Volume, Area, and Perimeter Lessons Week of 8 October 4- 8 MONDAY Oct. 4 5.10 B Connect models with area, perimeter, volume, and respective formulas 5.10 C Select and use appropriate units and formulas to measure length, perim, area, & volume 5,3 B Multiplying to solve problems with whole numbers Objective: Understanding volume is measured by cubic units, Materials: 10 Ziploc bags of Cubes, Finding Volume Worksheet Sentence Stems: I can volume by ___________________________. Another way I can find volume is by _____________________________. Model with the class irregular: (5 - 10 minutes) Build a model, an irregular shape, and discuss: VOLUME is finding the amount of CUBES needed to fill up a space o Why it is measured in cubic units Model counting the amount of cubes to show volume Pair Practice: (5 - 10 min) Give each pair of students a Ziploc bag of cubes and have them build an irregular shape Have students find the volume of their shape Students will then find another pair of people, exchange builds, find and check the volume with the other pair o Repeat a few times Model with the class regular: (15 minutes) Using the measurements of the first example to build in front of the class. Show students how there are layers of surface area (LxW) stacked on top of each other (LxWxH) Pair Practice: (15 min) SW use the Worksheet to build and find the volume of the pictures SW build and complete the table Whole Class Discussion and Connection Question Day 1: (15 min) Discoveries and Questions about volume] Work the Connection Question Fire Fighters in Cafeteria at 9:15 Math Dog Time: Can use the Quick Check 4-3, 2x2 Multiplication o pass: independent Enrichment Envision 4-3 o not pass: small group – Practice Envision 4-3 Tuesday Oct. 5 *Can we do math during language arts since we will be gone in the a.m. for Science Data Lens? 5.10 B Connect models with area, perimeter, volume, and respective formulas 5.10 C Select and use appropriate units and formulas to measure length, perim, area, & volume 5,3 B Multiplying to solve problems with whole numbers Objective: Measuring Objects and Solving for Volume, Noticing how Area, Perimeter, and Volume work together (LxWxH) Materials: A few empty boxes of different sizes (empty square or rectangular tupperware, shoeboxes, gift boxes, jewelry boxes, packaging boxes, cereal boxes….) , different size cubes (dice, blocks, unifix cubes… ) rulers, Math Journals Sentence Stems: Volume is the amount of CUBES that can fit into a space. Volume needs area and perimeter to _____________________________. (... define the size and shape of the space) Area and Perimeter work with volume to ___________________________. (…define the size and shape of the space) Model Finding Volume w/ area: (15 min) Review the different units of measurements Talk about volume and cubic centimeters vs cubic feet or any cubic unit o Show a few examples the difference between a place value units cube, a dice, a big dice, a connecting cube…………… Show students empty boxes and ask “How many way could you figure out the volume of one of these boxes?” Demonstrate with a smaller box, how you can find the area first (LXW) and then just build groups of that (xH) o Show students the different layers of area Show students they will have: different sized cubes, rulers, meter sticks, as their tools o There will not be enough of all – have students problem solve. How could they figure out the volume from what is available? Pair Practice: (25 min) Ask students to pay close attention to how the area (lxw) of an object can help you determine the volume Students can make sketches to help with their explanations and/or plans to find the volume o Labeling the measurements – width, height, length To help students see the relationship of the numbers on paper Put students into leveled pairs o Differentiation – Choose the size of the box for certain pairs Students who need to build their skills can start with smaller empty containers that they can fill boxes with cubes (empty tupperware container) and move to bigger containers (empty shoebox) If higher level pairs finish first have them begin to consider the volume of the room How many ways could they figure out the volume of the room Have them record the process of solving the problem Whole Class Discussion and Connection Question Day 2: (15 min) Talk about discoveries and questions Work the Connection Questions Dog Time: No time if we do it in the afternoon Wednesday Oct. 6 5.10 B Connect models with area, perimeter, volume, and respective formulas 5.10 C Select and use appropriate units and formulas to measure length, perim, area, & volume 5,3 B Multiplying to solve problems with whole numbers Objective: Applying volume to word problems/paper practice, Understand how Area, Perimeter, and Volume work together Materials: Word Problems with volume, Have one ready for modeling Sentence Stems: I know I need to find volume because ________________________________. Model looking for keywords in word problems: (10 min) Review steps taken to find volume from the day before Review situations when area and perimeter were needed to be found Include now, situations when volume would need to be found Use a word problem and show students how you can dissect the problem to figure out what you need to find Pair Practice: (35 min) Give students word problems to work through Have students write next to the problems how they knew it was a “volume” problem o Basically, just showing evidence that they know what is important Practicing the formula (lxwxh) Have boxes and cubes ready for those students who need more concrete practice to help them transfer knowledge Differentiation – For students who complete the activitiy correctly have them write a word problem, for either area, perimeter or volume. Exchange the problems with another student who finished correctly. Whole Class Discussion and Connection Question Day 3: (15 min) Talk about discoveries and questions Work the Connection Questions Math Dog Time: Can use the Quick Check 4-7, 3x2 Multiplication o pass: independent Enrichment Envision 4-7 o not pass: small group – Practice Envision 4-7 Thursday Oct. 7 5.10 B Connect models with area, perimeter, volume, and respective formulas 5.10 C Select and use appropriate units and formulas to measure length, perim, area, & volume 5,3 B Multiplying to solve problems with whole numbers Objective: Applying area, perimeter, and volume to mixed word problems/paper practice, each student has Area, Perimeter, and Volume word problem written on index card (response cards) Assessment Materials: AT least 10 mixed Word Problems with volume, area, and perimeter, (5 for group practice and 5 for independent practice) Sentence Stems: I will use the formula for _____________ because it is asking for ___________________________. (around, inside a flat) I will use the formula for _____________ because I see a __________________________. (a garden, a cube) Model which formula to use: (10 min) Choose a word problem and determine which formula you would need o Show your thinking o Maybe make a sketch o Hold up which card you think it is Choose another word problem and determine which formula you would need o Show your thinking o Maybe make a sketch o Hold up which card you think it is Pair Practice: (15 min) Put students into groups of three, leveled Give students five different mixed problems Give students several different mixed word problems for area, perimeter, and volume o One student will read the problem o The other students will secretly find their response card o The student who read will count to three and everyone will flip their card at once o Students can discuss from that point o Students will decide as a group and record in their journals Individual Pratice: (20 min) Let students work at least five of mixed problems on their own They will need to explain why they chose each formula Differentiation – o Building skills - Have boxes and cubes ready for those students who need more concrete practice to help them transfer knowledge o Challenge - Give students missing sides worksheet Whole Class Discussion and Connection Question Day 4: (15 min) Talk about discoveries and questions Work the Connection Questions Math Dog Time: Assessment