Y8 Gymnastics - Redcar and Eston


Y 8 gymnastics……Creating and performing a paired sequence demonstrating a variety of flight actions……..

Warm up, Core task flight, 5 basic jumps

,symmetry, asymmetry

Sequence in 2s. SAFETY

Level 6

(O)can plan, practise perfect perform a warm up routine

(G) Can perform a sequence using a range of movements that show clarity ,flow, precision and control

 (S) Is aware of their own safety and that of others at all times

Level 5

(O)In 2s can plan a warm up routine

(G) in 2s can plan and perform a 5 movement sequence that shows symmetry, asymmetry, change of shape .level .speed

(S) Can work in 2 s to lift carry and place safely most gymnastic equipment

Level 4

(O) with teacher assistance can perform a warm up routine

(G) With teacher assistance can plan and perform short sequence

(S) Safety can lift, carry and place small pieces of equipment evaluation lesson 3/4

1/2/3 point base balances, balance and overbalance ,head/,handstands

Level 6

(O) leading ½ class group in warm

 up

(G) can perform a sequence using balance, counter balance


(S) Can analyse own and others performance and suggest improvements

Level 5

(O) Can lead a small group warm up

(G) can perform a sequence in 2s showing some clarity and flow

(S) can perform balances with competence

Key Words ; clarity, symmetry, asymmetry, body tension.

Level 4

 (O)can perform a range of actions including some with weight on hands, with some clarity of shape, body tension and flow

 (G) can show accurate repetition of movements

(S)can make simple judgements on my own and others work and can suggest ways of improving evaluation

Lesson 5/6

Core task 10 actions, 5 flight ,roll and balance, video performance .Observe and comment

Level 6

(O)can perform formal gymnastics dive forward rolls, handstand and headstands

(G)can support peers when balancing

 (S)Can analyse own and others performance and make suggestions for improvement

Level 5

(O) can plan , practice ,perfect and

 perform a paired sequence with 10 movements(CORE TASK)

(G)can perform forward and backward rolls with some precision and control

(S) can observe and comment on another pairs performance

Level 4

 (O)pupils can perform 8 movements in a sequence

 (G) can observe another’s sequence and incorporate some of their ideas into their own sequence

 (S)can perform some basic rolls and jumps safely evaluation

Lessons 7/8

2 groups one vaulting one group working on formal movements, changeover.

Sequence work.


Level 6

(O)perform competently and safely with teacher support vaults and rolls on box

(G) can support peers through simple vaults

 (S) can analyse and comment on work and identify ways to improve performance

Level 5

(O)Can competently mount and dismount box with shapes in air and safe landing

(G)can support peers in handstand and headstand

(S)can observe and comment on another’s performance

Key Words; precision,analyse

Level 4

 (O) with teachers support can mount and dismount box and perform tuck

,straddle and pike in air from jump off box

 (G) can observe another’s performance an recognise some strengths and some weaknesses

(S) can perform basic jumps , rolls and balances with some body tension and clarity of shape evaluation evaluation

Lesson 9

Recap/Go through the core task and what the pupils identified as the success criteria in lesson 1

Watch video, plan and practise improving

Level 6

(O) can perform in 2s core task showing wide variety of movement with contrasting speed, level and direction

(G) Can analyse performance suggesting improvements

(S) Can explain fitness components essential for gymnastics and how to improve suppleness ,strength and stamina

Level 5

(O) Can perform core task competently and confidently with precision and clarity

(G )can analyse own and others performances identifying strengths and weaknesses.

(S) Understands fitness components required in gymnastics and when they are in use

Level 4

 (O)can perform core task with some flow and body tension

 (G) can understand what I have achieved and how I achieved it

 (S)can recognise fitness components required for gymnastics
