North Texas Catholic Men`s Conference (NTXCMC) Event is

North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
December 13, 2014
This letter and packet is being directed to the Parish Office to respectfully request your help in reaching
every Catholic man over the age of 18 with information on an important North Texas Catholic Men’s
Conference to be held in DFW on February 7th. With your help and the help of the Holy Spirit we hope
to gather over 1000 men from all over the DFW area, TX, AR, and OK.
In an effort to streamline the process we have taken the time to breakdown information packets
starting with a letter to the Pastor. After the Pastor’s approval we ask that the packets be placed in the
church mail using the table below as a guide to get those individuals in the church organization
responsible for the identified activity.
Packet Number
Bulletin Editor Announcement
Webpage Administrator
Communications – Posters and Electronic Marquees
Letter to Knights of Columbus Chapter*
Letter to Men’s Club or Men’s Service Group*
Letter to Men’s Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) or ACTS Lay Minister*
Church office Email message to be sent by bulk emailing to Men’s Groups etc.
Ambo announcement and short announcement before or after mass
*Please send three tri-folds and approx. 5 cards with each of these packets
Details and more information on the event, instructions to register, graphics, and the information
packets in electronic form can be found at or you can call
Fred Fedri at 214-475-6433 {Dallas Dioceses Churches} or Rick Self 214-850-4619 (Fort Worth Dioceses
Churches) for assistance.
It would be helpful if you could provide the name of the church office contact that will handle our
request by emailing the contact name and email address to Also note: {This
correspondence & attachments can be downloaded from
This is our fourth year in service to the men in the DFW area as the North Texas Brothers for Christ
Leadership Team dedicated to providing dynamic speakers delivering messages of hope, change and
service to the Catholic Church and its teachings.
As a special note: This year Bishop Olson will be one of our speakers along with Father Larry Richards,
Tom Peterson, Michael Coren. Please accept our thanks and blessing for your effort to help this
important cause as we build up the Body of Christ and spread the word to as many men in your Parish!
Thank you and God Bless you!
The NTXCMC Leadership Team
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you;
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Event is February 7th
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
TO: Bulletin Editor
Packet 1
This information packet and instruction sheet has found its way to you through the church interoffice
mail system so thanks in advance from the North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference Leadership Team for
your help in publicizing important information concerning the February 7th 2015 conference to be held
at the Hurst Convention Center 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst TX 76054!
Please place the following bulletin announcement in your church bulletin at least 6 weeks in advance of
the Feb 7th event with the last issue ending with the last weekend in January.
Bulletin documents can be downloaded from
If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
Bulleting Announcement Example:
In keeping with those powerhouse speakers of the last three conferences, the Conference is blessed
once again to have a lineup of great speakers Father Larry Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren and
Bishop Michael Olson! Please consider mentioning a short video that can be found at:
God Bless you for your help in this important men’s ministry!
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
The NTXCMC Leadership Team
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
To: Church Website Webmaster
Event is February 7th
Packet 2
This packet of information and instruction has found its way to you through the church interoffice mail
or as an email message so thanks in advance from the NTXCMC Leadership Team for your help in
publicizing important information concerning the 2015 February 7th NTXCMC to be held at the Hurst
Convention Center 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst TX 76054!
At your earliest convenience please help us by placing the NTXCMC hypertext link on your church
website (under faith formation and men’s ministries) and add a note in the calendar of events webpage
graphic. Hyper link is:
Registration card, Registration trifold, Conference Logo, Outreach slide show, email message to priests,
Bulletin Announcements, and Pulpit Talks, etc. and info can be found at Please consider linking a short video to the church
website: (Welcome and invitation video by Catholic Brothers for Christ
President Paul Mahoney).
If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Communications – Posters and Electronic Marquee
Event is February 7th
Packet 3
This packet of information and instruction has found its way to you through the church interoffice mail
or as an email message so thanks in advance from the NTXCMC Leadership Team for your help in
publicizing important information concerning the 2015 February 7th NTXCMC to be held at the Hurst
Convention Center 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst TX 76054!
In your packet there should be registration post cards, registration business cards, and registration trifolds. Please display these document in a prominent area to reach a large audience.
These promotional materials available on the website
that can be used to augment the announcement or find the link to our video by accessing
If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
Thanks and God Bless!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Open Letter to Knights of Columbus Chapter Grand Knight
Event is February 7th
Packet 4
This information packet and instruction sheet has found its way to you through the church interoffice
mail system so thanks in advance from the North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference Leadership Team for
your help in publicizing important information concerning the NTXCMC scheduled 4th annual
conference Saturday February 7th 2015 to be held at the Hurst Convention Center!
In keeping with those powerhouse speakers of the last three conferences, the Conference is blessed
once again to have a lineup of great speakers: Father Larry Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren
and Bishop Michael Olson!
If anyone in the Council attended last year’s event, they heard a diverse range of topics covering many
important guiding principles that will be useful in dealing with the special challenges good Catholic
men and brothers of faith encounter in their special roles as men.
We respectfully ask that the announcement of this event and registration material and website
information be provided at the appropriate time during one or more of your meetings leading up to the
February 7th Event. If someone who attended the event could give a personal testimonial of what they
experienced during the day’s activities in support we would be greatly appreciative.
To register go to If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred
Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214-850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
Use the bold text as a draft announcement guide for the person asked to present the information.
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
There is an excellent brief 2 minute video available on the website that can be used
to augment the announcement or link directly by accessing There is also
a Power point slide deck at (Outreach Slideshow).
God Bless you for your help in this important men’s ministry!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Letter to Men’s Club / Service Group
Event is February 7th
Packet 5
This information packet and instruction sheet has found its way to you through the church interoffice
mail system so thanks in advance from the North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference Leadership Team for
your help in publicizing important information concerning the NTXCMC scheduled 4th annual
conference Saturday February 7th 2015 to be held at the Hurst Convention Center!
In keeping with those powerhouse speakers of the last three conferences, the Conference is blessed
once again to have a lineup of great speakers Father Larry Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren and
Bishop Michael Olson!
If anyone in the Group attended last year’s event, they heard a diverse range of topics covering many
important guiding principles that will be useful in dealing with the special challenges good Catholic
men and brothers of faith encounter in their special roles as men.
We respectfully ask that the announcement of this event and registration material and website
information be provided at the appropriate time during one or more of your meetings leading up to the
February 7th event since one message of the Conference is designed to foster small group formation
centered on Christ’s message to us! If someone who attended the event could give a personal
testimonial of what they experienced during the day’s activities in support we would be greatly
To register go to If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred
Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214-850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
Use the bold text as a draft announcement guide for the person asked to present the information.
There is an excellent brief 2 minute video available on the website that can be used
to augment the announcement or link directly by accessing There is
also a Power point slide deck at (Outreach Slideshow).
God Bless you for your help in this important men’s ministry!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Letter to Lay Minister of Church CRHP or ACTS Ministry Directors
Event is February 7th
Packet 6
This information packet and instruction sheet has found its way to you through the church interoffice
mail system so thanks in advance from the North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference Leadership Team for
your help in publicizing important information concerning the NTXCMC scheduled 4th annual
conference Saturday February 7th 2015 to be held at the Hurst Convention Center!
In keeping with those powerhouse speakers of the last three conferences, the Conference is blessed
once again to have a lineup of great speakers Father Larry Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren and
Bishop Michael Olson!
If anyone in the Group attended last year’s event, they heard a diverse range of topics covering many
important guiding principles that will be useful in dealing with the special challenges good Catholic
men and brothers of faith encounter in their special roles as men.
We respectfully ask that the announcement of this event and registration material and website
information be provided at the appropriate time during one or more of your meetings leading up to the
February 7th event since one message of the Conference is designed to foster small group formation
centered on Christ’s message to us! If someone who attended the event could give a personal
testimonial of what they experienced during the day’s activities in support we would be greatly
To register go to If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred
Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214-850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
Use the bold text as a draft announcement guide for the person asked to present the information.
There is an excellent brief 2 minute video available on the website that can be used
to augment the announcement or link directly by accessing There is
also a Power point slide deck at (Outreach Slideshow).
God Bless you for your help in this important men’s ministry!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Suggested Bulk Email to be sent to Men’s Groups
Event is February 7th
Packet 7
Subject: The Annual North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC) is scheduled Saturday February
7th 2015 to be held at the Hurst Convention Center, 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst TX 76054 !
In keeping with those powerhouse speakers of the last three conferences, the Annual Conference is
blessed once again to have a lineup of great speakers: Father Larry Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael
Coren and Bishop Michael Olson!
The conference provides the opportunity to encounter Our Lord Jesus by way of the Eucharistic
Adoration, benediction, the rosary, reconciliation and celebration of the Mass with the goal of:
Motivating all Catholic men to build the body of Christ by uniting as brothers, being a living
witness of the Gospel in all areas of their lives, and facilitating faith-building programs in our
Create ongoing partnerships with the Bishops and priests in the DFW Dioceses'
Promote collaboration with other Catholic organizations with an emphasis on men’s spiritual
To register go to If you have any questions for Dallas Dioceses Churches call Fred
Fedri 214-475-6433 or Rick Self 214-850-4619 Fort Worth Dioceses Churches for assistance.
There is an excellent brief 2 minute video available at or on our web
site at
God Bless you for your help in this important men’s ministry!
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you;
Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference (NTXCMC)
Event is February 7th
Short before/after mass announcement and Ambo / Pulpit Announcement
Packet 8
SHORT Announcement:
The 4th annual North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference is scheduled for Saturday February 7th 2015 at
the Hurst Convention Center, 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst TX 76054. Check in will begin at 7am. The
conference will last from 8am-4pm.
This year the Conference is blessed once again to have a lineup of great speakers: Father Larry
Richards, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren and Bishop Michael Olson!
To register go to Promotional materials are also available after mass in the
Pulpit Talk
Go to Conference Info and Promotional Materials folders at the website: