PROGRAM NAME HERE Annual Service Review Reporting Period: July 1, 2013- June 30, 2014 The “Annual Service Review” is an analysis of your Healthy Families-TIP Program’s service delivery. It also incorporates the “Cultural Sensitivity Review” (Critical Element 5) and the Quality Assurance Plan (Governance and Administration). The Annual Service Review, Cultural Sensitivity Review and Quality Assurance Plan are required by Healthy Families America (HFA) for accreditation purposes. The ASR is due 90 days after the completion of the contract year. Although individual sites may have different contract years, we are all now reporting on a July 1-June 30 timeframe for DCF, so all sites will now have their ASR’s due to PCANJ by September 30th of each year. Program Name Here Annual Service Review Reporting Period: July 1, 2013- June 30, 2014 I: Program information Write a narrative with the following information: Agency name and location FTE FSWs FTE FAWs FTE Supervisor FTE Program Manager FTE Data Entry Expected Case Weight Number of new enrollments Number of discharges II: Target Population (CE 1) Define what your target population is and describe how it was decided upon. Include relevant and up-to-date community data that was used to determine the target population. Both the definition and data utilized should be comprehensive and updated within the past two years. (1-1.A) If you are part of a Central Intake, describe this process. State the percentage of families you were able to screen within your target population. If the percentage is less than 90% please describe the strategies you have identified and implemented to increase the percentage of the target population that are screened. (1-1.C) o It is recommended to identify how you can improve the current system of relationships, and form new relationships. III: Screening Process (CE 1) What is your Assessment Acceptance Rate? Describe how you monitor and address the screening/identifying process for families that screen positive but were not offered an assessment.(1-2.D) Explain why some families were not assessed after a positive screen? What strategies have you developed and implemented to increase the number of positive screens that are assessed? IV: Assessment Process (CE 1) What is your Verbal Program Refusal Rate? Describe how you monitor and address families who verbally declined the offer of services after a positive assessment? (1-2.E) What are some of the reasons why families verbally refused services after a positive assessment? July 2014 Program Name Here What strategies have you developed and implemented to lower the number of families that decline the offer of services after a positive assessment? What is the percentage of assessments that occur prenatally and within the first 2 weeks after the birth of the child? (1-2.C) o If the percentage is under 95%, describe your plan for improvement. V: Program Acceptance Rate (CE 1) What is your Program Acceptance Rate percentage? (1-4.A) Provide a “comprehensive” analysis between families that enroll versus those that never enroll after an assessment. (CE 1-4.B) o Both formal (data collection) and informal (discussions with staff) methods can be used. o The analysis must include significant programmatic, demographic and social factors. o Once an analysis is complete, make a comparison between those who enroll and those who do not enroll. o If at least 90% of your families offered services over a two year time frame accepted services by receiving the first home visit, an analysis is not required. Based on your “comprehensive” analysis, describe the plan you have developed and implemented to improve the acceptance rate. (CE 1-4.C) o The plan must address the programmatic, demographic and/or social factors identified within the analysis. o If at least 90% of your families offered services over a two year time frame accepted services by receiving the first home visit, a plan is not required. What percentage of enrollments occurred before the target child was 3 months old? (1-3.B) o Exclude any cases in which TC was hospitalized in the NICU after birth. o If the percentage is less than 95%, describe the plan you have developed and implemented to improve this rate. VI: Family Retention Rates (CE 3-4.A, B, C) By using HFA methodology, calculate the length of time families are retained in services. (3-4.A) What is your retention rate % for families enrolled within the following timeframes: o 6 months o 12 months o 18 months o 24 months Provide a “comprehensive” analysis between families that remain and those that leave the program. The analysis must be comprehensive, addressing all significant programmatic, demographic and social factors. (3-4.B) Describe the plan you have developed and implemented to increase your retention rate. The plan must address all the programmatic, demographic and/or social factors discussed in the analysis. (34.C) July 2014 Program Name Here VII: Cultural Sensitivity Review (CE 5) Describe the ethnical, racial, language, demographic and other cultural characteristics of your Service Population.(5-1) Identify similarities and gaps between your target population and service population. Identify similarities and gaps between staff and your service population. How are ethnic, racial, language, demographic and other cultural characteristics taken into account in overseeing staff-family interactions? (5-2.B) o Supervision is the ideal opportunity to monitor home visitor-family interactions. In addition, ongoing case reviews and shadowing home visits can be used to ensure staff is respecting the family’s values and cultural characteristics. Show how your program is able to provide culturally sensitive and family-centered services to the major group of your service population through the following: (5-2.A) o Materials- flyers, brochures, annual report, curricula, etc. o Staff- how the selection of staff is meeting the cultural needs of the families, including demographic information, language, life experiences, religion, geography, etc… o Community Partners- identifying providers in the community that can provide additional support and services to the major groups within the service population. How does your program ensure that all aspects of its service delivery (assessment, home visitation and supervision) are culturally sensitive: o Assessment- timeliness of assessments, organizational relationships, reviewing the analysis of who is refusing services. o Home Visitation- Creative outreach, home visit achievement rates, IFSPs, immunizations, home visitor assignment, reviewing the analysis, and plans of family retention. o Supervision: assignment of staff, how the supervisor takes into account the cultural characteristics of staff and families, cultural aspects of staff retention, support of additional training based on cultural characteristics, diversity of the advisory group. Demonstrate input on your program’s service delivery from: o Staff o Families o Advisory Board What training did you provide staff during the past year that is related to the cultural characteristics of the service population? (5-3) o The characteristics of the service population should be used to identify this training. Identify patterns and trends related to site strengths as well as areas to improve upon. VIII: Staff Retention and Satisfaction (CE 9-4) State how many FTE positions you had during the past year. State the number of staff that filled those positions. State the number of staff that left within the past year and why. Describe how you monitor staff satisfaction. o Surveys, exit interviews, team meetings, individual supervision, Monthly Development Checklists What strategies have you developed and implemented to address any issues with staff retention and satisfaction? July 2014 Program Name Here VIIII: Medical Home and Referral Sources (CE 6 & 7) Provide evidence that the program monitors and provides information, referrals, linkages and followups to all participating family members on available health care, health care resources and community services when necessary. o If families were not connected to services, provide a narrative. How does the program track target children suspected of having developmental delays? How does the site follow up with these families? (6-7.B) State the percentage for each outcome. If your program does not meet any of the following achievements, provide an improvement plan. o 90% of eligible children that have health insurance (7-3.B) o 95% of children have a primary care provider (7-1.B) o 85% of children that are up-to-date on Well-Baby visits (7-3.A&B) o 90% of children that are up-to-date with developmental screens (6-6.A&B) o 90% of children that are up-to-date with immunizations (7-2.B) X: Home Visit Completion Rate (4-2.B&C) State the number and percentage of home visits completed during the past year. If the percentage is less than 75% of those expected, describe your plan you developed and implemented to improve this area. XI: Quality Assurance Plan (GA-3.A&B) Summarize your conclusions regarding the quality of your program in all service areas stated in the highlighted (yellow) areas above. Describe your follow up mechanisms for making sure that the plans for improvement are implemented. State specific timelines or goal dates. July 2014 Program Name Here SECTION DEFINITION/ DESCRIPTION HFA STANDARDS CORRESPONDING FAMSYS REPORTS MANUAL TRACKING AND REPORTING/ HFA DATA SHEETS # of births in your target population can be found in Censuses, MaternalChild Health consortiums. % of target population screened The number of screens divided by the number of births in your target population 1-1.C Run the Served Cases- Screens Report for the total # of screens completed within a specific time period. FamSys does not track the number of total number of births within your target population Assessments completed before TC is 2 weeks old The total number of assessments completed before TC was two weeks old divided by the total amount of assessments completed. 1-2.C Run the 1.1-D. Assessment Information Report. n/a Assessment Acceptance Rate The number of families during a specific time period, who completed assessments divided by the number of families who, during the same time period, screened positive, but were not assessed. 1-2.D Run the Screen/Referral Source Summary report for the total number of positive screens and run the Served Cases: KEMPE Report for the total number of assessments completed within a specific time period. n/a Verbal Program Refusal Rate The number of families during a specific time period, who assessed positive and verbally declined the offer of home visiting services. 1-2.E Program Acceptance Rate The total number of families who accepted home visiting services and had a home visit divided by those who were offered home visiting services and but did not complete a home visit. 1-4.A Program Acceptance-Analysis The analysis between families that enroll into services and families that never enroll after an assessment. 1-4.B Run the 1-4.A-B Program Acceptance Rate & 1-2.E Verbal Refusal Rate and create an analysis between Enrolled and Not Enrolled families. Family Retention Rate The percentage of families who remain in the program over specified periods of time (6 months, 12 months, 24 months, etc.) after receiving the 1st home visit (intake). First, select a specified time period. The time period 3-4.A The FamSys Report 3-4A. & B. Retention Rate Analysis will provide the percentage of families who remain in the program over specified periods of time. FamSys measures retention at the following intervals; 6 months, 12 months, 1 year and 2 years. The report also compares several characteristics (the report itself is 4 pages long) between discharged families and those who Run the 1-4.A-B Program Acceptance Rate & 1-2.E Verbal Refusal Rate and look at the 3rd column labeled “Participant Refusal” Run the 1-4.A-B Program Acceptance Rate & 1-2.E Verbal Refusal Rate. The rate will appear in the 1st column labeled “Enrolled”. July 2014 HFA Form: 1-1.C_1-2.CE_1-3.B_1-4.A-C Screening/Assessment Data & Acceptance Analysis Grid HFA Form: 1-1.C_1-2.CE_1-3.B_1-4.A-C Screening/Assessment Data & Acceptance Analysis Grid HFA Form: 1-1.C_1-2.CE_1-3.B_1-4.A-C Screening/Assessment Data & Acceptance Analysis Grid HFA Form: 3-4.A Retention Measurement Worksheet Program Name Here must be selected that ended at least one year ago for one year retention rate, two years ago for two year retention rate, three years ago for three year retention rate, and so on. This is to ensure that all families beginning services during the specified time period have had the opportunity to stay for the full retention period being measured. For example, a family enrolled in December 2012 could not be counted as retained for one year until December 2013. remained during each interval. For the report, you need to enter the volume year you are using. For example, if you want to measure 2 year retention, you would use 7/1/11 as the START DATE and 6/30/12 as the END DATE. The report will then calculate retention for 2 years. Do not use the retention rates in the DCF Report. Family Retention Analysis The analysis between families that remain in the program and those that are discharged (Excludes those where Discharge Reason is 'Out of Target', 'Pregnancy Terminated/Miscarriage' or 'TC Died) within specified time period. 3-4.B New Enrollments New families that enrolled (have an intake date). n/a Discharges Families that were discharged from the program. n/a Service Population Referral Sources and Services for Families Members of the Target Population receiving services. The program should be able to address all the ethnic and/or racial, language, demographic and other cultural characteristics which include: Age, Family Composition, Income, Employment, Marital Status, Language, Religion, Education, Criminal history, Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, Special Needs, Mental Health Issues, Geographic’s Characteristics. Linking the family to services such as child care, school readiness, job training, family support, substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment and domestic violence resources. The FamSys Report 3-4A. & B. Retention Rate Analysis will provide Demographic and Social factors. Only 2 Programmatic factors are covered in this report on page 4: Cases with >1 Home Visitor & PC’s Trimester @ intake. The analysis pulls characteristics from the Intake form and Discharge follow-up form. Run the Served Cases Report: New Families Enrolled in Time Period for the total number of new enrollments. Run the Served Cases Report: Families Discharged in Time Period for total number of discharges. Other programmatic factors such as the Target Population, Referral Sources, Staffing Issues (patterns & trends) # of days between screen to assessment, assessment to intake, training of staff, etc… n/a n/a 5-1 Demographic information can be pulled from the Demographic Report. It pulls families enrolled within a specific timeframe. n/a 7-3.C Run the Service Referrals Arranged and Service Referrals Information/Discussion reports. n/a July 2014 Program Name Here Follow ups to Referral Sources and Services Medical/ Health Care Providers Tracking and following up if the family received the services that they were referred to. 7-3.D Run the Service Referrals Needing Follow-Up Report n/a Linking the child to medical providers to assure optimal health and development. 7-1. B Run the Medical Provider Listing Report. n/a 7-2.B Run the Target Child Immunizations Record Report. Run the Target Child Immunizations Record Exclusions to determine if any Target Children are excluded because of religious, ethical or permanent medical reasons. n/a Immunizations Educating the family on the importance of immunizations and tracking the receipt of immunizations. Enrollment before TC is 3 months old The number of families enrolled into services before TC is three weeks old. Excluded families where TC was in the NICU after birth and could not start services before 3 months. 1-3.B Run the Timing of First Home Visit Report. # of families whose TC was in the NICU after birth and started services after 3 months. The number of eligible children that have health insurance. 7-3.B Run the DCF Report 9.a. n/a The number of children that have a primary care provider. 7-1.B Run the Medical Provider Listing Report OR Run the DCF Report 9.b. n/a Well-Baby Visits The number of children up-to-date with Well-Baby Visits 7-4.B Run the DCF Report 9.c. n/a Developmental Screens The number of children up-to-date for developmental screens 6-6.B Home Visit Completion Rate The Home Visit Completion rate by family for the year 4-2.B&C Eligible Children have Health Insurance Children have a Primary Care Provider Run the DCF Report 9.d. Run the DCF Report and review 9.d.1 to determine if any child who scored under the cutoff received a referral/follow-up. Run the 4-2B. Home Visit Achievement Rate – Detail Report and Exclude all Level X and TR families. July 2014 HFA Form: 6-6.B ASQ Tracking Form HFA Form: 4-2.B Tracking Form