DOWNLOAD THE 2015-16 PG Mini Brochure HERE

Major Extracurricular Enrichment
Fall Orientation
At the beginning of each school year, the
whole Mini School embarks on an adventure
aimed at enhancing cohesiveness among the
grades. Student-led workshops encourage
leadership, initiative and responsibility. At
least twenty parents accompany the students
on orientation.
Manning Park Retreat
During the winter season, all students enjoy a
three day ski and snowboard retreat. This is a
time for relaxation and fun in the snow. A
variety of activities take place in the evenings.
Teachers and parents accompany the
Bamfield Marine Station
In term 2, the grade 8 students and teachers
study marine life at Bamfield Marine Station,
one of the top marine stations in Canada.
This four-day trip is a curriculum-based outing.
Strathcona Park
Every other year, grades 9 and 10 students
spend five days engaging in various outdoor
activities including hiking, rock climbing, low
ropes and camping at Strathcona Park with
Mini School teachers and parent volunteers.
Ashland, Oregon (Shakespeare festival)
Alternating yearly with Strathcona Park, grades 9
and 10 students enhance their knowledge of
Shakespeare during this 5-day world class
experience in Ashland, Oregon. Students and
Mini School teachers spend the week camping
and attending plays and workshops.
Winter Prom
Since the Mini began, Mini students have
enjoyed a night of dinner, dance, games and
music at the formal Winter Prom. Grade 12
students, with support from parent volunteers,
organize and run this memorable event.
Core Courses in the Mini
Grade 8
Humanities x2* (combined
English/Social Studies)
Physical Education
Grade 9
Humanities x2*
Physical Education
Grade 10
Humanities x2*
Physical Education
Grade 11
Social Studies
Physical Education
Chemistry (Optional)
Grade 12
Mini Leadership (Optional)
*Note: Humanities takes up two separate
class blocks.
Main School Courses
Grades 8-12: all electives; Grades 11 and 12:
Sciences, Math and AP courses.
Deadline for application to
Point Grey Mini School is
Thursday, December 17th,
at 3:00p.m.
Late Applications will NOT be
Please Visit &
Click on “Mini School” (left hand side
Point Grey Mini School
5350 East Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC; V6M 3V2
Mini Office Phone:
(604) 713-5150
Main School Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Registration Information
Registration for the District-Wide
Cognitive Skills Test will be between
November 7th, 2015 and November
15th 2015.
Visit the VSB website for more
No late applications will be
Please note that registering online for the test
does not register you for the program of your
choice; students must hand in separate
applications to each school.
Deadline for application to Point Grey
Mini School is Thursday, December
17th at 3:00 p.m. NO LATE
Grade 7 Cognitive Skills Test will be
held on November 26th, 2015.
Location and time TBA.
Approximately 100 students will be
contacted for interviews. Students will
be contacted for interviews in early to
mid- January 2016. Thirty students will
be selected from those that are
Interviews for Point Grey Mini will be
held on February 2nd, 3rd & 4th 2016
On February 23rd, 2016, families of
students who have been accepted
(first offers) will be contacted by
Acceptance replies for first offers must
be received by February 25th 2016 at
On March 1st, 2016, a second offer
will be made to students by phone.
Acceptance replies for second offers
must be received by March 3rd, 2016
at noon.
Who can apply?
We must offer places to qualified residents of
Vancouver first. There are always enough
qualified candidates from Vancouver.
Therefore, out of district students are not likely
to be accepted.
Where do I get an application?
Applications will be given out tonight. You
may also pick one up from the Main School
office or download one from
Is there an entrance exam?
All students applying to an alternate program
in Vancouver write the same District Test.
What is the District Test like?
The District Test has three components.
Applicants will be required to read a piece of
writing and respond to what they read. There
will also be a mathematics section and a test
of cognitive skills.
How does Point Grey Mini School select a
There is no perfect way to select a class. We
select around 100 to interview from
approximately 400 applications. From this
group of 100, we select our class of 30
students. Those who are not in the initial class
of 30 are put on the waiting list. First offers of
acceptance will be made by phone on
February 23rd, 2016.
What do we look for in an applicant?
Our enriched program is taught at a faster
pace and at a higher level than is taught in
the regular system. For this reason, we require
students to be achieving a ‘B’ minimum in
their academic subjects. We choose students
who are highly motivated, enthusiastic,
organized, and well-rounded.
About PG Mini
Point Grey Mini School offers an enrichment
program to 150 students from across
Vancouver. The Mini exposes students to a
range of learning methods: group and
individual projects, classroom lectures,
demonstrations, guest speakers, and field
trips. Cross-grade activities within the program
allow students in different grades to interact
and create new friendships. Involvement in
both the main school and the community is
highly encouraged. Parents are also urged to
have a high level of involvement and
The academic portion of the program
includes much of the same material covered
as in the Main School though it is presented at
an accelerated pace and in greater depth.
In grades 8, 9, and 10, students take most of
their courses in the Mini School. Many of the
senior courses are taken in the Main School.
Point Grey Mini School students are
considered part of Point Grey Secondary
School with full access to teams, clubs and
facilities. All Fine Arts (drama, music, art) and
Applied Skills (home economics business,
technology) courses are taken in the Main