Sacramento City College Spring 2015 Audio Production MUSM 357 John Altmann Pro Tools 110-V11 Quiz Chapters 7 through 10 NAME: _____________________________ DUE Tuesday May 5. CHAPTER 7: 1. Where can you assign the color coding that Pro Tools will automatically apply for tracks and clips? What color coding option does Pro Tools use by default? 2. Describe the process of creating a clip loop. What are some of the options available in the Clip Looping dialog box? 3. What are the two ways that the Trim tool can be used to edit a clip loop? 4. How would you go about creating a loop from several separate clips on a track that you want to have repeat as a unit? 5. What happens to clip loops when you choose the Clip > Ungroup All command? 6. What is the difference between Absolute and Relative Grid Modes? 7. Do AudioSuite plug-ins provide real-time processing or non-real-time processing? When might you use AudioSuite processing instead of a plug-in insert? 8. What does the Use In Playlist button do in the AudioSuite plug-in window? How can you tell when this option is active? 9. Explain the difference between applying AudioSuite processing as “Clip by Clip” versus “Entire Selection.” 10. What is the difference between “removing” and “deleting” a file using the Clear command in the Clip List? 11. What are some options for making selections or subset clips available outside of the current session? What is the purpose of using the Capture command when exporting clips? 12. up What is the purpose of the Export Clip Definitions command in the Clip List popmenu? How is this command different from Export Clips as Files? Chapter 8: 13. Describe the track icons used for each type of track (Audio, Aux Input, MIDI, Instrument, and Master Fader) in the Mix window. 14. How many inserts are available on a track in Pro Tools? Why is it important to consider the order in which inserts are arranged on a track? 15. Are inserts pre-fader or post-fader on Audio tracks, Instrument tracks, and Aux Input tracks? Are inserts any different on Master Fader tracks? Explain. 16. How many sends are available on a track in Pro Tools? 17. Are sends pre-fader or post-fader on Audio tracks, Instrument tracks, and Aux Input tracks? Are sends any different on Master Fader tracks? Explain. 18. What is the difference between standard view and expanded view for sends? What keyboard modifier can you use to toggle between view modes by clicking a send selector? 19. What is the difference between an output (interface) send and a bus send? 20. What level does a send default to when it is first created? How can you change this default? 21. What is the effect of enabling the FMP button in a send window? What is the effect of enabling the PRE button? 22. How can you prevent a “return” track from soft muting when one of the source tracks is soloed? 23. Which type of plug-in effects are generally used on inserts; which are generally used with sends? Why? 24. What are some of the uses of a Master Fader? How can you assign a Master Fader to the desired output or bus? Chapter 9: 25. What are some of the parameters that you can automate in Pro Tools? 26. What are some of the differences between MIDI controller automation data and Pro Tools track automation? What kinds of tracks can Pro Tools track automation be used on (Audio, MIDI, Instrument, Aux Input)? 27. What is the difference between the Write, Touch, and Latch automation modes? 28. When might you suspend automation? What is the difference between the Suspend button and the Write Enable buttons? 29. What are two ways to display an automation playlist in the Edit window? 30. What are some ways that the Grabber tool can be used to edit an automation playlist? 31. What are some ways that the Pencil tool can be used to edit an automation playlist? 32. How is cutting automation data different from deleting automation data? 33. What will be the result if you copy automation (Edit > Copy) from a track displaying the Volume automation graph and paste the automation (Edit > Paste) on a track displaying Pan automation? 34. How would you go about duplicating the volume automation from a track on Send B for the track? 35. How can you delete individual breakpoints in an automation graph? How can you delete a range of automation breakpoints? Chapter 10: 36. Describe the process of creating a drum submaster. What kind of track is commonly used for a submaster? 37. What is a quick way to route a track send or output to a new track? Describe what happens when you use this option to route tracks to a submaster. 38. a What is the purpose of grouping tracks? What is the keyboard shortcut to create group from selected tracks? 39. What are some of the parameters that are affected by Edit groups? What are some of the parameters that can be affected by Mix groups? 40. or How can you activate or deactivate a single group? How can you globally disable re-enable all groups? 41. How can you identify group membership of tracks in the Mix window? 42. How can you quickly select all members of a group? 43. What are some options for modifying or deleting a group? Can you modify or delete the All group? 44. When is it necessary to apply Dither? Where should you insert a dither plug-in? 45. What are the differences between the types of POW-r dither? 46. What are the steps involved in creating a session archive? Why is it important to use the Save Copy In command before compacting sound files?