Curriculum Vitae
Place of Birth:
Home Address:
Cell Telephone:
Electronic Mail:
Tarzana, California
1420 Hill St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, Michigan
School of Public Health
Health Behavior and Health Education
Master of Public Health (2013 candidate)
University of California, Berkeley—Berkeley, California
School of Natural Resources
Conservation Resource Studies- Area of Focus in “Sustainable Community Development”
Bachelor of Science (2003)
Health Behavior and Health Education Departmental Internship Grant ($4,000) 2012
Sexuality and Health Lab Mini Project Funding ($5,000) 2011-2013
Sexuality and Health Lab, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
Research Assistant (9/11-Present)
 “United for HIV Integration and Policy (UHIP)”. Funding from the Ford Foundation and
MAC AIDS Fund awarded to Dr. Jose Bauermeister at the Sexuality and Health Lab,
School of Public Health, University of Michigan. Supported principal investigator with
qualitative coding, code reconciliation and transcription.
 “Microbicide Safety and Acceptability in Young Men”. NICHD R01 Grant awarded
with Dr. Jose Bauermeister as co-investigator. Cleaned data, identified potential
reporting errors, and preformed data calculations in excel spreadsheet.
 Also conducted literature reviews on HIV prevention topics and summarized findings
which aided principal investigator manuscript (chapter in APA Handbook of Sexuality
and Psychology) and NIH grant authorship.
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“Navigating Gender (NGender)”. Sexuality and Health Lab Mini Project Funding
awarded to Kevin Jefferson MPH student at the School of Public Health, University of
Michigan. Designed and oversaw qualitative transgender sexual health pilot study as
principal investigator. Secured Institutional Review Board approval of study and
materials. Created in-depth semi-structured interview guide, recruited participants, and
conducted 16 in-person interviews. Built collaborative relationships with team of
researchers to participate in data analysis. Trained and supervised research assistants on
qualitative analyses. Enabled extensive processes for member checking and community
results dissemination.
Center of Excellence for Transgender Health, University of California, San Francisco CA
Research Intern (5/12-8/12)
 Identified constructs and research questions, and built a conceptual model to guide
analysis of depression among transgender women. Cleaned data, learned and performed
exploratory factor analysis in SAS and MATLAB. Modeled multivariable relationships
with linear and logistic regression and proposed a mediation model. Selected relevant
theories, reviewed literature, and placed analysis in larger body of work. Served as first
author on an article to be submitted for publication.
Greenaction, San Francisco CA
Independent Contractor (8/03-4/04)
 Reengaged and recruited new organizational supporters by educating ~20 people daily on
local environmental health issues. These efforts raised funds to support environmental
justice in California communities.
Challenging White Supremacy Workshops, San Francisco CA
Workshop Organizer (3/04 – 7/05)
 Led workshops for 40 social justice activists on structural inequalities and racial health
disparities using a multiple oppression analysis. Directed all-volunteer campaign of 40
fund-raisers which provided funds for Catalyst Project, a new racial justice organization.
Save the Redwoods League, San Francisco CA
Membership Coordinator (6/04-9/05)
 Managed educational parks outreach program with 15+ state parks. Processed donor
gifts, thank you letters, and assisted with member events.
Olivia Companies, San Francisco CA
Guest Services Coordinator (5/06-2/07)
 Provided technical support for members of an online social networking community and
handled ~50 customer service calls daily.
Independent Living Resource Center, San Francisco CA
Independent Living Educator (2/07 – 9/10)
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Delivered ~3 workshops monthly on assistive technologies to people with disabilities and
service providers. Co-chaired committee of national disability rights advocates and
authored white paper on health care access for people with disabilities.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
Graduate Student Instructor, (9/12-12/12)
 Women’s Studies 300 (Men’s Health)
 Led three discussion sections weekly with 25 (undergraduate and graduate) students in
each. Created section syllabus and webpage. Graded student papers and exams, lectured
on intersex and transgender men’s health to 150 students.
Independent Consultant, San Francisco CA
GRE Tutor (10/10-7/11)
 Demystified the Graduate Record Exam.
Jefferson, K. (2012, September). Navigating Gender. Poster session
presented at the University of Michigan School of Public Health internship poster session.
Jefferson, K. (2012, September). Transphobia, Identity, and Depression. Poster session
presented at the University of Michigan School of Public Health internship poster session.
Jefferson, K. (2012, October). Sex and Gender Diversity. Guest Lecture
presented in Women’s Studies 300, Men’s Health, at the University of Michigan.
In Review:
Jefferson, K. (2012, November). Transphobia, Identity, Coping, and Depression Symptoms
Among Transgender Women of Color. Student paper presentation submitted to the Chicago
LGBTQ Health and Wellness Conference.
In process:
Jefferson, K., Neilands, T., Sevelius, J. (in process). Transphobia, Identity, and Depression.
Speaker’s Bureau, University of Michigan Spectrum Center, Ann Arbor
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Panel Member (9/12 – Present)
 Educated university community members on LGBT diversity.
Hustle & Grow Mentoring Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Graduate Student Mentor (10/12 – 4/13)
 Connected mentee with campus resources and guided mentee internship search.
LGBT Community Partnership, San Francisco
Steering Committee Member (5/10 – 8/11)
 Commenced and guided six month strategic planning process. Initiated transgender town
hall planning.
HIV Prevention Planning Committee, San Francisco
Community Member (1/09 – 8/11)
 Organized best practices panel and six page resource paper (quality ranked 4.6/5) on an
emerging risk population.
Forests Forever, San Francisco
Independent Contractor (4/04-6/04)
 Educated members on organizational activities.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Adobe (Acrobat, Audition, and Reader), MATLAB, NVivo,
PowerPoint, R, SAS, SPSS, Word Suites.
RESEARCH CERTIFICATIONS: Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship
(required for National Institutes of Health grants), CITI.
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