October 27th Superintendent Parent Forum Great Teachers in Every Classroom: Learn how teacher leadership is transforming schools At this forum, we’ll explore how Teacher Leadership is allowing our very best teachers to share their experience, knowledge and skills with fellow teachers while continuing to benefit students in their own classrooms. Learn more about how schools are supporting both the growth of our students and our teachers through empowering teacher leaders and building great teams for every school. Tuesday, October 27, 2015 National Western Complex, 4655 Humboldt St., Denver Attend One of Two Identical Sessions Morning | 9:15 am - 11:15 am Evening | 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm Translation, meals and childcare (age 3-12) provided at no cost to participants. Transportation provided to parents (Title I). Call 720-423-2283 to request transportation by October 21st. PLEASE REGISTER BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st Call 720-423-2283 • Register Online: http://face.dpsk12.org By confirming your attendance, this will help us plan appropriately for seating, catering and childcare. Text @dpsforum to 720-545-1740 after you register for reminders and updates! At the October 27th ELA DAC Parent Leadership Council meeting, parents will review parent About the ELA survey DAC feedback results as well as elect parents to be a part of the DAC Leadership Council Board. ABOUT THE ELA DAC PARENT LEADERSHIP COUNCIL The ELA DACs are regular meetings where parents whose children speak a language other than English learn about how the district is supporting the success of English language learners (ELLs) ELA DAC representatives will also learn about their rights and responsibilities as parents of ELLs and how to best advocate for their ELL student(s). ELA parents are able to create positive change in their school and the district by being a voice for English Language Learners. Superintendent Parent Forum ELAMeeting DAC Superintendent Parent Forum & ELA&DAC New Parent Forum & ELA DAC Schedule (Combined Sessions for Morning Only) To honor and respect our parents’ time, we will continue to combine the Superintendent Parent Forums with the ELA District Advisory Committee meetings. 8:00 AM There is a new schedule for these combined sessions: 10:00 AM Superintendent Parent Forum 9:15 AM — 11:15 AM ELA DAC representatives will attend a one hour ELA DAC meeting after each Superintendent Parent Forum morning session from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 9:15 AM Lunch, interpretation, childcare, and transportation will be provided. 11:15 AM 11:30 AM ELA DAC Parent Leadership Council Meeting 11:30 AM — 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM Please register by Friday, October 21st Register to attend the Parent Forum & ELA DAC by Calling 720-423-2283 or Register Online at: http://face.dpsk12.org By confirming your attendance, this will help us plan appropriately for seating, catering and childcare. (See reverse side for Superintendent Parent Forum details)