Upper School Families Mark Your Calendars 2011-2012 Program Schedule Note: Program Schedule as of August 24, 2011. Additional things may pop up from time to time. This list does not include events that affect small numbers of students (i.e., field trips, choir events, etc). Please refer to ESD website at www.esdallas.org for a detailed listing for all school holidays, the Athletics calendar and updated information or contact your Parent Communication Representatives for more details. Date September 10 Activity Back to School Dance (8:00-11:00 pm) September 14 US Back to School Night (7:00 p.m.) September 30 October 1 Homecoming Pep Rally and Football Game Homecoming Dance October 4-5 LS Pumpkin Patch Pumpkin Pickup October 12 October 19 November 1 November 3-4 Special Programming Day Sophomores & Juniors take the PSAT Junior Class will travel to Wolf Run Upper School Conference Day Fall SPC December 3 Winter Formal Dance December 9 Lessons and Carols December 13-15 January 12-13 Upper School Exams Special Programming Days February 1 February 10-11 February 25 Upper School Conference Day Winter SPC Sadie Hawkins Dance March (Date TBD) Shakespeare Week March 9 Special Programming Day March 29-30 March 31 ISAS Festival at Greenhill Junior/ Senior Prom April 5 Special Programming Day TBD End of School Dance May 3-4 Spring SPC May 18 May 22-24 Honors Assembly Upper School Exams Notes Dance will be held at ESD in the Hart Athletic Gym. Typical attire: casual; Neon theme Tickets are $15 and proceeds will benefit the Junior/ Senior Prom. No Bus For Freshman. Parents will quickly run through their students’ schedule going from class to class and meeting each teacher. Parents will learn what material will be covered this year, and what is expected from students. Junior Class will sell mums & garters for Homecoming Spirit Week to benefit the Junior/ Senior Prom Dance will be held at ESD. Typical attire: dress for girls; coat and tie for boys Freshman will have an all grade pre-party and ride together on a coach bus to ESD for the Dance. Freshmen Parents will have their own party that night while the students are at the Dance. Look for details from the Parent Reps on your class page online. Pick up your pre-ordered Halloween pumpkins and support the carnival at the same time! Located in lower school north parking lot ESD will send grade specific information detailing the activities and schedule for the day. ESD will send Jr. Class parents information detailing the trip. Parents and students will meet with their Advisor by appointment. Many students will miss classes to compete in their respective Fall sports. Dance will be held at ESD. Typical attire: long dresses for girls; suit, or coat and tie for boys. Freshman will have an all grade pre-party and ride together on a coach bus to ESD for the Dance. All School Christmas Chapel. Parents are invited to attend. Students are released at noon following the service. ESD will send parents a schedule for the week. ESD will send grade specific information detailing the activities and schedule for the days. Special events will take place half day, classes will resume half day. Parents and students will meet with their Advisor by appointment. Students will compete in their respective Winter sports. Dance will be held at ESD. Typical attire: casual; themed costumes No Bus for Freshmen. Upper School Students will all read a Shakespearean Play and present completed projects on the Play to other US students. ESD will send grade specific information detailing the activities and schedule for the day. Many Fine Arts students will miss school to participate. Hosted by Junior Class. Support their efforts by purchasing Homecoming Mums! ESD will send grade specific information detailing the activities and schedule for the day. Dance will be held at ESD. Typical attire: casual; possible theme No Bus For Freshman. Many students will miss classes to compete in their respective Spring sports. Students are released at noon following the Assembly. ESD will send parents a schedule for the week. Upper School Parent Communication Representatives 2011-2012 Please feel free to contact your grade specific Parent Communication Representative with any questions, concerns, issues, or suggestions at any time throughout the year. They are invaluable resources. The Parent Reps will meet monthly with Erin Mayo and Jeff Laba to review the activities in the Upper School as well as to address any specific parent concerns. They will be planning events for you to get to know other parents in your grade. Look for email updates and reminders from them throughout the year regarding important ESD and grade specific activities. For specific parent events, speakers, parties and coffees, please check your grade’s “Parent Communication Page” on the “ESD Parent Portal” (found at www.esdallas.org under the COMMUNITY LOGIN link). Contact Teri Yeargan or click community login and click “forgotten password, Grade Parent Representative Contact Information 9th Anne Helbing helbing1@swbell.net 214-906-5986 Nita Clark nclark@prothroclark.com 214-725-4701 10th Monica Huggins mmhuggins@sbcglobal.net 214-535-5554 Christie Schmitt cpschmitt@sbcglobal.net 214-460-6288 11th DeeAnn Anigian anigian@mac.com 214-676-9553 Kathleen Blair kdsblair@yahoo.com 214-632-9381 12th Missy Boone missy.boone@jpmorgan.com 214-808-3994 Rebecca Lones rhlones@sbcglobal.net 214-394-8130 Upper School Division Rose Fitzgerald rosemfitzgerald@charter.net Coordinator 972-467-7760 Parents Association LuAnne Hobbs luanne.s.hobbs@gmail.com President 214-564-8577 Dads’ Partnership Matt Waller matt@captuscapiltal.com President 214-632-9898 Booster Club President Brad Beutel bradb@beutelcap.com 512-785-7137 Parents’ Association Calendar Highlights 2011-2012 Please consider helping the ESD Parents’ Association & Booster Club by volunteering your time, talent and resources. A strong parent involvement benefits our entire ESD Community. To get involved with the ESD Parents’ Association, contact LuAnne Hobbs, President (contact information above). Date Activity Notes “Concession Volunteers”, Booster Club Member & Spring Golf Tournament Booster Club benefits EVERY sport at ESD. They are currently looking for parents to work the concession stand for home football, volleyball, basketball & lacrosse games. Please contact Brad Beutel to become a Booster Club Member. To volunteer go to website, community login Save the date for this Totally Awesome Auction Party featuring a parent performance, dancing, food and beverages with a live and silent auction. The entire ESD community is invited and the Auction will be held in the Stephen B. Swann Athletic & Wellness Center Gymnasium. Contact Chairs Christine Cook, Suzanne Everbach or Elaina Peterie to get involved, donate items or help with underwriting. Save the Date for this Luncheon and Fashion Show featuring ESD students and parents. More details to come, but contact Chairs Jan Daulton or Nancy Saustad to get involved. Please join to serve breakfasts (US), lunch (LS), field day (LS), carpool duty and many other service projects! Contact Matt Waller for more info. February 4 ESD Auction – TOTALLY PROM!! April 18 Parents Association Spring Luncheon Dads’ Partnership ESDPA NEWS: ALL FORMS CAN BE FOUND ON THE ESDPA PAGE UNDER “COMMUNITY LOGIN” ON THE ESD WEBSITE WWW.ESDALLAS.ORG. Click “forgot password” if you cannot login or contact Teri Yeargan at yeargant@esdallas.org AUCTION- TOTALLY PROM- February 4, 2012- Save the Date and Volunteer to Help by contacting auction chairs Suzanne Everbach, Christine Cook and Elaina Peterie LS Carnival- October 28th- Support the LS Carnival and pre-order your Halloween pumpkins for pick up at the Pumpkin Patch October 4th & 5th in the North parking lot! Spring Luncheon- April 18, 2012- Don’t miss this fashion show and luncheon honoring the class of 2012’s mom’s! To get involved, contact chairs Jan Daulton or Nancy Saustad Homecoming Garters, Mums, and Spirit Buttons: Support the Jr. Class, who sponsor the Jr. Sr. Prom, by purchasing Homecoming Garters, Mums, and spirit buttons! Deadline to order is September 20th so do not delay! Links for the forms will be on the ESDPA page on the website. Booster Club- Please volunteer to work a shift at the concession stands during an ESD sporting event! Volunteer Schedule is on line under Community Login, Booster Club, Click the big blue Volunteer box on the right. Dads’ Partnership – Join the Dad’s partnership- lots of great volunteer activities and meet other ESD dads. Don’t miss the Golf Tournament scheduled Spring 2012. Sign up form is on the ESDPA page on the website. Dads, don’t miss the fun! Volunteer Background Check- All volunteers for ESD need to fill out a confidential background check. Please go to www.esdallas.org/backgroundcheck to submit yours online. Should you wish, you may print the form and bring to Lynette Morris at the school. Tom Thumb Rewards can benefit the ESDPA! Please sign up with code #7351 The link to the site is listed in the newsletter and on the ESDPA page on the website. Alerts Manager will text or email you of any information you set it up to forward including emergency information. o Go to www.esdallas.org/news o Click small orange button on right labeled “Alerts” o Login using the “my backpack” login o Go to Update Settings to add a phone number (it will send a test text with a code to that phone) o Type that code to verify the phone o Check the appropriate boxes to receive the appropriate texts- “Emergency” is the most important. MS & US Resale Closet- Please donate your gently used uniforms, blazers, sweatshirts and gym attire. Proceeds benefit the ESDPA. Resale hours are the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 4106 Montwood Drive (South side of the campus). The schedule is posted on line on the ESDPA page of the website. Drop donations in Mary Beth Weinberger’s office (across from admissions office at US). Questions? Contact Meleta Smith at 214-537-1404 or email milo99@sbcglobal.net Lost & Found- Lost and Found is located in the Commons at the top of the stairs of the south pod. High value items are kept in Mrs. Baker’s office. Mrs. Baker does her best to return labeled items to students. Please ensure all clothing and personal items are labeled. Lost and Found is cleaned out on the last day of each month. All ESD items are donated to the resale closet on Montwood. All non-ESD items are donated to a local charity. Mom’s In Touch- Join with other moms in confidential prayer for our children and school community. We meet every Monday that school is in session in the Daryl Johnston Family Dining Commons ( upper school) conference room from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Come as you are and stay as long or little as time allows. We welcome you and your prayers! Questions? Call Kimberly Colonnetta at 214-683-1259 or email kimberly@colonnetta.com Don’t miss the ESDPA Auction: “TOTALLY PROM” Mark your calendars NOW for Saturday, February 4th. This is one event you will NOT want to miss being a part of. Contact the Auction Chairs (Suzanne Everbach, Christine Cook and Elaina Peterie) to volunteer or donate!! WE NEED YOUR HELP! Don’t Risk Your Child! Get the current information on hot issues! Get the facts you need to be an effective parent and stay informed! Save the Dates for these invaluable tools! o Teen Dating, Bullying and Healthy Relationships- Teen Tools for successful healthy relationships Genesis Shelter – Tuesday October 11th 7:00 pm Bray Performance Hall (ESD) o Choices and Consequences – A life changed by drunk driving- yes, it can happen to you! When Sean Speaks- Friday, January 13th 11:45-12:45 (tentatively scheduled) o EAT – It’s Not About Food – A powerful play followed by candid discussion on causes & warning signs of eating disorders. Thursday, Feb. 16th 7:00 p.m. Bray Performance Hall (ESD) o Using Electronic Communication for Good (not evil!)- Marion K. Underwood addresses cyber bullying how to find out about it and stop it. Thursday April 5th at 7:00 p.m. o Parenting With Love and Logic- Parenting philosophy on appropriate consequences when our children are disobedient or defiant. Date TBD o How to raise a fiscally responsible child- what they really need to know and how to do it- Ashley Parks, ESD parent, will teach parents and students the importance of Fiscal Responsibility, from her book The Saving Seed, Growing a Financially Healthy Family Tree. Date TBD Donate a Book! Need a great gift idea? Donate a book to the upper school or lower school library in honor of someone special! Contact Leslie Beatty, Librarian, for more information. THANK YOU TO OUR 2010-2011 AUCTION AND CARNIVAL FOOD AND BEVERAGE DONORS! PLEASE GIVE THEM YOUR BUSINESS THIS YEAR! Centennial Fine Wine & Spirits Eatzi's El Fenix Fogo de Chao Maguire's Maximo The Mansion on Turtle Creek The Place at Perry's Shinsei Studio Movie Grill