Model local negotiation committee (LNC) Constitution (Staff Side) 1

Model local negotiation committee (LNC)
Constitution (Staff Side)
1. Purpose and Scope
The Local Negotiating Committee (LNC) shall represent and negotiate with management on behalf of
all medical and dental staff employed by XXXXXX on all matters concerning:
(i) Terms and Conditions of Service including arrangements for the application of national terms and
conditions of service
(ii) Working arrangements
(iii) Policies and procedures
(iv) Consultation on relevant matters, including those which are of wider application to the staff of
the trust.
2. Membership
The LNC shall consist of the following members depending on whether such doctors & dentists are
(i) XXX Consultants
(ii) XXX SAS Doctors
(iii) XXX Junior doctors
(iv) XXX representatives of the Salaried General Practitioners.
(v) XXX representative of the Dental staff
(vi) XXX Medical Academics
(vii) BMA Industrial Relations Officer [non voting member]
(viii) A representative of the Local Dental Committee [non voting member]
(ix) A representative of the Local Medical Committee [non voting member]
3. Elections and Responsibilities to Electorate
(i) The LNC will be responsible to all medical and dental staff employed by the Trust.
(ii) The Officers are elected for a fixed (renewable) period of not more than two years. [It is
recommended that elections should be staggered to ensure there are always experienced members
on the LNC].
(iii) Officers can be removed from office by a majority vote of all LNC members.
(iv) The LNC will be elected every [xx] years, on a renewable basis, by ballot if necessary.
(v) The consultant members will be elected by the consultants employed by the Trust or by the
Medical Staff Committee.
(vi) The junior doctor member will be agreed by junior staff employed by the Trust and include
accredited Junior doctor representatives who have moved from other employers on a training
(vii) The SAS Doctors will be elected by the SAS Doctors employed by the Trust.
(viii) Elections will be overseen by the IRO/AS. Where one or more alternative nomination is
received, a ballot will be organised.
(ix) The BMA IRO/AS notifies the employer of the outcome of the election.
(x) There are occasions when BMA accreditation will be withdrawn:
• On resigning the position or leaving the employer or the constituency.
• At the request of a majority of the members represented
• On the expiry of the period of appointment, unless re-appointed
• Exceptionally, at the discretion of the BMA General Manager/Deputy National Secretary following
consultation with the Chairman of the LNC and/or the BMA Chairman of Council
4. Chairman, Deputy Chairman and or Secretary
(i) The LNC shall elect a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and or Secretary from its members.
(ii) The Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and or Secretary will produce minutes from meetings to be
adopted at the next meeting when ratified
(iii) The agendas will be available in advance of each meeting.
(iv) Meetings will be held on an [xxxx] frequency. A Special Meeting on an ad hoc basis can be called
if deemed necessary by the Chairman.
5. Voting
Only elected members of the committee shall be entitled to vote on any issue. Decisions will be
made on a majority vote. It is anticipated that voting will occur only in exceptional circumstances –
lack of agreement usually being an indication of a need to consult further with respective
6. Quorum
A quorum will consist of [xxx] LNC members.
7. Accreditation
All BMA members of the LNC will be accredited as BMA representatives in accordance with current
BMA practice. Management will be notified of the names of accredited representatives.
8. Trust Negotiations
Negotiations with management will be in accordance with the constitution of the Recognition
Agreement. Exceptionally the LNC may select a smaller group from its membership to negotiate on
specific issues. Any such issues will require to be ratified by the full committee.
9. Trust Joint Staff Negotiating/Consultative Committee
The LNC will appoint one of its members to attend meetings of the Joint Staff Committee.
10. LNC Forum
The LNC will appoint one of its members to attend meetings of the LNC Forum.