Junior Kindergarten 2015-2016

Fern Hill School
2015-2016 year
School Supplies
Dear Parents,
Below please find the list of school supplies for each grade level.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with me.
We are looking forward to the new school year!
Deborah Gutierrez
Junior Kindergarten
Supply List
Lunch Box
Backpack (big enough to hold lunch box)
One coil-bound sketchbook (11 X 14)
Ziploc bags (10 large bags, for class use – please do not label)
Glue sticks (5, for class use – please do not label)
Water Bottle
Senior Kindergarten
Supply List
2015-2016 year
Lunch Box
Backpack (big enough to hold lunch box and duo tangs)
One coil-bound sketchbook (11 X 14)
Ziploc bags (10 large bags, for class use – please do not label)
Glue sticks (5, for class use – please do not label)
Water Bottle
Fern Hill School
Supply List 2015-2016
Duo-tangs: 2 each - red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue, white and black
pocket “report” folders (1 red, 1 yellow, 3 orange, 3 blue)
Sharpened pencils
Sharpener (with container for shavings)
Erasers (labeled)
Scissors (labeled)
Glue sticks (2 per term)
2 plastic pencil boxes
Wax crayons or Crayola Twistable and Markers
5 large freezer bags
2 plastic containers (1$ store)
- Backpack, lunch box & water bottle
- 1 coil bound sketch book 11 X 14 (for Art)
- Oil pastels (for Art)
- 1 USB stick (for Technology)
- Headphones or ear buds (labeled)
Students should be prepared with these materials on the first day of school.
Please note: A list will be sent home if any additional items are required throughout the
1 pair of black shoes (labeled) *
1 pair of running shoes (labeled) *
*these items will remain at school for indoor use.
Fern Hill School
School Supplies
Grade Two:
“Report folders) without the 3 inside paper fasteners with inside front
back pockets: 3 red, 3 blue
2. 3 black duo-tangs, with 3 inside paper fasteners
3. 1 green duo-tang, with 3 inside fasteners
*paper duo-tangs are better than plastic ones
1 blue binder (1 inch)
1 package of binder dividers
1 box of pencils, with 10 sharpened pencils ready to go for the first day!
1 pencil sharpener (Staedtler brand works well)
2 erasers
1 ruler (30cm) (the type that do not bend)
4 glue sticks (labeled)
Children’s scissors (labeled)
Coloured pencils (pre-sharpened)
Washable markers
1 dry erase marker
1 soft pencil case
1 hard pencil case for scissors, glue and markers
2 packages of “Post It” Notes
Clear tape (labeled)
5 large freezer bags (not labeled)
1 pair of indoor running shoes (labeled)
1 pair of outdoor shoes (labeled)
1 pair of black leather dress shoes (labeled)
1 coil bound sketch book 11 X 14 (for Art)
Oil pastels (for Art)
Backpack (without wheels), lunch box & water bottle
Please note: The children will need the above school supplies on the first day. A list will be
sent home if any additional items are required throughout the year.
Fern Hill School Supply List
2015-2016 School year
Grade Three:
2 boxes of Pencils (pre-sharped) (no pens please)
2 Sharpeners - labelled (with container for shavings)
6 Erasers
1 Metric ruler (30 cm) - labelled, clear is best (no bendy rulers!)
2 Pencil Cases
1 box Coloured pencils (pre-sharpened)
1 box Washable markers (not permanent)
5 large glue sticks (labelled)
Children’s scissors (labelled)
Duo-tangs (13 in total) – 1 orange, 1 yellow, 4 green, 3 black, 1 red, 4 blue
“report” folder with pockets (duotang -type pocket folder) –any colour (labelled)
3 Scotch tape (labelled)
Basic calculator (labelled)
English Student dictionary - preferably Oxford Student (labelled)
1 USB stick (for Technology)
1 set of earbuds/ headphones – labelled (for Technology)
1 coil-bound Art/Sketch book (for Art)
Oil pastels (for Art)
2 large Ziploc bags – labelled
English/French dictionary (see below)
Backpack, lunch box & water bottle
Students should be prepared with these materials on the first day of school. Students
may be asked to bring in other supplies as the needs arise throughout the year.
Footwear needed:
outdoor shoes (labeled)
running shoes (labeled) *
black dress shoes (labeled) *
* these will remain indoors
French Dictionary Info: This dictionary is
recommended as it contains more words
and does not have pictures. It is sold at
most Walmart and Staples stores.
 box of pencils (pre-sharpened)
 sharpener
 pencil case (soft plastic or leather, no boxes please as they take up all the desk
 metric ruler (30 cm)
 erasers
 coloured pencils (pre-sharpened) or markers (washable)
 4 glue sticks (labeled)
 children's scissors (labeled)
 duo-tangs in the following colours: 5 orange, 5 yellow, 5 black, 5 red, 2 blue, 1
 2 “report” folders (same paper texture as the “duo-tangs”, but with no holes, just
pockets) for loose paper (green and blue if possible)
 1 package lined loose-leaf paper
 1 geometry set
 scotch tape (labeled)
 basic calculator (labeled)
 basic English dictionary (labeled)
 a school backpack (please, no “suitcase” type backpacks with wheels), lunch box
& water bottle
 a novel for reading pleasure
 USB stick (for Technology)
 headphones (for Technology)
 1 coil-bound Art/Sketch book (for Art)
 oil pastels (for Art)
 1 French-English dictionary (for Core French)
 5 piece dividers (for Music)
* please note that throughout the year, these supplies may need replenishing
Footwear needed:
French Dictionary Info: This dictionary is
outdoor shoes (labeled)
recommended for the Junior grades as it
running shoes (labeled) *
contains more words and does not have
black dress shoes (labeled) *
pictures. It is sold at most Walmart and
Staples stores.
* these will remain indoors
Fern Hill School
Supply List
2015-2016 Year
Grade 5:
Pencils (pre-sharpened)
Black, Blue and Red Ink Pens
Pencil case
Hand Sharpener (with container for shavings)
Metric Ruler
Coloured Pencils
Washable Markers
glue sticks (labeled)
Scissors (labeled)
Basic Calculator (labeled)
Basic English Dictionary (Labeled)
French-English dictionary (for French)
Scotch Tape (Labeled)
Duo-tangs in the following colours: 3 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 red, 4 black, 1 white,
3 orange and 1 grey) (Please ensure these have 3 ring binder holes in the center and
pockets are also helpful.)
1 coil bound sketch book - 11 X 14 (for Art)
Oil pastels (for Art)
Students should always have a free reading novel for pleasure in their desks
Backpack, lunch box & water bottle
USB Stick (for Technology)
Headphones (in a plastic bag, with their name on the outside) (for Technology)
5 piece dividers (for Music)
Students should be prepared with these materials on the first day of school. Students may be
asked to bring in other supplies as the needs arise throughout the year.
Footwear needed:
outdoor shoes (labeled)
running shoes (labeled) *
black dress shoes (labeled) *
* these will remain indoors
French Dictionary Info: This dictionary is
recommended for the Junior grades as it
contains more words and does not have
pictures. It is sold at most Staples and
Walmart stores.
Fern Hill School
Supply List
2015-2016 Year
Grade 6:
Pencils, two boxes (pre-sharpened)
Pencil case
Hand Sharpener (with container for shavings)
Erasers (3)
Metric Ruler
Coloured Pencils
Post-it Notes (standard size, 3 inches)
3 highlighters
2 glue sticks (labeled)
Scissors (labeled)
Basic Calculator (labeled)
Basic English Dictionary (Labeled)
French-English Dictionary
Scotch Tape (Labeled)
Binders (2) 1 inch, with pockets
Duo-tangs: 3 black, 2 green, 2 blue, 2 red
2 packages of 5 (binder) Dividers
3 packages loose-leaf lined paper
1 coil bound sketch book 11 X 14 (for Art)
Oil pastels (for Art)
Geometry math set
USB stick
Headphones (in a plastic bag, with child’s name on the outside)
Backpack & lunch box
Deodorant Stick (to be kept at school in their backpack)
Water bottle (to keep at school)
Black dress shoes & Gym shoes & Outdoor shoes
NOTE: Students should be prepared with these materials on the first day of school.
Students may be asked to bring in other supplies as the needs arise throughout the year.
Footwear needed:
outdoor shoes (labeled)
running shoes (labeled) *
black dress shoes (labeled) *
* these will remain indoors
French Dictionary Info: This dictionary is
recommended for the Junior grades as it
contains more words and does not have
pictures. It is sold at most Staples and
Walmart stores.