Sudoku Project Report

Sudoku Project Report
The way in which we see our environment is dependent on several factors such as diffraction
which expresses the bending of waves. With knowledge of diffraction, we are able to develop
new technology such as x-rays, ultrasounds and microscopic imaging. These all provide
assistance and benefits to our society along with promoting future discoveries. The Sudoku
project enables us to understand the process of diffraction in more detail and how it applies
to other aspects of science.
Diffraction involves a change in direction of waves as they pass through an
aperture or travel around an object. It involves waves such as light, sound, xray, gamma rays etc. The waves pass to the regions behind the barrier. The
amount of diffraction increases with an increase in the wavelength and
decreases with a decrease in the wavelength. Diffraction is a method of
identifying the bending of the path of waves.
Understanding diffraction enables us to recognise concepts of wave distribution in our
environment. It has an important impact on everyday activities and the way we see things.
For example, receiving images from your mobile phone or television and being able to listen
to the radio all require diffraction. An essential example that we see on a daily basis is the rise
and fall of the sun. For the majority of the day, the sky appears blue as blue light has shorter
wavelengths and is dispersed greater compared to red light. Furthermore, at times when the
sun is lower to certain areas across the Earth, the sky appears red as red light bends most.
This is also the reason why red appears at the top or outside of a rainbow.
Electromagnetic spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum displays the range of waves and frequencies that are present
in our environment. The spectrum places different types of waves dependent on the length of
them. As we can see, Gamma rays have the shortest wave length and the highest frequency
however radio waves have the longest length and the shortest frequency. Amongst this
spectrum, visible light is shown. The colours red to violet are visible to the naked eye. All of
these waves are individually beneficial to certain aspect of life and have both positive and
negative results.
Visible Light
Visible light displays the colours red to violet as shown in the rainbow. Each colour has
different wave lengths which determine the angle that they bend and how they are viewed.
For instance, red light has a longer wave length and violet has a shorter wave length. In order
for an object’s colour to be visible it has to absorb every colour apart from the one it is willing
to reflect.
White light
White is not a colour at all; however it is made up of all the colours of visible light. The three
primary colours of white light are red, green and blue. These combined with varying degrees
of intensities can emit a range of colours.
Sudoku Project
When completing this project, our aim was to produce a
Sudoku game board that exhibits and replicates the process
involved in explaining diffraction situations. The method
through which the Sudoku problem was solved was the
iteration method. Through doing this, we discovered
applications of this method and how it relates to other
problem solving aspects of science.
The process of solving the game had the aim to educate us in
relation to the method through which scientists solve
diffraction data and identify colours and shapes based on
biological molecules. The motivation through which we
completed this project enabled us to investigate a scientific
topic in a much more interactive format. By understanding the knowledge required we will
be able to select a career pathway that best expresses our interests.
To prove the relationship between diffraction/x-ray imaging and the Sudoku project we
worked through a set of Sudoku puzzles using the iteration method. The iteration method
states that we have to work through the puzzle following a set of instructions that we apply
repeatedly until solved.
1) Access an unsolved Sudoku puzzle and set out on provided board by turning all fixed
numbers onto the white side of the piece
2) Begin to solve the puzzle across the columns from left to right, following the Sudoku rule
of numbers 1-9 without repetition
3) Ignore previous columns and continue to solve puzzle
4) Once finished all columns, begin solving first row on puzzle
5) Continue solving rows, ignoring previous one, until reached last row
6) Revisit columns and continue to solve one at a time
7) Once completed 1-2 cycles, instead of ignoring previous rows/columns, take them into
consideration and continue to solve always referring back to them
8) Repeat this method for rows
9) Continue to repeat the process until the puzzle has eventually been solved
Whilst this process takes longer than completing Sudoku normally, this technique is
useful for other situation in scientific research as it provides a strategic method that
always works. It enables you to consider all constraints and work around the data that
is present to formulate a reliable outcome.
There are several instances where this method used in the Sudoku project is applicable. The
applications can be further developed to enhance the outcome. They are able to provide a
skeletal image which combined with research, can create an understanding of structure.
Examples of these applications include:
Enigma Code
The enigma code was used by the enigma machine which was used in the 20th century for
deciphering secret messages. This form of coding was adopted by the military in periods of
war. The enigma code was an operation in which a different letter would be selected through
pseudo-random substitution. The Sudoku process is
similar to this as the same strategic method is used to
find a solution and decode an answer based on
existing information.
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)
DNA has the purpose of carrying out genetic
instructions in order for cells to function. Its structure
is identified through coherent (single wavelength) x-ray imaging in which light reflects the
DNA structure. This related to the Sudoku project and iteration method through the use of
strategic thinking and techniques.
Coherent x-ray imaging diagram
A hologram is a photographic representation of a field of light in third dimension. This is
obtained by the use of multiple optic lenses and is viewed by diffused ambient light. It
encodes the light field as the pattern of interference change variations. In pure form,
holograms require lasers to illuminate the object in perspective. This relates to the Sudoku
project as it is solved using a set of constraints and follows a pattern.
In conclusion, we discovered that the method of iteration used whilst completing the Sudoku
project was difficult and time consuming although provided us with an accurate resolution
each time. This expressed the diffraction process and enabled us to understand the steps
involved in order to revisit the problem and come to a suitable solution based on the existing
information provided.The method we learned from completing this project enables us to
widen our perceptive of diffraction and the environment around us as well as allowing us to
become better problem solvers. This will help us in the future with research tasks and will
provide us with the knowledge necessary for analysing and interpreting data.