AWARD APPLICATION Please select the award you are applying for: BARBARA KARP MEMORIAL GRANT and CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANT The application must be received by the Chair of the Scholarship Committee at least 30 days before the latest registration date for the SNELLA sponsored or co-sponsored program or to attend institutes of continuing legal or library science education sponsored by professional or educational institutions. AALL ANNUAL MEETING GRANT The application must be received by the Chair of the Scholarship Committee on or before APRIL 30th of each calendar year. LLNE MEETING GRANT Note: Award Applications cannot be considered unless current yearly dues have been paid at the time of application. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered. 1 SNELLA Award Application AWARD APPLICATION A P P L I C A N T I N F O R M A T I O N Application Date: _____________________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________________________________________________ Length of Employment: ________________________________________________________________ Address (work or home): _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________ A D D I T I O N A L Are you a member of SNELLA? __ Yes __ No I N F O R M A T I O N If yes, when did you join? _______________________ Please list if you have ever been an officer, board member, committee chairman member, speaker or had member activity in a library/ professional association: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 SNELLA Award Application Educational background (list school(s), degree(s), and date(s)): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ List all SNELLA, AALL, and local chapter activities: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ BARBARA KARP MEMORIAL GRANT OR CONTINUING EDUCATION GRANT APPLICANTS ONLY: Have you previously been awarded a Barbara Karp Memorial or Continuing Education Grant? If yes, when? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit a statement (500 words or less) on a separate sheet of paper describing how you will benefit from attendance at the SNELLA sponsored or co-sponsored meeting. AALL ANNUAL MEETING GRANT APPLICANTS ONLY: Have you previously been awarded a SNELLA grant to attend an AALL Annual Meeting? If yes, when? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit a statement (1000 words or less) on a separate sheet of paper describing your interest in in law libraries/ law librarianship and how you will benefit professionally from attendance at the AALL Annual Meeting. 3 SNELLA Award Application F I N A N C I A L I N F O R M A T I O N Will your employer pay any of your expenses in attending this meeting/event/program? __ Yes __ No If yes, what portion? __________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please estimate your expenses for this meeting/event/program (registration, travel, lodging, food, and per diem): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ If I do NOT receive this award: [ ] I will definitely NOT be able to attend the meeting/event/program. [ ] I MAY not be able to attend the meeting/event/program. [ ] I will still attend the meeting/event/program. [ ] I will still attend the meeting/event/program, but I will have to cover my expenses. [ ] Other- Please explain: Please read and acknowledge the following: If I receive a SNELLA award, and if for any reason I cannot attend (or my employer(s) decide(s) to pay all or a portion of my expenses), I shall return the award money (or the unused portion thereof) to the Treasurer of the SNELLA. In addition, I understand that award recipients may be required to write about their meeting/event/program experience. ______________________________________ Applicant’s Signature _________________________ Date Please return the completed application by email to the Scholarship Committee: 4 SNELLA Award Application