V. GAME FLOW 1. UPKEEP Draw 2 Job card from ‘job deck’. Place it face-up on playing area 2. RESTOCK Note: Skip restock phase if this the first round of the game Starting from first player, each player may choose one action from four option below: 1) Draw 2 talent card from ‘talent deck’ put it in your talent pile. 2) Takes 1 coin from the Bank 3) Draw 1 ability card from ‘ability deck’ put it in your ability pile. 4) Pay 1 coin to Bank, and takes 2 talent card from any ‘un-employment pile’ put it on your talent pile. 3. BUS SEATING (TICKET PLEASE) Starting from first player, each player may put 1 talent card face down in bus seat, and put ticket token in top of it. Repeat step above until all player decide to skip (not put anymore talent in bus) or until no empty seat left on the bus. Remember: Some ticket is not free, you must pay coin to the Bank equal to ticket prize printed on the ticket token Note: Once a player decide not to put talent on the bus, he/she cannot put any talent in the bus again in this round. Tips: Use free ticket first 4. INSPECTION First player roll the inspection dice, the result of this roll will determine which seat will be inspected by transmigration officer. CASE 1: If the officer inspected seat with no talent card, the inspection phase is over. Go to CITY & INTERVIEW PHASE. CASE 2: If the officer inspected seat with talent card on it, flip that talent card face-up. If the talent card have any ability for this phase, apply it. Else remove the talent from the bus, put it in the bottom of ‘talent deck’. Once officer successfully inspect the talent, repeat step above. If the officer caught up to three talent card, remove ALL talent from the bus, and put it in the bottom of ‘talent deck’ in random order. Then end this ROUND (do not move the round tracker), go to UPKEEP phase. Note: Any player may play ability card in this phase, once a player announce and revealed the ability card, he/she cannot cancel the action. Force Eject Ability card must be used before any inspection dice rolling happen. Make sure you not miss that chance. Tip: Use Fore Eject Ability card to create ‘some space’ in the bus. No one happy when all talent goes back to the village. 5. CITY & INTERVIEW Starting from first player, each player collect all surviving talent from bus. Put the surviving talent beside the Job card face-down, and take skill dice equal to the number of your talent that will participate in job interview. Once all player finish put the talent in job card, proceed to next step. Starting from first player, each player face-up their talent beside the job card. Proceed to next step. Starting from first player, each player roll all skill dice he/she have in this phase. Once the result is determine, he/she may put the dice in any talent card (one dice for one talent). If all player is completed their skill dice roll, proceed to next step. For each job, the talent with highest total number (skill dice roll + skill modifier + ability card (if any)) claim the job. Note: If in any case the total number between two or more player talent is tied. The tied player re-roll skill dice and add the second result to their previous one. Repeat this step until the total number is not tied anymore. Any player may play ability card in this phase, once a player announce and revealed the ability card, he/she cannot cancel the action. Tip: Tied number? Use +1 Ability card to make your total higher. 6. CLEANING Put claimed job & winning talent to your ‘Job Claimed Pile’ Put your losing talent to your un-employment card Move round tracker 1 step and start a new ROUND. Note: During this phase, all player may perform their action simultaneously. Any player may play ability card in this phase, once a player announce and revealed the ability card, he/she cannot cancel the action. Tip: Beware it is -1 VP for each talent in un-employment pile.