. deMontigny, J.P. Smol, J.M. Blais (2011) Coupled pH-DOC Thresholds Govern Mercury Bioaccumulation in Arctic Lakes Along a Gradient of Permafrost Thawing. Society of Canadian Limnologists/Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, Toronto, ON, Canada - French, T.D., A.J. Houben, S.V. Kokelj, X. Wang, M.F.J. Pisaric, J.R. Thienpont, P. deMontigny, J.P. Smol, J.M. Blais. 2010. Factors affecting Hg bioaccumulation in upland lakes of the Mackenzie Delta Region (NWT): Intact vs. thawing permafrost catchments. International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 19-24, 2010. - Houben, A.J., R. Deison, T.D. French, L.E. Kimpe, MF.J. Pisaric, J.R. Thienpont, J.P. Smol, J.M. Blais. 2010. The Impact of Thawing Permafrost on Lakes of the Mackenzie Delta. In: 63rd Meeting of the Canadian Conference for Fisheries, Society of Canadian Limnologists, and Society of Wetland Scientists, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 24p. - Blais, J.M., A.J. Houben, T.D. French, L.E. Kimpe, J.R. Thienpont, M.F.J. Pisaric, J.P. Smol. 2009. The Impact of Thawing Permafrost on Lakes of the Mackenzie Delta. 2009 Sudbury Restoration Workshop: Science for a Changing North. Sudbury, Ontario. - French, T.D., A.J. Houben, S.V. Kokelj, X. Wang, M.F.J. Pisaric, J.R. Thienpont, P. DeMontigny, J.P. Smol, J.M. Blais. 2009. Impact of Retrogressive Permafrost Thaw Slumping on the Chemistry of Small Upland Lakes, Mackenzie Delta, NWT. 17th Annual Northern Contaminants Conference, Ottawa, Ontario. - Hecky, R.E., S. Malkin, T.A. Ozersky, D.C. Depew, A.J. Houben, S.J. Guildford. 2008. Dreissenid Mussels in the Great Lakes and Changes to Nearshore Nutrient Ecology. In: 93rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. - Houben A.J., D.C. Depew, T. Ozersky, S.J. Guildford, and R.E. Hecky. 2008. Benthic Algal Nutrient Dynamics within Lake Simcoe. In: Our Lakes, Our Community: 51st Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Metcalfe, C., and Chow-Fraser, P. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. 64p. - Depew, D.C., T. Ozersky, A.J. Houben, S.J. Guildford, R.E. Hecky, R.E.H. Smith, and D.R. Barton. 2008. Macrophytes in Cooks Bay: Effects on water quality and nutrient cycling. In: Our Lakes, Our Community: 51st Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Metcalfe, C., and Chow-Fraser, P. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. 36p. - Guildford, S.J., D.C. Depew, A.J. Houben, T. Ozersky, and R.E. Hecky. 2008. Seasonal and Spatial Trends in TP and Chlorophyll in Lake Simcoe: Impact of dreissenids. In: Our Lakes, Our Community: 51st Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Metcalfe, C., and Chow-Fraser, P. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. 54p. - Houben, A.J., D.C. Depew, S.J. Guildford, R.E. Hecky, T. Howell, and S.N. Higgins. 2007. Coastal Eutrophication in the Great Lakes and its Relation to Organic Tissue Stoichiometry of Cladophora glomerata. In: Past, Present, and Future: 50th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Heath, R.T., Carrick, H.J. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. 82p. - Depew, D.C., A.J. Houben, R.E. Hecky, and S.J. Guildford. 2007. Patterns of Cladophora sp. Biomass Accumulation in the Western Basin of Lake Ontario: Relationships to Nutrient Sources. In: Past, Present, and Future: 50th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Heath, R.T., Carrick, H.J. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. 46p. - Depew, D.C., Houben A., Ozersky, T.A., Hecky, R.E. Guildford, S.J., and Smith, R.E.H. 2007. Changes in Macrophyte Cover: Cook’s Bay, Lake Simcoe. In: Past, Present, and Future: 50th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Heath, R.T., Carrick, H.J. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. 43p. - Ozersky, T.A., Barton, D.R., Depew, D.C., Hecky, R.E., Houben A., and Idika, A. 2007. Rapid Assessment of Dreissenid Abundance: A Video Based Approach. In: Past, Present, and Future: 50th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Heath, R.T., Carrick, H.J. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania. 43p. - Houben, A., Guildford, S.J., Hecky, R.E., 2007. Organic Internal Nutrient Stoichiometry of Cladophora glomerata within the Nearshore Zones of the Laurentian Great Lakes. University of Waterloo Graduate Student Research Conference. - Houben, A. 2006. Cladophora and the City: A nuisance alga. Presented to the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), Toronto. - Houben A. 2006. Urban Nutrient Inputs and the Relationship to Benthic Algae. Presented to the Lake Ontario Shoreline Algae Action Committee (LOSAAC), including the Regional Municipality of Halton, Town of Oakville, City of Burlington, and Conservation Halton. - Houben, A., Hiriart-Baer, V., Depew, D.C., Hecky, R.E., and Guildford, S.J. 2006. Organic Tissue Stoichiometry of Cladophora in the Lower Great Lakes. In: Great Lakes in a Changing Environment: 49th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Johnson, T., Corkum, L., Mayer, C. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at the University of Windsor, Ontario. 83p. - Depew, D.C, Squires, M., Houben A., Hecky, R.E., and Guildford, S.J. 2006. New Approaches for Surveying Cladophora Distributions in Shallow Coastal Waters: Application of Digital Echosounder and Real Time pCO2 Technology. In: Great Lakes in a Changing Environment: 49th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Johnson, T., Corkum, L., Mayer, C. (Chairs). International Association for Great Lakes Research at the University of Windsor, Ontario. 43p.