Name of Grant Program: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from Classes of 2003-2016 Fund Code: 598 (School Year) 593 (Summer) PART III – REQUIRED INFORMATION Application for FY2014: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from the Classes of 2003-2016 (Fund Codes: 598/593) THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION WEBSITE. I. IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION A. Lead Applicant Entity: B. Partnering School(s)/Organization(s) – as listed on Addendum A. (See RFP under Required Forms.) (Insert more lines or attach pages if needed.) 1. School/Org: Contact person: 2. School/Org: Contact person: C. High School(s)/ (District) To Be Served: (Insert more lines or attach pages if needed.) 1. HS/District: 4. HS/District: 2. HS/District: 5. HS/District: 3. HS/District: 6. HS/District: D. These Part III application pages are for the following grant Fund Code: _____598 (School Year – due July 3, 2013) OR _____ 593 (Summer – due January 17, 2014) (Reminder: submit separate applications for school year and summer grant programs) E. Program Coordinator Name and Title: F. Mailing Address: G. Email Address: H. Phone #: I. Fax #: 1. Total Funds Requested:$________ 2. ________ (total funds requested divided by total number to be served) J. Instructional Ratio of Students to Teachers: K. Projected Number of Hours of Program: (direct instruction and other programming for students) Name of Grant Program: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from Classes of 2003-2016 Fund Code: 598 (School Year) 593 (Summer) II. GENERAL PROGRAM INFORMATION A. Total Number of Students to be served (from the classes of 2003-2016): __________ (This should equal the sum of the unduplicated counts in the three charts that are below and on the next page.) In the following charts 1-3, indicate the number of students to be served by class year, subject area, and sending district. Insert additional lines for additional districts, if needed. If students receive services in more than one content area, please count them in the appropriate content area columns in the charts below. Please only count these students once in the “Total Unduplicated” column. Your numbers in the “Total Unduplicated” column, will not necessarily be columns a + b + c if the same students receive multiple content area services. 1. CLASSES OF 2003-2013 (post-12th grade) Indicate the number of participants to be served by content area and most recent school district Most Recent School District a. ELA b. Mathematics c. Science and Technology/ Engineering Total Unduplicated TOTALS: Unduplicated Count Classes of 2003-2013 2. CLASSES of 2014-2016 (high school sophomores, juniors and seniors during school year 2013-2014) Indicate the number of students to be served by content area and school district Sending School District a. ELA b. Mathematics c. Science and Technology/ Engineering Total Unduplicated TOTALS: Unduplicated Count Classes of 2014, 2015 and 2016 Name of Grant Program: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from Classes of 2003-2016 Fund Code: 598 (School Year) 593 (Summer) III. NARRATIVE: PROGRAM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION A. Student Support 1. Summary: Provide a brief summary (one to two paragraphs) of the proposed program. This may be published to www.doe.mass.ed/as along with the program contact information. 2. Recruitment and Retention: Describe recruitment and retention strategies for students most in need of services (particularly students from the Classes of 2003-2013, students who need to make significant progress in order to meet state and local graduation requirements, students with disabilities, and limited English proficient students). Address the following aspects in the plan: a. Methods and messages used to maximize participation, including materials developed to maximize participation and plans to distribute these materials; b. Efforts designed to maximize program retention; c. The role of partners in recruitment and retention (e.g., high schools, community-based organizations, faithbased organizations, employment and training providers, businesses, One Stop Career Centers, etc.); d. Efforts to build an environment that is caring and supportive, including any efforts to address logistical and/or behavioral health issues that present themselves as barriers to learning; e. Incentives offered, if any, including credit and other college incentives that encourage enrolling and persisting in higher education, work and learning, internship and service learning opportunities, as well as other tangible incentives and the criteria for earning them; please note that compensation for attendance is not an allowable use of funds f. Specific added value brought by the institute of higher education and integration of programming into the college for wraparound supports and college and career access. 3. Partnerships Describe plans to collaborate with partners that provide services and opportunities for participating students. Partners may include but are not necessarily limited to One Stop Career Centers; Work and Learning Initiative grant recipients; high schools; local businesses; community-based organizations; and departments/offices within a college such as enrollment services, admissions, and other internal college organizations and programming. Identify the partners and provide a description of any efforts already undertaken by the partners submitting this application. Describe expectations for continued efforts and value that the partners will bring to students and the program in regards to collaborative planning for this proposal, including but not limited to the following: engaging partners in the planning process for this grant; convening program partners; and identifying partner roles in program delivery for academic support and college transition purposes. Also, please complete the Pathways Initiative FY2014 Collaboration Agreement among Higher Education Institutions, One Stop Career Centers, and other Partners (Addendum A). 4. Location(s) of the program Full address:_____________________________________________________________________ Full address:_____________________________________________________________________ Name of Grant Program: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from Classes of 2003-2016 Fund Code: 598 (School Year) 593 (Summer) B. Curriculum and Instruction 1. Academic Support Timeline: Provide a brief time line of academic support services and college transition activities that will be offered. 2. Description of Program Activities: Describe the instructional methods, materials, assessment, and environment for the program and how it will be conducive to meeting the learning needs of the students. This description should include but is not limited to: How will this curriculum, instruction, and assessment actively engage students in rigorous learning standards in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks in the addressed content areas? What college academic and enrichment programs or activities are available that may support or enhance student learning? Where applicable, how will these methods address English language learners, students with disabilities, students with behavioral health issues, and students with very low MCAS scores? What explicit connections are made in instruction to develop workplace readiness and personal social skills 3. College and Career Transition Activities: Describe other college and career transition activities that will assist students in obtaining their Competency Determination and accessing post-secondary education and/or career. Describe any specific pathways or activities for students to gain access to credited degrees, certificates, or other programs at the applicants’ institutions; including what counseling/support services, monitoring, or infrastructure may help students become career and college ready. 4. Program Offerings and Schedule Complete the following schedule for the types of programs offered. Fill in chart 1 below for Fund Code: 598 (School Year) grant applications. Fill in chart 2 on the next page for Fund Code: 593 (Summer) grant applications. Program Type English Language Arts Mathematics Weekday Services Time:____ to _____ Time:____ to _____ (Monday-Friday) Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline days program meets. Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline days program meets. Underline classes to be served. Post-12th (2003-2013) 2014 2015 2016 Number of Students____ M Tu W Th F Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ M Tu W Th F Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ Science and Technology/ Engineering Time:____ to _____ Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline days program meets. M Tu W Th F Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ Name of Grant Program: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from Classes of 2003-2016 Fund Code: 598 (School Year) 593 (Summer) Weekend Day Services Time:____ to _____ Time:____ to _____ (Saturday-Sunday) Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline days program meets. Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline days program meets. Underline classes to be served. Post-12th (2003-2013) 2014 2015 Sat. Sun. 2016 Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ Number of Students____ Time:____ to _____ Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline days program meets. Sat. Sun. Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ Sat. Sun. Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ FOR FUND CODE: 593 (SUMMER) APPLICATIONS Program Type English Language Arts Mathematics Summer Services (July-August 2014) Time:____ to _____ Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Hrs/Day___ Days/Wk___ Underline classes to be served. Underline days program meets. Underline days program meets. Underline days program meets. Post-12th (2003-2014) 2015 2016 Number of Students____ M Tu W Th F Sat Sun Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ Time:____ to _____ Science and Technology/ Engineering M Tu W Th F Sat Sun Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ Time:____ to _____ M Tu W Th F Sat Sun Total weeks: _______ Total hours: _______ Start date: _______ End date: _______ C. Assessment 1. Need for Student Support Services: Describe the degree to which eligible students from the classes of 20032016 have a significant need for support services. What are specific academic needs of students to be served in programming? The focus of this portion should be on needs that can be directly addressed by school year or summer programming. Provide qualitative, quantitative, and anecdotal data if available . 2. Use of Student Performance Data: Describe how student performance data will be used in creating programming. Relevant student performance data may include results from the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS), Early Warning Indicator data, English language proficiency assessments, Accuplacer, and other student performance data. How will the program use these data to individualize (personalize) instruction and services to best meet student needs? Name of Grant Program: Academic Support and College Transition Services for Students from Classes of 2003-2016 Fund Code: 598 (School Year) 593 (Summer) 3. Outcome(s): Describe the program’s anticipated improvements for students and/or staff that will be a result of proposed activities noted in this application. Anticipated Outcome(s) How will it be measured? Baseline # and/or % Target # and/or % By When? D. Human Resources and Professional Development STAFFING 1. Provide a detailed timeline for recruitment of staff for the program and indicate the number of staff and staff qualifications. NOTE: Recipients of these grants must agree to provide staff who have subject matter knowledge in the subjects they are teaching. Also, the programs must have some staff available with training or education that address working with limited English proficient students or students with disabilities. 2. Briefly describe any professional development activities, orientation activities, and/or common planning time to be provided to staff prior to the beginning of the program, during the program, and/or after the program concludes. 3. If a coordinator position is funded through this grant, describe his or her role and responsibilities.