Bibliography for women

A: Narrative, annalistic and biographical texts
Bede's Ecclesiastical History
Plummer, C. (1896) (ed.) Bede. Venerabilis Baedae Opera Historica, 2 vols Oxford
and Colgrave, B. and Mynors, R.A.B. (ed.) (1969), Bede's Ecclesiastical History of
the English People Oxford University Press
Historia Brittonum
Morris, J. (ed.) (1980), Nennius, British History and the Welsh Annals The 'Historia
Brittonum' formerly attributed to 'Nennius' translation
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
Plummer, C. (ed.), 2 vols. (1892-9) Oxford; translated Garmonsway, G.N. (1972),
The Chronicle of Æthelweard
Campbell, A. (ed.) (1962), The Chronicle of Æthelweard London
John of Worcester's Chronicle
Florentii Wigorniensis monachi Chronicon ex Chronicis, Thorpe, B. (ed.) 2 vols.
(1848-9), trans., Forester, T. (1854), Bohn's Antiquarian Library, Stephenson, J. (ed.)
(1853), Florence of Worcester A History of the Kings of England Preface, translation
and notes, facsimile reprint c. 1985; and Darlington, R.R. and McGurk, P. (ed.)
(1995), The Chronicle of John of Worcester: ii, the Annals from 450-1066, Oxford
William of Malmesbury, History of the Kings of England
Stephenson, J. (ed.) (c.1865), William of Malmesbury The Kings Before the Norman
Conquest translation and notes, facsimile reprint 1989; Stubbs, W. (ed.) (1887-9),
Willelmi Malmesbiriensis Monachi De Gestis Regum Anglorum, 2 vols, Rolls Series
London; and Thomson, R.M. (ed.) (1987), William of Malmesbury
Simeon of Durham A History of the Kings of England
Stephenson, J. (ed.) (1858), Simeon of Durham A History of the Kings of England
Preface, translation and notes, facsimile reprint 1987
Henry of Huntingdon's Chronicle
Forester, T. (ed.) (1853), The Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon translation and notes,
facsimile reprint 1991; and Greenway, D. (ed.) (1996), Henry of Huntingdon, the
History of the English People, translation, introduction and notes
Chronicon Abbatiae Rameseiensis
Macray, W.D. (ed.) (1886), Chronicon Abbatiae Rameseiensis Rolls Series
The Chronicle of Hugh Candidus
Mellows, W.T. (ed.) (1949), The Chronicle of Hugh Candidus Oxford
Historia Eliensis
Wharton, H. (1691), Anglia Sacra, 2 volumes, London
B: Other sources
Hemingi Chartularium Ecclesiae Wigorniensis
Hearne, T. (ed.) (1723), Oxford
Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici
Kemble, J.M. (ed.), 6 vols (1839-48)
Diplomatarium Anglicum Ævi Saxonici
Thorpe, B. (1865), London
Facsimiles of Ancient Charters in the British Museum
Bond, E.A. (1878), 4 vols London
Cartularium Saxonicum
Birch, W. de Gray (ed.), 3 vols and index (1885-99)
Two Cartularies of the Benedictine Abbeys of Muchelney and Athelney in the County
of Somerset
Bates, E.H. (ed.) (1899), Somerset Record Society, xiv with notes by Stevenson,
Anglo-Saxon Charters
Robertson, A.J. (ed.) (1956), 2nd edn Cambridge
The Cartulary of Worcester Cathedral Priory (Register 1)
Darlington, R.R. (ed.) (1962-3), Publications of the Pipe Roll Soc., n.s. xxxviii 1968
for 1962-3
Charters of Rochester
Campbell, A. (ed.) (1973), Anglo-Saxon Charters i. London
Charters of Burton Abbey
Sawyer, P.H. (1979), Anglo-Saxon Charters ii Oxford
The Charters of Sherborne
O'Donovan, M.A. (ed.) (1988), Anglo-Saxon Charters iii Oxford
Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon Charters
Keynes, S. (ed.) (1991), Anglo-Saxon Charters Supplementary ser. I, London
The Charters of Selsey
Kelly, S.E. (ed.) (1998), Anglo-Saxon Charters vi Oxford
The Charters of Abingdon Abbey
Kelly, S.E. (ed.) (2000), Anglo-Saxon Charters. Oxford
The Life of Bishop Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus
Colgrave, B (ed.) (1927), paperback reprint 1985
Felix's Life of St Guthlac
Colgrave, B (ed.) (1956), paperback reprint 1985
The Mildrith Legend: a Study in Early Medieval Hagiography in England
Rollason, D.W. (1982), Leicester
Wulfstan of Winchester: the Life of St Æthelwold, Oxford
Lapidge, M. and Winterbottom, M. (ed.) (1991)
Liber Monasterii de Hyda
Edwards, E. (ed.) (1866), Rolls Series. London
Liber Vitae Ecclesiae Dunelmensis
Thompson, A. Hamilton (ed.) (1923), i, Surtees Soc. cxxxvi
Liber Eliensis
Blake, E.O. (1962) Royal Historical Soc., Camden 3rd ser. xcii London
English Historical Documents c. 500 -1042
Whitelock, D. (ed.) (1979a), English Historical Documents, i, 2nd edn London
Councils and Synods with Other Documents relating to the English Church, I: A.D.
Whitelock, D., Brett, M. and Brooke, C.N.L. (1981) 2 pts Oxford 1981
The Liber Vitae of the New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester
Keynes, S. (ed.) (1996), Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile xxvi Copenhagen
Bailey, M. (2001), 'Ælfwynn, Second Lady of the Mercians', Edward the Elder, 899-924 ed.
N.J. Higham and D.H. Hill, London, pp. 112-27
Baines, A.H.J. (1983), 'The Lady Elgiva, St Aethelwold and the Linslade Charter of 966',
Records of Buckinghamshire, xxv, pp. 110-38
Baines, A.H.J. (1990), 'Wynflæd v. Leofwine: a Datchet Lawsuit of 990', Records of
Buckinghamshire xxxii, pp. 63-75
Bell, A. (1926), 'Gaimar and the Edgar–Ælfthryth story', Modern Language Review, 21, pp.
Campbell, A. (ed.) (1949), Encomium Emmae Reginae, Royal Historical Soc., Camden 3rd
ser., lxxii, repeated with supplementary introduction by S. Keynes, 1998.
Cavill, P. (2001), A Treasury of Anglo-Saxon England: Faith and Wisdom in the Lives of Men
and Women, Saints and Kings
Coates, R. (1998), 'Æthelflæd's Fortification of Weardburh', Notes & Queries, ccxliii, pp. 812
Costambeys, M. (2004), 'Æthelflæd (d. 918)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed.
H.C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison, Oxford
Esposito, M. (ed.) (1913), 'La Vie de Sainte Wulfhilde par Goscelin de Cantorbéry' in
Analecta Bollandia 32, pp. 10-26
Fell, C.E. (1984), Women in Anglo-Saxon England and the impact of 1066 British Museum
Publications. The final two chapters are by C. Clark and E. Williams.
Flint, V.I.J. (1993), 'Magic and Marriage in Ninth-Century Francia: Lothar, Hincmar – and
Susanna' in The Culture of Christendom: Essays in Medieval History in
Commemoration of Denis Bethell, ed. M.A. Meyer, London, pp. 61-74
Foot, S. (2000), Veiled Women in 2 vols, Vol 1 The disappearance of nuns from Anglo-Saxon
England, Vol 2 Female religious communities in England 871-1066 Aldershot
Foster, J.G. (1892), Judith
Hamer, R. (1970), A Choice of Anglo-Saxon verse
Hollis, S. (1992), Anglo-Saxon Women and the Church: Sharing a Common Fate
Hollis, S. (1998), 'The Minster-in-Thanet Foundation Story', Anglo-Saxon England 27, pp.
Horstmann, C. (ed.) (1886), The Lives of Women Saints of our Contrie of England, also Some
Other Liues of Holie Women Written by Some of the Auncient Fathers c. 1610-1615
from MS. Stowe 949 London Early English Text society
Kennedy, C.W. (1943), The Earliest English Poetry Oxford
Lees, C.A. and Overing, G.R. (2001), Double Agents, Women and Clerical Culture in AngloSaxon England Pennsylvania
Love, R.C. (ed.) (2004), Goscelin of Saint-Bertin: the Hagiography of the Female Saints of
Meyer, M.A. (1977), 'Women and the Tenth Century Monastic Reform', Revue Benedictine,
Vol 87, pp 34-61
Meyer, M.A. (1979), 'Land Charters and the Legal Position of Anglo-Saxon Women' in The
Women of England: From Anglo-Saxon Times top the Present ed. B. Kanner
Meyer, M.A. (1981), 'Patronage of the West Saxon Royal Nunneries in Late Anglo-Saxon
England', Revue Bénédictine, xci, pp. 332-58
Meyer, M.A. (1993), 'The Queen's 'Demesne' in Later Anglo-Saxon England', The Culture of
Christendom: Essays in Medieval History in Commemoration of Denis Bethell, ed.
M.A. Meyer, London, pp. 75-113
Nelson, J.L. (1997), 'Early Medieval Rites of Queen-Making and the Shaping of Medieval
Queenship', Queens and Queenship in Medieval Europe, ed. A.J. Duggan, pp. 301-15
Parker, L.N. (1906), The Warwick Pageant July 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1906. In Celebration of the
Thousandth Anniversary of the Conquest of Mercia by Queen Ethelfleda. Invented
and arranged by Louis N. Parker. Warwick
Ridyard, S.J. (1988), The Royal Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: a Study of West Saxon and
East Anglian Cults Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th ser., 9
Rollason, D.W. (1983), 'The cults of murdered royal saints in Anglo-Saxon England', AngloSaxon England 11, pp. 1-22
Rollason, D.W. (ed.) (1986), 'Goscelin of Canterbury's account of the translation and miracles
of St. Mildrith (BHL 5961/4): an edition with notes', Mediaeval Studies 48, pp. 139210
Schulenburg, J.T. (1989), 'Women's Monastic Communities, 500-1100: Patterns of
Expansion and Decline' in Sisters and Workers in the Middle Ages, ed. J.M. Bennett,
E.A. Clark, J.F. O'Barr, B.A. Vilen, and S. Westphal-Wihl. Chicago
Stafford, P. (1978), 'Sons and Mothers: Family Politics in the Early Middle Ages' in Medieval
Women ed. D. Baker, Studies in Church History, Subsidia, I Oxford, pp. 79-100
Stafford, P. (1981), 'The King's Wife in Wessex 800-1066' Past and Present, xci, pp. 3-27
Stafford, P. (1983), Queens, Concubines and Dowagers: the King's Wife in the Early Middle
Stafford, P. (1997), Queen Emma & Queen Edith, Queenship and Women's Power in
Eleventh-Century England
Stafford, P. (1999), 'Queens, Nunneries and Reforming Churchmen: Gender, Religious Status
and Reform in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century England' Past and Present 163, pp. 3-35
Stafford, P. (2001), 'Political Women in Mercia, Eighth to Tenth Centuries' Mercia An AngloSaxon Kingdom in Europe, ed. M.P. Brown and C.A. Farr, Leicester, pp. 35-49
Stafford, P. (2004), 'Ælfgifu (fl. 956–966)' Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed.
H.C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison, Oxford
Stafford, P. (2004a), 'Ælfthryth (d. 999x1001)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed.
H.C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison, Oxford
Stafford, P. (2004b), ‘Eadgifu (b. in or before 904, d. in or after 966)’, Oxford Dictionary of
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Stenton, F.M. (1943), Historical Bearing of Place-Name Studies: The Place of Women in
Anglo-Saxon Society
Symons, T. (ed.) (1953), Saint Aethelwold, Regularis Concordia Anglicae nationis
monachorum sanctimonialiumque: The Monastic Agreement of the Monks and Nuns
of the English Nation London
Talbot, C. H. (1954), The Anglo-Saxon Missionaries in Germany, Being the Lives of SS.
Willibrord, Boniface, Leoba and Lebuin together with the Hodoepericon of St.
Willibald and a selection from the correspondence of St. Boniface, London and New
Thacker, A. (2004), 'Æbbe (d. 683?)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. H.C.G.
Matthew and B. Harrison, Oxford
Timmer, B.J. (ed.) (1952), Judith Exeter
van Houts, E. (1992), 'Women and the writing of history in the early Middle Ages: the case
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van Houts, E. (2004), 'Ælfthryth (d. 929)' in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed.
H.C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison, Oxford
Wainwright, F.T. (1975), 'Æthelflæd Lady of the Mercians', The Anglo-Saxons: studies in
some aspects of their history and culture presented to Bruce Dickins, ed. P. Clemoes,
London 1959, pp. 53-69 reprinted in Scandinavian England: Collected Papers by F T
Wainwright, ed. H.P.R. Finberg. Chichester 1975, pp. 305-24. Page numbers refer to
the 1975 edition.
Whitelock, D. et al. (1968), The Will of Æthelgifu, Roxburghe Club. Oxford 1968
Woodruff, C.P. (1923), 'The Picture of Queen Ediva in Canterbury Cathedral', Archaeologia
Cantiana, xxxvi, pp.1-14
Yorke, B.A.E. (1998), 'The Bonifacian mission and female religious in Wessex' in Early
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