the North Bristol Post 16 Centre attendance policy

North Bristol Post 16 Centre: Attendance procedure
With the growth of Post 16 at the Centre it is essential that we have systems and procedures in place
that support both students and staff to ensure that the best possible academic outcomes are
achieved for our students. We want to aim for all post 16 students to have attendance of 95% or
above to ensure that students maximise their levels of achievement.
It is an expectation that all post 16 students maintain cumulative rate of attendance at 95% or
above. Intervention will be considered for students with attendance lower than 95%.
Attendance expectations
We expect all post 16 students to be present and punctual to all sessions requiring attendance.
These include:
 Registration*
 Timetabled lessons
 Study periods
 Assembly
 Additional sessions where attendance is required e.g. subject support sessions, upgrade,
revision sessions, futures week, field visits, meetings with tutors, senior tutors, teachers,
post 16 leadership
Those with attendance below 95% will be monitored as a cause for concern.
*All year 12 students are required to attend morning registration every day unless they have period
1 at the other learning community. Year 13 students are required to allocate three mornings for
Absence in advance
If students know they are going to be absent in advance they must complete and submit at least 24
hours before to the post 16 reception an 'Absence in advance form'. This is signed by all the subject
staff who would normally be teaching the student on the day/s of their absence as well as their
tutor. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up with any work missed during this absence.
Authorised absences:
 Hospital appointment
 Visit to university for an open day or interview
 Work experience placement which is directly related to the course or chosen career
 Funeral of a close family relative or friend
 Driving test (not lessons) Emergency doctor and dentist appointments
 Important religious festivals
Where possible, students should bring in proof of the above eg letter, appointment card
Non-authorised absences:
 Holidays – unless authorised by the centre director or learning community assistant head
Part-time work
Leisure activities and/or events such as birthdays or music festivals
Driving lessons
Medical and dental appointments which are routine and could be made outside lessons time
If a Cotham learning community student is absent due to illness, a parent is required to notify us by
calling the Cotham absence line 01179198105 or emailing at the earliest
If a Redland Green student is absent due to illness, a parent is required to notify us by calling the
absence line 0117 353 3474 or emailing post16@redlandgreen.bristol.sch at the earliest
If students are absent, we ask that a parent notifies us every day of the absence. If a parent is
unable to inform us directly of student absence (e.g. if they are working or if student lives
independently), the student must call the absence line themselves.
Signing Out Procedure
Any student who leaves the Centre during the day due to illness, appointment, or lesson at the other
learning community must make sure that they sign out in the Post 16 Office before they leave. This
is an essential part of our safeguarding for all students.
Self-certification absence form
All students must complete a 'certification absence form' upon return. This form should be returned
as soon as possible when the student returns to school. Unless this is done, the absence will remain
Non attendance at compulsory sessions
Attendance is monitored by both subject teachers, tutors as well as the wider post 16 team. Courses
are taught all year round and do not include ‘catch up time’ if students miss some lessons. If
attendance starts to cause concern (i.e below 95%) students will be referred to the centre
intervention policy which could result in leaving the centre/course if there is no improvement.
If students do not attend a compulsory session and have not had absence authorised in advance, a
text will be sent to your parents for every session missed. If students miss more than 1 day with no
contact from home, then a call will be made to parents.
Staff absence
Where a member of staff is absent from a post 16 lesson it is the responsibility of the individual
student to register themselves with the member of staff in the class room or by leaving their name
with the Post 16 office. Cover work will be provided.
Consequence of poor attendance
Subject teachers are responsible for monitoring student attendance to lessons and using the
intervention process as applicable.
Attendance reports will be run regularly.
Students who have an attendance record between 85 and 95% will have a:
 Automatic letter generated informing student they must meet their tutor
Discussion with tutor
If no improvement after 2 weeks, the tutor will place the student on stage 1 of the
intervention procedure (letter sent home to parents)
If no improvement, the student intervention procedure is then followed
Students who have an attendance record between 75 and 84% will have:
 Meeting with the HOSS/SSL, student and parent
 Stage 2 attendance contract and targets
 If no improvement, referral to AHT for discussion about future studies in the centre
Students who have an attendance record lower than 75% will have:
 Meeting with AHT to discuss future studies at the centre (parents contacted)
 Referral; to the director with a recommendation to leave the course/centre as appropriate.
Where there is a genuine medical reason for absence, this will obviously be taken into account.
However, such absences do act as a barrier to attainment.
Probationary contract
The probationary contract is part of the enrolment process and all year 12s are required to sign the
contract. All students must successfully complete the probationary period (term 1) to be able to
continue their studies after the October half term. The probationary contract may also apply to
some year 13s. We reserve the right to remove any student from the Centre if their attendance
becomes a barrier to their achievement.
Transition from Year 12 to 13
Transition from year 12 to year 13 will depend on attendance as well as academic attainment and