LIST NAME OF COMMUNITY/COUNTY MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROCEDURE I. POLICY #: DATE POLICY: This policy is to establish the [NAME OF COMMUNITY/COUNTY] procedures for construction site runoff control. II. BACKGROUND: The MDEQ NPDES Phase II Stormwater Discharge Permit Application requires a procedures for construction site runoff control that includes notification procedures and ensuring proper permits are obtained by those disturbing greater than one acre of soil within the jurisdiction. III. PROCEDURE: INSERT PERMITTEE NAME will track the receipt of complaints submitted by the public or noted by staff during regular course of business of soil, sediment, or other pollutants such as pesticides, petroleum derivatives, construction chemicals, and solid wastes are being discharged into the INSERT PERMITTEE Name MS4. The tracking will include: Name of person providing the complaint Location (address or nearest cross street) Description of follow up (e.g., date referred to the Part 91 enforcing agency). INSERT PERMITTEE NAME will notify the MDEQ PEAS Hotline when soil, sediment, and other pollutants such as pesticides, petroleum derivatives, construction chemicals, and solid wastes are discharged into INSERT PERMITTEE Name MS4 in a quantity that could negatively impact surface waters of the state. {FOR NON-PART 91 AGENCIES} INSERT PERMITTEE NAME will notify the Part 91 Agency, (INSERT PART 91 Agency), when soil or sediment are discharged into INSERT PERMITTEE Name MS4 in a quantity that could negatively impact surface waters of the state. INSERT PERMITTEE NAME ensures that construction activity one acre of greater in total earth disturbance with the potential to discharge to the MS4 does obtain a Part 91 Permit and State of Michigan Permit by Rule or is conducted by an approved Authorized Public Agency through the site plan review process. INSERT WHERE IN PROCESS THIS HAPPENS/SITE PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST. IV. V. OTHER: Any questions on this policy and procedure should be directed to the Storm Water Manager. PROCESS FOR UPDATING/REVISING THIS PROCEDURE LIST NAME OF COMMUNITY/COUNTY MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL PROCEDURE POLICY #: DATE This procedure shall be reviewed on an annual basis by the Stormwater Manager for any updates to streamline the requirements.