John Metz Dr. Ely Bio 303 Fishing vs. Farming: A Look into the Impacts of Over Farming Atlantic Salmon It has been documented that fish-farming, better known as aquaculture, has been utilized for thousands of years, going all the way back to ancient China. Today arguments against fish-farming, salmon farming in this case specifically, have arisen because of environmental and economic concerns that are resultant of the recent rapid growth of the industry. Environmentally it has been argued that large-scale aquaculture can lower genetic variability, and disrupt ecosystems. On the economic level, traditional fishermen have had increased competition due to the growth of aquaculture, hurting their profits and causing a decline in the profession (White et al. 2004). Thinking about the dawn of agriculture, and what it meant for humanity, is a good start for understanding the rise of aquaculture. Agriculture was developed because it was no longer efficient for humans to hunt and gather for food. The groups of people were growing and there was not enough food to be hunted and gathered to support these growing groups. Therefore the idea of growing one’s own food, which is agriculture, arose and allowed the establishment of civilization. The recent growth of aquaculture can be looked at along a similar path. The demand for seafood today is greater than what fishermen can catch with out completely depleting the ocean, and people are looking to aquaculture as a solution (White et al. 2004). There are multiple types of aquaculture, and they all have their own issues, some of which can be worse than others. Ranging from least environmental impact to most, the following are various types of aquaculture: mollusk culture, closed container, inland pond, flow-through area, coastal pond, and cages. Mollusk culture involves introducing various members of the mollusk family into an ecosystem that is either lacking or Metz 2 depleted, and with proper control can actually be beneficial. The next four on the list are similar in that they have some negative effects, but with proper control they can be minimized. The one that is important to understand when talking about salmon farming is the cage method. This method is the most environmentally damaging form of aquaculture. It allows a decent chance for fish escape, which can cause harmful impacts on the ecosystem, or problems with disease due to the introduction of lower genetic variability. Cage farming also allows for direct release of waste from the farming of fish into the environment. The use of cages is the usual method for salmon and other carnivorous, highly sought after fish. This is because of their need for open space and their larger size (White et al. 2004). An example of a caged salmon farm off the coast of Norway can be seen in figure 1 (Schwartz 2000). It can be seen in this picture how the cages are very exposed out in open water, and why problems such as escape are so prevalent. Figure 1: According to Fiske et al. (2006) the frequency of farmed salmon being present in an area is directly related to the amount of fish-farming in that area. They found this to Metz 3 be resultant of the fact that when smolts, which are young salmon, escape they tend to remain in the area from which they escaped. However, adult salmon that escape tend to spread out widely upon escape. To show that farmed salmon presence was directly related to farming intensity in the area, Fiske et al. (2006) analyzed the occurrence of farmed fish in fishermen’s catch relative to the amount of fish farming in the area. The analysis was done in various parts of Norway and in the period 1989-2004. Salmon samples were classified based on when they were caught, either summer or autumn, and a morphological assessment that was done by the fishermen. The results for number of farmed salmon relating to intensity of fish farming in the area can be found as a correlation number in figure 2 (Fiske et al. 2006). Figure 2: A plot of correlation constant vs. time A correlation constant is a method for showing the similarity with regards to linearity on a graph of two measured values. For this analysis the value of farmed fish caught in an area was related to a value that represented the intensity of fish farming in the area, thus producing a correlation constant. The closer a correlation constant is to one, the more correlated the two things are. Fiske et al. (2006) hypothesized that management of the farms was getting better when it came to stopping the escape of Metz 4 salmon, smolts in particular. If fewer smolts escaped then the correlation constant would go down even if the number of adults escaping increased. The results of Fiske et al. (2006) are important in showing the correlation between the amount of fish farming in an area and the presence of escaped farmed fish in the area. With this knowledge government agencies can begin to require aquaculture companies to improve their methods in fish containment. White et al. (2004) present several viable ideas for integrating aquaculture and lessening its environmental impact. The authors insist that governments require companies to further research better methods of fish farming, to make use of mollusk farming and to decrease the amount of open water cage farming. It is important that the number of farmed fish is controlled because of the possible negative impacts of too much interaction between wild and farm raised fish. In a study done by Glover et al. (2013) a genetic analysis of wild and farmed samples was performed and compared based on their allelic diversities. The results can be seen in figure 3. When comparing the allelic diversity the authors found that farmed fish had a much lower number of alleles. A decrease in allelic diversity can be dangerous when it comes to the spread of disease. For example Glover et al. (2013) analyzed the presence of Piscine Reovirus in the farmed salmon, which is a virus associated with heart and skeletal muscle inflammation. The virus was more commonly found in the farmed fish because of their similar parents and lack of genetic variability. Metz 5 Figure 3: Data showing the allelic diversity difference between wild and farmed salmon Farmed salmon being on a different yearly cycle was another impact that was looked at by Fiske et al. (2006). Their work included an analysis of farmed salmon being present in the rivers during a different time of year than normal wild salmon would be. They wanted to show that farmed fish were more common later in the fishing year than were normal salmon. The results for the samples are found in a normalized plot in figure 4 (Fiske et al. 2006). The results are presented as a percentage of the whole sample collected. A weighted plot was also included in order to give a closer number to what the expected population percentage in the river as a whole would be. This number was found by weighting the percentage in the sample with the catches in the river (Fiske et al. 2006). Metz 6 Figure 4: Plots of the percentage of farmed salmon in Norwegian rivers Looking at the difference of the values used as the scale for the y-axes shows that the samples showed a much larger presence of farmed salmon in the autumn catch, rather than the summer catch. This result supports the idea that farmed salmon return to the rivers later than do wild salmon. Fiske et al. (2006) hypothesized that the decrease seen in the autumn percentage can be attributed to a longer summer season, causing more fish to be caught sooner, and to fish farms improving their containment of their salmon. The information that Fiske et al. (2006) found about farmed fish entering the river later than wild salmon supports work that was done by Glover et al. (2013) to show that the stomach contents of Atlantic cod revealed that the cod were eating farmed salmon out of season. Glover et al. (2013) began their study after they were notified by Metz 7 fishermen that cod that had been caught seemed to have different stomach contents than usual. The fishermen noticed that the partially digested samples resembled Atlantic salmon smolts. As it was out of season for salmon smolts, the fishermen assumed the prey was from a local farm and thus reported their findings. The authors designed the experiment so that they could answer multiple questions. They wanted to first see if the contents were salmon, and then if the contents were salmon they wanted to see if the salmon were wild or from a particular farm. To answer these questions a genetic profile was determined for each salmon using a highly polymorphic microsatellite panel. The test was also performed on samples of wild salmon and samples from a local fish farm to provide comparison data. The answer to the first question, which was whether the samples were indeed salmon, was found to be yes the prey were Atlantic salmon. Glover et al. (2013) determined that from the 17 microsatellite loci analyzed from the 37 samples of prey, only two out of the 629 possible genotypes were missing, which is over a 99% similarity between the samples of prey, and the known Atlantic salmon microsatellites. Once the samples of prey were determined to be Atlantic salmon, an analysis was done to determine whether the samples were wild or farmed fish. To determine this, Glover et al. (2013) looked at the allelic diversity numbers found from their previous testing, and also performed a genetic assignment test. It can be seen in figure 3 that the number of alleles in the prey sample was very similar to the number of alleles found from the farmed samples, and much lower than the number of alleles found from the wild sample. Although this is not conclusive Metz 8 evidence to say that the prey samples definitely came from a farm, it supports the hypothesis that they did (Glover et al. 2013). The results from the genetic assignment testing can be found in figure 5. Genetic assignment is a method for taking the genetic similarity between one target sample and other groups of samples and determining which group each individual target sample is most similar to. This test can also be done in a way as to determine which group the sample definitely cannot be from. Part A of figure 5 is a graph of the genetic assignment to the most similar group, while parts B and C are the exclusion methods varying only in the threshold used for the test (Glover et al. 2013). The authors proved genetic assignment to be a viable option by performing the test on every known sample and checking themselves to see how right the answers were. They concluded that 70% of the answers they got were exactly right and that most missassignment was due to one farmed fish being assigned to the wrong cage because of how similar the cage samples are. On top of that it was found that none of the farmed samples were miss-assigned to be wild, and only 3 out of 101wild samples were incorrectly assigned to be from the farm. Metz 9 Figure 5: Results from genetic assignment and exclusion The genetic assignment in part A of the prey samples shows that none of the prey were matched as wild. From parts B and C the exclusion testing supports part A’s finding in that a large portion of the prey samples are different enough from the wild samples that they cannot be wild. Glover et al. (2013) went further to note that the only reason prey samples were excluded from the one of the farm’s cages is because that sample was so similar to one of the other cage’s samples. The work done by Glover et al. (2013) could be very persuasive to show governments that fish farming is causing an impact on the surrounding environment. Cod do not usually eat salmon at the time the cod were caught because no salmon are supposed to be around at that time of year. But because the cod were eating salmon, something they normally eat wasn’t getting eaten. While having another food source Metz 10 could be seen as beneficial for the cod harvest, an introduction of new prey could cause an imbalance in the trophic level for the environment, affecting the lower levels of the food chain by decreasing the amount of predation on those species. The escape of farmed salmon could be dangerous for ecosystems all throughout the North Atlantic Ocean depending on where salmon spread out to. The migration patterns of salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean were monitored by Hansen and Jacobsen (2003) in order to determine how widely the salmon travel. They monitored salmon migration by tagging samples of escaped farm salmon and wild salmon. It was then recorded where the tagged fish were recaptured, and plotted on a map, which can be seen in figure 6. All fish were tagged in open water north of the Faroe Islands so that the fish would be recaptured once they had returned to a coastal origin. Figure 6: Map of the distribution of tagged fish The wide migration patterns of North Atlantic Salmon are exposed by Hansen and Jacobsen (2003) in figure 6. The observation that Atlantic salmon are spread out over so many ecosystems in conjunction with the tendency of adult farmed salmon that escape to not return to their place of origin, creates a combination with dangerous possibilities (Fiske et al. 2006). Metz 11 The fishermen were so diligent to report their findings of what they thought was farmed salmon in the cod stomachs because fishermen and fish farms are in constant competition. This competition also led the fishermen to be quite helpful in the other two studies as well, in which they helped with the morphological assessment of caught fish, and helped with the recapturing of the tagged fish. Fishermen around the world have taken large hits to their profits because of the competitive prices presented by fish farms. From 1990 to 2002 the price of yearly harvest for salmon fishermen fell from 559 million dollars to 130 million dollars, which is a 78 percent decrease. Such a massive decline in profits has caused a decrease in Alaskan fishermen, from 10,487 to 6,567 in a 12 year span (White et al. 2004). The rising competition from the fish farms has made the profession of commercial fishing significantly harder. Through the work of studies such as the ones presented in this paper, the true impact of aquaculture on the environment is still being determined. Much of the danger presented by the growth of aquaculture lies in the unknown. It is important though to keep in mind the positive intentions of aquaculture. Just as agriculture was needed to sustain populations when the gathering of vegetation was no longer feasible, aquaculture could be the answer to an increased demand for seafood. From 1970 to 1998 worldwide fish consumption more than doubled, a dangerous increase considering that 47 percent main ocean stocks are already fully exploited (White et al. 2004). The conclusions that came from the tests done on Atlantic salmon can be applied to many other farm-raised species as well. Hopefully with this knowledge governments and companies will begin to see the necessity of proper control when it comes to large scale aquaculture. Metz 12 Literature Cited Fiske P, Lund R, Hansen L. 2006. Relationships between the frequency of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in wild salmon populations and fish farming activity in Norway, 1989-2004. ICES 63: 1182-1189. Glover K, Sorvik A, Karlsbakk E, Zhang Z, Skaala O. 2013. Molecular Genetic Analysis of Stomach Contents Reveals Wild Atlantic Cod Feeding on Piscine Reovirus (PRV) Infected Atlantic Salmon Originating from a Commercial Fish Farm. PLOS One 8(4). Hansen L, Jacobsen J. 2003. Origin and migration of wild and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in oceanic areas north of the Faroe Islands. ICES 60: 110-119. Shwartz M. 2000 Do fish farms really add to the world's supply of fish? Stanford News Service. White K, O’Neill B, Tzankova Z. 2004. At a Crossroads: Will Aquaculture Fulfill the Promise of the Blue Revolution? Sea Web.