- Organic Uttarakhand

Terms of Reference (ToR)
for the assignment of Base line Survey
for Saturation of Selected Block Phase -2 (SSB)
Under Organic Farming Project.
Saturation of Selected Blocks under Organic Farming Project ( SSB )
1. Introduction :
Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board (UOCB) is the state nodal agency for organic agriculture.
Registered under the society’s act 1860 the board is an autonomous body having board members from the
government as well as from the farming communities. Core areas of activities of UOCB are marketing,
capacity building and quality through Internal Control Systems (ICS).
UOCB has been working and implementing projects being funded by various donor agencies including
that of RKVY (GOI) schemes since 2007. UOCB is presently supporting more than 60,000 small and
marginal farmers of Uttarakhand for adaption of organic agriculture, ICS and marketing. UOCB facilitates
the marketing linkages to more than 10,000 farmer families where the farmers get direct monetary benefits
from the sales and organic market benefits.
There is little doubt that Organic agriculture has been well received in the state by the farmers. In the
khariff and rabi farmers campaign run by the agriculture department the farmers have demanded for
organic programs to be brought in their villages.
The success of the program is evident by the number of agencies involved in the production, processing
and the marketing of the organic produce within the state.
It is also a matter for pride there are a number of success stories in the last ten years where a number of
farmers and farmers groups are actively involved in the production as well as trade activity.
The UOCB and agriculture department is poised to develop large scale production areas where select
water sheds and valleys which could be within the revenue blocks be taken up and developed in to
Organic belts.
The SSB project will bring about model bio –villages where large numbers of farmers practice the
complete package of practice for agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. The significant aspect of
the project is that the farmers shall be motivated to voluntarily adopt the different organic systems under
organic, they shall be given in-depth support in technical of trainings, capacity building exposure etc. The
project also envisages bringing about market linkages and developing value chain links where the organic
production hubs shall be connected to specially created collection centers and processing units.
The implementing agency the UOCB shall strive to bring the private sector participation in the collection
and the processing of the organic raw materials. There shall be support provide for the creation of
collections centers for the groups. The project shall tap the State Mandi Based for the creation of
infrastructure wherever it is needed.
The project shall work in conjunction and convergence with different line departments and well as
financial institutions and development agencies.
Thus it is envisaged that a model region practicing Organic Agriculture is created where scale and quality
would be achieved thereby attracting trade and investment.
1. The Primary objective of the SSB-2 project is to create and develop a completely / fully saturated
cluster /water shed /block as a completed practice. *Organic Agriculture where (agriculture stands
for all organic based actives carried out by the farmer).
The area which can mean cluster/water shed/block would be demarcated as organic by a gazette
notification where all line departments would be obliged to carry out support and provide assistance,
service’s subsides and other government support for only organic practices. A notification to prohibit
the use of fertilizers, synthetics etc is also proposed.
2. The objective of the SSB-2 project is to show case the possibility of sustainable agriculture where
minimum volumes of external inputs are used and optimum productivity of the farm through the
principals of organic agriculture are achieved.
3. The SSB will focus equally at the significance of integrated farming systems and support farmers to
develop income generation models with the organic mode Emphasise will be given on holistic
approach instead of intensive and monoculture.
4. Allied departments like MAP, horticulture, silviculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fisheries, and
watershed etc will participate and converge with the SSB project.
5. Project will seek to bring about the adoption of the project by involvement and the democratic
acceptance of the various component by holding village level and cluster level meets where decisions
shall be taken up in a participative manner with allied departments and communities.
6. The SSB Project show builds social capital among the CBO's and builds their capacities for
enterprises. At least such there enterprises are proposed to be setup in the project area.
3. Background :
The SSB project is for the novel in its approach and ambitions in its objective. The novelty lies in the
implementation process. First time in Organic Uttarakhand program Voluntary Organizations shall be
taken up as partners to implement the organic project. The involvement of Voluntary Organization has
been brought in the implementation process to bring in strategic partnerships and alliances with local
organizations. The strategic alliances brings into foray the importance of OA as a mainstream part of rural
development. In the hills of Uttarakhand Rural Development entry point programs revolve around social
mobilization and capacity building of farmers and their family’s for micro finance and enterprise
development. Some of the specific programs bring in skill development and despite a dozen rural
development schemes more than half of the rural population of hills lack a marketable surplus. If there is a
surplus lack of market access.
The Voluntary Organizations shall bring in the edge required for the fulfillment of sustainable agriculture
and rural development process. (SARD process)
* Organic agriculture as defined by National Program for Organic Production (NPOP) 2002.Organic: Refers to a particular system as
described in these standards and not to the term used in chemistry. Organic Agriculture: It is system of farm design and management to
create an eco system, which can achieve sustainable productivity without the use of artificial external inputs such as chemical fertilizers
and pesticides.
The chapter of Organic Agriculture as the world see in Uttarakhand started before the state
achieved statehood soon after organic agriculture was earmarked as one of the priority area for hill
agriculture. due ecological and economical stats of the farmer of hill's. In the first phase accessible
villages and progressive farmers were identified and motivated to join the OA community. Once
the farmers gave positive response the village progressed into clusters / watershed and blocks. The
geographical location of the organic villages remained in cluster/watershed/block in specific
regions. The organic support program has remained promotional and motivational. The regime of
Prohibition was not attempted due to possibility of black marketing if the end user is not ready and
trained for other technologies and systems. There fore this approach was not promoted.
The present project brings together the past and the future cause of action; there notification for
prohibition may be brought about though by democratic process’s. The Integration and System
Approach Organic agriculture has been traditionally implemented by the agriculture department
there for product and commodities developed traditionally a part of the agriculture department
have been taken up as front line product for development.
UOCB has on basis of market demand has been developing various products in horticulture, MAP
and culinary fiber’s. The SSB project shall integrate all land based activities into the organic
region not only for the marketing but also to develop the approach and models for agriculture
4. Project Components of SSB
On farm Input Production: Farmers will be supported and trained to make their own organic
input at their farms using all disposal organic matter, biomass and other botanical known for their
insecticidal and nutrient properties. Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITK) which has been
documented and used will also be used by the farmers. diversied organic replacement shall be
provided to the user group using chemical.
Local Implementation Agency ( LIA ) as project partners: The specific objective of the project
is to move from a demonstration mode into an adoption mode where the quality of the extension
services is of paramount importance. LIA will be hired to on specific service assignments to carry
out all motivation and implementation activities of the project objective.
Specific commodities Expansion Program: Specific commodity market oriented clusters will
be developed into organic certified commodity production regions providing scale and market
models where the organic groups will be the fore runner in the supply and business transactions.
The clusters will be provided different organic production technologies and post harvest support
systems to enhance productivity and returns.
Farmers Organizations: As the certification norms for the certification of small farmers entail
group formation all the farmers covered under the scheme will be made into groups. The organic
farmers will be encouraged and supported to set up their marketing guild which may be legally
registered under the Producer Company Act where the farmers will themselves enter the organic
business sector with the support of the project. The farmers guild be supported by the UOCB‘s
other on-going schemes and projects.
Horizontal Linkage with other departments and Committee’s: Due to the complexity of the
project where other stakeholders than the agriculture departments are involved the project through
its established committee will have at the members of their other stakeholders department at the
different tiers. For example at the top level at the level of the secretary of the government / at
secondary level board level / third level at the district and finally at the block level. To ensure
success in the project multi disciplinary functioning and convergence at the micro- level is
Marketing: One of the major mandates of the Principal Implementing Agency (PIA) is to market
the organic products of the organic farmers. The UOB has a successful track record of marketing
products from the state. The UOCB has a separate organic cell for the marketing of the produce.
The organic farmers from the specific project will have a diversity of products which are presently
not available to the lack of certification or due to small scale or post harvest , as and when the
holism will be brought in the project the various projects will be marketed under a specific brand
or geographical identification ( GI) . The UOCB PIA will extend all its strength to market the
products and establish them in the market.
5. Base Line Survey Assignment Objectives and Coverage
SSB project seeks the technical support of a professional and experienced agency who shall on the basis of
a detailed survey provide the implementing agency an information base to carry out the project
successfully. The survey will also include parameters to support internal as well as external assessment.
The particular BLS shall include a diversified set of variables and components which shall support the
micro planning develop macro- picture and specific area for the fulfillment of the objective of the project.
As it is well defined in the project objective, the SSB project is demanding and has diversified and
numerous stakeholders.
The BLS shall built in all possibilities of conflicts in the data collection modules for the suitable
cluster/region /block for the easy implementation of the project. The data collected by BLS agency shall
play a role in the selection process of the cluster, village etc.
This may include inputs from experts from watershed programs, economics, agriculture, statistic and rural
development etc.
5.1 Specific Objectives of the Baseline survey
Collecting information from the sample farmers family (FF) from the Project area and outside the
Project area and analyzing the same for assessing the economic conditions , socio – economic
conditions of the farmer as well as his family gender participation in the agriculture chores and post
production activities, household food and nutrition security and livelihood opportunities present.
The approach suggested would be to obtain in-depth information on a small sample of farmers
family selected on random basis. This sample of beneficiaries would also serve as the basis for
assessing the delivery performance of the project functionaries as well as the NGO partner.
The sample size in terms of villages is proposed at 120 villages in 6 Block and in terms of
beneficiaries 20 selected village per block. The selection of the project villages and project sample
FF is to be done via random sampling method. Thus the total sample size would be 1200 in project
Pre/without Project and post/with project comparison is to be made in respect of the indicators
relating to outcome and impact level indicators mentioned in the Project logical framework so as to
assess the extent to which the Project has been able to achieve those indicators.
Actual project achievements are to be compared with those envisaged in the Project / logical
Assessment of sustainability: This section may include an analysis of the prospects for and
constraints on: i) continuation of project activities during the post SSB-2 assessment of the factors
influencing the sustainability of such activities and further action required.
To find out demarcated area where any Agri- inputs are used /sold.
viii. To find out OA production and its markets having specificities to selected commodities.
To find out enhance the capabilities of farmers to adopt OA as a livelihood opportunity, access and
manage new technologies for improved productivity of agriculture, horticulture and animal
husbandry production.
To find out establish village, cluster, block, water shed level institutions to support scaled -up
activities, financial products and other important activities required to enable production and supply
to external markets.
To find out capacities of the organic farmers to form their own marketing guilds and organizations
to market their produce and create Economies of scale and quality.
Evaluate the ecological services provided by different stakeholder and services providers.
5.2. Essential for project impact
Information gathered through M&E system, at the stakeholder workshop as well as from other sources can
be useful for the purpose. The assessment should cover aspects like stakeholder interest, community
acceptability, ownership and commitment, economic and financial sustainability of activities for
sustainability. In addition the actions and steps required to continue all or part of the project activities
should be identified. The findings presented should be based on the consultation with project partners
including rural poor people. Proposals for post project responsibility to enhance sustainability should also
be made.
xiii. In addition impact assessment would include the assessment of institutional performance of NGOs,
SSB project functionaries. It would include the progress achieved by these institutions at different
levels to provide services on sustainable basis.
xiv. Impact of the Project initiatives on the target group, from poor sections of the FF
Identify problems and constraints during program implementation.
xvi. Identify Key leanings related to different components of the project.
xvii. Analyze what worked and what did not work, what were the lessons learnt for future interventions,
policy implications and strategy for poverty reduction.
xviii. Be analytical and not descriptive. Analyze underlying reasons for successful or poor performance.
Provide recommendations for sustaining the structures created i.e. CBOs and to improve the
implementation of upcoming ILSP (Integrated Livelihood Support Project).
xix. The study and submission of report are to be completed within the prescribed time.
5.3 Stake holders Workshop
The workshop may be organized by IA with the participant of various stockholders and the BLS agency.
Detailed plan will be worked out jointly.
6.Project Management
Implementation arrangements for SSB
The UOCB HO is also the central administrative unit of the project and is responsible for overall
Implementation of the project. The Project has a three-tier project management structure i.e.
Head Office of the PIA with key professional staff at the HO level .
The technical cell with Manager at the head and level professional staff at the secondary.
Level 3 Voluntary Organization: VO which will be the chief functionary at the field level.
The Project implementation period after therefore intends to carry out, by an external agency, the base line
survey of the project areas to document situations known on a general basis and also to find out the socio
economic agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry conditions which can further support the project
implementation strategies and action plans.
7. Suggested methodology for Baseline Survey
The methodology for the evaluation would comprise of the followings:
Survey of the sample FF s of the project beneficiaries to assess the impact of the Project on their
economic, health agriculture like horticulture, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAP), animal husbandry
and social well being and preparation of a report thereon in a format required by the client. Quasiexperimental design of questionnaire with control group defined and use of propensity scoring
methodology may be used.
Discussions with the partner NGO’s, other stakeholders would be useful and necessary regarding the
implementation of the project and its results.
Holding a stakeholder workshop in the Project districts so as to have interaction with the grass root
level institutions and beneficiaries to collect supplementary information regarding Project
implementation performance, results, lessons problems and sustainability of some activities of the
Project and the required support therefore. The workshop would provide an opportunity for sharing
experiences and insights from a cross section of project stakeholders. For this reason, participants
should be drawn from the government, beneficiaries groups, NGOs and CBOs. An analytical
approach should be adopted to summarize the conclusions emerging from the workshop and other
participatory events organized during the study.
7.1. Preparing a report on the survey-cum-study
The agency will prepare a report with proper coverage. Besides, some additional items, if any as may be
indicated by Secretary and SPM. The report would include the followings aspects in particular.
Strategy and approach in implementation of the Project;
Assessment of Project implementation efficiency,
Assessment of impact of project activities as envisaged in the log frame regarding economic impact
on the target group, effect on empowerment of the poor, gender impact, impact on household
security and improvement in the livelihood opportunities, attitudinal and behavioural changes;
Recommendations for sustainability of the Project or some activities of the Project.
Problems and constraints in the implementation of the Project.
Recommendations, if any for better implementation of the future Project/s.
7.2. Approach in designing the tools and methodology for the Survey
The Baseline Survey (BLS) Agency shall have an in- depth discussions with the UOCB / SSB core
team before developing appropriate survey tools and methodology for conducting the BLS
assignment, planning of the visits for the study, coverage of the report on the survey–cum-study. It
would be better if local expertise, as far as possible, is involved in the design phase, actual
numeration and data collection during in the field, data analysis and interpretation and report
preparation, etc. Before taking up the collection of data in the sample FFs questionnaire, it could
be ensured that the field staffs to be engaged for the task is sufficiently qualified and properly
trained. The agency would better supervise the work of the field staff engaged in filling up the
questionnaires and guiding them initially say for at least 30 % of the sample. District level staff
and other field functionaries would also be available for solving field level problem if any. Record
of daily work done in the field work would be maintained by the supervising officer of the
7.3. Data gathering and analysis
The project technical and marketing cell system should be considered as the main source of
information for the data regarding implementation progress of the Project supplemented by collection
of information for gaps during the study/survey. Secondary sources and participatory evaluative
methodologies should be Used if primary data are not available and to supplement or validate the
findings of the assessment/survey. This is likely to be necessary in order to gauge the efficiency and
effectiveness of the Project activities Focused research using qualitative methods should also be
considered to generate a comprehensive assessment of the extent to which the Project contributed to
the stated goals and objectives and to appraise factors affecting the sustainability of the project
7.4. Deliverables
The following will be the deliverables under this assignment:
Identification of suitable requires, area, cluster, watershed, as per geography, demography, ets.
Must draw out challenge of the project.
Scope of the project component stalled in the TOR.
Also study the logical framework and flag for other variable which may influence the
outcomes of the project.
Report on the survey and study regarding the baseline and primary data as mentioned in the
Project Log frame and other aspects of the Project implementation and sustainability
mentioned in this document. First draft of the report will be submitted by the Agency by the
agreed timeline (with presentation to the core team) to the UOCB / SSB-2 for perusal and
suggestions if any. Thereafter the report will be finalized by the Agency and submitted to
UOCB with required number of hard copies and soft copy as mentioned in the subsequent
Timeline followed for the assignment and dates of visits to places and duration as well as the
names of the persons who carried out the survey/study.
Survey instruments, both quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments and
completed questionnaires, etc which forms the basis of final evaluation report;
Cleaned quantitative and qualitative data sets in MS Excel, using STATA10 with survey data
An electronic version of the final Power Point presentation of the evaluation report.
A presentation on the findings of the evaluation report to the SSB-2 Office on a mutually
convenient date and time.
Four (4) bound copies of the final evaluation report with an electronic copy on a DVD or
thumb drive. The contents of the report should be as decided in the discussion meet with the
Complete set of the electronic files (s) in MS Excel or SPSS of clean quantitative data set
collected without significant gaps or errors.
Electronic folders of any applications, surveys, scripts, codebooks and data collection
instruments developed to organize the process and analyse the data.
Some specific impact quotes from the various stakeholders from interviews and focus group
7.5. Activity wise Time Frame for completion of the assignment
The firm/agency should indicate in its technical proposal the proposed timeline (in number of days) for
completion of the following activities of the above assignment.
1. Preparatory work like setting up the team for carrying out the assignment.
2. Briefing of the team of the key staff of agency by the UOCB / SSB.
3. Training and Briefing of the field work staff by the Agency.
4. Making other preparatory arrangements for taking up the survey-cum-study including designing of the
questionnaire/schedules for collection of data and information.
5. Carrying out the survey-cum-study in the field.
Testing of questionnaire/schedules.
7. Analysis of the data and information collected.
8. Preparation of the first draft of the report and submission to UOCB for perusal and suggestions
regarding the coverage.
9. Presentation of the findings of the report.
10. Correcting the draft report.
11. Submission of final report after necessary amendments/additions about the coverage suggested, if
any by UOCB.
12. Submission of the original copy of all relevant of the deliverables (indicated in the previous
paragraph of this document) material of the survey –cum-study including the original filled up
schedules of the sample households.
8. Scope of Work of the above assignment.
The following information would be useful in gauging the extent of work involved in evaluating the
Table: 1
Project Districts
Project Development Blocks
No.of Villages
120 Village
 Block-6, Village -120, Sample Size- 20 Village each block, 10 Farmer Families for each sample Village,
Total Farmer Families -1200.
The tasks involved in the assignment may also include the following activities:
Acquiring good familiarity with the Project and its log frame, if necessary by having a
Workshop/discussion with the project core team member particularly the SPM and the cell heads
and seeking clarifications during the survey/study, if required.
Reading the l available evaluation reports, End of Project reports and other, annual outcome surveys
and other concurrent studies carried out in the project to facilitate knowing the field situation.
Design appropriate survey tool(s) such as questionnaires and other data collection tools and share
the same with the MD before commencing the survey.
Pre-testing, editing, translation, finalization, and reproduction of survey instruments.
Integrate qualitative data collection methodology and survey tools;
Apply statistical techniques for analyzing and reporting the quantitative data.
The BLS agency will identify the sample FFs with the support, if required, of the Project staff in the
district; construct the sampling frame; train local enumerators; supervise data collection, data entry,
data analysis; and the production of the final report. Train and orient field interviewers and
viii. Undertake field data gathering using tested survey tools to address objectives of the survey/ study.
and apply quality control for field data collection;
Process and analyse collected survey data;
Perform quality procedures during design, testing, field work, data analysis, and reporting;
Presentation on findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study-cum-survey and the first
draft report to the Core team members before finalization and submission of the draft report on the
Finalization of the draft report by incorporating the corrections suggested on the first draft report by
the client
xiii. Submission of final report duly corrected along with other deliverables.
Note: It is proposed to make a briefing to the selected Agency by UOCB (1 or 2 days) on the project,
status of its implementation and expected coverage of the final project evaluation survey-cum study before
they prepare and submit the technical and financial proposals for the assignment so as to enable
preparation of proper documents for the assignment.
8.1. Process of selection of the agency for carrying out the survey-cum-study
i). The EOI proposals received (till the due date) in the prescribed format given in Annexure -I for
undertaking the above assignment i.e. End Project/final impact evaluation survey-cum-study from
capable M&E Agencies/Societies/Organizations/NGOs/Firms, etc that have qualified and experienced
staff and experience in conducting similar preferably 2-3 studies preferably for externally aided would
be evaluated by a committee for short listing. The criteria for evaluation of the EOI proposals would
be scoring more than 65 % points would be short listed. About 6 or so agencies scoring the highest
score would be short listed for further consideration of inviting technical and financial proposals.
ii). The technical and financial proposals when received from the short listed agencies, after issue of letter
for request for proposals (RFP), would be considered as per the Uttarakhand Procurement Rules, 2008.
The financial proposal should have validity for 90 days or if necessary more so as to take care of
circumstances beyond our control.
iii).The technical proposals (TP) when received would be evaluated by a committee constituted by the
Project. Financial proposals of only those agencies, securing 50% points preferably, would be opened
as per the procedure envisaged in the Uttarakhand Procurement Rules. After arithmetical scrutiny and
correction for errors, if any, lowest tender of the technically qualified agency would be accepted. If
found necessary, the lowest tender would be negotiated.
iv). Financial proposals of the agencies not securing the qualifying points in the evaluation of technical
proposal would be returned unopened after the completion of selection process. Financial proposals of
agencies whose technical proposals are found to be non responsive to TOR would also be returned
unopened to the concerned agency.
v). The financial proposals would be opened publicly in the presence of the representatives of the eligible
bidders as per the Uttarakhand Procurement Rules, 2008. The place, time and date of opening the
financial proposals would be informed to the concerned bidders so that those desirous of attending can
attend the opening of financial bids.
8.2 Support to the Agency from the UOCB / SSB Project
UOCB/ SSB-2 would provide two field enumerator per district for maximum period of two months to
facilitate the study. UOCB would provide following support to the Agency:
I. Copy of the project report, progress reports, annual reports, recent annual survey reports regarding the
progress of converging Projects implemented by the PIA as may be enquired by the agency.
II. The travel plan will be made by the consultant Agency and provided to the Technical Cell and District
level functionaries.
III. Support in locating suitable places for stay in/near the villages while in the field.
UOCB / SSB reserve the right to reject/cancel all applications without assigning any reason.
9. Contact persons in UOCB HO
The Baseline survey will work in coordination and consultation where required with the following:
SSB core team in carrying out the assignment:
Core team:
Secretary, Senior Program Manger
Technical Manager, Social Scientist.
District level Assistant Technical Officers. The consultant agency would work closely with and report to
the Senior Program Manager.
Uttarakhand Organic Commodity Board
Voluntary Organization
Terms Of Reference
Expression of Interest
Base line Survey
Saturation of Selected Block
Geographical Identity
Community Mobilization
Head Office
Internal Control Systems
Organic Agriculture
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Community Based Organization
Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
Project Implementing Agency
Farmer’s family
Integrated Livelihood Support Project
Request for proposals
Technical proposals
Non Government Organization
SSB-2 Base Line Survey - Log frame
Annexure -3
Narrative Summary
Key Performance Indicators
Means of verification III party
Goal: 1. The BLS shall build in we 1- Farmers
and 1. Compare sample of survey undertaken
2. Bills and invoices raised by farmers/
possibility of the collection conflict
2- Market linkage to minimum 50%
agencies and other supply related
modules for the suitable region, cluster,
farmers adopted and link with
document from external certification
village for the implementation of the
market info systems.
3. Use IDM techniques to examine/computer
project in phases, the selection process 3- 20% increase in net incomes
4- Increase in friendly pests and
ecology supporting organisms
ecology supporting organisms in the
geographical and other statistical data..
farming habitats
550% decrease in external agro2.The Goal of the SSB project is to
create and develop a completely / fully
6- 100% production and usage of onsaturation cluster /water shed /block as
farm inputs.
a completed organic agriculture where
(agriculture stands for all organic based
actives carried out by farmer)
Overall Purpose
1. Develop the understanding, skill and
techniques for OA production and its
markets having specificities to selected
2. Sustainable agriculture practices
among selected
clusters/watershed/region where youth
finds new interest in agriculture related
livelihood in selected block .
3. Build the capacities of the organic
1. 50% farmers adopting OA
1. M & E reports
2. Less than 50% farmers linked to 2. Baseline reports
markets as members
3. adoption of organic agriculture practice
3. Farmers and livestock are healthy
4. Selected farms and villages with
ecology supporting organisms and
regenerative agriculture processes.
5. Horizontal Linkage with other
departments and Committees.
6. Possibility of the collection conflict
modules for the suitable region,
farmers to form their own marketing
guilds and organizations to market
their produce and create Economies of 7. The create a model of the entire
state for multiplication of such
scale and quality.
4. Increase the production, processing
1. OA as a diversified
livelihood option in
policy is
2. Conventional
technical institutions
support OA for hills.
3. Services
significant keepers
of economic balance
4. Support policy and
program for
and the marketing of the organic
produce within the selected block .
5. Possibility of sustainable agriculture
where minimum volumes of external
productivity of the farm through the
particular’s of organic agriculture are
agriculture where minimum volumes
of external inputs are used and
optimum productivity of the farm
through the particular’s
of organic
agriculture are achieved.