Bring down the Fall `09 Excel test

Fall’ 09 CIS103 Classes
Excel Exam
Your Name:__________________________
Marc Rauer
There are 4 problems in this test:
Fill in the blanks
To be done by the new table construct and a pivot
Pivot table and subtotal using same worksheet data
2 dimensional pivot table
Fill in your name to the left. The test is to be handed back.
Your problems should be saved to disk, emailed to yourself
and then either emailed to me at with
these problems as attachments, or put on a flash memory
device that I will pass out.
10 Pts. Fill in the blanks. Your answers should be as terse as possible while giving a real answer.
Although it should not be necessary, you can use the back of this page for additional room.
A. If a cell containing =4*S2+6 is filled (copied in terms of relationships) 2 columns to the left,
the cell will contain ______________________
B. The difference between =sum(a1:a5) and sum(a1:a5) is that the system will treat one as a
number and the other as ____________________
C. The if statement =if(x>3000,1,0) will display ________ when x is 3000.
D. Entering =a1+a2/2) will not work because of _________________
E. Grouped columns, when compressed (not shown on the worksheet) will not be __________
when printing the spreadsheet
F. In excel, The operation of selecting columns and having each column become the size of the
widest entry is called ________________
G. Although we would sometimes like this option, subtotals can show only __________ statistic
whether it be average, count or sum.
H. The user cannot be assured that values will ______________ in all cells when rows and/or
columns are deleted.
I. Once a pivot table is displayed, You will need to ______ the pivot table to incorporate into
its calculations any changes to the data of the underlying work sheet.
J. If C2 contains 20000 and C3 contains 25000, =______(c2,c3) would display 20000
28 pts. Open it’s a hard days data.doc word file. You will
see a document with a word table in it. This table purports to
have information about the Beatles’ album sales in 1972. We
need to move this data into an excel spreadsheet. This
problem is to be done by the new table construct. Only pivot
tables are allowed with this so this problem should be done
with pivot tables.
A. The data in the word document is laid out as a word
table. Access this table and through copy and paste,
move it into a new excel workbook and worksheet.
Autofit the columns so that the column width is set to the
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Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009
Fall’ 09 CIS103 Classes
Excel Exam
Marc Rauer
largest entry in that column. Once this is done, set this as the new table construct considering
that you will need to add 5 columns of added information.
B. We need to determine the profitability for each album sold. Notice there are 3 pieces of data
for each line item. You are to calculate, in a new column, the number of albums sold for
each line item. This is equal to the number of albums distributed less(minus) those
given(sold) below cost (promos) and those returned. For each line item, calculate the
number of albums sold. Note: If using the new table construct, the system will automatically
copy down for you.
C. In this letter, we have found out from the accountants that for each album sold the band
received $3.76 in profits. Promos received $.88 each while return and wastage were a charge
against profits of $.55. Now, calculate 3 columns indicating the profitability of albums sold,
profitability of albums promoted and the cost of returns for each line item
D. Now, calculate a final column indicating the net profit. This would be the profitability of
albums sold + profitability of albums promoted – cost of returns
E. It is probable that these calculations have produced results with various decimal points.
Format this spreadsheet and its columns appropriately.
F. Run a pivot table to determine the profitability of each specific album world wide. Sort the
pivot table by most profitable to least profitable album.
G. format your pivot table appropriately and run a pivot table chart (whatever you consider as a
bar chart).
Save your work to your hard drive.
48 pts. Look at Bond movies 2009.xlsx. We are doing this problem
by subtotal. Do not set up the table construct in this file. If you
do, you will be wrong.
You will see that this is a excel spreadsheet of the 22 James Bond
movies (what a surprise). Indicated in this are the lead actor, the
director, the actor playing M and several columns of data. One piece
of information is the revenue this movie generated at the time that
the movie premiered. Another piece of information is the cost of
producing the movie at the time that the movie premiered. A final
factor is the interest adjusted factor of the cost of money.
1. We need to calculate some new columns. The first is inflation adjusted revenue. This is the
inflation factor multiplied by the revenue at the time of release. In addition, we need inflation
adjusted cost. This is the inflation factor multiplied by the cost of production at the time of the
release. Designate these columns as present revenue and present cost.
2. Profit is the difference between the first column calculated above and the second. Calculate in a
new column the profit for each of these movies using the columns created just above. Designate
this column as profitability
Now, this problem will do two things. Allow you to do a subtotal and also prove that a pivot
table can exist using the same data as a subtotal. We are going to do a pivot table first, and then a
subtotal. Remember, do not use the new table construct.
3. Using the insert menu, insert a new pivot table. We want to find the total profits of the movies
pertaining to all the directors (Terrence Young, Etc). Set this pivot table on a new worksheet
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Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009
Fall’ 09 CIS103 Classes
Excel Exam
Marc Rauer
4. We need the average profitability per picture for each director. Director should go into row
values. Now, you have a column designated as profitability. In the pivot table under values, set
the system so that it shows the average profitability for each movie by each director. Remember,
we are looking at average as a statistic.
5. Let’s format the numbers. What decimal place should we set the entire pivot table to? Format
the table using one of the pivot table’s set formats
6. Order the directors, so that the director with the highest average is first, the one with the lowest
average is last. Create a pivot chart for this
Now, let’s get back to sheet1, the underlying data of the pivot table. Once a pivot table is set,
changes can be made to the underlying table without affecting the pivot table
7. Now, we want to use subtotals to determine the profit of these films by director. We need to
prep this data in sheet1 for determine this. Now answer this question on your paper and act on it
on the spreadsheet. We need to bunch together the films that are associated with each director,
therefore we need to sort on ___________ . Do this on your spreadsheet.
8. Use the data ribbon to invoke subtotals. Use the previous part (Part 7) to select the column
where changes to it invoke a subtotal entry (this should be director, is that not correct?) The last
column (profit) should be checked automatically. If we are interested I n the average profitability
for each movie a director directed, what statistic do you think would work best.
9. Once you have done a subtotal, use the controls to the left to show each director and the
average profit that is associated with that director for the pictures he directed.
10. Sort the subtotals so that the director with the best average profit is shown first, The director
with the least average profit should be shown last.
11. You may have to manipulate the decimal points for average profit. Similar to what was discussed
above with pivot table, decide how these numbers should be formatted. In addition, compress
the information on the sheet so that director name is next to average.
12. Do a bar graph (or column) to represent these directors and their numbers. Do not put the grand
average in this chart.
You can check to see if you are mathematically correct. The grand totals of both the subtotal
and the pivot table should match. Save this file to your c drive
20 pts. The mysterious person behind the disk coordinator asked your instructor to ask you
to help him determine his usage statistics.
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Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009
Fall’ 09 CIS103 Classes
Excel Exam
Marc Rauer
In class, we’ve looked at his website.
His ISP provides statistics for who’s been looking (hits) at that
site. Look at thediskcoordinator statistics raw.xlsx. You will
see a sheet with each line item containing the month the hits
takes place, the number of visits and the usage (kbf) for each
user (hostname).
We want to create a 2 dimensional pivot table to allow the disk
coordinator to analyze this data.
1. Let’s create the pivot table using the data on this worksheet
2. Set the rows to be hostnames. This will give you a list of unique hostnames lined down the left
hand side of the pivot table
3. Let’s set the columns to the months. When done, from left to right at the top of the pivot table,
you should see the months (Sept, Oct, Nov).
4. For data, let’s look at Kbf used.
5. When done, you should have a 2 dimensional pivot table. Months at the top, the hostnames at
the left. There will be a last column of info designated as grand total. Sort this in descending
order so that we can see those hostnames having the most activity throughout the last few
Save you workbook to your disk.
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Tuesday, Nov 24th, 2009