New Associate Meeting

New Associate Meeting
“The Game Plan Interview”
** This meeting should be held after the new prospect/associate has gone through the “ASEA Essentials Checklist”. This can be found on step 2
Opening Questions:
Q: "Do you have any nagging questions that you would like answered before we start?"
Q: "Based on what you've experienced so far, which of these 5 options fits you best, right NOW?
No interest – Do you know someone that needs this?
Retail or Preferred customer – Get the needed info to make the order
Join, grow, learn, make $100 to 500/month (What payment would you like to make/cover?)
Replace your current income
Dynasty builder ( unlimited income) Fives will set up events, trainings, awards, trips, and infrastructures for the others
Important Agreements (From the book "Go Pro", by Eric Warre)
"Congratulations! You made an excellent decision! I'm proud of you for taking charge of your life. From now
on, things are going to be different for you and your family!"
"If you're going to be successful in this business, it's going to be you who creates that success, not me. And if
you should fail in this business, it is going to be you who causes that failure, not me. You are going to be the
difference between that success and failure. I am here to guide you every step of the way, but I can't do it for
you. Do you agree with that goal?
"There will certainly be ups and downs as you build your business. There will be good times and bad. I'll know
you are in one of the bad times when you aren't calling me, when you are not at the meetings and not on the
team calls, if I start hearing excuses, that sort of thing. When that happens with you, and it happens with
everyone, how do you want me to handle that? Do you want me to leave you alone, or do you want me to be
persistent and remind you why you made this decision in the first place?"
*****************3s Move to “Starting a Downline” Section******************
Ground Rules: for 4s and 5s,
Establish a strong statement of WHY you are doing this.
Be on monthly Autoship.
Call Your Sponsor at least three times per week and more likely once per day!
Be willing to Learn something completely new to you.
Talk To People, ask questions and take notes.
Do 3 Way Calls multiple times per week.
Learn to use LEVERAGE
Practice and teach Network! Always!
Plug in every day to the CHARGE UP CALL!! (live or recorded
Read Every Book you hear us talk about. Readers are leaders.
Attend Every Event.
Go Binary FAST!
Build each binary leg 3 People Deep before considering yourself duplicated.
*****************************Finding your WHY*****************************
(Review what they already wrote at home from #3 on the "ASEA Essentials Checklist”)
Q: "Pretend this pen is a magic wand. When I touch you with it, time and money will no longer be an obstacle,
what would your life look like because of your success in ASEA?
Q: "What would it take right now, for you to start living that life TONIGHT?"
_________________________________. (Your “ Break Free Income”)
NOTE**** If you get a long pause or they get stuck, ask: ”Would your current limits and problems go away with
$1,000, $5,000 or $10,000 or more per month.
*************************Building a Plan****************************
Look at the chart below to find your “Break Free Income” and identify what ASEA Rank corresponds
with your break free income
The chart also gives you requirements for building your future profitable business
There are two major “building blocks” that are used to build every rank in ASEA. Dir. 300s and Lesser
Leg Volume
700 Points
300 Points
Director 300 – 300 points on the
lesser binary leg for the week.
*********Learn the Network – Join the Network – Use the Network *********
****Teach Network – Grow the Network****
One of the most valuable lessons we have to learn in
this business is how to use the power of leverage.
We will be using a network to leverage your future.
Your job will be to start as a learner; discover your
story, contribute people and time, and to play your
part in the network.
It all starts by becoming BINARY QUALIFIED yourself
and then teaching your people to do the same.
You remain an active Associate by
generating a minimum of 100 PV
(Personal Volume) in each monthly
As you start your business, you will be personally sponsoring associates and adding them to the binary tree by
contributing associates to balance your left and right sides. BUT, if that’s all you did, you would miss both the
growth of geometric progression and “reproductive residual income”.
When you learn to care for and teach your new people to Sponsor and Teach their people to Sponsor and Teach,
and do that for 2 generations, you will have duplicated yourself and will have created new “people factories” that
will constantly be building their own “people factories”. This constant growth can build a world full of associates,
that your get paid on, while you’re not looking. Now that is LEVERAGE! But it gets better! When teachers, teach
teachers, to teach teachers, you will start a process of people working for themselves, growing teams, that you will
be paid on for years and years to come.
First you qualify BINARY, and thus go Director yourself. (Sponsor an activate person on the (L), and one on the (R).
Once you are binary qualified, you have shown you know how to SPONSOR. You are ONE level deep.
An associate is active when they
generate a minimum of 100 PV
(personal volume) in each monthly
Next you will TEACH Ann and Bob to go Binary, or to SPONSOR two for themselve’s. You are now TWO levels
deep. In fact Ann and Bob are each now Directors and one level deep, but you haven’t duplicated yourself yet
because Ann and Bob are not trained to TEACH yet .
There is one more step: You TEACH Ann to, TEACH Carol and Dennis, to SPONSOR two associates each. And you
TEACH Bob to TEACH Ed and Fred to SPONSOR two associates each. When you’ve done that, YOU will have:
1. SPONSORED (Ann and Bob)
2. TAUGHT Ann and Bob to SPONSOR
3. And finally taught them both to TEACH!
After all that, YOU have finally duplicated yourself by building THREE levels deep of qualified associates. You have
also built two levels deep of Binary Teams, and one level (Ann and Bob) of fully duplicated potential leaders .
Just for fun? How many people are now on your team? If duplication continues, how many would be on your
team when you grow to 6 levels deep ______, or what about 12 levels? ______ and what about “Infinity and
See how you can be the master of time in your own future?
****In ASEA, you get paid on each of TWO MAJOR PAY PLANS, Every Week!***
Directory Bonus
Binary Team Commission
Fast Start Bonuses
Executive Bonus Pools
Check Match
TEAM COMMISSIONS: (the pay on your Binary Tree)
Your organization of Associates is known as the binary, and has two legs—your left leg and your right leg. All of the
Associates placed under you will be in one of these legs. Associates under you in your binary do not necessarily
have to be personally sponsored by you. You, your sponsor, or anyone else above you in the binary can place
Associates in your organization in either one of your legs. This is known as spillover. Team Commissions are paid
weekly by calculating and paying out 10% of the volume in your lesser volume leg.
“Three Motivators of the Binary”
Spill over “Inspiring the slow to get it”
The Story of Norway – “ Get in NOW”
Maxing the Binary - Can’t make over 10K per WEEK!
FAST START BONUS: You can earn an instant Fast Start
Bonus every time you personally sponsor someone who
purchases an ASEA Product Pack at enrollment.
Even better, this one-time Fast Start Bonus will be
given to you and the next up-line paid at Director 300
and Director 700. If you are the enroller and paid as
a D300 for the week, you earn both the enroller and D300 bonuses on your enrollment, If you are the enroller and
paid at D700 or higher for the week, you receive the enroller, D300, and D700 Fast Start bonuses.
****************** REVIEW by Building to Bronze***********************
We will start with the Bronze level as an example. Then you can extrapolate the higher ranks from the chart.
To Achieve BRONZE, you must first do these things:
Be ACTIVE- have 100 or more points (1 case) in the last 5 weeks ordered under your number
Become a Director-Have one personally sponsored, active associate on the (L) leg, and one on the (R) leg.
Have 2 Director 300 legs for that week.
Have 2,000 points on your lesser leg for the week.
Generate at least 200 PGV monthlhy.
Now try it on your goal level:
In order for us to get you to the _______level you will need _______ Dir 300s and ______ Lesser Leg volume.
****************What To Do, and What to Expect Next ******************
Rule of Thirds
Long standing industry averages tell us that only one third of the people that we work with will achieve the
goals they have set for themselves. That means in reality we need to contact many more than we need to
actually get the outcome we want. To achieve Bronze, you need to develop 2 Director 300s, so we’ll need the
following numbers to get your 2 Dir. 300s.
Invite 54 people
One Third or 18 will show up for a presentation
One Third or 6 will sign up
One Third or 2 will become active and reach Dir 300
For Big Dreamers …….What About Triple Diamond?
To reach Triple Diamond you will need 7 Dir.300s qualifying every week that you want to qualify as a TD. So
reality says we will want 9 or 10 legs that USUALLY qualify so that you will always have the 7 you need. To do
this, you will want to personally sponsor at least 21 people who say they want to go far enough in this
business to live a better life. The rule of thirds says that 7 will eventually quit, 7 will do a little, 7 will go hard
enough to get to Bronze or above, and as a bye product, 7 should be at least be Dir. 300 nearly every week.)
What’s Next?
Do 5 or more 3-way calls with your upline.
Schedule 3 appointments.
www. Listen to Signaling
Review the compensation plan by viewing Alan Noble's “The Power of Two” video and the “Binary Basics &
Check Match” videos at:
Plan an evening event in your home within the next 10 days.
Watch every video on the website.
Now Let’s Do This!