Mosaic Angles SUBJECT: Measure, addition/subtraction of angles TEACHERS: Jenene Woodruff STANDARD: 4.MD.6 Measure angles in whole-number degrees with a protractor. Sketch angles with a specific measure. 4.MD.7 Recognize angle measure is additive. Add and subtract to find unknown angles on a diagram in real world and mathematical problems. OBJECTIVE (EXPLICIT): I can use a protractor to measure angles. I can add and subtract angle measures to find an unknown angle. EVIDENCE OF MASTERY (MEASURABLE): Chart of recorded information from investigation. Formative assessment problem and independent worksheet also available. MATERIALS: Pattern blocks (at least 6 of each color block per group) Protractors (1 per group) Paper (folded into 4 columns) Pencils (1 per group) ENGAGE (MAKE CONTENT AND LEARNING RELEVANT TO REAL LIFE AND CONNECT TO STUDENT INTEREST) DURING BEFORE KEY VOCABULARY: vertex, angle, interior angle, exterior angle TEACHER WILL: STUDENT WILL: Discuss/review what an angle is and Communicate with a partner and difference between and interior and share knowledge as a class. exterior angle on a shape. (Be Measure sample angles using a certain to review the vertex of protractor and share measurements angles.) with a partner and with the class. Review how to use a protractor to measure angles. Model folding paper into 4-columns; label columns: Shape, Diagram, Sum (of angle Measure at Center Vertex), Notes/Observations PRESENT THIS PROBLEM TO THE STUDENT GROUPS TO SOLVE: Macy is creating a display for the wall of her room using pattern blocks. She places the blocks in a pattern so there are no gaps or overlaps. What must be true about the sum of the angle measures at each center vertex point in the pattern? TEACHER WILL: STUDENT WILL: Have student groups create designs Measure the interior angles of each with a center point, using at least six pattern block. Record the data on of each type of pattern block the group chart. (hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus, Measure the angles that surround a square, triangle, and diamond (small rhombus)). Read the challenge problem on the board. Remind the students that their designs must use all of the pattern blocks they were given and it must consist of at least one center vertex. Monitor groups, checking for designs that use all pattern block pieces and include at least one center vertex point. center vertex point, add the angle measures. Record the data on the group chart. Create a design to fit the challenge problem. Measure angles around one of the center vertex points; add the angle measures, and record data on chart. Discuss as a group the observations and solutions discovered. AFTER CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE TEACHER WILL: Have students do a quick gallery walk to see the designs made by each group. Ask students to communicate their observations and results to the class. Possible Formative Assessment: Have students try the following problem: What is the measure of the angle X? A. 30 B. 60 C. 90 D. 120 90 120 X 60 CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE STUDENT WILL: Share the group designs, measurements, sums, and discoveries. Complete formative assessment.