Initial Career Planning

UCLan Careers
Starting Points:
Initial Career Planning
I want something related to my degree
The following resources will help you gain a better understanding of the options available to you
within your subject area, as well as providing you with an insight into the graduate job market:
Prospects – ‘Your Degree, What Next’
Prospects - ‘Options with your Subject’
The above provide lists of occupations where specific degrees are relevant and / or useful.
They look at common career areas associated with individual subjects as well as options for
further study. The skills acquired by studying a particular subject are also discussed, as are a
range of possible job options – these lead to detailed job profiles that include information on
entry requirements, career development and salary and conditions. Case studies on
individuals working in that particular role are often also presented.
The Unistats website
This provides an insight into what recent graduates have gone on to do after graduating.
Searches can be subject and institution specific.
Prospects - ‘What Do Graduates Do’
This provides information about what recent graduates were doing in the winter after
graduation - how many had jobs, the types of jobs they went into, and how many went on to
further study.
In addition, it is also worth checking any professional institutions allied with your subject, i.e.
the Royal Society of Chemistry, as they often have subject specific careers resources
I want to do something related to my interests and skills
The following resources / online tools will help you to match your skills, interests and motivations to
a range of occupations. These are particularly useful when looking at options away from your field
of study:
Prospects Career Planner
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Updated July 2014
Prospects Planner is a career exploration tool for exploring ideas and identifying areas of
possible interest. You may have completed similar programmes before, but Prospects
specifically looks at graduate level jobs.
To use the program, you will need to register – this is free. Our ‘Guide to using Prospects
Planner’ can help!
TARGETjobs Careers Report
TARGETjobs uses questionnaires and psychometric tests to explore interests, strengths,
personality and abilities. With all of these in mind, individuals are then matched to jobs that
would potentially suit them.
To use the questionnaire, you will need to register with TARGETjobs first – this is free.
Adult Directions Online
Adult Directions Online is an innovative career and skill matching tool that allows you to match
careers to your work interests and / or skills. It includes flexible entry routes and, based on
your responses, a list of suitable careers, based on your responses.
To use the program, you need to register - login using the license code opengain52, which will
then take you to the registration page.
What next?
Note down any occupational areas / job options you feel are worth further exploration. Also, write
down any questions you may have.
Book an appointment with a careers adviser on (01772) 895858 / 892584 to discuss your findings /
options further.
Other useful resources
Prospects - - contains hundreds of graduate job
profiles to help you research specific careers and jobs. Also contains web links to professional
bodies / specialist career information websites.
Prospects - - introduction and overview of all job
Inside Careers - detailed resource for professional career sectors
Guardian Careers - great for useful articles and strategies
Windmills Virtual Career Coach - - interactive tool to
help you identify the kind of future you want.
For further details, ring UCLan Careers
on telephone 01772 895858 or email
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Updated July 2014