Natalie M. Garcìa Hernàndez English 3103 04 Prof. Lòpez

Natalie M. Garcìa Hernàndez
English 3103 04
Prof. Lòpez Rodrìguez
The Price of Energy
The problem with energy is that it has to have a source, for then generate electricity and sometimes the
options are not the best. There was a time were Puerto Rico didn’t have that much problems with
energy, but nowadays the island is facing the ultimate debt. Puerto Rico is trapped in a financial crisis,
and fixing the energy company is crucial to the island's economic future. Solar Panels is the best
renewable-energy option for Puerto Rico because, wind turbines, petroleum, and coal generation are
not the best options. The solar panels are design to absorb the sun’s rays as a source of energy for
generating electricity or heating.
To begin with, a wind turbine is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into electrical
power. While this renewable source seems like a great option for Puerto Rico, the truth is this wind
turbines cannot be abundant in Puerto Rico. The wind turbines stand as a towering eyesore and are too
big for completely replace the other energy sources. Imagine 30 more windfarm like that across Puerto
Rico, we don’t have vast, empty lands far from our houses. Numerous studies performed on wind power
have shown there are few sites in Puerto Rico with enough steady, strong winds that are ideal for power
generation. Comprehend that Puerto Rico isn't Texas and we don't have the space for the number of
turbines it would take to make a dent in the high cost of electricity on the island. Puerto Rico has to
focus on solar energy, something that is available in plentiful supply. These panels aren't eyesores since
they aren't seen at street level and significantly reduce the electricity cost. When it comes to renewable
energy, Puerto Rico shouldn't waste one more dime on the construction of wind turbines.
Another energy option is that of the petroleum and it is the worst, given that it is a fossil fuel, and have
created problems in Puerto Rico. Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials, and it
is estimated that the world consumes about 90 million barrels each day, and is not good. All the
electricity on the island is distributed by the government-owned Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority,
also known as PREPA and the high cost of electricity and the problems with the power company have
led to the biggest crisis. About four-fifths of the energy used in Puerto Rico comes from petroleum and
the island is facing a debt that can’t be paid. The use of fossil fuels, such as petroleum, has a negative
impact on the biosphere, damaging ecosystems through events such as oil spills and releasing a range of
pollutants. On the other hand, solar panels does not produce any of this problems at all because they do
not produce high cost on electricity, nor even damage the earth’s biosphere and create pollutants.
Lastly, the coal, a black or dark brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable
matter, used as fuel. Puerto Rico produces no coal, the island has one coal-fired electricity generating
plant, at Guayama. The coal has been used as an energy resource, primarily burned for the production
of electricity and/or heat, and is also used for industrial purposes. The impact of this fossil fuel on our
health and our atmosphere is very dirty and bad. Coal emits more carbon per unit of energy than oil,
and 80 percent more than natural gas. It accounts for 43 percent of global emissions (2.7 billion tons of
it every year). The coal can’t be the remedy of Puerto Rico, even though is cheap, because our island is
not the biggest and it would add too much pollutants. It is very bad as it is in our world and the co2
emissions are warming our planet day by day. Effectively, the solar panels are the best option because
they don’t affect us nor emit any pollutants, not as the burning of the coal. They are simple panels that
we need to use in Puerto Rico to ease our economic problems. Coal is cheaper but it doesn’t resolve our
economic crisis and it certainly doesn’t help to our small environment.
The production and use of energy increased significantly worldwide and Puerto Rico is one that looks
like a Christmas tree from a satellite. There is so much energy going on in Puerto Rico and because of
that and other matters Puerto Rico is facing an irreversible debt. Wind turbines, petroleum, and coal
generation are not good selections for Puerto Rico, the solar panel is the best option for Puerto Rico.
The solar panels are nice looking and does not use that much space as a wind turbine. Also they are
clean to our environment because they don’t release pollutants like the coal or petroleum. Puerto Rico
has to start reducing its dependence on oil and start a smart inversion for the solar panels. Electricity
bills would definitely be reduce and so would help with the crisis Puerto Rico is facing.