Name Mrs. Fredericks Global 9 Document Based Essay Directions

Name _________________________
Mrs. Fredericks
Global 9
Document Based Essay
Directions: Read the following documents and answer the questions below. After you
have read the documents, use the information from the documents, as well as your
knowledge of history, to write a well-composed essay that addresses the following tasks:
1. Explain what is meant by the term “Neolithic Revolution”
2. Describe the change in the process of acquiring food that occurred as a result of
the Neolithic Revolution
3. Discuss the Political, social and/or economic effects the Neolithic Revolution had
on society or a region
Document #1
Before the Neolithic Revolution:
“Evidently the Ice Ages worked a profound change in the way man could live. They
forced him to depend less on plants and more on animals. The rigors of hunting on the
edge of the ice also change the strategy of hunting. It becomes less attractive to stalk
singles animals, however large. The better alternative was to follow herds and not to lose
them – to learn to anticipate and in the end to adopt their habits, including their
wandering and migrations. This is a peculiar adaptation – the nomadic mode of life on the
move…it is a pursuit; the place and the pace are set by the food animal.”
Source: Jacob Bronowski, The Ascent of Man, Little, Brown and Company
1. Based on this document, identify two characteristics of life before the Neolithic
Document #2
2. Identify one way the progress from the Neolithic Revolution helped Ulana and
her friends
Document #3
From Food-Gathering to Food-Producing:
“…Paleolithic men could not control their food supply. So long they relied on foraging,
hunting, fishing, and trapping. They were dependent on the natural food supply in a given
area to keep from starving. But while Paleolithic men continued their food-gathering
pattern of existence in Europe, Africa, and Australia, groups of people in the Near East
began to cultivate edible plants and to breed animals. Often described as the “first
economic revolution” in the history of man, this momentous change from food-gathering
to a food-producing economy initiated the Neolithic Age. Paleolithic man was a hunter;
Neolithic man became a farmer and a herdsman.”
Source: T. Walker Wallbank, et al., Civilization: Past and Present.
3. According to the authors of this passage, what is one significant change that
occurred between the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age?
Document #4
“…The Neolithic Revolution also changed the way people lived. In place of scattered
hunting communities, the farmers lived in villages, small towns grew up, and later cities
too. Thus the Neolithic Revolution made civilization itself possible for people to
specialize even more…”
Source: D.M. Knox, The Neolithic Revolution, Greenhaven Press.
4. Based on this document, state two impacts of the Neolithic Revolution on the way
people lived.
Document #5
5. Based on this timeline identify two ways that peoples lives changed as a result of
the Neolithic Revolution
Document #6
Within the villages, towns and cities, it was possible for people to specialize in the sort of
work they could do best. Many stopped producing food at all, making instead tools and
other goods that farmers needed, and for which they gave them food in exchange. This
process of exchange led to trade and traders, and the growth of trade made it possible for
people to specialize even more. . . .
Source: D. M. Knox, The Neolithic Revolution, Greenhaven Press
6. Based on this document, state one impact specialization had on the way people
Document #7A
Document #7B
7. Based on these images, state one advance that occurred as the Mesopotamian
culture developed a stable food supply.
Identify: Task #1
Identify: Task #2
Identify: Task #3
What Do You Need
To Fine Out?
Specific Details
Mrs. Fredericks
Global 9
Identifying the Task – Making Pre-Writing Charts
For each of the essay questions listed, identify the task. Make a small version of a prewriting organizer/chart showing the task.
Sample #1
Question: Select two geographic features and for each:
 Discuss how they influenced the development of a specific culture or region
 Discuss how they promoted or limited interaction with other cultures or regions.
Sample #2
Question: Discuss the political, economic, and social factors leading to the increase in
imperialism at the end of the 1800’s and early 1900’s known as “New Imperialism”
1. Question: Select two situation where the collapse of a government has led to
significant changes in a country or region and for each
 Describe the historical circumstances that led to the collapse of a
 Discuss the political, social, and/or economic changes that occurred as a
result of the collapse of a government
Task Chart:
2. Question: Choose two products mentioned in the historical context and for each
 Explain why people needed or desired this product
 Discuss how this product influenced a people, a society, or a region
Task Chart
3. Question: Select two transportation systems mentioned in the historical context
and for each
 Explain how various societies unified and/or controlled regions by using
the transportation system
Task Chart
4. Question: Choose two protest movements mentioned in the historical context and
for each
 Describe the historical circumstances surrounding this protest movement
 Discuss an action taken by the protesters
 Discuss a government response to this protest movement
Task Chart
5. Question: Select two individuals from your study of global history and for each
 Describe the historical circumstances that led this individual to develop or
modify and idea
 Explain an action taken by this individual as a result of this idea
 Discuss how this individual’s idea affected society
Task Chart
Global 9
Mrs. Fredericks
Writing Introductions and Conclusions
Hook: (This is the first sentence of the essay and it should be interesting. It needs to get
the reader’s attention so that they want to read the rest of your essay.)
Background discussion: (This needs to put the essay in context and give readers
background. You need to do more than just restate the theme of the essay.)
Thesis: (This is THE MOST IMPORTANT sentence of your whole essay. It summarizes
your whole essay or argument. An essay without a thesis is just a journal entry.)
Thesis: (Restate your thesis.)
Summarize your arguments: (Summarize your main points, if you have a 4 paragraph
essay you can reword your topic sentences from each paragraph. If you have a shorter
essay, make sure you summarize each part of the task.)
Concluding Sentence: (Don’t introduce anything new in the conclusion.)
Global History & Geography 9
Mrs. Fredericks
Explain what is meant by the term “Neolithic Revolution”
Describe the change in the process of acquiring food that occurred as a result
of the Neolithic Revolution
Discuss the Political, social and/or economic effects the Neolithic Revolution
had on society or a region.
TS=Topic Sentence
The topic sentence tells the reader what you will PROVE in this paragraph. NEVER
write, “In this paragraph I am going to write about….” We know what you are going to
write about because you are putting that information in your topic sentence.
CD= Concrete Detail
The concrete detail is your proof, example or quotation. It proves the topic sentence.
CM= Commentary
Commentary answers the questions, “So what? Who cares? Why is this important?”
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence:
Concrete detail #1: Give an example of the change that took place in methods of
acquiring food: ____________________________________________
Commentary: So what? Who cares? Why is this important? How does it show that he was
an autocrat?
Concrete detail #2: Give an example of the change that took place in methods of
acquiring food:
Commentary: So what? Who cares? Why is this important? How does it show that he was
an autocrat?
Concrete detail #3: Give an example of the change that took place in methods of
acquiring food:
Commentary: So what? Who cares? Why is this important? How does it show that he was
an autocrat?
Note: this is just to help you with the first part of body paragraph #1. You still must
discuss the political, social and/or economic effects the Neolithic Revolution had on
society or a region.