1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Brown Carbon in the Continental Troposphere Jiumeng Liu1,2, Eric Scheuer3, Jack Dibb3, Luke D. Ziemba4, Kenneth.L.Thornhill4, Bruce E. Anderson4, Armin Wisthaler5, Tomas Mikoviny6, J Jai Devi7, Michael Bergin7, Rodney J. Weber1* 1 School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2 Now at Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA. 3 Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA. 4 NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, 23681, USA 5 Institut fuer Ionenphysik und Angewandte Physik, A-6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA 6 Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU), Oak Ridge, TN, USA 7 School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA * Correspondence to: Rodney Weber (rodney.weber@eas.gatech.edu) For submission to GRL Index terms: 0305, 0345, 0365 Keywords: Brown carbon, aerosol light absorption, direct radiative forcing Key points: Brown carbon (BrC) is prevalent throughout the troposphere and increases relative to BC with altitude Optical closure is obtained between BrC plus BC and total absorption at 365nm BrC contributes 20% to top of atmosphere absorbing aerosol forcing 1 46 Light Scattering Measurements 47 The light scattering coefficients (bsp) were measured by a TSI Integrating nephelometer at 48 ambient RH at wavelengths of 450 nm, 550 nm, and 700 nm using the same inlet 49 cut-point as other instruments (aerodynamic diameter of 4.1 µm). Similar to absorption, 50 scattering coefficients measured at three wavelengths were first averaged over 51 filter-sampling period, if larger than 75% of the period were covered by measurements. 52 The averaged scattering coefficients were then extended to other wavelengths based on 53 scattering Ångström exponent (SAE), following equations (1) and (2). SAE 54 ln bsp (700) ln bsp (450) ln( 700) ln( 450) bsp ( ) bsp (550) 550 55 (1) SAE (2) 56 Averaged into 1-km altitude intervals, the estimated SAE was 1.27±0.74, for this study. 57 Scattering data were reported to have a 10% uncertainty for measurements at all three 58 wavelengths, therefore the combined uncertainty in estimated scattering coefficients at 59 various wavelengths, based on equations (1) and (2), was 17%. 60 61 Uncertainty analysis 62 Significant uncertainties exist in all of these calculations, including bap,PSAP(365), 63 bap,BC(365) and the absorption of brown carbon, bap, 64 discussed, we chose the wavelength pair of 470 nm and 660 nm to estimate the AAE of 65 total aerosols. Other combinations result in a difference of ±20% on the estimated aerosol 66 absorption coefficient at 365 nm. The PSAP absorption itself has an uncertainty of 0.2 67 Mm-1 or 20% due to measurement and artifact correction, which results in a combined 2 BrC(365)). For bap,PSAP(365), as 68 uncertainty (assuming all are independent) of 0.25 Mm-1 or 29%, whichever is larger. 69 Similarly, bap,BC(365) was estimated based on PSAP absorption at 660 and an AAE of 1. 70 A 15% difference in the AAE of BC would result in a 10% difference in retrieved BC 71 absorption at 365 nm, which, combined with the PSAP measurement uncertainty, results 72 in a 22.4% uncertainty in bap,BC(365). 73 74 For BrC absorption in the extracts, the uncertainties were estimated at ±34% for the 75 combined water and methanol extraction process. According to Liu et al. [2013], the 76 uncertainty due to various assumptions associated with the Mie calculations were 77 estimated at 30%, and the combined uncertainty in estimating bap,BrC(365) is 45%. 78 3 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Table 1. Nomenclature PSAP TOA SSA AOD bap: BC: BrC AAE AAEBrC AAEBC AAEPSAP SAE Abs(λ): Total_Abs(λ): bap, BrC(λ): bap,PSAP(λ): bap,BC (λ) bsp (λ) Particle Soot Absorption Photometer Top of Atmosphere Single Scattering Albedo Aerosol Optical Depth light absorption coefficient for fine particles (M/m) Black Carbon Brown Carbon Absorption Ångström Exponent Absorption Ångström Exponent for brown carbon Absorption Ångström Exponent for black carbon Absorption Ångström Exponent based on the PSAP data Scattering Ångström Exponent light absorption measured in a solution at wavelength λ (M/m) sum of H2O_Abs(λ) and MeOH_Abs(λ) for a filter extracted sequentially using the two solvents (water then methanol). Mie predicted fine particle brown carbon absorption from the sum of water and methanol extracts (M/m), wavelength is specified in text. Light absorption coefficient of fine particles at wavelength λ (M/m) determined from the PSAP data. Light absorption coefficient of BC at wavelength λ (M/m), estimated from PSAP absorption at 660 nm, assuming non-BC light absorbers are minimal at 660 nm and an AAEBC of 1 Light scattering coefficient of aerosols at wavelength λ (M/m), estimated from nephelometer measurements 106 107 4 108 Table 2. Flight periods identified to be largely impacted by biomass burning 109 contributions. Time (UTC) 2012/5/25, 22:00-22:26 2012/5/26, 21:20-21:40, 2012/5/27, 00:09-00:21 2012/6/6, 21:27-21:37, 2012/6/7, 00:19-00:36 2012/6/11 16:24-16:57, 17:56-18:11, 21:56-22:06 2012/6/15, 19:51-20:10 2012/6/16, 21:18-21:26, 2012/6/17 01:36-02:13 2012/6/17, whole flight 2012/6/22, whole flight 110 5 111 112 113 114 Figure 1. (a) Map of NASA DC-8 research aircraft sampling regions during the DC3 115 experiment based at Salina, KS. (b) Relative filter sample frequency as a function of 116 altitude, with number of filters for each altitude bin given. 117 6 118 119 120 Figure 2. Example solution light absorption spectra from the sum of the water and 121 methanol filter extract, plotted on a (a) linear (b) log scale. Absorption Ångström 122 exponent is calculated by linear regression fit to logAbs vs logλ over the wavelength 123 range of 300-450nm, as the blue line in (b). 124 7