Linking nearshore kelp dynamics to sandy beach ecosystems This proposal is a resubmission that was encouraged by the Biological Oceanography Program. The Program Comments stated, “the Program agrees with reviewers that the questions posed have strong intellectual merit. There are relatively few examples from marine systems where carbon transport across ecosystems has been quantified and in this sense the proposal is novel. We also recognize that the team assembled is well qualified to pursue this project. There is considerable merit in this project because it is strongly aligned with the overall research goals of the SBC LTER.” Nevertheless, the reviewers raised concerns over two main issues: the feasibility of tracking drifting kelp and the overall complexity and extent of the proposed project. Therefore we have sharpened the project’s focus: field efforts are now concentrated on a single reef and more complex ecological function experiments have been eliminated.. Despite a lengthy amount of fieldwork, one reviewer raised concerns about needing even more observational time to tease out interannual variations. We believe three years of observations allows for meaningful discoveries regarding interannual variations. To address reviewer concerns about our ability to track kelp, we conducted a pilot experiment using high-resolution drifters as proposed. The effort was a resounding success, and shows that this project, will produce interesting and unprecedented knowledge of material and energy exchange between coastal kelp forests and intertidal ecosystems. We are pleased with the constructive nature of the reviewer comments, and have used them to guide this resubmission. 1. Motivation and Research Overview 1.1 Exchange of Material Between Ecosystems Exchanges of material and energy between neighboring habitats and ecosystems influence the spatial and temporal structure and dynamics of communities and food webs. Quantifying the magnitude of these exchanges has long been a central focus of ecosystem ecology (Odum 1971), although the effects of material subsidies and their variation on recipient ecosystems have only recently begun to be appreciated (Polis et al. 2004). One issue has been the continuing focus on food webs as static constructions, without temporal variability (Polis et al. 2004, Moore and De Ruiter 2012). In marine ecosystems, our understanding of crossecosystem material fluxes, the variation of these fluxes in time and space, and the ecosystem consequences of this variation to recipient communities is severely lacking. Nearshore forests of highly productive giant kelp, Macrocystis sp., are the raw material for one of the best examples of such exchanges in the marine realm. Macrocystis is the world’s largest alga and as a foundation species profoundly shapes the kelp forest ecosystem. Surprisingly, however, only a small fraction (<5%) of kelp-derived net primary production (NPP) is consumed within the forest where it grows (Gerard 1976; Newell et al. 1982). Most kelp NPP is exported outside the forest to other ecosystems (Gerard 1976), including beaches and the deep-water benthos, where it provides a source of energy, nutrients, and habitat to consumers and alters the entire recipient ecosystem. However, little work has been done to quantify the fate and transport of exported kelp NPP, variability in these processes, and the consequences for recipient non-kelp ecosystems. Kelp deposition on the shoreline varies greatly but can exceed 500 -1000 kg m-1 y-1 (StentonDozey and Griffiths 1983; Dugan et al. 2011). On sandy beaches, which largely lack autochthonous sources of primary production, this imported kelp subsidy, commonly referred to as kelp wrack, supports a complex food web. Wrack is consumed by a diverse group of intertidal macrofaunal invertebrates, particularly arthropods such as amphipods, isopods, and insects (Griffiths and StentonDozey 1981; Griffiths et al. 1983; Inglis 1989; Lastra et al. 2008; Spiller et al. 2010). They in turn are an important prey resource for predators, including predaceous arthropods as well as vertebrates such as shorebirds, seabirds, marine mammals, and fishes (Dugan et al. 2003; Hubbard and Dugan 2003) as well as terrestrial reptiles, birds and mammals (Spiller et al. 2010). Despite the well-documented importance of kelp as a resource to neighboring ecosystems, we have little understanding of the connectivity from kelp forests to sandy beaches, and how variation in kelp inputs shapes local sandy beach communities (Figure 1). Resource supply and its variability strongly affect consumer population growth, species interactions including competition and predation, and food web complexity (Sears et al. 2004). Variation and stability of resource supply also shapes the evolution of species life history and other characteristics, and influences the pool of species that can take advantage of a resource (Anderson et al. 2008). Conversely, species diversity and identity can affect the fate of a resource and its eventual decomposition and remineralization (Srivastava et al. 2009). Such interactions between communities of consumers and their resources are complex when primary producers are members of the community, with their abundance and phenotypic traits influenced by competition and grazing. On sandy beaches, food resources are largely controlled by processes that control transport of material to the beach and dynamics of the donor communities, in this case kelp forests. With its large NPP and the connection of exported production to the shoreline, kelp provides an excellent system in which to investigate consumer-resource interactions. 1.2 Kelp Forest Ecosystems The giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, forms extensive forests on rocky reefs in temperate waters worldwide. Their floating surface canopy exposes kelp plants to enormous drag forces from surface waves, and makes kelp uniquely vulnerable to this physical disturbance. Loss of plants tends to be greatest in fall and winter, when waves are largest (Gerard 1976; Reed et al. 2008; Reed et al. 2011). Primary productivity of Macrocystis forests rivals that of tropical rainforests on land, but is characterized by much higher temporal variability than highproductivity terrestrial ecosystems (Reed et al 2011). Variability in giant kelp abundance and NPP may be driven by dispersal, physical disturbance, and nutrient dynamics (Dayton et al. 1999; Reed et al. 2006; Graham et al. 2007). Kelp forests are likely to undergo shifts in abundance and growth rate linked to climatic variations including ENSO, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of processes identified in the proposed project. global climate change (Chavez et al. Kelp biomass (NPP) from the extraordinarily productive donor ecosystem, the kelp forest, is exported into the offshore ocean and onto low-NPP beaches, the 2003; Otero and Siegel 2004). Such recipient ecosystem. Kelp forests and the transport processes that deliver kelp shifts have already been NPP to beaches are influenced by wind and waves, and beach condition. Once documented for phytoplankton, in on the beaches, kelp wrack provides habitat for animals and fuels a productive the form of declines in primary food web, here simplified to include three major groups, primary consumers, production in the California Current small predators, and shorebirds, each of which contains many species. Climate that may be linked to climate change change will influence kelp forests and beaches directly, as well as the physical processes (waves and currents) controlling connectivity between these (McGowan et al. 1998; Barth et al. ecosystems. 2007). In the Eastern Pacific, the frequency of years with large winter storm waves has increased over the last 60 years, likely due to anthropogenic climate change (Graham and Diaz 2001; Ruggiero et al. 2010). Waves both reduce the abundance of giant kelp and export kelp NPP to adjacent communities (Dayton et al. 1984; Dayton et al. 1999; Gaylord et al. 2008). Presently, we have little quantitative understanding of how much kelp NPP is transported to beaches and the spatial scales over which this transport occurs, which limits our understanding of how these changes may affect beach ecosystems. 1.3 Kelp Loss and Transport Kelp is removed from the forest through a combination of natural senescence and physical disturbances. Wave disturbance is responsible for most removal of kelp, and this loss varies seasonally and interannually (Reed et al. 2008; Cavanaugh et al. 2011). Once kelp is removed from the forest, the fate and transport of large kelp detritus (herafter “drift kelp”) is driven by the ocean circulation. Although most drift kelp likely moves more or less directly to shore, some aggregates into floating rafts that may drift large distances. These floating rafts of kelp are common in California coastal waters, and their abundance, dispersal and associated communities have been the subject of several studies (Harrold and Lisin 1989; Kingsford 1995; Harrold et al. 1998; Hobday 2000a, b, c; Hinojosa et al. 2010; Rothausler et al. 2011a, b). Three studies have investigated kelp raft dispersal using drifter techniques. Harrold and Lisin (1989) tracked 39 natural and artificial kelp rafts released from varying distances away from kelp beds in Monterey Bay and showed a seasonal signal in transport direction. Most rafts were washed up on shore by the end of the 5-7 day tracking period. Kingsford (1995) tracked parcels of kelp for short time periods off Catalina Island, California, and concluded that drift was mainly in the direction of prevailing winds. Neither ocean currents nor the ending distribution of drift kelp were considered in these studies. Hobday (2000a) inferred drift kelp dispersal patterns in the Southern California Bight using data from Argos satellite-tracked drifters released an average of 12 km offshore of kelp beds. Drifters coming within 5 km of the coast were considered to have contacted the coastline. The circulation patterns captured in the Hobday (2000a) study are not necessarily indicative of the currents near kelp forests, within a few kilometers from the coast. These existing studies of kelp transport were motivated by the concept of kelp rafts as a dispersal mechanism for kelp and associated organisms, rather than as a vector of materials connecting kelp forests to other ecosystems, particularly beaches, where its role in food webs has been most clearly established. No estimates have been made of the fraction of kelp NPP exported from forest to beach. Kelp connectivity between forest and shoreline has not been explored. 1.4 Kelp-based Beach Communities Sandy beaches in southern California support some of the most diverse and abundant macroinvertebrate communities in the world, with >80 species and densities that can exceed 80,000 individuals per meter of shoreline (Dugan et al. 2003). On average >40% of these highly mobile species are directly associated with wrack, either by feeding on it or by feeding on wrack consumers and wrack-associated communities include primary consumers, predators, and scavengers (Dugan et al. 2003). Wintering and migratory shorebirds, which fluctuate in abundance seasonally, use beaches as a major foraging habitat (Hubbard and Dugan 2003), particularly in California, where wetland foraging grounds have been reduced by >90%. Through studies of mechanically groomed and armored beaches, and via wrack removal/addition experiments, we know the absence of kelp wrack subsidies severely impacts beach communities. Reducing kelp wrack abundance can depress macrofaunal species richness by ~5X and abundance by two orders of magnitude on sandy beaches (Dugan et al. 2003, 2008). These effects are propagated through the food web, depressing diversity and abundance of shorebirds that feed on wrack-associated macrofauna, including the threatened western snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus nivosus; Dugan et al. 2003). Despite the demonstrated importance of wrack subsidies from kelp forests to sandy beach ecosystems, we lack an understanding of the effect of natural variation in kelp supply on the ecology of beach communities, and the drivers of this variation. This knowledge gap, however, is not confined to beach ecosystems – we know little about the ecological effects of variation in cross-ecosystem material exchange overall (Moore and De Ruiter 2012), and this system provides a unique opportunity to advance our general understanding of these processes. 2. Proposed research Here we propose to examine the proportion of kelp biomass exported from forest to shore, the spatial distribution of this exported kelp along the sandy shoreline, and relationships between shoreline kelp distributions and sandy beach ecosystem community species and abundances. We hypothesize that variability in kelp supply on sandy beaches drives spatial and temporal patterns in species diversity and abundance, and thus ecosystem function. Complementary physical, biological and ecological approaches will be combined to test this broad hypothesis as follows: Surface current trajectories from high-resolution coastal ocean circulation model results will be used to quantify the spatial distribution of exported kelp along the sandy shoreline. Kelp tagging and recovery, similar to historical “drift card” studies of ocean circulation, will be performed to quantify kelp export to the shoreline and to validate distributions of shoreline biomass from model trajectories. “Kelp-drifter” studies, in which kelp plants are tagged and tracked with GPS, will corroborate shoreline distributions from the kelp tagging approach, and validate pathways and advection time from forest to shore obtained with model trajectories. Kelp wrack biomass, species diversity of macrofauna and shorebirds, and secondary production of consumers will be measured on beaches to assess strength of the crossecosystem linkage between offshore kelp forest and sandy beach ecosystems. Measurements of consumption rates and secondary production of consumers will be used to assess the effects of variation in imported resources on ecosystem function of sandy beaches. The fieldwork will be accomplished over 3 years, tracking kelp and sampling sandy beach communities to determine the spatial and temporal dynamics of kelp export and sandy beach community dynamics in a system in which the kelp resource varies dramatically over time in abundance and production. 2.1 Scientific objectives and significance GOAL 1. Understand trophic connectivity between a donor ecosystem, the kelp forest, and a recipient ecosystem, sandy beaches. Objective 1: Characterize transport patterns of Macrocystis NPP exported from the kelp forest as drift kelp. Hypothesis 1: Most kelp wrack is transported to beaches in close proximity to the kelp forest where it originated. Hypothesis 2: Temporal variability in kelp removal is driven primarily by wave energy. Primary test: Make direct observations of kelp fate and transport by tagging kelp plants with drift cards and GPS drifters. Objective 2. Develop a statistical model of trophic connectivity between kelp forests and beaches. Hypothesis 3: Trajectories computed from numerical model solutions can be used to accurately model connectivity between kelp forest and shoreline. Primary test: Compute reef-to-shore connectivity with modeled trajectories and evaluate model results with kelp tagging and GPS drifter observations. GOAL 2. Link abundance and variability of an imported resource, kelp wrack, with ecological patterns and processes of a recipient ecosystem, sandy beaches. Objective 3: Evaluate spatial and temporal patterns of sandy beach community structure. Hypothesis 4: Abundance and diversity of organisms on beaches is positively correlated in time and space with input of kelp wrack. Hypothesis 5: Diversity of organisms on beaches will exhibit a parabolic relationship with variability in kelp wrack supply, with highest diversity at intermediate levels of variability. Primary test: Quantify abundance and species diversity of beach communities at 6 sites varying in kelp input rates (chosen using modeling results), and link these data to kelp input via linear and nonlinear regression analysis. Objective 4: Evaluate how input of kelp wrack affects ecosystem function on sandy beaches. Hypothesis 6: Consumption rate of kelp wrack on beaches is positively correlated with flux of kelp wrack and consumer diversity. Hypothesis 7: Secondary production on beaches is positively correlated with flux of kelp wrack and consumer diversity. Primary test: Quantify consumption rates of kelp wrack and secondary production at 6 beach sites varying in wrack input rates, and link these data to kelp input and community structure via regression analysis. Below we describe the motivation for these hypotheses and outline our approach to address them. 2.2 Goal 1 - Quantifying export and fate of drift kelp from coastal kelp forests Biomass and productivity of Macrocystis, and hence its availability for export to adjacent ecosystems, is highly variable both temporally and spatially. Seasonally, kelp biomass in California typically peaks in summer and autumn, with declines in late autumn and winter due to wave disturbance (Gerard 1976; Reed et al. 2008). Between years, kelp biomass fluctuates due to removal of plants by wave disturbance, variable recruitment, and in some cases nutrient availability (Dayton et al. 1984; Reed et al. 2008, 2011; Cavanaugh et al. 2011). On longer timescales, ENSO cycles can strongly affect kelp growth and production, as well as standing biomass, and the response of kelp to these interannual cycles depends largely on the oceanographic regime state (Parnell et al. 2010), which cycles on decadal to multidecadal time scales; these longer-term cycles include the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and Victoria Mode or North Pacific Gyre Oscillation in the Pacific (Mantua et al. 1997; Bond et al. 2003; Di Lorenzo et al. 2008). Wave energy drives most loss of biomass and mortality of giant kelp: fronds are removed as they senesce and their stipes weaken, and whole sporophytes (plants) are dislodged from the bottom particularly during large winter storms, when the largest proportion of kelp biomass removal occurs (Gerard 1976; Dayton et al. 1984; Reed et al. 2008; Figure 2). Thus, we might expect that the largest influx of kelp wrack to beaches would occur during winter. In the Mediterranean climate of California, however, Macrocystis biomass accumulates in the forest during the calm conditions of summer, often making the first storms of the fall season disproportionately effective in removing large amounts of kelp (Zobell 1971; Gerard 1976; Graham 1997). Transport of passive propagules with Figure 2. Wrack abundance on beach inshore of Mohawk Reef the ocean circulation controls compared to loss rate of Macrocystis biomass from the kelp connectivity between populations and forest at Mohawk Reef. Peaks in loss generally occur in winter/early spring, whereas peaks in wrack abundance on the communities of many marine organisms beach are often seen in autumn (Revell et al. 2011). (e.g. Cowen et al. 2006 and references therein). A predictive understanding of how ocean currents advect drifting larvae from source to destination is therefore necessary to understand population dynamics, genetics, and community interactions, and has been the focus of considerable research effort (e.g. Parrish et al. 1981; Pineda 1991; Shanks et al. 2000; Siegel et al. 2003; Shanks and Brink 2005; Tang et al. 2006; Mitarai et al. 2008; Mitarai et al. 2009; Ohlmann and Mitarai 2010). Other forms of ecological connectivity within the ocean have received scant attention. An important example is trophic connectivity via transport of resources across ecosystem boundaries. Giant kelp provides one of the best examples of such exchanges in the oceans. Macrocystis is extremely productive, and generally <5% of kelp-derived net primary production (NPP) is consumed locally within the kelp forest (Gerard 1976; Newell et al. 1982). Detached kelp plants are buoyant and freely floating, facilitating their export from the kelp forest and advection by ocean currents. An understanding of kelp biomass connectivity between forest and shoreline is necessary to understand how drift kelp affects adjacent sandy beach ecosystems. No studies targeting connectivity, or fate and transport, of kelp biomass in Southern California are known to exist. This is likely due to the historic inability to accurately model ocean currents over the inner continental shelf, and logistical difficulty of attaching large numbers of tags or tracking devices to kelp plants and monitoring them as they move from the kelp forest. In an observational study, Hobday (2000c) draws conclusions regarding kelp connectivity from drifter trajectories that begin far offshore of kelp forests. Most trajectories considered by Hobday (2000c) were released more than 5-10 km from shore, and many were released as far as 20 km away. These studies do not give accurate representations of kelp connectivity because trajectories considered do not connect to nearshore kelp forests where exported kelp biomass originates. Connectivity matrices for the Southern California Bight have recently been developed from numerical ocean circulation model results for larval transport applications (Mitarai et al. 2009; Figure 3). The proposed work considers trajectories that begin at kelp forests and uses trajectories from a model with Figure 3. Probability distribution (pdf; color 100 m spatial resolution, an order of magnitude finer contours) showing ending distribution of than considered by Mitarai et al. (2009). Such model trajectories that begin within the black circle located off the north shore of the Santa Barbara resolution is necessary to resolve variability in flows that exist over the inner shelf (e.g. Lentz and Fewings Channel. The greatest number of trajectories reach red regions and relatively few trajectories reach 2012), and has only recently become available. blue regions. Figure from Mitarai et al. (2009). The Wrack accumulation on beaches can be proposed work will produce a similar product for influenced by beach morphology in addition to the ending distribution of kelp advected from a delivery rates. In Barkley Sound, British Columbia, specific forest. cobble beaches accumulated more wrack than sand beaches, likely due to interstitial trapping of the seaweed fragments (Orr et al 2005). Beach segments with seawalls and reduced upper beach habitat due to coastal development accumulated significantly lower wrack biomass (1 to 3 orders of magnitude) than adjacent unarmored segments of beach (Dugan and Hubbard 2006). Intermediate morphodynamic beaches, however, dominate in Southern California and beach morphology is relatively consistent away from armored shorelines and prominent headlands. One simple measure, width of the dry sand area, explained ~40% of the temporal variation in wrack biomass on two beaches (Revell et al. 2011), but in general there is little correlation between wrack standing crop and measures of beach morphology (Dugan et al 2003). We hypothesize that in this system, patterns in transport of kelp from nearby kelp forests are tightly coupled to kelp supply to sandy beach communities, reducing complexity and creating an ideal milieu in which to study the trophic linkage between these ecosystems. Research approach. Goal 1 of the proposed work, a quantitative understanding of the link between the kelp forest and beached kelp wrack, will be accomplished through a combination of (1) trajectories from numerical model results, (2) tagging living kelp plants with “drift cards” at their source location and determining the distribution of the drift cards recovered on the shoreline, and (3) by monitoring trajectories of kelp plants tagged at their source location with GPS devices (drifters). Objective 1 (an observational characterization of drift kelp transport) will be met by tagging a large number (3000) of individual kelp plants within a forest and recording the ending locations of drift cards, as is done in drift card studies (e.g. Levin 1983; Ebbesmeyer et al. 2011). This approach provides information on the shoreline distribution of kelp wrack, but does not inform on specific pathways or advection time from forest to beach. GPS drifters will therefore be attached to naturally drifting kelp plants in the forest to obtain 100’s of transport pathway and advection time observations (Figure 4). We have tested the latter technique and it works well (see Methods below). Objective 2, a statistical model of trophic connectivity between kelp forest and beaches, will be developed by first computing tens of thousands of trajectories that emanate from a single kelp forest using Eulerian maps of modeled surface current vectors, and then computing probability distribution functions (pdf) from the ending positions of the model trajectories (modeling details in Methods Section; see also Mitarai et al. 2009). 2.3. Linking wrack abundance and variability with patterns and processes in beach ecosystems Allochthonous resource subsidies can produce a variety of responses in recipient populations and communities (Anderson and Polis 2004). Donor-controlled resources are predicted to stabilize populations of consumers if allochthonous supply is steady, since consumers are not able to overexploit the resource. Conversely, destabilization of consumer populations can result if allochthonous resources subsidize predators or parasites to the extent that they can depress prey towards extinction (Polis et al. 1997; Huxel et al. 2002). Seasonal or annual variability in resource availability can lead to food webs with weak to moderate links between many interacting species; such complexity may enhance the stability of food webs (Polis and Strong 1996; Huxel and McCann 1998; Huxel et al. 2002; Rooney and McCann 2012). Communities reliant on pulsed allochthonous subsidies are therefore likely to be fundamentally structured by such variability in resource supply. Resource limitation that varies in space and time may be a key factor influencing the persistence of populations and the structure and dynamics of communities (Anderson et al. 2008). Inferior competitors may be more likely to be excluded if resource supply to competitors is steady, whereas in a pulsed system persistence can be achieved through more rapid response rates to resource inputs, e.g. rapid immigration (Holt 2004). On sandy beaches receiving Macrocystis wrack, we predict that the diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates will vary positively with wrack abundance. Four congeneric species of wrack-consuming talitrid amphipods can coexist on beaches in our study area, as well as multiple species of predatory intertidal beetles. However, the relationship between diversity and variability in wrack inputs may be nonlinear, with exclusion of some species at low levels of variability due to competitive interactions, and also at high variability due to lack of resources. Therefore we predict that diversity of wrack-associated invertebrate communities will be highest at intermediate levels of variability in wrack inputs. Macrophyte subsidies benefit consumers and higher trophic levels of the food web in a number of coastal marine communities (Menge 1992; Bustamante et al. 1995; Vetter 1995; Bustamante and Branch 1996) and islands, where marine subsidies, including macrophytes, carrion, and seabird inputs greatly exceed terrestrial productivity (Polis and Hurd 1995; Anderson and Polis 1998; Stapp and Polis 2003). For example, macrofaunal biomass has generally been shown to be higher on beaches with larger amounts of macroalgal wrack (Stenton-Dozey and Griffiths 1983; McLachlan 1985; Bally 1987; Ince et al. 2007), but quantitative relationships between wrack flux and sandy beach community structure are sparse. Most studies have been snapshots in space. On 15 beaches in southern California, species richness and abundance of macroinvertebrates were positively correlated with standing crop of kelp wrack in an autumn survey (Dugan et al. 2003). Abundance of two shorebird species that rely on macrofaunal prey was positively correlated with wrack biomass, and both macrofaunal and shorebird abundance, and macroinvertebrate species richness, were severely depressed on beaches where wrack was regularly removed (Dugan et al. 2003). Information on temporal variability in animal abundance on sandy beaches and its relationship with resource supply is limited. Revell et al. (2011) found that wrack abundance declined during an El Niño, and that long-lived macrofaunal species, e.g. clams, were still less abundant two years afterward and shorebird populations had not recovered. Seasonal and interannual variations in macroinvertebrate communities were not investigated. Few studies have quantified the influence of allochthonous subsidies on patterns of species diversity (Vidal et al. 2000; Barrett et al. 2003; Anderson et al. 2008). The regularity and magnitude of the subsidy is likely to be crucial in determining its impact on the recipient community, underscoring the need to integrate studies of pulses and subsidies (Anderson et al. 2008). The effect of resource variation is interrelated with the demography of species in the community; for example, high variability may result in dominance of species with high population growth rates that track the resource, while less frequent fluctuations can allow species with slower response rates and longer lifespans to persist (Nisbet and Gurney 1982). Species ranging from short-lived kelp flies (weeks) to long-lived oniscoid isopods (years) are represented in the wrack-dependent food web of sandy beaches (Dugan et al. 2003; Hubbard et al. 2013). Ecologists are increasingly recognizing the importance of the relationship of diversity with ecosystem function, and the fact that diversity of consumers, in addition to primary producers, can influence diversity and abundance of prey (Duffy et al. 2007; Gross and Cardinale 2007; Byrnes and Stachowicz 2009; Srivastava et al. 2009). Yet, most biodiversity and ecosystem function studies have focused on primary producers in isolation from grazers. In theory, and to a lesser extent in experimental results, ecosystem function (e.g. primary production) shows a positive relationship with producer diversity as a result of both functional complementarity and selection of highly productive species (Duffy et al. 2007). This result is predicted to change at higher trophic levels, and a major reason for that is thought to be the donor-controlled nature of plant resources (nutrients, light), compared to the often densitydependent relationship of consumers with their food, which is subject to overexploitation (Ives et al. 2005). In subsidized Figure 4. Trajectories of ~600 drifters deployed at 3 cross-shore locations (~0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 km communities such as from the coastline). A total of 12 drifters were deployed each week for an entire year (November sandy beaches, 2007 to November 2008). Drifters were deployed in clusters of 3 to investigate relative dispersion. resources are donorTracks are roughly 5-8 hrs in length. Red plus symbols indicate ending positions. controlled similar to the case for plant communities, and we predict that ecosystem function in these communities will exhibit a positive relationship with consumer diversity. Therefore, we predict that ecosystem function, in this case wrack consumption rate and secondary productivity, will mirror patterns in diversity and peak at intermediate levels of variability in wrack inputs. Research approach. Goal 2, linking wrack abundance and variability with patterns and processes in beach ecosystems, will be reached through an intensive biological sampling program focused on beaches inshore of the focal kelp forest. To accomplish Objective 3 we will quantitatively measure wrackassociated macrofaunal and bird communities as well as wrack abundance across time and space, distributing our sampling effort using information on beach kelp wrack distributions computed from modeled trajectories determined as part of Goal 1. To examine relationships between wrack distribution and species diversity and abundance (Hypothesis 5), we will sample macrofaunal communities and birds, and physical characteristics of the beach at 6 locations within a 10 km swath of shoreline directly inshore of the kelp forest. This sampling will be done seasonally (4X per yr) for three years. We will begin this sampling after computing shoreline distributions of kelp wrack from model trajectories and observations. In an attempt to encompass maximum variation in kelp input rates, the 6 sites will be chosen using estimated kelp beaching rates along the shore computed from model trajectories. In subsequent years, the same 6 sites will be sampled to allow evaluation of ecological effects of interannual variation in wrack inputs within sites. Variability in wrack standing stock along the shore within the sampled area is high (Figure 5), and any 6 sites will exhibit substantial variability even if trajectory modeling is inadequate to capture most spatial variation in kelp transport patterns. Variation in species diversity and abundance will be linked to the wrack fate and input data attained in Goal 1 to examine effects of connectivity between donor and recipient ecosystems on community structure. # fresh kelp plants Objective 4 will be reached through a combination of process studies and population measurements. First, the relationships between wrack input, consumer diversity and consumption rates will be explored by measuring kelp consumption rates at our 6 study sites. To measure secondary production of consumers, we will use the size distribution of populations at each study site and allometric equations relating macrofaunal production to biomass and temperature. These measurements will focus on the most abundant consumers, the talitrid amphipods Megalorchestia spp. and will be done seasonally in conjunction with the 35 ecological surveys. These consumption and production 30 measurements will then be linked back to site-specific wrack input calculated 25 under Goal 1 to explore the nature of their relationship with patterns of 20 resource supply. 15 3. METHODS Study sites. To capture temporal and 10 spatial variability in delivery of kelp wrack to beaches, we will focus our 5 efforts on the well-studied kelp forest at Mohawk Reef (Figure 6) and the 0 nearby beaches. The Mohawk Reef 2 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 kelp forest is roughly 0.2 km and Position (Meters) contains ~10,000 kelp plants (Reed et Figure 5. Distribution of fresh kelp wrack (# plants) along the central 5 km al 2008, Reed personal centered on Mohawk Reef, from Arroy Burro beach to Leadbetter beach, on communication). The location was April 25, 2013, illustrating the potential spatial variability in kelp inputs that picked for its manageable size, will be used in this project to examine effects on beach ecosystems. location in the region of targeted highresolution ocean circulation modeling, and because biomass, production and loss rates have been monitored monthly at the site since 2000 by the Santa Barbara Coastal Long-Term Ecological Research program (SBC LTER). Kelp wrack transport observations. Kelp wrack transport will be observed by tagging/tracking live kelp plants with drift cards and drifters with GPS positioning. At Mohawk Reef, 1000 mature kelp plants (~10% of the population) will be tagged at the beginning of the study. Drift card tags will be constructed of 4” x 6” x 0.5” wood and painted bright orange with non-toxic marine anti-fouling paint. A steel washer will be bolted to each tag to achieve neutral buoyancy and facilitate detection on the beach using metal detectors. Each tag will include a unique identification number (ID), a brief explanation of its purpose, and instructions for contacting the research team with the tag’s ID and location where it was found. The tags are to be similar in material and design to drift cards typically used to track ocean currents ( Tags will be attached to the base of kelp plants uniformly distributed within the forest. When plants are tagged, their size (# of fronds) and location within the forest will be recorded on the drift card. The kelp forest perimeter will be mapped with GPS coordinates, enabling the starting position of each tagged plant (via its attached drift card) to be precisely known. This will allow analysis of how plant biomass, which is strongly correlated with frond number (Reed et al. 2009), and relative location within the forest affect the fate of detached kelp plants, and vulnerability to detachment. Monthly diver surveys of the kelp forest will be done to record which plants remain in the forest and which have been exported. This will allow determination of export time and enable correlation of export with environmental conditions (i.e. strong current or large wave events; (see below). This also allows for a “kelp budget” to be closed so the fraction of exported kelp for which tags are not recovered can be quantified. Fate of tagged kelp plants will be determined as tags are found by local beachcombers (as is typical in drift card studies; a project web site will be set up so those who find cards can enter the information online and learn of the project) and during our beach surveys (described below). Over the past 8 years (2006-2013), yearly plant removal rates at Mohawk Reef have averaged 86.5%, close to the 84% average across reefs in our area (Reed et al 2008). Therefore, we can expect that approximately 860 of our tagged plants will be removed from the forest during the first year. The recent NOAA “Safe Seas” drift card study released cards ~15km offshore of the CA coast and achieved a >50% card recovery rate ( We expect a greater recovery rate as the cards in our study are expected to be confined to limited stretch of beach inshore of Mohawk Reef. Nevertheless, even if we assume a typical recovery rate of 50% for our cards, this would still give an ending distribution with 425 data points after the first year. Thus, the number of tags proposed (1000) should ensure statistically meaningful results while also being economically and logistically feasible. A small pilot effort showed that it takes a diver, conservatively, 2 minutes to attach a tag; at this rate 1000 tags can be applied by a team of four divers in ~8 diving hours, an effort that will be easily accomplished in one week. A set of ~600 drifter trajectories collected off the Santa Barbara coast over the course of a year indicates that ocean surface currents primarily move nearshore drifters in the shoreward direction (Figure 4; Ohlmann et al 2012b). These observations are the primary basis for hypothesis 2. Mohawk Reef kelp forest will be similarly reseeded with 1000 attached drift cards at the beginning of years 2 and 3. High resolution Microstar drifters, built by Pacific Gyre Corporation (Oceanside, CA), are proposed for tracking drifting kelp plants originating at kelp forests (Figure 6). The Microstar records its position with GPS and transmits the position data to a host computer through the Iridium satellite network. Data transmission is near real-time allowing drifter positions to be monitored from any computer with Internet access. Position data is accurate to within ~5 m. The spatial accuracy and near real-time transmission enables drifters to be recovered and redeployed. The Microstar normally uses a collapsible tri-star type drogue. In our application, we will attach the tracking buoy with drifter electronics (hereafter “drifter”) to a detached kelp plant that would act as a drogue. To avoid the direct influence of wind on the buoy, the in water drag area of kelp should be roughly 40 times larger than the drag area of the surface float, and this is the case for whole plants with even a small number of fronds (approximately ≥5). The Microstar has high resolution (required to resolve the small scales of motion that characterize coastal flows) and is extremely economical (recoverable rather than expendable) making it appropriate for the proposed work. Drifters for the project will be borrowed from Ohlmann’s laboratory at UCSB, and made available to this project at minimal cost. A more detailed description of the Microstar drifter is given in Ohlmann et al. (2005). To address concerns raised in the previous submittal of this proposal (August 2012) about our ability to tag and track kelp, we conducted a pilot experiment to test the feasibility of tracking whole kelp plants with drifters. Four kelp plants (16-26 fronds) at the offshore edge of Mohawk reef were detached and tagged with drifters on 23 April 2013. Initially, all four plants moved mostly alongshore in the poleward direction (Figure 7). Three of the plants were quickly caught up in the kelp forest canopy. One plant moved alongshore for ~1 hr before becoming entangled in kelp canopy about 1km poleward of the release location. During the next 12 hr, all tagged kelp plants moved slowly (< 1 cm/s) in the onshore direction through kelp forests (Figure 6). One kelp plant moved through the kelp forest, made its way along the coast (between the kelp beds and shoreline) in the equatorward direction, and beached shoreward of Mohawk reef roughly 24 hrs after deployment (blue track in Figure 7). Two kelp plants remained stuck in the Mohawk kelp forest and showed very little movement during three days of tracking. A single kelp plant twice moved away from the Mohawk reef kelp forest and then back to the Mohawk reef kelp forest (green and yellow loops shown in Figure 7). This plant was eventually beached ~16 km from its release location after 5 days. The pilot experiment demonstrates three things. First, kelp plants are easily tagged with GPS drifters, the drifters stay firmly attached to the kelp (up to 5 days in our experiment), and they do not alter the drift characteristics of kelp either in or out of a forest. There was no sign of drifters becoming separated from kelp, suggesting that kelp plants could be tracked for much longer times. Second, detached kelp is highly likely to get caught up in the kelp canopy and remain in the coastal ocean for at least days (as observed) and presumably weeks. This is consistent with common observations of detached plants within the forest by divers (Miller, personal obs.). Third, once detached kelp breaks away from the bottom and from the attached kelp plants, ocean currents can move it great distances in relatively short periods of time.. To understand actual pathways and advection time from kelp forest to beach, we will tag detached plants at Mohawk Reef with drifters and track them until they either reach shore, appear they are exiting the Santa Barbara Channel, or up to 30 days. Naturally detached kelp plants, which are common in the forest, will be used whenever possible; otherwise plants will be manually removed. We will tag 10 kelp plants with drifters each month in year 1 of the study, and 6 plants every two months in years 2 and 3 of the study. This sampling scheme will give 120 trajectories in year 1 and 36 trajectories in years 2 and 3, which should provide statistically significant information (e.g. Ohlmann and Mitarai 2010, Ohlmann et al. 2012). The monthly tagging in year 1 will allow synoptic scale variability to be resolved. Tagging in all years is sufficient for resolving seasonal variations in kelp transport. Plants will be tagged at randomly selected positions within the forest, chosen by dividing the forest into 10 x 10 m plots on a map, assigning each plot a number, and randomly picking numbers each month. Physical modeling. The Regional Oceanic Modeling System (ROMS) is a three dimensional model that solves the primitive equations of motion in a rotating coordinate system including the effects of stratification (Shchepetkin and McWilliams 2005). Existing ROMS solutions for the Southern California Bight will be used with a horizontal grid resolution of up to 75 m, including tidal forcing (Buijsman et al. 2012) and realistic atmospheric surface fluxes provided by the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF). The model configuration consists of a series of one-way nested grids with the coarsest and outermost domain L0 for the U.S. West Coast having a horizontal resolution of 5 km (514x402 grid cells), followed sequentially by L1, L2, and L3 with horizontal resolutions of 1 km, 250 m, and 75 m, respectively. Each domain has 40 (L0, L1, and L2) or 32 (L3) topographyfollowing levels vertically stretched such that grid cell refinement occurs most strongly near the surface and the bottom. The model topography is based on the 30-arc second resolution global topography/bathymetry grid (SRTM30; Becker et al. 2009) and when available, the 3 arcsecond product from the Figure 7. Tracks of kelp tagged with drifters, color coded by time. Small dots show position data recorded with GPS every 10 minutes. All tagged plants National Oceanic and emanate from the offshore edge of the Mohawk reef kelp forest at the same Atmospheric Administration/National time. The longest track extends well beyond the map, cropped so the shorter Geophysical Data Center tracks that stayed near Mohawk Reef can be seen. (NOAA/NGDC) coastal relief dataset ( for the near-shore regions. The minimum water depths are 50, 3, 3, and 1.5 m for the L0, L1, L2, and L3 domains, respectively. Detailed model descriptions are given by Buijsman et al. (2012) for the L0-L2 domains and Uchiyama et al. (in review) for the L3 domain. Kelp pathways from the Mohawk Reef kelp forest will be simulated by computing trajectories from existing ROMS Eulerian velocity fields at 1 m depth using fourth order Runge-Kutta integration or Adams-Bashford-Moulton predictor-corrector scheme following Mitarai et al. (2009) and Ohlmann and Mitarai (2010). Kelp forest boundaries will be located with GPS positioning data from a small boat survey. The starting location of trajectories within the kelp forest will be randomly distributed following a uniform distribution. If results of the drift card study show spatial weighting, it will be incorporated into model trajectory calculations. A set of thousands of trajectories will begin each day. Trajectories will be integrated until they beach or leave the model domain. The alongshore distribution of ending position along the shoreline will be computed from all the model trajectories. In addition,trajectories emanating from Mohawk Reef at various times (i.e. seasons) and under various environmental conditions (i.e. large wave events) will be subsampled, and alongshore distributions will be computed for the various cases. . ROMS trajectory results will be validated using our in situ kelp tagging observations following methods used in Ohlmann and Mitarai (2010). The drift card data will be used to assess the verity of the Lagrangian PDFs computed with modeled trajectories and the drifter data will be used to assess the verity of the modeled trajectory pathways and time from forest to beach. The ROMS model in its described configuration is being used by Dr. Leonel Romero (UCSB) to investigate the fate of freshwater runoff (which can provide nutrients to kelp forests) in the vicinity of Mohawk Reef as part of the SBC LTER project. Thus, we will have easy access to the necessary model results and no new ROMS model simulations are required (or will be performed) as part of this study. Rather, we will simply compute surface current trajectories through Eulerian surface current fields that have already been produced with ROMS simulations (e.g. Ohlmann et al. 2012b). Further, the proposed work is focused on material and energy exchange between ecosystems, and the influence of exchange on beach ecosystems. This requires a statistical understanding of transport (i.e. ending distribution of kelp wrack along the shoreline), not an understanding of the physics that give rise to the ocean currents that cause the transport. The latter will not be considered in the proposed work (though the data collected will be useful in other more physically-oriented studies). However, variation in kelp export associated with specific wave events will be investigated by isolating trajectories (both modeled and observed) during times of large waves as observed at local NOAA NDBC buoys (see Ohlmann et al. 2010a). Beach ecosystem surveys. To investigate cross-shore variability in kelp wrack flux, we will sample a 10-km stretch of shoreline inshore of Mohawk Reef, centered on the kelp forest offshore (Figure 6). To enhance the recovery rate of drift cards returned by the public (the typical practice) we will walk this shoreline monthly at or near low tide in daylight, with metal detectors. Within this 10 km area, we will sample 6 different beaches, measuring wrack composition, cover and depth (which is strongly correlated to biomass), diversity and abundance of shorebirds and macrofauna, and beach morphology. These sites will be chosen to represent a gradient in wrack input, using probability distributions of kelp plant beaching location from ROMS model trajectories (see Section 2.3). We will use a stratified (by tide height and cross-shore) random sampling design to capture within-beach variability at each site. Ecological sampling will be done seasonally, four times per year, at these 6 sites for 3 years. Macrocystis makes up the majority of wrack on the study beaches, and is the preferred food of beach consumers (Lastra et al. 2008), but other wrack species will also be evaluated as possible complimentary resources when kelp wrack is scarce. Cover and composition of macrophyte wrack will be determined at each of the 6 study sites as in Dugan et al. (2003). Wrack cover, composition (e.g., Macrocystis pyrifera, Phyllospadix spp., Egregia menziesii, Zostera marina), and depth will be measured with a line intercept method on each of the transects used for macrofauna surveys and physical measurements. Currently we have percent cover/biomass relationships that allow us estimate the biomass of Macrocystis and Phyllospadix wrack from cover and depth data collected on these transects, and we will develop relationships for the other major wrack species as part of this project. Macroinvertebrate communities will be sampled on each transect with standard insect net sweeps and cores (10 cm diameter, 20 cm deep) in a stratified design targeting the upper and lower zones of wrack (10 pooled cores per zone per transect), since these zones harbor different assemblages. All samples of animals and sticky traps will be placed in labeled ziplock bags, and frozen or preserved for later processing. All macrofauna (>1mm) will be counted and identified to species. A separate set of 10 cores will be collected and sieved at each site for measurement of secondary production (see below). Because estimates of species richness are dependent on sample size, transect samples will be sorted to the extent necessary to reach the asymptote of species accumulation curves at each site (~6 transects, Dugan unpublished data), and excess transect samples will be collected to ensure the asymptote is reached. Both species richness [estimated as observed richness and using Chao2, an estimator of true richness that accounts for rare species (Colwell and Coddington 1994)] and diversity indices (Shannon, Simpson index) will be used to examine the effect of wrack input on beach communities. Bird abundance and richness will also be measured on the shoreline of each of the same 6 sites. During each survey, all shorebirds, gulls and other birds, including seabirds and terrestrial birds on the beach, will be identified to species whenever possible and counted by a single observer stationed in a portable blind on the upper beach. Bird counts will be conducted for standard 5 min periods at each site and replicated over 3 days during eachsampling week. As they are counted, birds will be assigned to intertidal zones (upper intertidal, mid-intertidal, below WTO, swash zone) and habitats (rocks, pools, wrack) and their behavior (feeding mode, roosting) noted. Bird diversity will be assessed as for macrofauna. Because anthropogenic disturbance can affect birds, the number of people and dogs on the beach and their zones of occurrence will also be quantified. Two teams of 4 observers will sample 1-2 sites/day each; all sites will be surveyed within one week and scheduled so that the condition of the tide is constrained (0.75 m (2.5 ft) or lower tides spanning the two hours preceding and following low tide). Dugan’s laboratory has >15yrs of experience sampling and identifying sandy beach organisms, including birds. To assess the effect of beach morphology on wrack input and beach community structure, we will also measure physical characteristics of each of the 6 study sites seasonally. We will measure overall intertidal width and widths and slopes of key ecological beach zones as indicated by the locations of water table outcrop and high tide strand line relative to the seaward edge of terrestrial vegetation or toe of the bluff (Revell et al. 2011). The foreshore beach slope has been shown to be a sensitive index with which to characterize morphology of intermediate morphodynamic type beaches (Anthony 1998) such as those found on the SB Channel. Grain size of rinsed and dried sand samples from the wrack zones above will be measured (Wentworth scale) using standard testing sieves. To link the data attained in Goal 1 with community structure, we will use linear and nonlinear least-squares techniques to test the nature of the relationship between wrack delivery rate and standing stock on abundance and diversity of macroinvertebrates and birds across the 6 sites. Variability in wrack inputs at each site will be estimated using the yearly coefficient of variation of monthly wrack input calculated using modeled and observed results from Goal 1. To link yearly variability in wrack inputs (CVs) with species diversity of invertebrate communities, we will estimate mean yearly diversity from seasonal measurements for each site. Three years of sampling will enable us to evaluate whether sites are consistent in their levels of wrack input variability (and patterns of diversity) across years due to consistent patterns of physical transport. Ecological process measurements. Consumption rates of kelp wrack will be measured by setting out 6 replicate pre-weighed parcels of fresh kelp (collected in the swash zone before it washes ashore) on the beach at each of the 6 study sites, collecting them after overnight exposure to beach consumers, and weighing each parcel immediately after collection. Because the wrack will dry out and lose weight with exposure, we will measure consumption in terms of carbon rather than mass. A sample of the kelp will be collected at the time the kelp is weighed, and analyzed using a CHN elemental analyzer (Carlo-Erba Flash EA 1112 series, Thermo-Finnigan Italia) in the UCSB Marine Science Institute Analytical Laboratory. We can then convert the initial wet weight of the fresh kelp to its carbon content. Upon collection the kelp parcels will be reweighed and another sample will be collected and analyzed to convert the dessicated weight to carbon and allowing total consumed C to be estimated. All organisms inhabiting each kelp parcel will be counted, identified, and weighed to estimate biomass. These measurements will be done seasonally in the same month as the surveys. Secondary production of talitrid amphipods, the most abundant wrack consumers and a primary food source for shorebirds (Dugan et al. 2003) will be measured seasonally at the 6 study sites using methods that have been applied to many crustacean species, including other amphipods (Taylor 1998). A general allometric equation (P = 0.0049 * B0.80 T0.89) which relates daily macrobenthic production P (g day-1) to ash-free dry weight B (g) and temperature T (C) has been calculated from the published production rates of 41 invertebrate species (Edgar 1990) and extended to adult and juvenile animals. Production will be estimated using the mean ash-free dry weight of animals retained by sieves of differing mesh size, the abundances of animals in different sieve size classes, and the general equations described above. The mean biomass of animals in the various sieve size classes used in production calculations will be measured using the empirically derived equation log B = - 0.01 + 2.64 * logS, where B is faunal ash-free dry weight (mg) and S is sieve size (mm). Samples will be rinsed through a nested series of sieves (8.0-0.50 mm) stacked in descending order of size and the AFDW calculated as the difference between the dried (60 C) and ashed (500 C for 2 h) weights of animals retained by each sieve (Edgar 1990). To test hypotheses 6 and 7, the relationship of consumption rates and secondary production with species richness and wrack input estimates from Goal 1 will be evaluated using least-squares fitted models. IV. BROADER IMPACTS Project Significance. This project addresses an issue of broad current interest in ecology: how connectivity among donor and recipient ecosystems influences resource variability and affects recipient food webs and communities (Polis et al. 2004; Holt 2008), and does so in a predictive way at relatively large spatial and temporal scales. This task is made possible through a collaborative interdisciplinary effort that merges physical oceanography with biology. It moves beyond the typical static food web studies and will help us understand how these communities respond to the environmental changes and disturbances that cause productivity in the ecosystem to vary (De Ruiter et al. 2005). Climate change will strongly impact both sandy beaches and kelp forests, as well as the physical processes controlling connectivity between these ecosystems. Anthropogenic climate change is likely to impact kelp forests through at least two direct effects: (1) increased stratification and resulting lower nutrient supplies due to warming (Parnell et al. 2010) and (2) increased frequency and intensity of winter storms and resulting increases in wave disturbance to kelp populations (Byrnes et al. 2011). Beaches will be directly inundated by rising sea levels and profoundly affected by altered storm intensities and frequencies, and beach invertebrate and wildlife communities will be reshaped in response to changes in ocean chemistry, temperature, and circulation that cause shifts in larval distributions, dispersal, habitat fragmentation, species ranges, and species interaction and trophic relationships (Harley et al. 2006; Schlacher et al. 2007; 2008). At the same time, human populations are disproportionately rising along the coastal zone, as are human demands, such as resource extraction, recreation, and coastal development (Schlacher et al. 2008; Dugan and Hubbard 2010). Many of these impacts will be synergistic with other anthropogenic impacts on sandy beaches, potentially reducing the resilience of these vulnerable coastal ecosystems. A quantitative understanding of ecological patterns and processes on sandy beaches is needed if we are to predict impacts of climate change, as well as more immediate and visible anthropogenic impacts to beach ecosystems, such as beach grooming and shoreline armoring. Education, Training, and Outreach. The strong field component of this project, which will be done at a site close to UCSB’s campus, will provide a wealth of opportunity for student involvement. Dugan’s lab has trained over sixty undergraduates in sandy beach ecology and this project will continue this legacy. We engage underrepresented high school students in our research through the UCSB Summer Sessions program, and we will continue doing so with this project. The graduate student will mentor undergraduates throughout the year and high school students in the summers. Our past experience has shown that high school students benefit greatly from mentoring by undergraduate as well as from graduate students and post docs, and the mentoring is in itself an important aspect of training for students. Results of the proposed research will be disseminated to the public by interface directly with SBC-LTER’s outreach program, which includes the Schoolyard Program, combining school-based activities, field trips, and an on-campus residential experience that immerses local at-risk middle school students (7th–9th grade from Santa Barbara Junior High School and Goleta Valley Junior High School) in a college campus environment. Ohlmann has set up a website displaying real-time tracking data from the Microstar drifters ( This will be incorporated into a Schoolyard lesson on oceanography, and the students will be able to track drifting kelp plants in real time and learn about the processes moving them, including alongshore currents and waves. The kelp tagging project will also offer a significant opportunity for public outreach. We plan to publicize this effort to maximize involvement of the local citizenry and our tag return rate. In addition, we will organize a group of enthusiastic lay people to search for our tags, in a model similar to the enormously successful Grunion Greeters (, a group that Dugan is involved with that monitors the reproduction of a fish species, the grunion, on California beaches. Large numbers of retirees and others already take daily beach walks, and our project will turn some of this activity into an educational experience that broadens public awareness of intertidal ecosystems. Results of this project will not only be communicated through the scientific literature, but to the public via public lectures through the Santa Barbara Natural History Museum and the Channel Islands National Park, both of which host public lecture series and have shown interest in our previous research. Dugan’s participation as a founding member of the Beach Ecology Coalition, a group working to enhance ecosystem conservation and beach management, will provide direct communication to beach managers and policy makers. Results from prior support Dugan: Dugan is a new investigator with NSF. She is an associated investigator with Santa Barbara Coastal LTER, and has coordinated studies of beach ecosystems and their role in coastal nutrient cycling. This research has resulted in several publications, including Hubbard et al (2013), Barnard et al (2012), Schooler et al. (2012; In Press), Viola et al (In Press), and Dugan et al (2011; 2013). The Hubbard et al (2013) study received considerable press, including radio, television and newspaper (LA Times) coverage. Ohlmann: OCE-0352187, Collaborative Research: Stochastic Transport Models for the Coastal Ocean, $459,874 for the period 02/01/2004 – 01/31/07 awarded to C Ohlmann, L Washburn, and A Mariano. A new surface drifter technology is combined with HF radar data to develop a Lagrangian stochastic model for predicting trajectories through Eulerian time-space average surface current maps for the coastal ocean. The following publications resulted: Ohlmann et al. (2005), Ohlmann et al. (2007), Ohlmann and Mitarai (2010), and Ohlmann et al. (2012b). The Ohlmann et al. (2007) study was identified by the AMS as noteworthy, and summarized in a BAMS article. OCE-1031893, Collaborative Research: The Propagating Response of the Inner Shelf to Wind Relaxations in a Coastal Upwelling System, $698,120 for the period 07/1/2010 – 06/30/2014. The project is a comprehensive observational and analytical program to examine the dynamics and source waters of relaxation flows in a coastal upwelling system on the central California coast. The novel use of gliders to collect “moored” ADCP data was demonstrated in years 1 and 2 of the project. Year 3 fieldwork is in progress. Miller: OISE-1318469, Sources of particulate organic matter to suspension feeders in New Zealand kelp forests, $58,354 for the period 07/01/2013-07/01/2014 awarded to R Miller and HM Page. This is a Catalyzing New International Collaborations (CNIC) award to extend NSF-supported research on kelp forest food webs to New Zealand. Miller has worked extensively on the project funded by OCE-962306, Sources of particulate organic matter and their use by suspension-feeders in kelp forests (PI - HM Page). Miller is an associated investigator with Santa Barbara Coastal LTER, with whom he has made significant progress in understanding patterns of primary production in kelp forests. A major finding was that production by understory algae and phytoplankton rivals that of giant kelp when kelp abundance is low, potentially acting as a source of complementarity dampening variation in production. The above research resulted in several publications in the last 4 years including Harrer et al (2013), Miller et al (2011; 2012, 2013), Miller and Page (2012) and Yorke et al (in press). 4 additional manuscripts are currently in preparation.