2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations NOMINATION COVER SHEET Nominee: ________________________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________________________ Organization: ________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________ Phone Number (s) ________________________________________________________ Fax Number: ____________________________ E-mail address: ____________________________ THE ABOVE NAMED NOMINEE WOULD LIKE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITION(S): ____1: National Non-Profit Forestry and Conservation Citizen Organization (first of two positions). 12/31/2015 ____2: National Non-Profit Forestry and Conservation Citizen Organization, (second of two positions). 12/31/2016 ____3: Member Representing State Government. 12/31/2016 ____4: Member Representing County Government. 12/31/2016 ____5: Member Representing City and Town Government. 12/31/2015 ____6: Forest Products, Nursery, or Related Industries. 12/31/2014* ____7: Urban Forestry, Landscape, and Design Consultants. 12/31/2015 ____8: Academic Institutions with an Expertise in Urban and Community Forestry activities, (first of two positions). 12/31/2014* ____9: Academic Institutions with an Expertise in Urban and Community Forestry activities (second of two positions). 12/31/2015 ____10: Member Representing State Forestry Agencies 12/31/2014* America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations ____11: Member Representing a Professional Renewable Natural Resource or Arboriculture Society. 12/31/2015 ____12: USDA Extension Service. 12/31/2014* 13: USDA Forest Service. - Not Available N/A ____14: Member from a Community with a Population less than 50,000 and is active in urban and community forestry. They may not be an officer or employee of any government body. 12/31/2015 ____15: Member from a Community with a Population greater than 50,000 and is active in urban and community forestry. They may not be an officer or employee of any government body. 12/31/2014* *2014 Expired positions are currently under Departmental review and pending the Secretary of Agriculture’s appointment. These term positions in bold will serve from 1/1/2016 through 12/31/2018. The maximum number of terms a member may serve is two consecutive terms. Those nominees selecting one of the national non-profit organizations, academic institutions, or societies should include a letter of support from the leadership of that national organization, department or society. Self-nominations are accepted. If eligible, nominees may select more than one position. Please use a separate nomination form for each position. Nominated by: ________________________________________________________ Signature Date ________________________________________________________ Printed name Title: Organization: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email: America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Applications: Please use this nomination cover sheet and format as shown, the completed AD-755 form hand signed by the nominee, and any additional applicable information. We continue to accept applications for all position, however those in bold will be the only ones filled for 2016. Other position applications will be held and included on the nomination slate when the position becomes available. Hard-copy nominations “received” (not postmarked) by, November 30, 2015 for 2016 Nominees will be considered. Facsimiles submissions will not be accepted. Please email (subject line: 2015 nomination for 2016 positions). Please encrypt email to protect information and send the password in a separate email to nstremple@fs.fed.us . Or for courier or hardcopy mail, please send to: Nancy Stremple, National Program Specialist, Urban and Community Forestry, U.S. Forest Service 201 14th street, SW, Sidney Yates Building 3rd Floor, (MS-1151), Washington D.C. 20250-1151, 202-205-7829 nstremple@fs.fed.us APPLICATION TEMPLATE (See Appendix A at the end of this application for an example of how the final document of information should appear) Please use the following format to describe how your work experience and education supports the urban forestry related position(s) you have selected to represent. Name: City/State: Job Title/Work Organization: Brief Applicable Work History: (List current to past) America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Education: (List) Committees: (List, if applicable) Boards: (List, if applicable) Certifications: (List, if applicable) Is the nominee currently serving on any other Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) related Councils? Yes, if yes, list: No America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Provide supporting work and educational experience as it applies to the position you wish to represent: How do you plan to engage/ network with the stakeholder group you wish to represent? America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Additional Space: America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Additional Space: America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations REPRODUCED LOCALLY: Include form number and date on all reproductions. 0505-0001 Form Approved OMB No. OMB Expiration Date: 5/31/2015 United States Department of Agriculture ADVISORY COMMITTEE OR RESEARCH AND PROMOTION BACKGROUND INFORMATION [National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council] Privacy Act Notice Public Laws 95-113 and 93-579 permit collection of the data requested on this form. The information is used to determine qualifications, suitability and availability for service on advisory committees or research and promotion boards/councils. The information will be used to conduct background clearances and/or for annual reports on advisory committees or research and promotion boards/councils. Failure to submit this information may result in non-selection of a prospective advisory committee member, board/council member or termination of the committee or board/council. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY OR TYPE 1. Name (Last, First, Middle) – Mr., Mrs., Miss., Ms., Dr. 2. Social Security Number: Passport Number and Issuing Country: (foreign citizens only) 3. Residence Address (include ZIP code) 4. Business No. Home No: Cell or Mobile: FAX: e-Mail Address: 5. Place of Birth 6. Date of Birth 7. This information is Voluntary and data will not be used to grant preferential treatment: (See last page for definition of categories.) What is your gender? Ethnicity: What is your race? (Mark all that apply) ___ Male ___ Hispanic or Latino ___ American Indian or Alaska Native ___ Female ___ Not Hispanic or Latino ___ Asian ___ Black or African American ___ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ___ White 8. Company/Business Name 9. Company/Business Address (include ZIP Code) 9a. Occupation/Title America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations 10. [Insert appropriate commodity question(s) from supplemental list.] (To be completed by R&P Board Members Only) Not Applicable to this FACA Committee 10a. If applicable, how long have you been engaged in farming or production, and what is the size of your farming operation. (I.E. List acreage and pounds produced by kind of crop, as well as, kinds and numbers of livestock?) Not Applicable to this FACA Committee 11. List your business experience. (Use the Continuation Sheet for additional space to answer.) 12. List education and any specialized experience. (Use the Continuation Sheet for additional space to answer.) 13. List applicable farm/handler/producer/importer or co-op member industry organizations (indicate whether a member or officer and how long affiliated). Not Applicable to this FACA Committee 14. List other affiliations and/or service as a community leader that would benefit you in your role as a member of the advisory committee or research and promotion board/council. 15. List any Federal advisory committee or board on which you are currently a member and the number of years you have served on that committee or board. (To be completed by current Advisory Committee Members Only) America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations 16. List sources of income in excess of $10,000 for the past calendar year from other than your primary employment. List only sources; do not show amounts of income from each source. (To be completed by Advisory Committee Nominees Only) _________________________________ _____________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________________ 17. Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (A felony is defined as any violation of law punishable by imprisonment of longer than one year). ( ) Yes ( ) No. If yes, please explain on the attached continuation sheet. 18. As a result of your participation in Federal programs, have any judgments been rendered against you? As a result of participation in any governmental programs relative to the purposes of the advisory committee or research and promotion board/council for which you are a nominee, have any civil or criminal actions been initiated against you? ( ) Yes ( ) No. If yes, please explain on the attached continuation sheet. 19. Name as you would prefer it to appear on official correspondence. Signature Date REPRODUCED LOCALLY: Include form number and date on all reproductions. 0505-0001 Form Approved O.M.B. No. OMB Expiration Date: 5/31/2015 America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Continuation Sheet for Form AD-755 If you need more space for an answer, use this sheet. Please number each answer to correspond to the number on Form AD-755. When you have completed your answer(s), attach to Form AD-755. [INSERT COMMODITY BOARD, COUNCIL, OR DELEGATE NAME] Name (Last, First, Middle) Social Security or Passport Number: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0505-0001. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Te U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Form Approved O.M.B. No. 0505-0001 OMB Expiration Date 5/31/2015 Definition of Ethnicity and Race Categories Ethnicity: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Race: American Indian or Alaska Native – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Asian – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Black or African American – A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Appendix A: Example Format for Nominee Information: (Below is an example of how the application information is to be organized. All information is hypothetical to demonstrate the format. Applicants may note on their AD-755 to refer to the applicant’s core information page to reduce duplication.) Position X: National Urban and Community Forestry Irma Tree Dogwood, IL Job Title/Work Organization: - President/ CEO National Natural Resource Economic Policy Center March 1, 2013 – Present, - Urban Ecology Advisor, The Natural Resource Committee & 7th Ward Economic Recovery Committee – Ms. Tree focused on ethnography, ethno-biology, cultural/natural resource management, and identity. Over the past ten years she has worked on a variety of anthropological fields including cultural/ natural resource management, historic landscape preservation, urban ecology program development, landscape scale natural economic cost benefit curriculum development, and numerous cultural programming, and climate change forensic analysis. Brief Applicable Work History: (List current to past) - June.1, 2011- Present, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow- Community Based Citizen Science: Engage community members of all ages in cultural/natural resource management and environmental and economic policy. - September 2008 to June 1, 2011 BS Planning etc. - June xx to January xx, xxxxxx - August to January, xxx Education: - May, 2011 Doctoral Program xxxxxx, The University of USA - May 2005 Master of Economics, The University of USA - May, 1997 Bachelor of Science degree in Urban Forestry, University of State - Lambda Alpha Anthropology Honors Society - Phi Kapa Phi National Honors Society - March, 2005 Master’s Thesis Research: xxxx etc. Committees: - August 2006-May 2007 Vice-President, Montana Anthropology Student Association - 2000 – Present, State Urban Forestry Council - Served in past positions Chair, Treasurer, Outreach - June 2010 to 2014 Governor’s Committee on Climate Change - Month/Year xxxxxxx etc. Member, American Planning Association - Chair, Regional Green Building Committee Boards: - Board of Directors, Coalition to Restore Urban Waters - Chair, City Planning Commission (CPC) 2008-2014 - America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper 2015 National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Call for Nominations Certifications: - April 2010 to present Tree Keepers Certification, Badge # 1012, TreeKeepers is a program sponsored through Openlands (Illinois) that trains people to manage trees within the City of Chicago, Park District, and County Forest Preserve Districts. - 2011 ISA Arborist Certification - 2014 Certified Planner # 456 Skills Training for Trainers Program Is the nominee currently serving on any other Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) related Councils? Yes, if yes, list: No X Provide supporting work and educational experience as it applies to the position you wish to represent: Volunteer for the annual community tree planting event. Organized and trained high school students who earned college credits and volunteer hours. High school students then conduct a train the trainer program for middle school and elementary school students and teach a Nature Play science educational course. Serve on the county planning commission to implement green infrastructure into our planning codes and to inter connect with city and regional planning commissions. The collected effort addressed our storm water compliance issues, saving us thousands in fees and saved us millions of not having to build a new storm water treatment plant. In addition, the green infrastructure pedestrian ways, included in the plan attracted more people to our downtown areas increasing our economy. How do you plan to engage/ network with the stakeholder group you wish to represent? I have developed an email list serve to send Council information and activities to the group I represent and ask them to send concerns and opportunities to me to be discussed with the Council. I plan to propose to the Council to set up a Facebook page to share Council information. Additional Space: America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every Way Printed on Recycled Paper