Christopher Wilson-Smith QC

Christopher Wilson-Smith QC
Outer Temple Chambers, The Outer Temple, 222 Strand, London WC2R 1BA.
020 7353 6381
Gray’s Inn
Recorder of the Crown Court
Master of the Bench
New South Wales Bar
Western 1964
Clinical Negligence (Claimants & Defendants), Personal
Injury (Claimants & Defendants) including particularly,
spinal injury and brain damage. Health & Safety, Manslaughter.
Chambers UK, Legal 500 and Bar Directory 2009
Christopher Wilson-Smith’s (CWS) practice covers Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence and
serious Crime, primarily involving Corporate Manslaughter and Health & Safety cases.
In Clinical Negligence Christopher acts for claimants and defendants (NHSLA), often
involving babies with birth injuries and often compounded by breaches of duty in
healthcare following the initial trauma.
CWS both prosecutes and defends in major crimes, primarily on Circuit, particularly relating
to Corporate Manslaughter and Health & Safety offences. He also defends Police Officers.
CWS was head of Chambers during a period when it doubled its Membership and its fee
revenues. In 1966 he became a Bencher of Gray’s Inn, in 1977 a Civil and Crime Recorder
and in 2000 he became a Member of the New South Wales Bar.
Across the major legal directories he is listed as a leader in Personal Injury, Clinical
Negligence, Crime and Health & Safety. He is often called to Chair and speak at major
conferences, including those run by the AvMA and SIA.
In Legal 500 and Chambers UK, 2010 they say he is, “very sound indeed” and one source
said of him, “I trust his judgment implicitly, find him excellent at analysing detailed
evidence, and am in awe of his cross-examination skills.” Another said, “If you’re in a real
scrap, it’s Christopher Wilson-Smith you want.” He’s described as a “robust performer” who
is “guaranteed to deliver great results”.
“Christopher is truly a leader amongst leading counsel in the personal
injury world. Any budding student of legal advocacy would be well-advised
to go along and watch him in court, where his cross-examination skills are
second to none. He also has that rare combination of speed of thought,
thoroughness, graft and gravitas to make him the ideal leader in any
serious or complex injury case with the ability to both understand and
relate to clients, experts and all other members of the legal team”.
Julian Chamberlayne, Stewarts Law
Type of Case/Comment
Watt v STU
Serious brain damage. Complex
quantum issues. Claimant living in own
home in the community with own
bespoke care package.
Pugh v Berger
RTF. Paraplegia. Motorcyclist filtering
between traffic on motorway
Anderson v Snowbizz
Quadriplegia skiing accident. Successful
claim against ski instructor
Kemery v Timewell Property Ltd
Quadriplegia. Cycling accident on seesaw in theme park. Grave disability.
Lindesay v Martin Lamb
RTA. Horrific burns (80%) resulting from
burs petrol tank and causing
amputation of leg & arm. Mediation.
Three separate PPOs.
Simon Waters v Hayley &
Paraplegia – Occupiers Liability –
Claimant fell down lift shaft.
Gawler v Raettig
Paraplegia – RTA – Failure to wear
seatbelt – Test case – Considered by
House of Lords.
Lurens v Ling
RTA. Devastating brain injury. Loss of
speech. Inappropriate behavior. Double
incontinence. Living in own home in
community with bespoke 24 hour care
regime involving six carers. Vast care
claim, substantial PPO.
Goddard v Bromley Valley
Gymnastics Ltd
Paraplegia. Expert gymnast falling
during display. Complex liability
arguments, including volenti.
Cela v Official Solicitor
RTA. Paraplegia: severe brain damage.
MIB. Allegation that claimant aware
that illegal immigrant had no
“Christopher Wilson-Smith QC is the sort of silk you want on your side in a tough
fight. His "larger than life" character and bluff amiability disguise his sharp
forensic skills honed over many years in both criminal and civil cases of the
highest order giving him an ability to see through to the real issues and address
them quickly and effectively. His ability to turn around a set of papers in short
order is testament to his considerable work ethic and yet his eye for detail often
catches out the unwary or ill-prepared. He is a superb trial advocate noted for his
cross-examination. He is excellent in conference. He puts clients at their ease with
his undoubted mischievous sense of humour whilst ensuring they fully understand
what is happening. He is very skilful in his dealings with experts, exploring their
evidence and ensuring there is clarity and consistency. He has for over 15 years
been my first choice of silk.”
Muiris Lyons, Partner, Head of Clinical Negligence Department Stewarts Law LLP
Type of Case/Comment
Flowers [Deceased] v Mallet
Dermatologist failed to diagnose
melanoma malignant. Claimant dies
following surgery.
Goode v The Estate of Michael
Claimant had had breast augmentation.
Claim arose in respect of their
replacement Claimant advised that her
breasts were a ‘time bomb’ and could
leak at any time. Further surgery a
disaster. Action against estate of
Demi Fowler v GP
Young child. Incorrect diagnosis by GP,
resulting in meningococcal septicemia
leading to amputations of legs and
fingers. Multiple prostheses. Case
complicated by family drug addiction
and interference in damages. Claimant
unable to enter into PPO. Trust set up
as alternative.
Remini Capel v United Lincs
Cerebral Palsy
McKitterick v Nottingham
Cerebral Palsy
Re White [Deceased]
Death following routine surgery.
Deceased allowed to ex-sanguinate and
die. In-sufficient facilities in Private
Patient Hospital.
Boden v The Dudley Group of
Cerebral Palsy – Military Hospital in
Germany. Claim not brought for 20
Beaumont v MoD
Cerebral palsy – Military Hospital in
Germany. Case not brought for 20
Davies v Epsom & St Helier
University Hospitals
Cerebral palsy
Rummun v Dartford &
Gravesend Health Authority
Claimant a Protected Party. Admitted
to hospital following heart attack.
Medication prescribed caused double
stroke. Physically and mentally
disabled. Lost ability to speak.
Piccolo v Larstock and Others
Incomplete paraplegia – fall causing
prolapsed of spinal cord. Failure to
diagnose by GPs.
Spence v Nevada and Others
Paraplegia- failed diagnosis by hospital,
rendering incomplete lesion complete.
Williams v Isles & Conquest
Hospital Trust
Serious Crime –Corporate Manslaughter and Fraud
Christopher Wilson-Smith QC's varied criminal practice takes in such matters
as the defence of solicitors charged with serious criminal cases and boardroom
corruption cases. He is known for his “succinct advice, which is always on the
mark.” And he has an outstanding reputation as “an excellent, old-fashioned
common lawyer.” Legal 500, Chambers UK 2009/2010
Type of Case/Comment
Buncefield Oil Refinery Fire
Retained by major petrol company
R v. Imco Plastics
Corporate Manslaughter: Health &
Safety [legionella]. Successful defence
of Plastics company
R v. Southwest Water Authority
Health & Safety: major pollution of
water treatment plant. Successful
R v. Rudkin
European Union subsidies fraud:
Defence: Large highly complex
document based fraud, the first
prosecution of its type: Interpretation
of Treaty & Regulations. £5 million
fraud on the Intervention Board
R v. Williams
Corruption involving corporation &
bank: Central Criminal Court & Court of
Appeal [6 week trial] For Defence– SFO –
R v Henley & Others
Successful defence of police officer
charged with multiple offences in
paedophile ring, Bristol Crown Court.
R v. Groome
Defending Head teacher of residential
care home charged with sexual abuse
over many years.
R v. Gloyne
Successful defence of police officer on
charge of conspiracy to pervert the
course of justice, Bristol Crown Court.
R v. Williams & Others
Dockyard fraud valued at £4.5 million,
Plymouth Crown Court
R v. Kuncharalingam
Manslaughter: Anaesthetic overdose:
Successful defence
R v. British Gas
Health & Safety Prosecution,
representing British Gas successfully:
Town at risk of being blown up!
R v. Bayley
Solicitor: Defence: Making false
statements during section 2 interview
with SFO. Winchester Crown Court.
R v. Bloom
Successful Prosecution: Drug
Importation [Viagra & Class A] value
£2.5 million.
R v. DeVey & Others
Manslaughter and Health & safety
charges after deaths on Fairground ride:
Acquitted of Manslaughter.
R v. Cook
Defending Nurse charged with
Manslaughter. Acquitted
R v. Whittington
Acting for Defence: SFO prosecution of
solicitor charged with 1.9 million fraud
relating to client monies..
Fraud over 10 year period on St Helina
Government & DfID. Massive documents
R-v-Bennetts & Others
Multi-handed murder: Complex medical
causation issues