ME 404 FALL TERM PROJECT DR. DING Water Supply System – Hydraulic Analysis Group E Jaykumar Patel, Joe Rausch, Kofi Frimpong, Trey Read 11/29/2011 Project Description Water distribution networks use pipes, storage facilities, pumps, and other components in order to provide a water supply for many different end uses. Systems of this type are used across the world to ensure that residences and businesses have enough water supply to meet their required demand. This engineering project requires that a water distribution network be designed and optimized to meet the conditions present in four separate tasks, while being mindful of the cost of the system. Each task called out in the project provides a new set of requirements to which the system must conform. The network layout consists of one reservoir, four tanks, five pumps, twenty-five pipes, and one pressure relief valve. The system elevation and pipe lengths vary throughout the network. The fundamental job at hand is to alter the diameter of the pipes to maintain specified velocities and pressures for the system, throughout the varying conditions that will be present in each of the tasks. Analysis of the system was carried out through utilization of the EPANET2 software provided by This software allows for the placement of tanks, nodes, pipes, valves, pumps, and reservoirs, while also being able to calculate the velocities of the water in the pipes and the pressures at the nodes. Another benefit to the software is that it allows the diameters of the pipes to be altered to change the velocities and pressures. All systems designed in EPANET2 can also be run over a specified period of time, a capability that is used heavily in this project. Figure 1 - Plan View General Set Up of the System The EPANET2 software is very user friendly and allows for networks to be created by using icons, which represent links, tanks, reservoirs, valves, and pumps. The building process begins by inserting any component into the EPANET2 workspace. Once a component has been placed into the workspace, all of the characteristics associated with that component can be input into the system. Examples of such characteristics include items such as roughness coefficients, diameters, and lengths for pipes. It should be noted, however, that each different component will have its own series of important characteristics and all critical characteristics must be specified. Additional items such as pump curves, water demand modulation charts, and on/off characteristics must be input in order for the system to operate successfully. After the system has been created and is running successfully, the next step is to start minimizing the pipe diameters until the smallest diameter meeting the velocity and pressure requirements is found. The use of smaller diameters where possible ensures that costs are minimized. The specifications governing the setup of the network can be found in Appendix A. Task A Task A required that a simulation be carried out for the “Average Daily Water Demand” scenario. This task had two different parts. The first portion of this task required that all water elevations in the tanks to be set to the levels found in Table 4, while the second portion required that the water elevations in all tanks be set to full. From a demand perspective, the primary nodes of interest for this task are nodes 16, 20, 21, 30, and 42. This task requires that the pressure at all nodes (except 2, 3, & 4) be above 30 psi and that the velocity in all pipes be below 3 ft/s. In order to meet these requirements, the diameters of the different pipes must be altered. To begin working Task A, all pipes were set with a diameter of 12 inches. Baseline readings were done with all pipes set at 12 inches in diameter, as all velocities and pressures were within range. At this point, pipe diameters were made smaller where possible to keep costs lower. It should be noted that pipe diameters were seen from a very limited scope at this point in the project and modifications were necessary as later tasks were taken on, ultimately leading to a system that ran successfully in all situations. These details will be seen as later tasks are discussed. Overall, Task A was relatively simple and no big issues were encountered while attempting to achieve the given requirements. This task was run for a single time period. The velocities and pressures can be observed in Figures 2 – 5. Figure 2 & 3 – Velocities Through The Pipes and Pressures at Nodes (Task A Part I) Figure 4 & 5 – Velocities Through The Pipes and Pressures at Nodes (Task A Part II) Task B Task B required a simulation to be carried out for the “Peak Hour Demand” scenario to ensure the network is able to maintain a minimum pressure of 20 psi at all nodes (except for nodes 2, 3, & 4) and a maximum velocity of 3 ft/sec in all pipes. This task, like Task A, also had two different parts. The first portion of this task required that all water elevations in the tanks again be set to the levels given in Table 4 of the handout. The second portion of this task required that all water elevations in the tanks to be set as full. This simulation requires that the water demand from the nodes 16, 20, 21, 30, and 42 be 1.5 times the “Average Day Water Demand.” While optimizing the network to meet the requirements called out for this task, the pipe diameters were adjusted in accordance with the pipes available in Table 3 of the handout. In beginning Task B, the original network used the pipe diameters from Task A. While using the same network from Task A for Task B seemed as though it should work given the order of tasks in this project, issues were encountered requiring the pipe diameters to be altered. It was at this point that our group realized the complexity associated with this project as it became obvious that network modification was going to be necessary for each task, and the final network was going to have to work for all tasks. This realization led to a network optimization process used for each task, in which diameters were adjusted to allow the system to function initially and then later adjusted in smaller increments to optimize the network. As the requirements specified that pressure must be 20 psi minimum and velocities must be 3 ft/s maximum, the group discovered that these performance parameters could be reached, while cost could be minimized by using larger diameter pipes for shorter distances and smaller diameter pipes for longer distances. This concept was carried throughout the remainder of the project. No serious issues were encountered during this task; all requirements were met. The velocities and pressures are displayed in Figures 06 – 09. Figure 6 & 7. – Velocities Through The Pipes and Pressures at Nodes (Task B Part I) Figure 8 & 9. – Velocities Through The Pipes and Pressures at Nodes (Task B Part II) Task C Task C required a 5-day extended period simulation be run on the water supply system. This task also required that the water demand modulation pattern present in Figure 3 of the handout be used during this simulation. Two patterns were seen in Figure 3. One of the patterns was used for every node other than node 30 and the other was used specifically for node 30. The demand at node 30 was much more uniform due to the presence of a 24-hour industry that drew their water supply from this node. Unlike Tasks A and B, Task C required that the tanks in the system be emptied in order for the simulation to run. The pressure and velocity requirements for this task were the same as in the previous task, requiring that pressures be above 20 psi and the velocities be below 3 ft/sec. This task proved to be more complicated than the previous two tasks, as difficulties were encountered reaching the pressure and velocity requirements. Tank water levels, pump characteristics, and pipe diameters were all modified at this point to allow the system to operate as intended. Interestingly, the pumps did not require operation while running under these circumstances. The changes made to the system did, in fact, allow for a periodic equilibrium state to be reached. Upon the results obtained, equilibrium was reached in about 20 hours of operation. The data obtained from completing Task C is can be seen in Figures 10 – 18 below. Figure 10. – Time Pattern For Node 30 Figure 11. – Time Pattern for All Nodes (except 30) Figure 12. – Velocities for Pipes 131, 134, 144, 223, 229 Figure 13. – Velocities for Pipes 101, 102, 103, 122, 123 Figure 14. – Velocities for Pipes 119, 139, 140, 141, 143 Figure 15. – Velocities for Pipes 221, 222, 224, 225, 226 Figure 16. – Velocities for Pipes 115, 117, 118, 120, 124 Figure 17. – Time Variations for Every Tank Figure 18. – Water Pressure for Nodes with Base Demands Task D Task D required that a simulation be carried out for a "Pipe Maintenance" scenario. Within this scenario, pipe 225 leaked and needed to be taken out of the system for 72 hours to be fixed. Task D also required an extended 5-day water simulation. Task D did not specify any initial elevations of water in the tanks. With our setup, neither the water level in tank 23 nor the pressure at node 20 changed. Because this task did not specify when the pipe needed to be removed from the system, the simulation was started with it out of the network, and it was reintroduced at hour seventy-two. Figures 19 through 23 show velocity vs. time for the entire run time of 120 hrs for each of the 25 pipes. Analyzing the velocity graphs, equilibrium appears to be reached 30 hours after the start of the run. Figures 24 and 25 show the pressure at node 20 and the head at tank 23 respectively. All Pipe diameters can be seen in Figure 26. Figure 19. – Velocities for Pipes 131, 134, 144, 223, 229 Figure 20. – Velocities for Pipes 101, 102, 103, 122, 123 Figure 21. – Velocities for Pipes 119, 139, 140, 141, 143 Figure 22. – Velocities for Pipes 221, 222, 224, 225, 226 Figure 23. – Velocities for Pipes 115, 117, 118, 120, 124 Figure 24. – Pressure Variations at Node 20 Figure 25. – Tank #23 Water Levels Figure 26. – Final Diameters for Every Task Task E The overall cost of the system is $810,480.00. All costs have been broken down in Tables 1 - 3 below. Costs associated with the tanks and pumps could not be minimized as they were set expenses. The only costs that could be changed were the pipes. Using pipes of larger diameters drove costs up, while reducing pipe diameters reduced costs. Using the approach that was mentioned earlier, all pipes were reduced to the smallest diameter possible, where possible, to minimize costs while allowing all performance requirements to be met consistently. The cost of pumps, tanks and labor, which again were fixed, was $63,045.00. The cost of all pipes and labor with diameters and lengths considered was $747,435.00. Table 01 – Size and price of cast iron pipes Diameter (inch) Cost ($US/ft) Diameter (inch) Cost ($US/ft) 4 1.5 18 7.0 6 2.0 20 9.0 8 2.5 24 12.0 10 3.0 30 15.5 12 3.5 36 21.0 14 4.5 12 27.0 16 5.5 18 35.0 Table 02. – Overall Pump and Tank Cost TANKS Capital Costs Labor Costs Quantity 17 $ 5,600.00 $ 1,960.00 1 23 $ 3,400.00 $ 1,190.00 1 31 $ 3,400.00 $ 1,190.00 1 43 $ 4,500.00 $ 1,575.00 1 1 $ 8,800.00 $ 3,080.00 1 PUMPS 1 $ 4,800.00 $ 1,680.00 1 2 $ 4,800.00 $ 1,680.00 1 3 $ 4,800.00 $ 1,680.00 1 39 $ 3,300.00 $ 1,155.00 1 40 $ 3,300.00 $ 1,155.00 1 Total $ 46,700.00 $ 16,345.00 10 Total $63,045.00 PIPE 101 102 103 115 117 118 119 120 122 123 124 131 134 139 140 141 143 144 221 222 223 224 225 226 229 TOTAL Table 03. –Overall Pipe Cost DIAMETER LENGTH CAPITAL COST 30 10 $ 155.00 30 10 $ 155.00 30 10 $ 155.00 48 2000 $ 70,000.00 36 200 $ 4,200.00 24 2000 $ 24,000.00 24 10 $ 120.00 20 10 $ 90.00 30 10 $ 155.00 30 10 $ 155.00 30 10 $ 155.00 30 200 $ 3,100.00 4 20000 $ 30,000.00 24 10 $ 120.00 20 10 $ 90.00 30 15000 $ 232,500.00 30 200 $ 3,100.00 4 2000 $ 3,000.00 16 7000 $ 38,500.00 16 7000 $ 38,500.00 30 200 $ 3,100.00 16 200 $ 1,100.00 16 5000 $ 27,500.00 24 5000 $ 45,000.00 12 10000 $ 35,000.00 LABOR COST $ 46.50 $ 46.50 $ 46.50 $ 21,000.00 $ 1,260.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 36.00 $ 27.00 $ 46.50 $ 46.50 $ 46.50 $ 930.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 36.00 $ 27.00 $ 69,750.00 $ 930.00 $ 900.00 $ 11,550.00 $ 11,550.00 $ 930.00 $ 330.00 $ 8,250.00 $ 13,500.00 $ 10,500.00 $ 747,435.00 Overall Discussion This project required the use of innovative thinking along with problem solving and design skills. As we began this project, trial and error was used to figure out how the system would operate as work was done to better understand the nature of the project, as well as the software; as more tasks were completed, however, our group began to develop a design procedure that allowed us to meet the performance requirements while minimizing costs. In retrospect, there would have been some benefit in looking ahead at all tasks in consideration of the initial network design. Doing this would have allowed the tasks to be completed more easily and efficiently. Having completed this project, the group has learned to better consider problems from a macroscopic view, before breaking them down into subtasks. Some trial and error is still beneficial when taking on simulations such as these, as the nature of networks such as this make it very difficulty to immediately realize the outcome of certain modifications. Overall, each group member gained better problem solving skills and design skills in their application to hydraulic analysis. Appendix A Reservoir Elevation of 120 feet Five pumps with two different pump curves Pumps 1, 2, & 3 with 200 ft at discharge = 5000 gpm Pumps 39 & 40 with 150 ft at discharge = 2000 gpm Four tanks Tank 17 with a diameter of 200 ft and an elevation of 265 ft with an initial level set at 30 feet Tank 23 with a diameter of 60 ft and an elevation of 260 ft with an initial level set at 20 feet Tank 31 with a diameter of 60 ft and an elevation of 260 ft with an initial level set at 20 feet Tank 43 with a diameter of 85 ft and an elevation of 350 ft with an initial level set at 30 feet Tanks have a maximum water level of 40 feet and a minimum level of 0 feet Pressuring reducing valve Diameter = 16 inches Operates when pressure is below 60 psi Has a loss efficiency of 80% Pump controls: Pump #1 was controlled by node 17 On when water level is between 20 and 38 feet Pump #2 was controlled by node 17 On when water level is between 10 and 30 feet Pump #2 was controlled by node 17 On when water level is between 5 and 20 feet Pump #39 was controlled by node 43 On when water level is between 25 and 38 feet Pump #40 was controlled by node 43 Pipe# 115 117 118 221 222 223 224 225 226 229 Node# 1 2, 3, 4 12, 13, 14, 15 16 17 18, 19, 38 20 21, 22 Diameter (inch) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Table 1 Pipe Lengths used in the System Length (ft) Pipe# 200 2,000 7,000 7,000 200 200 5,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 131 134 141 143 144 101, 102, 103 122, 123, 124 119, 120 139, 140 Table 2 Elevations at Individual Nodes Elevation (ft) Node# 120 23 100 30 100 31 100 34 265 39, 40, 41 100 42 125 43 100 44 Table 3 Size and price of cast iron pipes Cost ($US/ft) Diameter (inch) 1.5 18 2.0 20 2.5 24 3.0 30 3.5 36 4.5 42 5.5 48 Length (ft) 200 20,000 15,000 200 2,000 10 10 10 10 Elevation (ft) 260 125 260 125 100 250 350 125 Cost ($US/ft) 7.0 9.0 12.0 15.5 21.0 27.0 35.0 Node # 17 23 31 43 1 Pump # ON 1 2 3 39 40 Table 4 Details of Water Tanks Max. water Min. water Initial water Diameter of level (ft) level (ft) level (ft) tank (ft) 40.0 0.0 30.0 200 40.0 0.0 20.0 60 40.0 0.0 20.0 60 40.0 0.0 30.0 85 Maintained 1,000 8,800 Elevation at 120 ft 17 17 17 43 43 Table 5 Pump Operation and Cost Controlled by Node # Cost ($US/unit) OFF 4,800 20.0 4,800 10.0 4,800 5.0 3,300 25.0 3,300 10.0 Cost ($US/unit) 5,600 3,400 3,400 4,500 Water Level (ft) 38.0 30.0 20.0 38.0 30.0 Pipes and Nodes 25 total pipes Cast iron Darcy –Weisbach coefficient of .85 Diameters ranging from 4 – 48 inches Lengths ranging from 10 – 20000 feet Nodes #16 with a demand 2400 gpm at 100 feet #20 with a demand 1500 gpm at 125 feet #21 with a demand 300 gpm at 100 feet #30 with a demand of 600 gpm at 125 feet #42 with a demand of 1200 gpm at 250 feet 17 other nodes used as junctions with various elevations Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) The PRV between nodes #34 and #44 has a diameter of 16”. When the pressure is below 60 psi and has the loss efficiency of 80%, the PRV will become set to operate. Average daily water demand (ADWD) The average water demand information at the water use nodes is provided in the plan view of the water distribution system in Figure 1. Peak hour water demand (PHWD) Peak hour water demand can be calculated based on ADWD using the following simple relationship: PHWD = 1.5ADWD Modulation of water demand during a typical day The water users served at all of the nodes except 30 are domestic and commercial users whose water consumption rates vary. The water users at node #30 consist primarily of an industry that operates 24 hours a day and has a much more uniform consumption pattern. The water demands for all nodes are shown in Figure 3. The ordinate is a multiplier of the ADWD for all nodes. These time patterns are also used for extended period analyses.