Chapter 26 Upper Airway Disorder Tracheotomy- this is temporary and is used for Le Fort III, most extensive fracture, with airway obstruction and severe bleeding. Chapter 27 Acute Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mid and large airways of the lung without evidence of pneumonia. Nurse should administer mild analgesics (NSAID, Tylenol), encourage fluid intake 2-3 L/day, ambulate, cough, avoid smoking, use humidifier at night, instruct prevention like hand washing and recognize increase sputum and SOB. Asthma is a chronic disorder of airways characterized by airflow obstruction, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation. Nurse should educate patient and family about prevention of asthma attacks and provide emotional support to whom may be frightened about patients dyspnea. Nurse should assess breath sounds, peak flow, pulse ox and vital signs. Teach proper use and side effects of medications. Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by influenza viruses. Nurse should advise patient to rest, drink plenty of fluids, avoid alcohol and tobacco and to take aspirin or acetaminophen *Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs caused by infection. Nurse should monitor oxygen sat and should be kept at 93% or patient’s baseline. Pulmonary Fungal Infections are caused by inhalation of fungal spores. Nurse should give mild analgesics for chest pain, encourage fluids 3L/day, Assess dyspnea at (rest, exertion and sleep), administer oxygen, position patient in upright position, or head up at night, assess ability to perform ADL. *Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a chronic and contagious bacterial infection caused by M. tuberculosis inhaled from the air from cough or sneeze and characterized by granulomas in the infected tissues. Nurse should prevent spread of infection, assist family to manage environment, monitor prescribed pharmacotherapy, address patient anxiety related to disease and issues of poor nutrition, pain and fatigue. Nontuberculosis (atypical) Mycobacterium includes atypical mycobacteria and is prevalent in soil, natural water sources, foodstuffs and animals. Symptoms include productive cough, fever, weight loss or hemoptysis. Nursing management same as pulmonary infection. *Lung Abscess is a pus filled cavity located in the parenchyma of the lung caused by fungal and parasitic infections. Nurse should assess medical hx of influenza, pneumonia, febrile illness, cough and sputum production. A physical assessment: looking for fatigue, pale. Patient may c/o chest pain. Auscultate for decreased sounds in involved area, bronchial breath sounds and fine crackles over lesions Interstitial Lung Disease Cause inflammation or scarring of lung tissue. Nurse should address issues such as dyspnea, fatigue, and activity tolerance. May require supplemental oxygen to facilitate maintaining activity levels. Nurse should provide education of management, initiate discussion of advanced directives and address emotional issues like depression, anxiety and anger. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is a chronic, progressive, fibrosing interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology that usually affects age 40. No proven treatment. Nurse should encourage adequate nutritional intake. Sarcoidosis of the lung, is caused by inflammatory immune system disorder that affects any organ but most commonly attacks the lungs. Administer corticosteroids to prevent granuloma formation and reverse immunologic abnormalities Pneumoconiosis is a group of interstitial lung diseases associated with occupational exposures that cause interstitial lung fibrosis. Silicosis is a fibrosing interstitial lung disease caused by the inhalation of crystalline free silica dust, most commonly quartz. Miners, foundry workers and sandblasters are at risk. Nurse needs to manage lung lavage, corticosteroids, and bronchodilators. Coal Worker’s Pneumonoconiosis is caused by the inhalation of coal dust into the lung, which caused inflammatory lesions in bronchioles and may extend in the alveoli. Nurse should instruct the patient to eliminate exposure, and stop smoking. Asbestosis is a pulmonary fibrosis caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers. IT causes inflammatory response leading to fibrosis and destroys lung architecture and causes honeycombing making lungs stuff and small. No treatment and management includes smoking cessation, early detection, removal from exposure and pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a chronic, recurrent, obstruction in pulmonary airways. It involves dyspnea, wheezing, accessory muscles, ad decreased forced expiratory volume. Nurse should assess for dyspnea, muscle fatigue, increased work of breathing. Teach patient about methods to use inhalants and demonstrate good coughing techniques to clear mucus. Nurse cautions patient to avoid extremes of temperature, exposure to crowds, poor air waulity or high pollen counts. *Chronic bronchitis is the inflammation, vasodilation, congestion, mucosal edema and bronchospasm. Airway enargment and production of large amouts of thick mucus. *Emphysema is the hyperinflation of lungs, loss of elastic recoil, increased airway resistance due to compromise alveolar walls, bullae and air trapping. *Ineffective Breathing Pattern Nurse should position to help alleviate dyspnea, breathing techniques and energy conservation. *Improve oxygenation: Nurse should encourage diaphragmatic breathing, pursed lip breathing, relaxation techniques and positioning. *Ineffective Airway Clearance Nurse should do suctioning, positioning, hydration, respiratory treatments –flutter valve and tracheostomy. * Imbalanced Nutrition dietary consultation to prevent protein calorie malnutrition. Monitor sweight, skin condition and serum prealbumin levels, dyspnea management and food selection to prevent weight loss. *Activity Intolerance Nurse should encourage patient to pace activities and promote self-care. Do not rush through morning activity, gradually increase activity. Use supplemental oxygen therapy *Anxiety Teach patient to understand that anxiety will worse symptoms and play ways to deal with anxiety by family support. *Pneumonia or other Respiratory Infections risk greater in older patients. Nurse should teach patient to avoid large crowds, pneumonia vaccination and to get a yearly influenza vaccine. *Chest tube to remove excess air or fluid from pleural space. Nurse should do a respiratory assessment, chest tube site assessment and to keep the chest tube drainage system upright below level of chest, patent, water levels correct. Look for air leaks, drainage and check if tubing is kinked. Polycythemia vera condition that occurs when the hematocrit becomes elevated beyond the normal range as compensatory mechanism of hypoxemia and development of cor pulmonale. Lung Transplantation alternative for patients with advanced end stage pulmonary disease. High dose corticosteroids are the first-line treatment for rejection. GENETIC DISORDERS Cystic Fibrosis autosomal recessive hereditary disease that affects respiratory and GI. Nurse should administer meds, provide oxygen therapy, and instruct pt and family on nutrition and exercise. Home care: postural drainage, aerosol nebulization therapy, and breathing retraining. Teach controlled cough techniques, deep breathing exercises and progressive exercise conditioning. Psychosocial support. Pulmonary Embolism is the obstruction of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by material that originated elsewhere in body. Can produce pulmonary vasoconstriction, impair ventilation and perfusion and life threating hypoxemia. Nurse should assess pulmonary status every hour, administer oxygen to prevent hypoxia, head of bed 40-35 degrees to promote respiratory excursion and reduce cardiopulmonary workload. Assess patient for bleeding. Atelectasis collapses alveoli. Cough and deep breathing. Pleural Disorders Pulmonary Hypertension increased pressures in pulmonary artery and subsequent right ventricular overload and failure developed from vessels being hypertrophied. Nurse should provide supplemental oxygen to reduce hypoxemia related pulmonary vasoconstriction, administer diuretics to reduce right heart volume and workload and educate patient to manage symptoms. Instruct how to manage activity and fatigue levels like frequent rest intervals. Cor Pulmonale alteration in the structure and function of the right ventricle due to pulmonary hypertension caused by a disease that affects lungs. Nurse should instruct about managing stress and how anxiety influences SOB. Maintain calm nonrushed approach. Pleural Effusion the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the space between the parietal pleura which covers the surface of the chest well and visceral pleura, which voers surface of the lungs. Nurse should assess for signs and symptoms that indicate deterioration of ventilation and ozygen: dyspnea, accessory muscles, tachypnea, abnormal breath sounds crackles, decreasing saturations and elevated CO2. Monitor vital signs, respiratory pattern and lab values. Near Drowning aka submersion injury defined as patients survival after suffocation associated with submersion in liquid medium. Nurse should maintain an open airway and assist ventilation with a bag valve mask device and maintain cervical spine immobilization. Provide oxygen to maintain saturations > 90%. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Signs are nausea, headache, dizziness, difficulty concentrating weakness, dyspnea, chest pain confusion, syncope, seizure, obtundation (decreased LOC), hypotension, coma, respiratory failure and death. Nurse should provide 100% oxygen via nonrebreather mask at 15 liters. Lung Cancer Nurse should administer pain medications regularly. Oxygen should maintain oxygen sat and 90%. Nurse should instruct the patient on deep breathing, coughing and splinting to assist with mobilization of secretions.