1 Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Riverine Sediment and Water Discharge 2 Between 1960-2010 based on the WBMsed v.2.0 Distributed Global Model 3 4 Sagy Cohen1, Albert J. Kettner1, James P.M. Syvitski1 5 1 6 University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA. Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, 7 8 Submitted to ??? 9 10 1 11 Abstract 12 Quantitative description of global riverine fluxes is one of the main goals of 13 contemporary hydrology and geomorphology. However gauging of large rivers is 14 decreasing globally and inter-basin measurement (particularly of sediment) is sporadic at 15 best outside of the U.S. Numerical models can help fill the gap in global gauging and 16 provide predictive frameworks. However the multi-scale nature and heterogeneity of 17 large river systems makes it a highly challenging undertaking. Quantitative understanding 18 of spatio-temporal dynamics within these complex systems is a precondition for accurate 19 modeling. Here we study changes in global riverine water discharge and sediment flux 20 between 1960-2010 using a new version of the WBMsed model. We introduced a new 21 floodplain reservoir component to better represent riverine water and sediment dynamics. 22 The new model (WBMsed v.2.0) is validated here against daily data from 18 globally 23 distributed stations. The results are very favorable and show considerable improvement 24 over the original model. Normalized departure from mean is used to quantify spatial and 25 temporal dynamics in both water discharge and sediment flux. Considerable inter-basin 26 variability is observed in some regions. Continental analysis shows cycles of below and 27 above average discharge and sediment. The amplitude and wavelength of these 28 fluctuations vary in time and between continents. A correlation analysis between 29 continental sediment and discharge shows strong correspondence in Australia and Africa 30 (R2 of 0.93 and 0.87 respectively), moderate correlation in North and South America (R2 31 of 0.64 and 0.73 respectively) and weak correlation in Asia and Europe (R 2 of 0.35 and 32 0.24 respectively). We propose that yearly changes in inter-basin precipitation dynamics 33 explain the differences in continental discharge and sediment correlation. The mechanism 2 34 propose and demonstrated here (on the Ganges, Danube and Amazon Rivers) is that 35 regions with high relief and soft lithology will amplify the effect of higher then average 36 precipitation by producing an increase in sediment yield that greatly exceeds increase in 37 river discharge. 38 3 39 1. Introduction 40 Quantifying riverine sediment flux and water discharge is an important scientific 41 undertaking for many reasons. Water discharge is a key component in the global water 42 cycle affecting our planet climate (Harding et al., 2011), ecology (Doll et al., 2009) and 43 anthropogenic activities (e.g. agriculture, drinking water, recreation; Biemans et al., 44 2011). Sediment flux dynamics is a fundamental goal of earth-system science as it is a 45 key feature of our planet geology (e.g. erosion rates; Pelletier 2012), biogeochemistry 46 (e.g. landscape-evolution, carbon cycle; Syvitski and Milliman, 2007, Vörösmarty et al., 47 1997) and anthropogenic activities (e.g. water quality, infrastructure; Kettner et al., 48 2010). Our qualitative understanding and predictive capabilities of global river fluxes is 49 still lacking (Harding et al., 2011). This is, in part, due to the multi-scale nature of the 50 processes involved (Pelletier, 2012) and the inadequacy in global gauging of rivers 51 (Fekete and Vörösmarty, 2007). Availability of measured river fluxes is decreasing 52 globally (Brakenridge et al., 2012) particularly for sediment (Syvitski et al., 2005). 53 Ongoing sediment fluxes to the oceans are measured for less than 10% of the Earth’s 54 rivers (Syvitski et al., 2005) and intra-basin measurements are even scarcer (Kettner et 55 al., 2010). 56 Numerical models can fill the gap in sediment measurements (e.g. Syvitski et al., 57 2005; Wilkinson et. al., 2009) and offer predictive capabilities of future and past trends 58 enabling investigations of terrestrial response to environmental and human changes (e.g. 59 climate change; Kettner and Syvitski, 2009). Despite advances made in recent years (e.g. 60 Pelletier, 2012; Cohen et la., 2011, Kettner and Syvitski 2008) simulating global riverine 4 61 fluxes remains a challenge due to the complexity and heterogeneity of large river systems 62 (Pelletier, 2012). 63 Climate change during the 21st century is projected to alter the spatio-temporal 64 dynamics of precipitation and temperature (Held and Soden, 2006; Bates et al., 2008) 65 resulting in natural and anthropogenically induced changes in land-use and water 66 availability (Bates et al., 2008). Estimating the effect of these spatially and temporally 67 dynamic processes warrant sophisticated distributed numerical models. Using past trends 68 is perhaps the best strategy for developing these models and improve our understanding 69 of the dynamics and causality within these complex systems. 70 In this paper we present and validate an improved version of the WBMsed global 71 riverine sediment flux model (Cohen et al., 2011). In Cohen et al. (2011) we showed that 72 WBMsed well predict long-term average and inter-annual sediment flux but considerably 73 over estimates daily flux (by orders of magnitudes) during high discharge events and tend 74 to under estimate them during low flow periods. We found that this miss-prediction is 75 directly linked to miss-predictions of riverine water discharge. We determined that this is 76 mostly due to the model’s water routing approach which does not limit water transfer 77 capacity of rivers. This means that the model did not consider overbank flow and water 78 storage at the floodplains. In a natural river system, flooding not only limit the amount of 79 water that can be transported by a river but also provide a temporary reservoir which 80 resupply some of the water back to the river days after the flood. The absence of such 81 mechanism in the model resulted in a river system which is overly responsive to runoff 82 (hence the over estimation during peek flow and under estimation during low flows). It 83 should be noted that original model (WBM/WTM; Vörösmarty et al., 1998; Vörösmarty 5 84 et al., 1989) was implemented at much courser spatial and temporal resolutions then 85 WBMsed (30 arc-minute and monthly compare to 6 arc-minute and daily) so this 86 simplification was reasonable. In the new model, presented here, we introduce a 87 floodplain reservoir component which store overbank flow at pixel scale. 88 We use the new model to simulate daily water discharge and sediment flux (at 6 arc- 89 minute resolution) between 1960-2010. The results are used to calculate yearly trends 90 (normalized departure from mean) at both pixel scale and continental average. In this 91 paper we focus our analysis on continental-scale interplay between sediment flux and 92 water discharge. 93 94 2. Methodology 95 2.1. The WBMsed v.2.0 model 96 WBMsed is a fully distributed global sediment flux model (Cohen et al., 2011). It is 97 an extension of the WBMplus global hydrology model (Wisser et al., 2010), part of the 98 FrAMES biogeochemical modeling framework (Wollheim et al., 2008) 99 100 Water Discharge Module 101 The WBMplus model includes the water balance/transport model first introduced by 102 (Vörösmarty et al., 1998; Vörösmarty et al., 1989) and subsequently modified by (Wisser 103 et al., 2010; Wisser et al., 2008). At its core the surface water balance of non-irrigated 104 areas is a simple soil moisture budget expressed as: 6 ì ï -g(Ws ) E p - Pa ï dWs / dt = í Pa - E p ï DWS - E p ïî ( 105 106 107 ) Pa £ E p E p < Pa £ DWS (1) Dws < Pa driven by g(Ws) is a unitless soil function: g Ws Ws Wc 1 e 1 e (2) 108 and Ws is the soil moisture, Ep is the potential evapotranspiration, Pa is the precipitation 109 (rainfall Pr combined with snowmelt Ms), and Dws is the soil moisture deficit, the 110 difference between available water capacity Wc, which is a soil and vegetation dependent 111 variable (specified externally) and the soil moisture. The unitless empirical constant α is 112 set to 5.0 following Vörösmarty et al. (1989). 113 Flow routing from grid to grid cell following downstream grid cell tree topology 114 (which only allows conjunctions of grid cells upstream, without splitting to form islands 115 or river deltas) is implemented using the Muskingum-Cunge equation, which is a semi 116 implicit finite difference scheme to the diffusive wave solution to the St. Venant 117 equations (ignoring the two acceleration terms in the momentum equation). The equation 118 is expressed as a linear combination of the input flow from current and previous time step 119 (Qin t-1, Qin t) and the released water from the river segment (pixel) in the previous time 120 step (Qout t-1) to calculate new grid-cell outflow: 121 Qout t = c1 Qin t + c2 Qin t-1 + c3 Qout t-1 (3) 122 The Muskingum coefficients (c1 c2 c3) are traditionally estimated experimentally from 123 discharge records, but their relationships to channel properties are well established. 7 124 Detailed descriptions are provided in (Wisser et al., 2010). 125 The new floodplain reservoir module (Figure 1) adjust daily discharge, Qi, by: 126 (1) when daily discharge for a given pixel, Qout t, is greater then bankfull discharge, 127 Qbf, excess water (Qout t – Qbf) are removed from the river flow (i.e. Qi = Qbf) and stored 128 in a virtual infinite floodplain reservoir, Qfp; 129 130 (2) when daily river discharge is less then bankfull (Qi < Qbf) water from the floodplain reservoir (if there are any) are returned back to the river Qi = Qout t + b(Qbf – Qout t)Qfp (4a) 133 Qfp = Qfp – b(Qbf – Qi) (4b) 134 where b is a daily delay fraction of water flow from the floodplain to the river, b=1 135 translate to no delay (open flow). The adjusted grid-cell discharge equation is thus 131 132 136 137 138 139 140 and ì Qbf ï Qi = í ïî Qout t +( b(Qbf - Qi )Q fp ) 143 144 145 Qout t < Qbf (5) In this model water on the floodplain are assumed to be stationary (i.e. it does not flow between pixels) and not subject to evaporation or infiltration. Bankfull discharge at a river segment is estimated based on an approach modified from the river morphology module in the CaMa-Flood model (Yamazaki et al., 2011) 141 142 Qout t > Qbf Qbf = BWVbf (6) where B is bank height 𝐵 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥[0.5𝑄̅ 0.3 , 1.0] (7) where 𝑄̅ is long term average discharge, W is channel width 𝑊 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥[15𝑄̅ 0.5 , 10.0] (8) 8 146 and Vbf is bankfull flow velocity 𝑉𝑏𝑓 = 𝑛−1 𝑆 −1/2 𝐵2/3 147 (9) 148 where n is Manning's roughness coefficient (=0.03) and S, slope, is assumed to be 149 constant (=0.001). 150 Additional approaches for estimating bankfull discharge were extensively tested. We 151 have found that the Pearson III flood frequency estimator (using a 5-year flood frequency 152 parameter) resulted in favorable results. However this purely statistical methodology 153 proved to be inferior to the methodology presented above for larger rivers and was 154 therefore discarded. 155 156 Sediment Flux Module 157 Similar to the first version of the model (WBMsed; Cohen et al., 2011) the sediment 158 flux module is a spatially explicit implementation of the BQART and Psi basin outlet 159 models (Syvitski and Milliman, 2007 and Morehead et al., 2003 respectively). In order to 160 simulate these models continuously in space (i.e. pixel-scale) we assume that each pixel 161 is an outlet of its upstream contributing area. The BQART model simulate long-term (30+ 162 years) average suspended sediment loads ( Qs) for a basin outlet 163 Qs = wBQ 164 Qs = 2wBQ 0.31 A0.5 RT for T ≥ 2°C, 0.31 A0.5 R for T < 2°C, (10a) (10b) 165 where is a coefficient of proportionality that equals 0.02 for units of kg s-1, Q is the 166 long-term average discharge for each cell, A is the basin upstream contributed area of 167 each cell, R is the relative relief difference between the highest relief of the contributed 168 basin to that cell and the elevation of that particular cell, and T is the average temperature 9 169 of the upstream contributed area. The B term accounts for important geological and 170 human factors through a series of secondary equations and lookup tables, and includes 171 the effect of glacial erosion processes (I), lithology (L) that expresses the hardness of the 172 rock, sediment trapping due in reservoirs (TE) and a human-influenced soil erosion factor 173 (Eh) (Syvitski and Milliman, 2007): 174 B=IL(1-TE)Eh (11) 175 The Psi equation is applied to resolve sediment flux on a daily time step from the 176 long-term sediment flux estimated by BQART (Eq. 10). A classic way to calculate the 177 daily suspended sediment fluxes would be by Qs = aQ1+b, however Morehead et al. 178 (2003) developed the Psi equation such that the model is capable of capturing the intra- 179 and inter-annual variability that natural river systems have: æ Qs[i] ö æ Q[i] öC (a ) ç ÷ = y[i]ç ÷ è Qs ø è Qø 180 (12) 181 where Qs[i] is the sediment flux for each grid cell, Q[i] is the water discharge leaving the 182 grid cell, [i] describes a lognormal random distribution, [i] is revering to a daily time 183 step, and C(a) is a normally distributed annual rating exponent (Syvitski et al., 2005) with: 184 E() = 1 s (y) = 0.763(0.99995) 185 186 187 (13a) Q (13b) and E(C)=1.4 – 0.025T+0.00013R+0.145ln( Qs) (13c) 188 (C)=0.17+0.0000183 Q 189 where E and are respectively the mean and the standard deviation. Equations (13a–d) 190 are reflecting the different variability behavior of various sizes of river systems, where (13d) 10 191 large rivers with high discharges tend to have less intra-annual variability in the sediment 192 flux than smaller systems (Morehead et al., 2003). 193 In WBMsed.v2.0 sediment reaching the floodplain reservoir will be deposited at a 194 user defined rate. In this paper, for the sake of simplicity, we assume that all the sediment 195 in the overbank flow is deposited on the floodplain. This means that flood water returning 196 to the river are sediment free. The effect of this process is a reduction in sediment flux as 197 a function of flood frequency. 198 199 2.2. Departure and Continental Trend Analysis 200 Temporal changes in sediment flux and water discharge are quantified with 201 normalized departure. Departure is the difference between long-term average and a value 202 at a point in time. For example, departure (D) in water discharge is 203 Dt = Qt -Q (14) 204 where t is for a specific point in time at a given time-scale. Here we calculate yearly 205 departure so Qt is the mean discharge for year t (e.g. 1960). In order to allow a unitless 206 comparison between pixels and between parameters we use normalized departure 207 208 Dt = (Qt - Q) Q (15) This is equivalent to the percent difference between long-term average and yearly mean. 209 Continental departure was calculated by averaging yearly and long-term sediment and 210 discharge in all the pixels within each continent and using these values in equation 15. 211 Continental departure can also be calculated by averaging the pixel scale departure. The 11 212 latter approach, not used here, will bias the results toward highly fluctuating pixels and 213 can differ considerably from the first approach. 214 215 2.2. Simulation settings 216 In this paper, water discharge and sediment flux predictions are from a daily, global 217 scale simulation at 6 arc-minute spatial resolution. The precipitation dataset used is the 218 GPCCfull monthly time steps (with supplementary daily fraction dataset) at 30 arc- 219 minute spatial resolution. The flow routing (network) dataset used is the 220 STN+HydroSHEDS at 6 arc-minute spatial resolution. A comprehensive list of the model 221 input datasets is provided in (Cohen et al., 2011). All datasets are available on the 222 CSDMS 223 (http://csdms.colorado.edu/wiki/HPCC_portal). 224 limitations, described below, a filter was applied to mask pixels with contributing area 225 smaller then 40,000 km2 and average discharge smaller then 30 m3/s. High Performance Computer In light of the Cluster model accuracy 226 227 3. Results 228 3.1. Model validation 229 The WBMsedv.2 model is evaluated in 12 globally distributed sites from the Global 230 Runoff Database (ref. ALBERT?) and 6 U.S. sites (Fig. 2; Table 1). The U.S. sites are a 231 subset of the sites used in Cohen et al. (2011) to evaluate the first version of WBMsed. 232 These sites are from the USGS ‘Water Data for the Nation’ website (U.S. Geological 233 Survey, 2012) providing daily sediment flux and water discharge data between 1997- 234 2007. Daily sediment flux data is scarce outside the U.S. The 12 global sites used only 12 235 provide water discharge data at different time frames. The sites were chosen to represent 236 a wide geographical settings and river size. 237 For the global sites (Fig. 3) WBMsedv.2 predictions are overall quite good. 238 Predictions for the Niger, Mekong and Amazon Rivers are exceptionally good. The 239 Yellow, Danube, Amu Darya Rivers show less favorable results but overall are also quite 240 well predicted. The Yukon site is under predicted due to underestimation of the bankfull 241 discharge value at this point. This is evident by the cutoff in peek discharge predictions. 242 The other two arctic rivers (Lena and Ob) are also under predicted. This indicates that the 243 model has a tendency to under predict arctic rivers. This may be due to lower accuracy in 244 precipitation dataset for the higher latitudes but may also be due inaccuracies in the 245 model snow melt module. 246 Discharge at the Congo site is over predicted at about a factor of 2 despite the fact 247 that the other three tropical rivers (Amazon, Niger and Mekong) are very well predicted. 248 It may be due to the location of this gauging station on a particularly wide section of the 249 Congo River (near the city of Kinshasa). This demonstrate the inherent uncertainty in 250 river gauging which was estimated, for small watersheds, to have an error of 6-19% for 251 water discharge and over 9-53% for sediment flux (Harmel et al., 2006). 252 The Orange site is poorly predicted. It is likely due to the fact that it is located at the 253 Vioolsdrif Dam which is used to store irrigation water. Although WBMsed include a 254 dams and reservoirs component, predicting exact dam operation magnitude and schedule 255 at a global scale is extremely challenging. This is particularly true for dryer environment 256 and where reservoir water are extensively used for irrigation as is the case here. 13 257 In the U.S. sites (Fig. 4) discharge predictions by WBMsedv.2 are very favorable. 258 They are considerably better than the original model (Cohen et al., 2011) which typically 259 over predicted peek discharge by over an order of magnitude. Sediment flux is over 260 predicted in all but two sites (Illinois and Skunk). Even so these prediction are 261 considerably better then the original WBMsed model where peek sediment flux was 262 orders of magnitude higher then the observed flux (Cohen et al., 2011). The lower 263 Mississippi site is considerably over predicted while sediment predictions are improved 264 upstream (the Illinois site is even under predicted). The model predicted a large increase 265 in sediment flux downstream while the observed data show that sediment flux at the 266 lower Mississippi is lower then in the upper Mississippi. This can be explained by the 267 fact that the Mississippi River is heavily engineered which significantly reduce sediment 268 flux downstream. The results show that the model cannot yet fully represent such heavily 269 engineered river in terms of sediment flux predictions. 270 At the Skunk site the model well predicts discharge but considerably under predict 271 sediment flux. We think that this is because this small basin has a high density of 272 agricultural activity. WBMsed human-influenced soil erosion factor (Eh; Eq. 11) is a 273 function of population density and a country’s GDP (Syvitski et al., 2007b). This limits 274 the effective spatial resolution of Eh in WBMsed. As a result it may under estimate 275 agriculturally rice basins in developed countries as these regions, with high GDP and low 276 population density, will yield a very low Eh. These results demonstrate the spatial 277 limitations of the WBMsed sediment module and prompt the need to introduce a more 278 sophisticated and spatially explicit human/land-use erosion factor. 279 14 280 3.2. Distributed departure analysis 281 Figure 5 demonstrate the advantage of using departure analysis for comparing yearly 282 river dynamics even when model predictions are less favorable (this figure is for the 283 upper Mississippi site which was over predicted by a factor of 2 (Fig. 3)). It shows that 284 despite differences in some years (most notably 2010) the overall trend calculated was 285 very similar. Moreover using normalized departure eliminated under and over predictions 286 and allows a robust analysis as long as the modeled fluctuations scale accurately (which 287 validation results indicate that they are in most instances). 288 Figure 6 shows that departure intra-basin variability can be significant. For example 289 in the 1980s map the Amazon basin has a very high departure in its southern tributaries 290 and low departure in its middle and northern parts. The Mississippi Basin in the 1990s 291 map has a particularly high departure in its middle reaches. This kind of variability can 292 only be measured using a dense net of gauging stations, which is a rarity. This 293 demonstrates the usability of distributed continental model. 294 Tropical rivers show relatively low fluctuations (i.e. low departure). One clear 295 exception is the southwestern reaches of the Amazon during the 1980s that yielded very 296 high above average sediment (positive departure). The processes leading to this will be 297 discussed later. Eastern Australia show low sediment yield during the 1960s and 2000s, 298 likely due to prolonged droughts during these decades. The maps do however shows that 299 inter-continental variability in Australia can be considerable (e.g. 1990s). Below we 300 discuss the interplay between precipitation, discharge and sediment that may lead to these 301 spatio-temporal dynamics. 15 302 303 3.3. Continental departure analysis 304 Figures 7-9 shows yearly normalized departure in each continents for sediment flux 305 and discharge. Figures 10 show the correlation between these datasets. Below we 306 describe the results for each continent. 307 Asia: Two to three years cycles of above and below average discharge (Figure 8) with 308 decreasing amplitude with time i.e. fluctuations are smaller in recent years. Sediment flux 309 also fluctuate but at cycles of a year or two (Figure 7). The last decade exhibits a 310 decreasing trend in sediment flux which does not strongly corresponds to discharge. This 311 disconnects between discharge and sediment departures is evident in the correlation plot 312 (Figure 9) with a R2 of only 0.35. The fluctuations amplitude is the lowest of all the 313 continents possibly due to the size of the landmass which average the signal. 314 North America: Below average discharge and sediment for most of the 1960s and 315 early 70s followed by cycles of positive and negative departure with a wavelength of 316 several years. Sediment trends corresponds well to discharge (R2=0.64; Figure 9) 317 however the amplitude of the sediment flux is much greater (maximum of over 200% 318 compared to about 50%). Overall, periods of high sediment flux are short and intense 319 though their intensity is lower in recent years. 320 Europe: Below average discharge in the early 1960s followed by cycles of positive 321 and negative departure at a wavelength of a few years particularly after the mid 1980s. 322 Sediment departure poorly corresponds to discharge (R2=0.24) most notably in the 1980s 323 and most of the 1990s in which sediment is continuously below average while discharge 324 is fluctuating. Possible explanation is discussed later. 16 325 Africa: Above average discharge and sediment throughout the 1960s followed by a 326 relatively low amplitude cycles of negative and positive departure at a wavelength of 327 several years. Strong correspondence between sediment and discharge (R2=0.87). The 328 very high sediment and discharge throughout the 1960s is largely in contrast to the other 329 continents. This may be explains by the timing of dam constructions in different 330 continents. Compared to North America, Europe and Asia, increase in large dam 331 construction has started later in Africa (1970s; World Commission on Dams, 2000). 332 South America: Early 1960s has a weak positive departure for discharge but a weak 333 negative departure for sediment. Correspondence between sediment and discharge 334 improves with time and is overall quite strong (R2=0.73). Most of the 1970s show above 335 average discharge and sediment but with relatively low amplitude. From the late 1970s 336 onward cycles of negative and positive departure with low amplitude. 337 Australia: Very strong correlation between sediment and discharge (R2=0.93). Below 338 average departure during the 1960s and early 1970s. Very high positive departure during 339 the 1970s followed by cycles of negative and positive departure at an amplitude of 340 several years. Below average discharge and sediment between 2002-2008. These very 341 distinct cycles of below and above average discharge and sediment are likely due to the 342 periodic long droughts in Australia. 343 Global: Cycles of below and above average discharge and sediment with a general 344 trend of decreasing wavelength with time. Sediment relatively well corresponds to 345 discharge departure (R2=0.66). General trend of decreasing sediment and, to a lesser 346 extent, discharge with time. 347 17 348 4. Discussion 349 Agreement between water discharge and sediment flux departure (Figure 9) vary 350 considerably between continents. The goodness of fit cannot be readily explained by the 351 size or heterogeneity of a continent (e.g. both Asia and Europe has weak correlation) or 352 any other clear geographical attribute. Weak correlation between discharge and sediment 353 means that yearly changes in water discharge explain only some of the yearly fluctuations 354 in sediment. This means that other parameters are driving the temporal changes in 355 simulate sediment dynamics. These parameters are likely to have some degree of spatial 356 as well as temporal variability to lead to a weak correlation. For example dam 357 construction may lead to considerable reduction in sediment flux due to trapping 358 (Vörösmarty et al., 2003; Syvitski and Kettner, 2011.) but will not necessarily 359 significantly reduce water discharge at a yearly time scale (Biemans et al., 2011). Even 360 though a new dam will change the ratio between sediment and water discharge (i.e. 361 sediment concentration) the change will be mostly constant in time (from the beginning 362 of the dam operation onward) and will therefore not significantly weaken the correlation 363 but will change its trend. It is therefore safe to assume that fluctuating rather then 364 trending parameters will lead to a weaker correlation between discharge and sediment 365 yearly departure as calculated here. 366 At a basin scale the spatial and temporal variability in precipitation may have a major 367 effect on discharge and sediment dynamics. For example Syvitski and Kettner [2007] 368 showed that the correlation between sediment flux and water discharge in the Po River 369 basin (in northern Italy) change considerably depending on the source of the sediment in 370 the basin. Relief and lithology can act as an amplifier of precipitation patterns as greater 18 371 rainfall and snowfall in high relief areas and soft (erodible) lithology may increase 372 sediment delivery to the river. Land-use and vegetation spatio-temporal dynamics and the 373 location of reservoirs (Syvitski and Kettner, 2007) can also be important parameters in 374 this context. 375 In WBMsed human erosivity and lithology are input parameters to the long-term 376 sediment flux, BQART, equation (Eh and L in Eq. 5) which simulate trends but smooth 377 year to year fluctuations. Relief is a parameter in both the long-term sediment equation (R 378 in Eq. 5) and the daily sediment flux, Psi, equation (Eq. 6-7). We propose that inter-basin 379 patterns of relief and, to a lesser extent, lithology coupled with spatio-temporal variability 380 in precipitation will amplify or dampen sediment flux dynamics. This amplification or 381 dampening of sediment yield will lead to localized (space and time) changes in the 382 relationship between discharge and sediment resulting in weaker correlation between 383 their respective departures. To investigate this theory we study three outliers in Figure 9 384 by mapping discharge and sediment departure in their respective continents and years. 385 In 1971 predicted sediment flux in Asia was nearly 60% above average while 386 discharge was only 5% above average (Figure 9). The Ganges River is a good example of 387 this pattern (Figure 10). The Ganges Basin received above average precipitation that year 388 (explaining the above average discharge) including over the western reaches of the 389 Himalaya range. Some parts of the Himalaya received below average precipitation 390 resulting in lower then average discharge in the two north-eastern tributaries of the 391 Ganges. The two north-western tributaries shows the greatest difference between 392 sediment and discharge departure. The greatly above average sediment flux in these 393 branches of the Ganges (leading to above average sediment flux at the main river stem) 19 394 are the result of above average precipitation on both the Himalaya and the erosive 395 lithology at the floodplains. The southern tributaries also received above average 396 precipitation that year resulting in above average discharge and sediment. However since 397 they drain much lower relief and less erosive lithology they show good correspondence 398 between discharge and sediment. 399 Europe was predicted to have a very high sediment flux (more then 80% above 400 average) during 1965 while water discharge was predicted at just slightly above average 401 (about 5%; Figure 9). The Danube River basin in central Europe received above average 402 precipitation at its upper (western) reaches and below average in its lower reaches during 403 that year (Figure 11). Disconnect between discharge and sediment seems to originate at 404 the upper reaches of the river. The lithology in this region is not particularly erosive 405 though some patches of highly erosive (loess) lithology are also included in its drainage 406 basin. The cause of the enhance sediment prediction seems to be due to the increased 407 precipitations over the Alphas and perhaps over the Loess patches on the floodplain. 408 The last example is South America where sediment flux was predicted to be about 409 60% above average during 1982 while water discharge predictions were less then 20% 410 above average (Figure 9). The Madeira River (the biggest tributary of the Amazon River) 411 received above average precipitation at its upper reaches (Figure 12) resulting in above 412 average discharge. The Madre de Dios tributary yielded a considerably higher sediment 413 departure compared to its neighboring Beni tributary. This seems to be due to the high 414 precipitation in its mountainous upper reaches and the lithologically erosive floodplain. 415 The same has been predicted in the Mamore tributary where its east upstream branch 416 (low relief and a mixture of high and low erosivity) received very high precipitation 20 417 resulting in above average discharge and sediment while its west upstream branch (high 418 relief and higher erosivity) yielded only moderately positive discharge departure but high 419 sediment departure. 420 These three examples demonstrate that the intra-basin distribution of precipitation has 421 a substantial effect of its sediment yield. In the above analysis we only considered three 422 degrees of freedom (precipitation, relief and lithology) however most large river systems 423 will demonstrate more complex interplays (e.g. land-use, vegetation, human 424 infrastructure). This demonstrates the attractiveness of distributed numerical models as 425 they allow us to isolate portions of these highly complex systems. This is important as 426 future climate change is expected to have a significant effect on global precipitation 427 dynamics (Held and Soden, 2006; Bates et al., 2008). It is therefore necessary to develop 428 distributed predictive capabilities i.e. spatially explicit models, to enable more intelligent 429 adaptation strategies. An interesting advancement toward this goal is to study the effect 430 of precipitation dynamics driven by the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles on 431 discharge and sediment fluxes. This will be the focus of future work. 432 433 5. Conclusions 434 A new version of the WBMsed model was presented and tested. The WBMsed v.2.0 435 include a virtual floodplain reservoir component designed to simulate spatially and 436 temporally variable storage of overbank floodwater. The new model much better predict 437 riverine water discharge and sediment flux. However the validation results shows that the 438 model can reliably simulate only large rivers (above 40,000 km2) due to input data 439 resolution and difficulty in determining bankfull discharge at a pixel scale. This prompts 21 440 the need for more sophisticated and spatially explicit parameterization of human, 441 vegetation and land-use dynamics. This will be the focus of future model developments. 442 We used normalized departure from mean to compare yearly changes in sediment and 443 discharge between 1960-2010. The results show considerable inter-basin dynamics, 444 particularly in temperate regions. Tropical rivers showed relatively low year-to-year 445 fluctuations. Continental average departure showed a complex fluctuation pattern in 446 sediment and discharge with a wavelength varying from over a decade to a single year. 447 These cycles varied in time and between continents. 448 We found considerable discrepancy between discharge and sediment fluctuations in 449 some continents (most notably Asia and Europe). We proposed that the intra-basin 450 patterns of precipitation might enhance or dampen sediment yield as a function of relief 451 and lithology explaining some of the differences shown between continents as, for 452 example, Australia (with its low relief and hard lithology) showed very strong correlation 453 between discharge and sediment fluctuations. In years with high precipitation in high 454 relief and soft lithology regions sediment yield increase will be greater then water 455 discharge. This was demonstrated on the Ganges, Danube and Amazon Basins during 456 years with high discrepancy between discharge and sediment (1971, 1965 and 1982 457 respectively). 458 Other spatially and/or temporally variable parameters will likely have a considerable 459 effect on sediment-discharge relationship. For example land-use and vegetation patterns 460 were shown to have a strong correlation to sediment yield. These parameters were not 461 investigated her. However as future climate change is expected to significantly change 462 precipitation, land-use and vegetation patterns these, and other, parameters needs to be 22 463 considered. A systematic parametric study is therefore warranted and will be the focus of 464 future investigations. 465 466 Acknowledgments 467 This research is made possible by NASA under grant number PZ07124. We gratefully 468 acknowledge CSDMS for computing time on the CU-CSDMS High-Performance 469 Computing Cluster. 470 471 References 472 Bates, B.C., Z.W. 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River Name Country Yukon Yellow Amur Niger Danube Lena Ob Congo Orange Mekong Amu Darya Amazon Mississippi at Tarbert Landing, MS Mississippi at Thebes, IL Missouri at Nebraska City, NE Illinois at Valley City, IL Skunk at Augusta, IA San Joaquin near Vernalis, CA USA China Russia Nigeria Romania Russia Russia Congo South Africa Cambodia Uzbekistan Brazil USA USA USA USA USA USA Coordinates Lat/Long (dd) 64.78/-141.2 37.53/118.3 50.63/137.12 7.8/6.76 45.22/28.73 70.74/127.35 66.63/66.6 -4.3/15.3 -28.76/17.73 11.58/104.94 42.34/59.72 -1.94/-55.59 31.00/91.62 37.21/89.46 40.68/95.84 39.70/90.64 40.75/91.27 37.67/121.35 Site drainage WBMsed drainage area (km2) area (km2) 286 186 293 963 811 229 737 619 1 866 473 1 730 000 2 469 310 NaN 784 896 807 000 2 429 967 2 430 000 2 478 666 2 430 000 3 640 766 3 475 000 823 111 850 530 755 444 663 000 670 002 450 000 4 683 872 4 640 300 3 206 630 2 913 477 1 841 230 1 847 179 1 056 940 1 061 895 69 450 69 264 11 202 11 168 22 772 35 058 549 550 551 27 552 Figure 1. Schematics of the WBMsed v.2.0 floodplain reservoir component. Water flux from river to floodplain Water flux from floodplain to river 553 554 28 555 Figure 2. Gauging stations used for validation. U.S. station (inner map) include both water discharge and sediment flux while global 556 stations include only water discharge. 557 29 558 Figure 3. Daily time series of water discharge used for validation for the globally 559 distributed sites (Figure 2). 16,000 12,000 Yukon River - 286,186 km2 WBMsedv2 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 Observed 10,000 Water Discharge (m3 /s) Water Discharge (m 3/s) Yellow - 811,229 km2 Observed 14,000 WBMsedv2 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 0 Jan-60 Jan-63 Jan-66 Jan-69 Jan-72 Jan-75 Jan-78 Jan-81 Jan-84 Jan-87 Jan-90 Jan-93 Jan-96 Jan-99 Jan-02 Jan-05 40,000 Amur River - 1,866,473 km2 Observed WBMsedv2 35,000 0 Jan-60 30,000 Jan-64 Jan-66 Jan-68 Jan-70 Jan-72 Jan-74 Jan-76 Jan-78 Jan-80 Jan-82 Jan-84 Jan-86 Jan-88 Niger - 2,469,310 km2 Observed WBMsedv2 25,000 Water Discharge (m 3/s) Water Discharge (m3 /s) 30,000 20,000 25,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 0 Jan-60 Jan-63 Jan-66 Jan-69 Jan-72 Jan-75 Jan-78 Jan-81 Jan-84 Jan-87 Jan-90 Jan-93 Jan-96 Jan-99 Jan-02 Jan-05 20,000 2 Danube - 784,896 km Observed WBMsedv2 18,000 0 Jan-70 Jan-72 Jan-74 Jan-76 Jan-78 Jan-80 Jan-82 Jan-84 Jan-86 Jan-88 Jan-90 Jan-92 Jan-94 Jan-96 Jan-98 Jan-00 Jan-02 Jan-04 220,000 2 Lena - 2,429,967 km Observed WBMsedv2 200,000 180,000 Water Discharge (m 3/s) 16,000 Water Discharge (m3 /s) Jan-62 160,000 14,000 140,000 12,000 120,000 10,000 100,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 60,000 40,000 2,000 0 Jan-60 50,000 80,000 20,000 Jan-63 Jan-66 Jan-69 Jan-72 Jan-75 Jan-78 Jan-81 Jan-84 Jan-87 Jan-90 Jan-93 Ob - 2,478,666 km2 Jan-96 Jan-99 Jan-02 Observed WBMsedv2 45,000 0 Jan-78 130,000 Jan-80 Jan-82 Jan-84 Jan-86 Jan-88 Jan-90 Jan-92 Jan-94 Jan-96 Observed WBMsedv2 110,000 Water Discharge (m 3/s) Water Discharge (m3 /s) 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 Jan-98 Congo - 3,640,766 km2 90,000 70,000 50,000 30,000 5,000 0 Jan-78 Jan-80 Jan-82 6,000 Jan-84 Jan-86 Jan-88 Jan-90 Jan-92 10,000 Jan-60 Jan-94 Jan-62 Jan-64 Jan-66 Jan-68 80,000 Orange - 823,111 km2 Observed 5,000 Jan-70 Jan-72 Jan-74 Jan-76 Jan-78 Jan-80 Jan-82 Meknong - 755,444 km2 Observed 70,000 WBMsedv2 WBMsedv2 Water Discharge (m 3/s) Water Discharge (m 3/s) 60,000 4,000 50,000 3,000 40,000 30,000 2,000 20,000 1,000 0 Jan-60 7,000 10,000 Jan-63 Jan-66 Jan-69 Jan-72 Jan-75 Jan-78 Jan-81 Jan-84 Jan-87 Jan-90 Jan-93 Jan-96 Jan-99 Amu Darya - 670,002 km2 0 Jan-60 350,000 Jan-61 Jan-62 Jan-63 Jan-64 Jan-65 6,000 5,000 Jan-68 Jan-69 Jan-70 Jan-71 Jan-72 Jan-73 Observed WBMsedv2 300,000 250,000 4,000 200,000 3,000 150,000 2,000 100,000 1,000 560 Jan-67 Water Discharge (m 3/s) Water Discharge (m3/s) WBMsedv2 Jan-66 Amazon - 4,683,872 km2 Observed 0 Jan-60 Jan-61 Jan-62 Jan-63 Jan-64 Jan-65 Jan-66 Jan-67 Jan-68 Jan-69 Jan-70 Jan-71 Jan-72 Jan-73 50,000 Jan-70 Jan-72 Jan-74 Jan-76 Jan-78 Jan-80 Jan-82 Jan-84 Jan-86 Jan-88 Jan-90 Jan-92 Jan-94 561 562 30 Jan-96 80,000 25,000 Mississippi - 2,913,477 km2 Mississippi - 1,847,179 km2 Observed 70,000 Observed WBMsedv2 WBMsedv2 20,000 Discharge (m 3/s) Discharge (m3/s) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 0 Jan-97 160,000 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Mississippi Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 - 2,913,477 km2 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 0 60,000Jan-97 Jan-07 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02Mississippi 2 Jan-03 Jan-04 1,847,179 km Jan-05 Jan-06 Observed 140,000 WBMsedv2 Sediment Flux (kg/s) Sediment Flux (kg/s) 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 Jan-07 Observed WBMsedv2 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 40,000 10,000 20,000 0 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 4,000 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 0 Jan-97 Jan-07 Missouri - 1,061,895 km2 Jan-00 Discharge (m 3 /s) 2,500 2,000 1,500 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Illinois - 69,264 km2 WBMsedv2 2,500 2,000 1,500 500 500 0 Jan-97 18,000 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-03 MissouriJan-02 - 1,061,895 km2 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 0 2,000Jan-97 Jan-07 Observed 16,000 WBMsedv2 Sediment Flux (kg/s) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Illinois Jan-02 - 69,264 Jan-03 km2 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 1,800 Observed 1,600 WBMsedv2 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 4,000 400 2,000 200 0 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 900 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Skunk - 11,168 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 0 Jan-97 Jan-07 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 1,800 km2 Observed 800 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 San Joaquin - 35,058 km2 Jan-06 Jan-07 Observed 1,600 WBMsedv2 WBMsedv2 700 1,400 Discharge (m 3 /s) Discharge (m 3 /s) Jan-07 1,000 1,000 600 500 400 300 200 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 100 200 0 3,000 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 SkunkJan-02 - 11,168Jan-03 km2 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 0 500 Jan-97 Jan-07 Observed WBMsedv2 Sediment Flux (kg/s) 2,500 Sediment Flux (kg/s) Jan-06 Observed 3,000 WBMsedv2 3,000 Discharge (m 3 /s) Jan-99 Observed 3,500 Sediment Flux (kg/s) Jan-98 3,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 San Joaquin - 35,058 km2 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 450 Observed 400 WBMsedv2 350 300 250 200 150 100 500 563 564 565 0 Jan-97 50 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 0 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Figure 4. Daily time series of water discharge (top plots) and sediment flux (bottom plots) used for validation of the U.S. sites (Figure 2). 566 567 31 568 Figure 5. Comparison between modeled and gauged departure (1991-2010) for the upper 569 Mississippi station (Table 1 and Figure 2). 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 32 578 Figure 6. Decadal sediment departure maps. 579 33 580 Figure 7. Average continental sediment flux departure plots (1960-2010). 581 582 583 584 585 34 586 Figure 8. Average continental water discharge departure plots (1960-2010). 587 588 589 590 591 35 592 Figure 9. Continental scatter plots between sediment flux (x axis; Figure 7) and water 593 discharge (y axis; Figure 8) departure. 594 36 595 Figure 10. Southeast Asia departure for 1971 for: (top) sediment flux overlaying a 596 lithology factor map and (bottom) water discharge overlaying precipitation departure 597 map. 598 599 600 601 37 602 Figure 11. Europe departure for 1965 for: (top) sediment flux overlaying a lithology 603 factor map and (bottom) water discharge overlaying precipitation departure map. 604 605 606 607 608 38 609 Figure 12. South America departure for 1982 for: (top) sediment flux overlaying a 610 lithology factor map and (bottom) water discharge overlaying precipitation departure 611 map. 612 39