FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT FOM PD Competitive Fund Description and Application PURPOSE The FOM PD competitive fund is designed to assist faculty and staff to access scholarly activity opportunities, particularly when the activity will directly benefit the Faculty of Management. The goal of the fund is to encourage scholarly activity; to increase our scholarship profile; and to support faculty and staff in becoming more involved in scholarship. FOM GOALS The goals of the FOM PD Competitive Fund are to help faculty and staff participate in activities which will: Contribute knowledge, research and scholarship to the Faculty of Management departments and classes. Build on or enhance teaching and learning in the Faculty of Management and/or departments. Enhance scholarly activity and knowledge mobilization by presentation of academic research at conferences and journal publication. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES 1. Research projects and activities that will result in manuscript presentations and peer review publications. 2. Presentation at conferences as a discussant, panelist, presenter or presentation of a poster in a conference, workshop or colloquia. 3. Presentation at non-academic conferences and venues. This is not a complete list and all projects will be considered by a sub-committee of colleagues. The fund is inclusionary and is an attempt to encourage scholarly activity following Boyer’s model of scholarship. Please note that there is a reporting back requirement. APPLICATION DEADLINES Due before 4:00 pm on the last business day in May, September and January of each year. Late applications may be included only after all other applications have been considered. Document1 APPLICATION PROCESS Please complete an application form (attached). Due to the volume of applications, please respect the word count maximums and do not attach any supporting documents. Submit your application form in electronic and hard copy to the Assistant to the Dean before the deadline. Grant Amounts Grants are a maximum of $2,000 per proposal. Please do not apply for more than this amount. Eligible Applicants Applicants must be regular faculty or staff of the Faculty of Management with a minimum of a 0.5 FTE appointment. Applicants who have recently received a grant under this program may be given a lower priority for funding. SELECTION PROCESS All applications received before the deadline will be reviewed by a committee. Committee members will include: the Dean, Faculty of Management (chairing) one member of the Faculty of Management Council the Faculty of Management Area Chair the Director, MBA Program a faculty or staff representative from the FOM and selected by a call for nominations during the third week of August every second year Proposals will be reviewed and prioritized based on fit with the program and/or FOM goals. Document1 APPLICATION – FOM PD Competitive Fund Name: (print) Affiliation: I am a regular FOM faculty or staff member with at least a 0.5 FTE appointment PREVIOUS FUNDING FROM THE FOM PD COMPETITIVE FUND: I have received a grant in the past I used the grant given in Year: _____ I have never received funding for the purpose of: PROPOSED ACTIVITIES 1. Summarize what you plan to do and how it relates to the program or FOM goals. (150 word maximum). (insert below) 2. Provide a short summary which will go onto the website if you are a successful applicant. (25 word maximum). (insert below) 3. Describe what you want to do – when, where, and what? (250 word maximum). (insert below) 4. Describe how your activities will contribute to the work of your department or the Faculty of Management (200 words maximum). (insert below) Document1 BUDGET (max $2000 request from this program): ITEM AMOUNT EXPLANATION EXPENSES: Airfare Other Travel Per diems/meals Accommodation Other (explain) TOTAL EXPENSES OTHER FUNDING AVAILABLE: Amount of personal or PD funds available Funds from other VIU sources (ex. Travel and Scholarly Activity, Research Funds, or International Travel & Study Abroad Grant) Other Funds, specify TOTAL FUNDING FROM OTHER SOURCES TOTAL REQUESTED FROM THE FOM PD COMPETITIVE FUND: COMMITMENT: I will use all funds provided by this program only for the activities described above. I agree to e-mail a report of my activities to the Faculty of Management within one month of completion. The report will describe the activities and evaluate the contribution to the program goals. I understand that my report may be uploaded to the web for public perusal. I agree to share my experiences and learning with the Faculty of Management community. APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE: Document1 DATE: