file-5258c6da11024-Mammut Bulldog


Mammut Bulldog


The Mammoth (Mammut) Bulldog is a recreation of the original long coat, old style working bulldog of the 1800s. Compared to most short coated bulldogs, the longer hair served a purpose to protect the dogs from harsh European climates and also from animal attacks.

The modern day Mammoth is originally a German line comprised of various bulldog lines including Renascence and Olde English Bulldogge breeds.


The Mammoth Bulldog is a medium to large size, athletic dog that expresses its appearance with great strength and determination. The build should be ‘square’ where the height at the withers = length from the sternum to the anus. The dogs retain a bulldog appearance, but are leaner, free breathing and have their trademark long length coat.


The Mammoth head was meant to grip and hold onto its target. It should be strong, large and powerful. It is wedge shaped, held high and is moderately sunken between the eyes containing a medial furrow. The head circumference

(measured in front of the ears) should be equal or greater than the height at the withers. Fault: a head that appears too narrow or small for the body.


The Mammoth muzzle should be broad, deep and have a distinct stop. It is short with moderate wrinkling and have moderate, pendulous lips. A ¼” undershot bite is preferred, but scissor (even) bites are allowed. Because it is a working breed, broken teeth are not faulted. Disqualifications: overshot or wry jaws.


The Mammoth eyes should be round to oval in form, moderately sized, low on the skull and wide apart. Any color is acceptable. Pigment around the eyes

(eyeliner) is preferred. Fault: oddly colored or wall eyes where they do not match, lack of pigment around the eyes is undesirable. Serious fault: misshapen or bugged eyes. Disqualifications: crossed eyes and/or non-symmetrically shaped eyes.


The Mammoth ears are to be set high. All ear types are allowed with no preference for one over the other. Fault: cropped ears.


The Mammoth nose should be large, broad with well open nares (nostrils). There

should be no sign of air restriction. The nose should not be pushed up between the eyes. The nose should be a solid color. Fault: lacking some pigment. Serious fault: non-free breathing and lacking all pigment.


The Mammoth neck should be short, very thick and powerful. It is very muscular, flows into the shoulders and is well arched at the back. It should not be excessive in length or set so it appears to stop at the shoulders. It appears free from the loose skin at the throat.


The Mammoth shoulders should be broad and slanting with significant angulation. This allows for good, balanced movement and stability. There should be very powerful musculature surrounding the joints. Fault: straight shoulders.


The Mammoth chest should be very wide, prominent, full and deep. The ribs should be well sprung or rounded (not flat) behind the forelegs. The depth of the chest should be at least to the elbows. Viewed from the front, the dog should look very broad. Serious fault: a hollow or narrow chest should be considered a serious fault.


The Mammoth back should look strong, square and balanced. Consideration of length should be given for females. It should appear very broad at the shoulders and taper to being comparatively narrow at the loins. A slight rise from the shoulders to a slight drop in the croup is preferred (wheel or roach back). A level back is considered acceptable.


The Mammoth forelegs should appear strong, straight and wide apart. While the well developed calves will give a bowed outline, the bones should be thick and straight. It should neither bow (curve) out nor turn in. The forelegs are shorter than the hind legs, but not to the point of hindering activity. The elbows should be low and stand away from the ribs. Fault: the lack of bone substance is considered undesirable. Serious fault: “Eastie/Westie” forelegs and loose elbows or “fiddle fronts”.

The Mammoth hind legs should appear strong, large and be well muscled. They should be longer than the forelegs making the loins elevated. The lower leg should be short and strong. There should be significant stifle bend to allow for good movement. Serious faults: “Postie” (straight) and cow hocked rear legs.


The Mammoth feet should be round, tight both front and rear, and the pasterns should be strong. The forefeet should be straight with a slightly outward turn.

The toes should be thick, compact, well divided, prominently knuckled and relatively straight. Serious faults: weak pasterns and splayed feet.


The Mammoth tail should be left intact. The stern should be set low reaching to the hocks, thick at the base and taper to a fine point. It should be carried low and not over the back of the dog (curved). Fault: a docked, kinked or screw tail.


The Mammoth should have a powerful, ground covering stride. The gait should be balanced, have adequate front reach and be driven from the rear. The shoulders and elbows should not flare out. Viewed from the front or rear, the dog should single track (meaning that the legs do not cross each other). Overall, the gait should appear powerful, yet smooth and efficient. The action must be free, unrestrained and vigorous. Serious fault: pacing (two-beat lateral gait in which the legs on each side move back and forth exactly as a pair causing a rolling motion) or crabbing (side winding).


The Mammoth coat should be long-haired and thick with feathering around the ears, back of the legs and tail.


Any color is acceptable, except merle and pure white, with no preference of one over another.


The Mammoth Bulldog is strong in character, confident, strong nerve base and has a high pain tolerance. They have a moderate to high prey drive, generally friendly towards strangers, but protective if threatened. They should excel in any sport from agility to protection training and beyond, the athletic ability of these dogs is endless in any type of weather. These temperament traits make them excellent companions for children and active families. Faults: shyness, extreme nervousness or aggression towards a non threatening person.
