Mitigation options Likely success Scale of impact Duration/ timing of impact Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Impact description Significance premitigation Receptor(s) Post mitigation impact Process stage SLT HIGH MOD Onshore Wind Farms Construction & Decommissioning Birds Mammals Reptiles Amphibians Disturbance and displacement L Localised loss of feeding and breeding habitat TEMPORARY Short-term Seasonal MOD Construction works to adopt best practice guidance, avoiding most sensitive time of year for the species interests on the site, including breeding birds, water voles, otters, badger M Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 1 L Local damage to vegetation on access roads and site bases. Associated disruption of hydrology and impact on soil and surface invertebrates. PERMANENT MOD Avoid particularly sensitive locations with highly mobile sediments, or important water catchments, and take extra engineering precautions, gradient of construction site likely to be important contributory factor. NB floating road construction is most suitable for temporary roads as they still interupt hydrology, most flow being sheet flow in the top ca 30cm. Avoid locations with concentrations of sensitive species of conservation concern and where limited suitable habitat, eg specialist flora. L Significance postmitigation Loss of habitat and habitat damage during both phases Mitigation options Significance premitigation Flora Fauna Duration/ timing of impact Post mitigation impact Construction & Decommissioning Ecological effect of impact Likely success Impact description Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage SLT HIGH MOD Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 2 Ecological effect of impact Duration/ timing of impact Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Operation Birds Disruption of movement Operation Bats Operation Birds Mitigation options RI Disturbance of feeding and migration PERMANENT MOD Avoid locations with concentrations of sensitive species and where limited suitable habitat. Condition of planning consent for habitat enhancement, eg to ensure provision of alternative feeding habitat, as necessary, without increasing collision risk.s L SLT HIGH MOD Disruption of movement L Disturbance of feeding and migration PERMANENT MOD Sensitive siting design to leave space between turbines L SLT HIGH MOD Collision RI Impact on populations of threatened species notably larger wildfowl, raptors, waders and Black Grouse PERMANENT MAJ Avoid locations with concentrations of sensitive species whose flight behaviour predisposes them to collision risk and whose demographics preclude compensatory response. Underground powerlines between turbines and those connecting to substations where necessary and feasible. Spacing of turbines. M MOD HIGH HIGH Likely success Impact description Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 3 Impact description Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options Operation Bats Collision L Impact on Local populations of endangered species PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting M SLT MOD MOD Operation Birds Mammals Invertebrates Reptiles Amphibians Disturbance through noise lighting or flicker L Interference with feeding and breeding patterns PERMANENT seasonal SLT Sensitive siting, use of shielding and intermittent light sources consistent with needs of navigation M SLT MOD MOD Planting Fauna Disturbance and displacement during planting L Disruption of winter feeding damage to feeding/ hibernation habitat TEMPORARY short-term autumn/ winter/ spring MOD Plant small blocks over a prolonged period H NON E HIGH NONE Land take Flora Fauna Habitat loss on arable N Loss of farmland birds breeding and feeding habitat. Particularly affecting granivorous species using overwintering stubbles. Reduction in overall populations and habitat areas of species like Skylark, Lapwing. Destruction of arable weed floras. PERMANENT MOD Sensitive siting retention of areas that are valuable to biodiversity habitat recreation elsewhere maximize biodiversity benefit of newly created habitat M SLT HIGH MOD Land take Flora Fauna Habitat loss on semi-natural habitats N Loss of breeding/ wintering habitat. Reduction of area of semi-natural vegetation, scrub, grasslands, wetlands, heaths and other marginal land of high biodiversity value. PERMANENT MAJ Restrictions on sources from which biomass can be extracted H SLT HIGH MOD Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Biomass Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 4 Impact description Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options New habitat creation Flora Fauna Habitat gain from biomass plantations – willow coppice, conifers, Miscanthus N Change of habitat and associated alteration in local habitat matrix especially on arable. Encouraging species like Reed Warbler, Reed Bunting as well as insectivorous birds and bats etc. PERMANENT MAJ N/A H MAJ HIGH HIGH Harvesting Flora Fauna Harvesting of biomass - new willow coppice plantations L Disturbance loss of food shelter breeding sites affecting early colonizers like Nightingale, warblers and Dormouse. Destruction of nests if harvested during breeding season. Damage to ground-flora. TEMPORARY Short-term MOD Rotate harvesting over several years and only harvest small blocks M SLT HIGH MOD Harvesting Flora Fauna Harvesting of biomass from natural habitats (woodlands) L Removal of timber waste and brashings that offer shelter and habitat for birds like Woodlark, Nightjar, Tree Pipit and dead-wood invertebrates as well as hibernating reptiles and amphibians. TEMPORARY Mediumterm MOD Restrictions on sources from which biomass can be extracted. Avoid particular times of the year e.g. bird breeding season. H SLT HIGH MOD Harvesting Flora Fauna Harvesting of biomass Miscanthus L Destruction of bird nest sites if done during the breeding season. Loss of food/ shelter/ habitat for invertebrates, small mammals (affecting their predators), reptiles and amphibians. TEMPORARY Mediumterm MOD Rotate harvesting over several years and only harvest small blocks H SLT HIGH MOD Management Flora Fauna Pesticide & herbicide use e.g. to control willow beetle N Non-selective killing of animals and plants affecting species higher in the food web PERMANENT Seasonal. SLT Restrictions on pesticide use particularly near watercourses. Biological control where possible. M NON E MOD NONE Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 5 Impact description Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options Introduction of non-native species Flora Fauna Introduction of non-native plant species and associated invertebrate faunas N Potential for altering the balance of species and their abundance both positively and negatively. PERMANENT MAJ Avoid invasive species and creating large blocks of monoculture non-natives H SLT HIGH MOD Site clearance construction & restoration Flora Fauna Disturbance and displacement L Loss of habitat flooding of terrestrial habitats & disturbance locally for installation and removal of infrastructure TEMPORARY Mediumterm to PERMANENT seasonal SLT Avoid bird breeding season fish spawning season etc L SLT MOD MOD Construction & Decommissioning Flora Fauna Increased erosion & sediment input to water courses L Loss of vegetation, damage to fish spawning grounds TEMPORARY mediumterm MOD Good site management practices H SLT HIGH MOD Construction – Habitat loss Flora Fauna Aquatic and terrestrial habitat loss by flooding R Loss of semi-natural habitat. Fragmentation and erosion of upland plant communities of high biodiversity value. Consequential loss of feeding and breeding habitat for fauna e.g. upland birds like Ring Ousel and wetland species like Snipe. PERMANENT MAJ Sensitive siting limiting size - habitat recreation elsewhere L MOD HIGH HIGH Construction – Habitat creation Flora Fauna Habitat gain from new water body L Creation of a different habitat and its integration with surrounding habitats favouring wildfowl and fisheating predatory bird species like osprey and divers. PERMANENT MAJ H MAJ HIGH HIGH Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Hydroelectric Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 6 Impact description Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options Operation Fish Aquatic mammals Obstruction to movement RN Obstruction of migratory fish, especially Salmon, Trout and Shad as well as Otters. Affecting regional or national population levels. PERMANENT MAJ Sensitive siting construction of fish passes & fish ladders M MOD HIGH HIGH Operation Flora Fauna Habitat alteration e.g. changes in downstream flows/ oxygen levels and sediment loads. L Regularizing flows and alterations affecting flora and dependant consumers downstream PERMANENT MOD Flow regulation and/ or variation L SLT HIGH MOD Operation Flora Fauna Release of toxins nutrients etc from flooded land into water body L Potential pollution incidents having catastrophic short to medium-term effects on downstream ecosystems PERMANENT MOD Adequate policing of catchment area M SLT HIGH MOD Operation Flora Fauna Fluctuating water levels L Potentially affecting breeding success of bird species like Blackthroated diver. PERMANENT MOD Avoid siting in areas where sensitive species might be encouraged to colonise. Endeavour to maintain stable levels. M SLT HIGH MOD Disturbance and displacement L Potential adverse affects of changes in flow speeds and directions TEMPORARY short-term seasonal MOD Avoid bird breeding season fish spawning season L MOD HIGH HIGH Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage All marine technologies Construction & Decommissioning Fauna Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 7 Operation – All systems Birds Mammals Invertebrates Reptiles Amphibians Fish Damage associated with the installation of cables, foreign materials and the creation of electromagnetic fields. L Localise population reductions PERMANENT MOD Adopt best practice for cable protection and deep burial to minimise penetration to surrounding sediment and water. L Operation – All systems Birds Mammals Invertebrates Reptiles Amphibians Fish Habitat alteration due to changed erosion and sedimentation regimes. R Accretion or erosion of saltmarshes leading to potential decrease in habitat or a shift in location that may be unfavourable for dependant species PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting to minimize the effects of flow alterations M Operation – All systems Birds Mammals Invertebrates Reptiles Amphibians Fish Bioturbation of toxins nutrients etc from flooded sediments & impact on water quality R Adverse impacts on breeding success of all species, more critically on the Marine invertebrates that form the base of the food web. PERMANENT SLT Flushing of water behind barrage for tidal systems to dilute pollutants Operation – All systems Fish Marine mammals Disturbance caused by noise/ vibration R Local population reductions resulting from areas becoming less favoured breeding grounds PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting Operation – Off-shore systems Fish Marine mammals Birds The creation of exclusions zones maintaining an areas free of shipping and fishing R Increase in breeding success and population levels within the protected zones PERMANENT MOD Significance postmitigation Mitigation options SLT HIGH MOD SLT MOD MOD M SLT MOD MOD M SLT MOD MOD M MOD HIGH HIGH Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Significance premitigation Ecological effect of impact Post mitigation impact Impact description Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 8 Offshore wind farms Construction/ Decommissioning Birds Marine mammals Fish Invertebrates Disturbance and displacement L Disturbance of feeding and migration of species like Swans, terns and Common Scoter TEMPORARY Short-term to mediumterm SLT Avoid bird breeding season sensitive siting M SLT MOD MOD Operation Birds Disruption of movement RI Disruption of migration and disturbance of species like common Scoter PERMANENT MOD Sensitive siting design to leave space between turbines L MOD HIGH HIGH Operation Marine mammals Fish Disruption of movement RI Sound/ vibration affecting sensitive marine mammals PERMANENT MOD Sensitive siting design to leave space between turbines L MOD HIGH HIGH Operation Birds Collision RI Risk of death to endangered species of species like Swans, terns and Common Scoter especially if a panic reaction is created, say during maintenance PERMANENT seasonal MOD Sensitive siting M SLT HIGH MOD Operation Birds marine mammals fish invertebrates habitats Habitat alteration by change in currents sedimentation etc R Small-scale alteration to spawning grounds and feeding areas PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting SLT MOD MOD Operation Birds marine mammals fish invertebrates habitats Habitat alteration by change in currents sedimentation etc R Small-scale alteration to spawning grounds and feeding areas PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting SLT MOD MOD Fauna Inter-tidal habitat loss by flooding R Changes to inundation period resulting in changes to vegetation and the range of invertebrates adapted to the changes. PERMANENT MAJ Sensitive siting habitat recreation elsewhere MOD HIGH HIGH Tidal & Current Operation L Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 9 Operation – Tidal barrages/ fences Birds Mammals Marine invertebrates Fish Habitat alteration due to changed erosion and sedimentation regimes L Accretion or erosion of saltmarshes leading to potential decrease in habitat or a shift in location that may be unfavourable for dependant species PERMANENT SLT Operation – Tidal barrages/ fences Birds Mammals Marine invertebrates Fish Habitat gain lagoons open water behind barrage L New habitat creation and the introduction of new habitat to the range already present PERMANENT SLT Operation – Marine current turbines Birds Mammals Marine invertebrates Fish Habitat alteration due to changed erosion and sedimentation regimes caused by changes in tidal velocity. L Alterations to the seabed habitat affecting benthic organisms. Accretion or erosion of saltmarshes leading to potential decrease in habitat or a shift in location that may be unfavourable for dependant species PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting Operation – Tidal lagoons Birds Mammals Marine invertebrates Fish Habitat alteration due to changed erosion and sedimentation regimes L Accretion or erosion of saltmarshes leading to potential decrease in habitat or a shift in location that may be unfavourable for dependant species PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting habitat recreation elsewhere Operation – Tidal lagoons Birds Mammals Marine invertebrates Fish Habitat gain L New habitat creation and the introduction of new habitat to the range already present PERMANENT SLT Significance postmitigation Mitigation options SLT MOD MOD SLT MOD MOD M SLT MOD MOD M SLT MOD MOD SLT MOD MOD Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Significance premitigation Ecological effect of impact Post mitigation impact Impact description Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Sensitive siting habitat recreation elsewhere M Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 10 Impact description Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options Operation – All systems Fish Marine mammals Obstruction to movement R Reduction in breeding success leading to population reduction PERMANENT MOD Construction of fish passes & fish ladders H SLT HIGH HIGH Operation – All systems Fish Injury/ Death causing by striking the turbines R Local population reductions PERMANENT SLT Construction of fish passes & fish ladders M SLT MOD MOD Construction & Decommissioning Flora Fauna Disturbance and displacement L Adverse impacts on breeding and feeding success of Marine mammals and fish TEMPORARY short-term seasonal MOD Sensitive siting. Avoid bird breeding season fish spawning season etc M SLT HIGH MOD Operation – Land-based systems Flora Fauna Shoreline habitat loss for land based turbines. Localised scour/ deposition, pollution risk, imported materials e.g. concrete L Reduction in feeding/ breeding area available for birds and loss of saltmarsh habitat. Damage torocky shore plant and animal communities and intertidal habitat generally. PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting within existing shoreline structures e.g. seawalls. Habitat enhancement M NON E MOD NONE Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Waves Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 11 Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options Operation – Off-shore systems Flora Fauna Rocky shore, seabed and littoral habitat damage and loss caused by alterations in sedimentation and flow rates L Reduction in feeding/ breeding area available for birds and loss of saltmarsh habitat. PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting habitat enhancement M NON E MOD NONE Operation – All systems Flora Fauna Habitat alteration due to changed erosion and sedimentation regimes caused by wave damping and alterations to the timing and magnitude of tidal surges. L Accretion or erosion of saltmarshes altering the availability of saltmarsh habitat and affecting breeding success. Changes to the sea/estuary bed affecting flora and hence fauna. Damage to saltmarsh creek flora and fauna caused by altered flowrates and tide heights. PERMANENT SLT Sensitive siting to minimize the effects of flow alterations M SLT MOD MOD Photovoltaic cells – Mining & manufacture Flora Fauna Contamination and release of heavy metals L Damage to ecosystems and changes to vegetation PERMANENT MOD Monitor and police processes to minimize contamination H SLT HIGH MOD Photovoltaic cells – Operation Birds Reflections from panels N Death by collision PERMANENT SLT Careful positioning or using non-reflective materials H SLT MOD MOD Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Post mitigation impact Impact description Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Novel Technologies Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 12 Impact description Post mitigation impact Significance premitigation Significance postmitigation Ecological effect of impact Mitigation options Solar water heaters/ ground source heat pumps – Operation Flora Fauna Leakages into groundwater of salts and chemicals L Damage to aquatic ecosystems and soil floras and faunas PERMANENT SLT Monitor and police processes to minimize leakages M SLT MOD MOD Ground source heat pumps Flora Fauna Lowering of temperature owing to heat extraction L Changes to local flora and hence fauna caused by lowering of soil temperature PERMANENT SLT Monitor and police processes to minimize adverse impacts of temperature reductions M SLT MOD MOD Hydrogen fuel cells Flora Emission of hydrogen or water increasing cloud production L Vegetations changes resulting from reduced light levels and increase moisture and humidity PERMANENT SLT Lower or prevent emissions M SLT MOD MOD Likely success Duration/ timing of impact Effect of impact and magnitude Receptor(s) Scale of impact Process stage Key: Scale of impact;- L = Local; R = Regional; N = National. Duration of impact – Short-term = up to 5 years; Medium-term = 5-15 years; Long-term = 15-25 years Impact assessment:- SLT = slight; MOD = Moderate; MAJ = Major [shaded cells indicate a negative impact, unshaded neutral or positive] Significance of impact:- NONE = no significant impact; MOD = Moderately significant impact; HIGH = Highly significant impact [shaded cells indicate a significant negative impact] 13