Hidan`s Scythe Tutorial Materials 1 and ¼ inch thick dowel that was

Hidan’s Scythe Tutorial
1 and ¼ inch thick dowel that was 6 and ½ feet long (I recommend using one solid dowel instead of 2 like I did
because the screw rig I used to connect the 2 pieces came
apart because of the weight of the scythe blades.)
2 inch thick Stiff pink housing insulation foam
3/8ths of an inch thick rope
o 6 feet of rope was used for the part that came out of the bottom of the scythe
o 2 and ½ feet of the scythe on the bottom was wrapped in rope because I liked the look of it instead of
using fabric like in the anime. I used approximately 30 feet of rope there.
Lighter (to burn the ends of the rope)
Oil based white primer and a paint brush
A can of red spray paint
A can of metallic silver spray paint
Wood glue
Painters tape
Paper Mache materials
o Elmers craft glue
o Flour
o Water
o Newspaper
o Scissors
o Bowl
o Spoon
Tools I used
 Measuring Tape
 Hacksaw- small and big
 Dremmel with sanding bit
 Mouse sander
 Sandpaper- medium grit
 Shopvacumn
 Glue Gun
 Drill with 1 and 1/4 inch hole saw bit (a regular drill bit will also work)
Safety Equipment
 Goggles
 Face mask
 Ear protection
The first thing I did was make a template for the blades. The top blade was the largest at
approximately 32 inches long, the middle was 28 and ½ inches long and the bottom blade was 26 and
½ inches long.
I then transferred the template onto the insulation foam with a sharpie and cut out all three blades with
the hacksaw. The drill was then used to make a hole so the blades would slide onto the dowel. The
hole saw bit I used would not fit all the way down I used a metal file to remove more of the foam, but
left enough to ensure a snug fit while on the dowel.
Next I marked the blades ½ of an inch in from each end, and then cut it away with a hacksaw. I used a
mini hacksaw until the blade became too thick and then switched to a larger hacksaw. I took the blade
out of it and carefully cut away the rest of the foam. After the blade was cut out I used a mouse
sander in the picture below to smooth out the foam. (sandpaper can be used instead but it may take a
while to smooth out the foam)
Be sure to wear your protective equiptment before using the dremmel, because you will be covered in
pink particles from the foam by the end of this project and it is pretty noisy. The top of each blade
was sanded to a point using a dremmel before sliding the blades onto the dowel.
I then took the dremmel and sanded the blocks to round them off into cylinders. I had to use the
lowest setting on the dremmel because it sanded away the foam like it was nothing.
After sanding drill two holes on one side of the scythe all the way into the dowel with a small drill bit.
Then insert toothpicks and woodglue to stop the blades from rotating on the dowel. On the other side
I drilled one hole in the center and placed a toothpick in there also. After the glue dries, break off the
remaining piece of the toothpick and sand it until it is flush with the rest of the blade.
Drill a hole into the bottom of the scythe that will be deep enough to anchor the rope in and glue it
into place. Be sure to burn the ends of the rope to seal the threads because they will unravel.
The indent in the dowel I dremmeled in so I would be able to firmly glue the rope in place that is later
wrapped around the dowel. 2 and ½ feet up from this notch I made another one in the opposite
direction for the rope at the other end.
Next paper mache the three blades. I used one cup of water for each cup of flour and added a little
elmers craft glue to strengthen it. I coated the blades in three layres of paper mache, waiting until
each layer dried completely before moving onto the next layer. If the paper mache is a little rough
you can sand it down a little to smooth it out. After the layers dried completely coat the blades and
the dowel with a primer and lightly sanded everything by hand with sandpaper.
Now you are finally ready to paint!
Start by taking the painters tape and taping off all of the areas that are going to be painted silver later.
Be sure to tie/tape up the rope on the end so you do not accidentally paint it.
The scythe ended up needing 2 coats of the red paint. Once the red is fully dried remove the tape.
The red paint bled through the tape a little but you do not have to worry about it because the silver will
cover it up. Next place the tape on the red parts of the scythe that are in danger of being spray
painted silver and then use the silver paint on those areas. I left the area that the rope will be wrapped
around white.
After the silver paint dries take the rope to be wrapped around the pole and glue gun it into place it in
the groove that you made earlier. You can start at the top or bottom and wrap it around the pole until
you get to the other notch. Then glue gun it into the other notch. Remember to seal off the ends of the
rope again so they do not fray. Burn the ends off but be careful not to burn yourself or breathe in the
Congratulations you have now made
Hidan’s scythe!